I'm developing an ionic 3 application in which I need to show the camera interface inside the app screen and camera-preview seems to be the right and only solution to go with at this moment. However, when I trigger the startCamera function, I always get the error ' Object(...) is not a function at CameraPreview.startCamera'. Any help would be much appreciated.
Here are the steps I used for the installation:
From CLI:
ionic cordova plugin add https://github.com/cordova-plugin-camera-preview/cordova-plugin-camera-preview.git
npm install #ionic-native/camera-preview
2.Add to the provider list in module.ts file
import { CameraPreview } from '#ionic-native/camera-preview/ngx';
providers: [
CameraPreview, ...
Below is the page where I would use the plugin:
import { Component, NgZone } from '#angular/core';
import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';
import { CameraPreview, CameraPreviewPictureOptions, CameraPreviewOptions, CameraPreviewDimensions } from '#ionic-native/camera-preview/ngx';
selector: 'page-submitdata2',
templateUrl: 'submitdata2.html',
export class Submitdata2Page {
public getWidth: number;
public getHeight: number;
public calcWidth: number;
cameraPreviewOpts: CameraPreviewOptions =
x: 40,
y: 100,
width: 220,
height: 220,
toBack: false,
previewDrag: true,
tapPhoto: true,
camera: this.cameraPreview.CAMERA_DIRECTION.BACK
public cameraPreview: CameraPreview, private zone: NgZone,
public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams) {
this.zone.run(() => {
this.getWidth = window.innerWidth;
this.getHeight = window.innerHeight;
console.log('width', this.getWidth);
this.calcWidth = this.getWidth - 80;
console.log('calc width', this.calcWidth);
ionViewDidLoad() {
console.log('ionViewDidLoad Submitdata2Page');
startCamera() {
(res) => {
(err) => {
stopCamera() {
takePicture() {
.then((imgData) => {
(<HTMLInputElement>document.getElementById('previewPicture')).src = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + imgData;
SwitchCamera() {
showCamera() {
hideCamera() {
<ion-title>Preview Page</ion-title>
<ion-content padding>
<h5>This is camera Preview Application..</h5>
<div class="displaybottom">
<button ion-button (click)="startCamera()"> Start Camera</button>
<button ion-button (click)="stopCamera()"> Stop Camera</button>
<button ion-button (click)="takePicture()"> Take Picture Camera</button>
<button ion-button (click)="SwitchCamera()"> Switch Camera</button>
<button ion-button (click)="showCamera()"> Show Camera</button>
<button ion-button (click)="hideCamera()"> Hide Camera</button>
<div class="pictures">
<p><img id="previewPicture" width="200" /></p>
<!--<p><img id="originalPicture" width="200"/></p>-->
My Development Enviroment:
I'm very new in software project and currently working on final year project, mobile apps using ionic 3 framework. I have drag and drop function, first bucket with list of items and second bucket is empty. When I want to drag the items from 1st bucket to the 2nd bucket, I want to calculate the price for each entry at the second bucket but I really don't have idea to do it. Can someone help me with the codes :(
this is my calculate.ts
q1 = [];
q2 = [];
details: any = [];
totalPrice: number;
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, private postPvdr: PostProvider, public navParams: NavParams, public dragulaService: DragulaService, public AlertController:AlertController) {
dragulaService.drop().subscribe((value) => {
const bag: any = this.dragulaService.find('bag');
if (bag !== undefined ) this.dragulaService.destroy('bag');
this.dragulaService.createGroup('bag', {
revertOnSpill: true,
ionViewDidLoad() {
this.details = [];
let body = {
aksi: 'get_user'
this.postPvdr.postData(body, 'aksi_user.php').subscribe(data => {
for(let detail of data.result){
let totalPrice = 0;
let body = {
aksi: 'get_user'
this.postPvdr.postData(body, 'aksi_user.php').subscribe(data => {
for(let detail of data.result){
totalPrice += Number.parseFloat(detail.dest_budget);
return totalPrice;
these lines of codes seem weird because i just do try n error
this is my calculate.html
<ion-content padding>
<ion-col width-50 class="left">
<div class="header">First Bucket</div>
<ion-list [dragula]='"bag"' [(dragulaModel)]="details">
<button ion-item *ngFor="let detail of details">
<p>{{ detail.dest_budget}}</p>
<ion-col width-50 class="right">
<div class="header">Second Bucket</div>
<ion-list [dragula]='"bag"' [(dragulaModel)]="q2">
<div ion-item *ngFor="let detail of q2">
<p>{{ detail.dest_budget }}</p>
<ion-title>Total Price:</ion-title>
the total price should be showing at the footer
here is my interface looks like
hope someone can help :)
call function here
dragulaService.drop().subscribe((value) => {
modify the function
this.totalPrice = 0;
let body = {
aksi: 'get_user'
this.postPvdr.postData(body, 'aksi_user.php').subscribe(data => {
for(let detail of data.result){
this.totalPrice += Number.parseFloat(detail.dest_budget);
and bind model
<ion-title>Total Price:{{totalPrice}}</ion-title>
I have a list of checkboxes and I want to make them behave like radio button
How can I do this?
I tried using radio button but I am not getting the value of the user input so I dropped the idea of radio button and implement checkbox where i get the proper value & everything is perfect except the multiple checkbox selection I want to remove that
Here is my code:
selectOption(name, isChecked) {
if (isChecked === true) {
} else {
let index = this.removeCheckedFromName(name);
this.selectednames.splice(index, 1);
removeCheckedFromName(names: String) {
return this.selectednames.findIndex((ref) => {
return ref === names;
in my HTML
Choose Your Team
<ion-item *ngFor="let names of name; let i = index">
<ion-checkbox item-left color="secondary" formControlName="name"
(ionChange)="selectOption(name, $event.checked)">
Any advices is highly appreciated
Choose Your Team
<ion-item *ngFor="let name of names; let i = index">
<ion-label>{{ name['name'] }}</ion-label>
<ion-checkbox [(ngModel)]="name['isChecked']" (click)="toggle(name)">
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
selector: 'app-checkbox-stovr',
templateUrl: './checkbox-stovr.page.html',
styleUrls: ['./checkbox-stovr.page.scss'],
export class CheckboxStovrPage implements OnInit {
names = [{ name: 'a' }, { name: 'b' }, { name: 'c' }, { name: 'd' },];
public selected: string;
constructor() { }
ngOnInit() {
public toggle(selected) {
for (let index = 0; index < this.names.length; index++) {
if (this.names['name'] != selected['name'])
this.names[index]['isChecked'] = null;
Do you want only one value selected at a time ??
I have tried every solution but nothing has worked. I am building a chat app where i want it to be scrolled to last message automatically,also when new message comes it scrolls to the bottom.
I have tried scrollTo() on the #content but it doesn't work
<ion-content #content *ngIf="buddy">
<div class = "chatwindow">
<ion-list no-lines *ngIf="allmessages">
<ion-item *ngFor = "let item of allmessages; let i = index" text-wrap>
<ion-avatar item-left *ngIf="item.sentby === buddy.uid">
<img src="{{buddy?.photoURL}}">
<div class="bubble me" *ngIf="item.sentby === buddy.uid">
<h3 *ngIf="!imgornot[i]">{{item.message}}</h3>
<img src="{{item?.message}}" *ngIf="imgornot[i]">
<ion-avatar item-right *ngIf="item.sentby != buddy.uid">
<img src="{{photoURL}}">
<div class="bubble you" *ngIf="item.sentby != buddy.uid">
<h3 *ngIf="!imgornot[i]">{{item.message}}</h3>
<img src="{{item?.message}}" *ngIf="imgornot[i]">
#ViewChild('content') content: Content;
scrolltoBottom() {
setTimeout(() => {
// this.content.scrollToBottom();
}, 1000);
Your code should be like this.
export class ChatPage {
#ViewChild('content') content: Content;
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController) {
scrolltoBottom() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
} }
I have a nested form created for an ionic project, in which I have formGroups that contain formArray, and each formArray has one or more formGroups, itself.
The process of saving data works great. I can have as many formArrays with as many formGroups as I like.
My problem is when I am trying to populate the form with a saved data. I cannot add correctly the data inside the formArrays.
This is my edit script:
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import { FormBuilder, FormControl, FormArray, FormGroup, Validators } from '#angular/forms';
import { NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';
import { Todos } from '../../providers/todos';
import { HomePage } from '../home/home';
import { Patient } from '../../interfaces/patient.interface';
selector: 'page-edit',
templateUrl: 'edit.html'
export class EditPage {
patient: any;
patientDate: any;
editTodoForm: FormGroup;
submitted: boolean;
events: any[] = [];
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public todoService: Todos, public navParams: NavParams, public formBuilder: FormBuilder) {
this.patient = this.navParams.data;
this.patientDate = new Date(this.patient.date).toISOString();
this.editTodoForm = formBuilder.group({
_id: [this.patient._id],
_rev: [this.patient._rev],
firstName: [this.patient.firstName, Validators.compose([Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]*'), Validators.required])],
date: [this.patientDate],
botoxes: this.formBuilder.array([]),
acids: this.formBuilder.array([])
ionViewDidLoad() {
console.log('ionViewDidLoad EditPage');
initBotox() {
return this.formBuilder.group({
botoxDate: [''],
botoxTypes: this.formBuilder.array([
botoxType: [''],
botoxZone: [''],
botoxUnit: ['']
addBotox() {
const control = <FormArray>this.editTodoForm.controls['botoxes'];
const botoxCtrl = this.initBotox();
if(this.patient.botoxes) {
this.patient.botoxes.forEach(botox => {
} else {
removeBotox(i: number) {
const control = <FormArray>this.editTodoForm.controls['botoxes'];
initAcid() {
return this.formBuilder.group({
acidDate: [''],
acidTypes: this.formBuilder.array([
acidType: [''],
acidZone: [''],
acidUnit: ['']
addAcid() {
const control = <FormArray>this.editTodoForm.controls['acids'];
const acidCtrl = this.initAcid();
removeAcid(i: number) {
const control = <FormArray>this.editTodoForm.controls['acids'];
subcribeToFormChanges() {
const myFormStatusChanges$ = this.editTodoForm.statusChanges;
const myFormValueChanges$ = this.editTodoForm.valueChanges;
myFormStatusChanges$.subscribe(x => this.events.push({ event: 'STATUS_CHANGED', object: x }));
myFormValueChanges$.subscribe(x => this.events.push({ event: 'VALUE_CHANGED', object: x }));
updateTodo(model: Patient, isValid: boolean) {
this.submitted = true;
This is the edit html:
<ion-header no-border>
<ion-navbar color="primary">
<ion-title>Editeaza pacient</ion-title>
<ion-content padding>
<form [formGroup]="editTodoForm" novalidate>
<div [hidden]="editTodoForm.controls.firstName.valid || (editTodoForm.controls.firstName.pristine && !submitted)" class="error-notification">
Pacientul trebuie sa aiba cel putin un nume si un prenume
Date personale
<ion-list padding>
<ion-label stacked>Prenume pacient</ion-label>
<ion-input type="text" formControlName="firstName"></ion-input>
<ion-label stacked>Dată activitate</ion-label>
<ion-datetime displayFormat="DD MMMM YYYY" pickerFormat="DD MMMM YYYY" formControlName="date"
monthNames="ianuaie, februarie, martie, aprilie, mai, iunie, iulie, august, septembrie, octombrie, noiembrie, decembrie"></ion-datetime>
Tratamente botox
<ion-list padding>
<ion-card formArrayName="botoxes">
<div *ngFor="let botox of editTodoForm.controls.botoxes.controls; let i=index">
<p class="card-heading">
<span>Tratament cu botox {{i + 1}}</span>
<button ion-button icon-only *ngIf="editTodoForm.controls.botoxes.controls.length > 1" (click)="removeBotox(i)" class="right-button remove-button">
<ion-icon name="trash"></ion-icon>
<div [formGroupName]="i">
<botoxInputs [group]="editTodoForm.controls.botoxes.controls[i]"></botoxInputs>
<button (click)="addBotox()" ion-button icon-left>
<ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon>
Adauga tratament cu botox
Tratamente acid hialuronic
<ion-list padding>
<ion-card formArrayName="acids">
<div *ngFor="let acid of editTodoForm.controls.acids.controls; let i=index">
<p class="card-heading">
<span>Tratament cu acid hialuronic {{i + 1}}</span>
<button ion-button icon-only *ngIf="editTodoForm.controls.acids.controls.length > 1" (click)="removeAcid(i)" class="right-button remove-button">
<ion-icon name="trash"></ion-icon>
<div [formGroupName]="i">
<acidInputs [group]="editTodoForm.controls.acids.controls[i]"></acidInputs>
<button (click)="addAcid()" ion-button icon-left>
<ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon>
Adauga tratament cu acid hialuronic
<div padding>
<button ion-button color="primary" block type="submit" (click)="createPatient(editTodoForm, editTodoForm.valid)">Salveaza date pacient</button>
And this is an example of a saved JSON I am trying to add back to the form:
"firstName": "Ionescu Ion",
"date": "2017-02-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"botoxes": [{
"botoxDate": "2017-02-01",
"botoxTypes": [{
"botoxType": "Xeomin 100UI",
"botoxZone": ["Frunte", "Crow feet", "Sprânceană"],
"botoxUnit": "111"
}, {
"botoxType": "Azzalure 50UI",
"botoxZone": ["Glabelar", "Intersprincenos", "Frunte"],
"botoxUnit": "222"
"acids": [{
"acidDate": "2017-02-01",
"acidTypes": [{
"acidType": "Juvederm Volift",
"acidZone": ["Periocular", "Tâmple"],
"acidUnit": "0.5 ml"
"_id": "0A418E81-CFD0-545B-B8DB-A326CECFC5F1",
"_rev": "3-f2914e24db5fac42930dba548f418cbd"
My problem is that I can get only on e botoxType displayed of the two botoxTypes.
I would really appreciate any help
For anyone having the same issues as I had. This is how I changed my edit script to set initial values properly on formArrays:
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import { FormBuilder, FormArray, FormGroup, Validators } from '#angular/forms';
import { NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';
import { Todos } from '../../providers/todos';
import { HomePage } from '../home/home';
import { Patient } from '../../interfaces/patient.interface';
selector: 'page-edit',
templateUrl: 'edit.html'
export class EditPage {
patient: any;
editTodoForm: FormGroup;
submitted: boolean;
events: any[] = [];
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public todoService: Todos, public navParams: NavParams, public formBuilder: FormBuilder) {
this.patient = this.navParams.data;
this.editTodoForm = formBuilder.group({
_id: [this.patient._id],
_rev: [this.patient._rev],
firstName: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]*'), Validators.required])],
date: [''],
botoxes: this.formBuilder.array([]),
acids: this.formBuilder.array([])
if(this.patient.botoxes.length > 0) {
this.patient.botoxes.forEach(botox => {
let btys = botox.botoxTypes.length;
} else {
if(this.patient.acids.length > 0) {
this.patient.acids.forEach(acid => {
let atys = acid.acidTypes.length;
} else {
ionViewDidLoad() {
console.log('ionViewDidLoad EditPage');
const value: Patient = this.navParams.data;
(<FormGroup>this.editTodoForm).patchValue(value, { onlySelf: true });
initBotox(number) {
return this.formBuilder.group({
botoxDate: [''],
botoxTypes: this.addBotoxTypes(number)
initBotoxTypes() {
return this.formBuilder.group({
botoxType: [''],
botoxZone: [''],
botoxUnit: ['']
addBotoxTypes(number) {
let bts = new FormArray([]);
for(let i = 0; i < number; i++) {
return bts;
addBotox(number) {
const control = <FormArray>this.editTodoForm.controls['botoxes'];
const botoxCtrl = this.initBotox(number);
removeBotox(i: number) {
const control = <FormArray>this.editTodoForm.controls['botoxes'];
initAcid(number) {
return this.formBuilder.group({
acidDate: [''],
acidTypes: this.addAcidTypes(number)
initAcidTypes() {
return this.formBuilder.group({
acidType: [''],
acidZone: [''],
acidUnit: ['']
addAcidTypes(number) {
let acs = new FormArray([]);
for(let i = 0; i < number; i++) {
return acs;
addAcid(number) {
const control = <FormArray>this.editTodoForm.controls['acids'];
const acidCtrl = this.initAcid(number);
removeAcid(i: number) {
const control = <FormArray>this.editTodoForm.controls['acids'];
subcribeToFormChanges() {
const myFormStatusChanges$ = this.editTodoForm.statusChanges;
const myFormValueChanges$ = this.editTodoForm.valueChanges;
myFormStatusChanges$.subscribe(x => this.events.push({ event: 'STATUS_CHANGED', object: x }));
myFormValueChanges$.subscribe(x => this.events.push({ event: 'VALUE_CHANGED', object: x }));
updateTodo(model: Patient, isValid: boolean) {
this.submitted = true;