Soap message encoded in base64 binary data multiple files - soap

Recently I got a new project to work on a SOAP service and to Get and Post messages to a ASP.NET service based on xml.
The issue is that I managed to make the soap request and get the message.
The message looks like this:
The message is Base64 Binary on RFC 4648 with multiple xml documents on it.
How I can construct this documents from the code in php?
The documents encrypted in this request are 3 xml files.
I managed to get them from an online decryptor called freeformatter with download function.
If I try to decode the result I get something like:
Is there a solution for this?
I'm new to SOAP so I don't understand too much of it.

Thank you but i mannged to solve it.
I gonna post here the sollution so everyone who facing the same issue, get the response.
The first thing you need to do when you have an .zip file in a base64 binary string is to catch the response to a txt file.
Let's say the response from soap it's called ' $response ' and we need to catch this to an file. We do like this :
$response = $client -> _getLastResponse();
$fille = "response.xml";
Now we got the response to an xml file.
The next thing to do is to get the response from xml values.
Lets say our value is <ResponseFromServer> .
`$b64 = "b64.txt";
$dom = new DomDocument();
$dom = load("response.xml");
$data = $dom->getElementByTagName("ResponseFromServer");
$catchb64 = $data;
Now we got the clean Base64 Binary string in one fille.
The next thing we need is to create the document ( in this case is a .zip fille)
`$input_fille = "response.txt"; // the fille with clean base64 binary data on it
$output_fille = ""; //the fille we need to create on system with the
documents decrypted
$content = fille_get_contents($input_fille); // Reading the content of input fille
$binary = base64_decode($content); // Decoding to binary
fille_put_contents($output_fille,$binary); // Writing to fille the vallues`
We dont need the ZipArchive() function, because is allready a zip archive, all we need to do is to create a empty document and after to send the binary data to it.
Cheer's and goodluck!


Invalid entity passed while trying below method [duplicate]

I am using Karate 0.9.0 version and I want to upload data using csv file. As per new update, it is converting data into JSON. But my API supports csv file format for upload function. How can I upload csv file in post request without converting data into json?
Given path 'xxx/upload'
And header Authorization = xxx
And header Content-Type = 'text/csv'
And request read('classpath:xxx.csv')
When method POST
Then status 202
P.S. This example was working in Karate version: 0.9.0.RC5
Thanks, that is indeed an edge case we hadn't thought of, but you have 2 options that will work nicely:
1) rename your CSV file to *.txt
And request read('classpath:xxx.txt')
2) use the karate.readAsString() API
And request karate.readAsString('classpath:xxx.csv')

Send file attachment as base64Binary in SoapUI

There is an element, which is defined as base64Binary in WSDL. I attached file with ContentID ref1 and added it to SOAP request as follows:
<docBytes><xop:Include href="cid:ref1" xmlns:xop=""/></docBytes>
I got following error message when I try to send it:
cvc-type.3.1.2: Element 'docBytes' is a simple type, so it must have
no element information item [children]
It is working, when I paste a base64 encoded string between tags.
That is correct, I have services where a PDF is sent, and I stored the doc as base64 byte array in a property like this:
def docContent = new File("path/to/file")
def encodedDoc = docContent.bytes.encodeBase64().toString()
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("encodedDoc", encodedDoc)
Then use it with:
in the request.

TYPO3: File download in Backend

I would like to integrate a CSV download in the Backend. The CSV file doesn't have to be saved on the server, so just a simple Array-to-CSV for download.
I know using FAL is quite tedious in TYPO3 so I would like to know if there is a simple solution for my issue. Like calling a "download" action an returning a "CSV string" to download ?
I did used this solution for the download action but I am looking for a solution without FAL and without keeping the file on the server.
No need for FAL or saving a file on the server. You can add a custom action in your controller that sets the content-type and disposition headers to treat your request like a download:
public function exportAction()
// Just an example on how you could access the downloadable data.
$records = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows('*', 'tx_domain_model_table');
// modify the result to be a csv encoded string, json or whatever you want it to be.
$data = myConvert($records, 'csv');
header('Content-Type: text/x-csv');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="download.csv"');
header('Pragma: no-cache');
return $data;
Where $data equals a csv encoded array for example.
What's more interesting is what kind of data you want to be downloadable. To make your data downloadable, setting the header()'s and returning any simple data type should work.

NetSuite RESTlet output pdf

NetSuite Restlet PDF file encoding issue
The above thread seems to be giving a solution to outputing a pdf with a NetSuite RESTlet. As far as I know, you cannot output a pdf from a restlet, so I'm very confused. I am using a restlet to generate a report and the information ultimately needs to output to a pdf so I was trying to see if there was a work around. I tried the answer code from the above thread and I got the expected error:"error code: INVALID_RETURN_DATA_FORMAT error message:Invalid data format. You should return TEXT."
Am I missing something? Is there a way to export xml to a pdf with a NetSuite RESTlet?
The thread you reference discusses how to generate a PDF file in Netsuite. If you want to return a PDF from a RESTLet you will have to return it as a member of a JSON object. e.g.:
var pdfFile = genPDF(); // base this on the sample
fileName: pdfFile.getName(),
fileContent: nlapiEncrypt(pdfFile.getValue(), 'base64')
And then your receiver will have to create the actual file.
Recall that RESTLets are for application-to-system communications. If you are trying to return a PDF to a browser you should probably be using a Suitelet.
If this is part of a larger app and you need the RESTLet then review this post: Save base64 string as PDF at client side with JavaScript for options to display the RESTLet response.
Reading through that answer, it appears you'll need to encode/convert the PDF to string format before returning, so you'll need to use base64 encoding.
The NS method nlapiEncrypt(content, 'base64') seems like it might be a good place to start.
Another avenue to investigate, which I haven't tried, is to first save the PDF in the file cabinet, then to return a public link to that file. You'll need to make sure the file has the correct permissions.

Zend Framework Mail: Base64 header encoding on incoming mails

I try to download emails from my POP3/IMAP accounts using Zend Framework 1.12 and it's working fine. QP header fields will be decoded automatically. However, when a header field (from name or subject) is base64 encoded like this:
it will not automatically base64 decode it. Don't know why. While it would be easy to fix this "my way", I would like to do it right.
Can anybody recommend a good approach how to deal with base64 headers?
Thanks a lot.
You can use use iconv_mime_decode_headers() PHP function.
$decoded = iconv_mime_decode_headers('Subject: '.$subject, 0, "UTF-8");
Note, that you can pass multiple header parameters to one function, by separating them with newline or "\n". e.g.
$headers = "Subject: {$subject}\nFrom: {$from}";
$decoded = iconv_mime_decode_headers($headers, 0, "UTF-8");
In this case you will get array with keys "Subject" and "From" with decoded data.
Its the responsibility of mail mime parsers to decode the mail headers. There are open source base64 decoders available on net which can be used to decode these strings.