PHP Warning: class_parents(): object or string expected - typo3

I am using TYPO3 and I have in my extension my own model, controller and repository file. In the Backend I created a record which worked without any issues. But when I try to load the FE I get the following error in DataMapper.php
PHP Warning: class_parents(): object or string expected in /home/app/vendor/typo3/cms/typo3/sysext/extbase/Classes/Persistence/Generic/Mapper/DataMapper.php line 284
00284: if ($propertyData['type'] === 'DateTime' || in_array('DateTime', class_parents($propertyData['type']))) {
I debugged it and found out that $propertyName contains the correct property name 'street' but $propertyData is an empty array.
My model looks like this:
namespace Snowflake\Htwapartmentexchange\Domain\Model;
use Snowflake\ApiRepository\Helpers\DateTime;
use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractEntity;
class Apartment extends AbstractEntity
protected $apartmentType = '';
protected $street = '';
protected $zip = '';
protected $city = '';
protected $price = '';
protected $countRooms = '';
protected $area = '';
protected $availableDate = '';
protected $description = '';
protected $firstname = '';
protected $lastname = '';
protected $mobile = '';
protected $mail = '';
protected $pictures = null;
* Apartment constructor.
* #param $apartmentType
* #param $street
* #param $zip
* #param $city
* #param $price
* #param $countRooms
* #param $area
* #param $availableDate
* #param $description
* #param $firstname
* #param $lastname
* #param $mobile
* #param $mail
* #param $pictures
public function __construct($apartmentType, $street, $zip, $city, $price, $countRooms, $area, $availableDate, $description, $firstname, $lastname, $mobile, $mail, $pictures)
$this->apartmentType = $apartmentType;
$this->street = $street;
$this->zip = $zip;
$this->city = $city;
$this->price = $price;
$this->countRooms = $countRooms;
$this->area = $area;
$this->availableDate = $availableDate;
$this->description = $description;
$this->firstname = $firstname;
$this->lastname = $lastname;
$this->mobile = $mobile;
$this->mail = $mail;
$this->pictures = $pictures;
* #return mixed
public function getApartmentType()
return $this->apartmentType;
* #param mixed $apartmentType
public function setApartmentType($apartmentType)
$this->apartmentType = $apartmentType;
* #return mixed
public function getStreet()
return $this->street;
* #param mixed $street
public function setStreet($street)
$this->street = $street;
* #return mixed
public function getZip()
return $this->zip;
* #param mixed $zip
public function setZip($zip)
$this->zip = $zip;
* #return mixed
public function getCity()
return $this->city;
* #param mixed $city
public function setCity($city)
$this->city = $city;
* #return mixed
public function getPrice()
return $this->price;
* #param mixed $price
public function setPrice($price)
$this->price = $price;
* #return mixed
public function getCountRooms()
return $this->countRooms;
* #param mixed $countRooms
public function setCountRooms($countRooms)
$this->countRooms = $countRooms;
* #return mixed
public function getArea()
return $this->area;
* #param mixed $area
public function setArea($area)
$this->area = $area;
* #return DateTime
public function getAvailableDate()
return $this->availableDate;
* #param DateTime $availableDate
public function setAvailableDate($availableDate)
$this->availableDate = $availableDate;
* #return mixed
public function getDescription()
return $this->description;
* #param mixed $description
public function setDescription($description)
$this->description = $description;
* #return mixed
public function getFirstname()
return $this->firstname;
* #param mixed $firstname
public function setFirstname($firstname)
$this->firstname = $firstname;
* #return mixed
public function getLastname()
return $this->lastname;
* #param mixed $lastname
public function setLastname($lastname)
$this->lastname = $lastname;
* #return mixed
public function getMobile()
return $this->mobile;
* #param mixed $mobile
public function setMobile($mobile)
$this->mobile = $mobile;
* #return mixed
public function getMail()
return $this->mail;
* #param mixed $mail
public function setMail($mail)
$this->mail = $mail;
* #return mixed
public function getPictures()
return $this->pictures;
* #param mixed $pictures
public function setPictures($pictures)
$this->pictures = $pictures;
Can you tell me what is wrong?

Found a solution.
The problem was that I didn't use PHPDoc comments on my model.
So I changed every property from this
protected $street = '';
to this
* #var string
protected $street = '';

class_parents(new $propertyData['type'])))
you should use new keyword for object
in line 284...


magento2.3.7 Cart additional_options parameter lost after switching user

After opening and exiting the reserved shopping cart, I switch between different accounts in the browser, and the additional_options field in the quote_item_options table is lost, resulting in incomplete display of product specifications
How to modify the core file to add the additional_options field
* Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
* See COPYING.txt for license details.
namespace Magento\Checkout\Model;
use Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerInterface;
use Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager;
use Magento\Framework\Exception\NoSuchEntityException;
use Magento\Quote\Api\Data\CartInterface;
use Magento\Quote\Model\Quote;
use Magento\Quote\Model\QuoteIdMaskFactory;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
* Represents the session data for the checkout process
* #api
* #SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CouplingBetweenObjects)
* #SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CookieAndSessionMisuse)
* #SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.TooManyFields)
* #since 100.0.2
class Session extends \Magento\Framework\Session\SessionManager
const CHECKOUT_STATE_BEGIN = 'begin';
* Quote instance
* #var Quote
protected $_quote;
* Customer Data Object
* #var CustomerInterface|null
protected $_customer;
* Whether load only active quote
* #var bool
protected $_loadInactive = false;
* A flag to track when the quote is being loaded and attached to the session object.
* Used in trigger_recollect infinite loop detection.
* #var bool
private $isLoading = false;
* Loaded order instance
* #var \Magento\Sales\Model\Order
protected $_order;
* #var \Magento\Sales\Model\OrderFactory
protected $_orderFactory;
* #var \Magento\Customer\Model\Session
protected $_customerSession;
* #var \Magento\Quote\Api\CartRepositoryInterface
protected $quoteRepository;
* #var \Magento\Framework\HTTP\PhpEnvironment\RemoteAddress
protected $_remoteAddress;
* #var \Magento\Framework\Event\ManagerInterface
protected $_eventManager;
* #var \Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface
protected $_storeManager;
* #var \Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface
protected $customerRepository;
* #param QuoteIdMaskFactory
protected $quoteIdMaskFactory;
* #param bool
protected $isQuoteMasked;
* #var \Magento\Quote\Model\QuoteFactory
protected $quoteFactory;
* #var LoggerInterface|null
private $logger;
* #param \Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http $request
* #param \Magento\Framework\Session\SidResolverInterface $sidResolver
* #param \Magento\Framework\Session\Config\ConfigInterface $sessionConfig
* #param \Magento\Framework\Session\SaveHandlerInterface $saveHandler
* #param \Magento\Framework\Session\ValidatorInterface $validator
* #param \Magento\Framework\Session\StorageInterface $storage
* #param \Magento\Framework\Stdlib\CookieManagerInterface $cookieManager
* #param \Magento\Framework\Stdlib\Cookie\CookieMetadataFactory $cookieMetadataFactory
* #param \Magento\Framework\App\State $appState
* #param \Magento\Sales\Model\OrderFactory $orderFactory
* #param \Magento\Customer\Model\Session $customerSession
* #param \Magento\Quote\Api\CartRepositoryInterface $quoteRepository
* #param \Magento\Framework\HTTP\PhpEnvironment\RemoteAddress $remoteAddress
* #param \Magento\Framework\Event\ManagerInterface $eventManager
* #param \Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface $storeManager
* #param \Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface $customerRepository
* #param QuoteIdMaskFactory $quoteIdMaskFactory
* #param \Magento\Quote\Model\QuoteFactory $quoteFactory
* #param LoggerInterface|null $logger
* #throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\SessionException
* #SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveParameterList)
public function __construct(
\Magento\Framework\App\Request\Http $request,
\Magento\Framework\Session\SidResolverInterface $sidResolver,
\Magento\Framework\Session\Config\ConfigInterface $sessionConfig,
\Magento\Framework\Session\SaveHandlerInterface $saveHandler,
\Magento\Framework\Session\ValidatorInterface $validator,
\Magento\Framework\Session\StorageInterface $storage,
\Magento\Framework\Stdlib\CookieManagerInterface $cookieManager,
\Magento\Framework\Stdlib\Cookie\CookieMetadataFactory $cookieMetadataFactory,
\Magento\Framework\App\State $appState,
\Magento\Sales\Model\OrderFactory $orderFactory,
\Magento\Customer\Model\Session $customerSession,
\Magento\Quote\Api\CartRepositoryInterface $quoteRepository,
\Magento\Framework\HTTP\PhpEnvironment\RemoteAddress $remoteAddress,
\Magento\Framework\Event\ManagerInterface $eventManager,
\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface $storeManager,
\Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface $customerRepository,
QuoteIdMaskFactory $quoteIdMaskFactory,
\Magento\Quote\Model\QuoteFactory $quoteFactory,
LoggerInterface $logger = null
) {
$this->_orderFactory = $orderFactory;
$this->_customerSession = $customerSession;
$this->quoteRepository = $quoteRepository;
$this->_remoteAddress = $remoteAddress;
$this->_eventManager = $eventManager;
$this->_storeManager = $storeManager;
$this->customerRepository = $customerRepository;
$this->quoteIdMaskFactory = $quoteIdMaskFactory;
$this->quoteFactory = $quoteFactory;
$this->logger = $logger ?: ObjectManager::getInstance()
* Set customer data.
* #param CustomerInterface|null $customer
* #return \Magento\Checkout\Model\Session
* #codeCoverageIgnore
public function setCustomerData($customer)
$this->_customer = $customer;
return $this;
* Check whether current session has quote
* #return bool
* #codeCoverageIgnore
public function hasQuote()
return isset($this->_quote);
* Set quote to be loaded even if inactive
* #param bool $load
* #return $this
* #codeCoverageIgnore
public function setLoadInactive($load = true)
$this->_loadInactive = $load;
return $this;
* Get checkout quote instance by current session
* #return Quote
* #throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException
* #throws NoSuchEntityException
* #SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
* #SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
public function getQuote()
$this->_eventManager->dispatch('custom_quote_process', ['checkout_session' => $this]);
if ($this->_quote === null) {
if ($this->isLoading) {
throw new \LogicException("Infinite loop detected, review the trace for the looping path");
$this->isLoading = true;
$quote = $this->quoteFactory->create();
if ($this->getQuoteId()) {
try {
if ($this->_loadInactive) {
$quote = $this->quoteRepository->get($this->getQuoteId());
} else {
$quote = $this->quoteRepository->getActive($this->getQuoteId());
$customerId = $this->_customer
? $this->_customer->getId()
: $this->_customerSession->getCustomerId();
if ($quote->getData('customer_id') && (int)$quote->getData('customer_id') !== (int)$customerId) {
$quote = $this->quoteFactory->create();
* If current currency code of quote is not equal current currency code of store,
* need recalculate totals of quote. It is possible if customer use currency switcher or
* store switcher.
if ($quote->getQuoteCurrencyCode() != $this->_storeManager->getStore()->getCurrentCurrencyCode()) {
* We mast to create new quote object, because collectTotals()
* can to create links with other objects.
$quote = $this->quoteRepository->get($this->getQuoteId());
if ($quote->getTotalsCollectedFlag() === false) {
} catch (NoSuchEntityException $e) {
if (!$this->getQuoteId()) {
if ($this->_customerSession->isLoggedIn() || $this->_customer) {
$quoteByCustomer = $this->getQuoteByCustomer();
if ($quoteByCustomer !== null) {
$quote = $quoteByCustomer;
} else {
$this->_eventManager->dispatch('checkout_quote_init', ['quote' => $quote]);
if ($this->_customer) {
} elseif ($this->_customerSession->isLoggedIn()) {
$this->_quote = $quote;
$this->isLoading = false;
if (!$this->isQuoteMasked() && !$this->_customerSession->isLoggedIn() && $this->getQuoteId()) {
$quoteId = $this->getQuoteId();
/** #var $quoteIdMask \Magento\Quote\Model\QuoteIdMask */
$quoteIdMask = $this->quoteIdMaskFactory->create()->load($quoteId, 'quote_id');
if ($quoteIdMask->getMaskedId() === null) {
$remoteAddress = $this->_remoteAddress->getRemoteAddress();
if ($remoteAddress) {
$xForwardIp = $this->request->getServer('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
return $this->_quote;
* Return the quote's key
* #return string
* #codeCoverageIgnore
protected function _getQuoteIdKey()
return 'quote_id_' . $this->_storeManager->getStore()->getWebsiteId();
* Set the current session's quote id
* #param int $quoteId
* #return void
* #codeCoverageIgnore
public function setQuoteId($quoteId)
$this->storage->setData($this->_getQuoteIdKey(), $quoteId);
* Return the current quote's ID
* #return int
* #codeCoverageIgnore
public function getQuoteId()
return $this->getData($this->_getQuoteIdKey());
* Load data for customer quote and merge with current quote
* #return $this
public function loadCustomerQuote()
if (!$this->_customerSession->getCustomerId()) {
return $this;
$this->_eventManager->dispatch('load_customer_quote_before', ['checkout_session' => $this]);
try {
$customerQuote = $this->quoteRepository->getForCustomer($this->_customerSession->getCustomerId());
} catch (NoSuchEntityException $e) {
$customerQuote = $this->quoteFactory->create();
if ($customerQuote->getId() && $this->getQuoteId() != $customerQuote->getId()) {
if ($this->getQuoteId()) {
$quote = $this->getQuote();
$newQuote = $this->quoteRepository->get($customerQuote->getId());
$customerQuote = $newQuote;
if ($this->_quote) {
$this->_quote = $customerQuote;
} else {
return $this;
* Associate data to a specified step of the checkout process
* #param string $step
* #param array|string $data
* #param bool|string|null $value
* #return $this
public function setStepData($step, $data, $value = null)
$steps = $this->getSteps();
if ($value === null) {
if (is_array($data)) {
$steps[$step] = $data;
} else {
if (!isset($steps[$step])) {
$steps[$step] = [];
if (is_string($data)) {
$steps[$step][$data] = $value;
return $this;
* Return the data associated to a specified step
* #param string|null $step
* #param string|null $data
* #return array|string|bool
public function getStepData($step = null, $data = null)
$steps = $this->getSteps();
if ($step === null) {
return $steps;
if (!isset($steps[$step])) {
return false;
if ($data === null) {
return $steps[$step];
if (!is_string($data) || !isset($steps[$step][$data])) {
return false;
return $steps[$step][$data];
* Destroy/end a session and unset all data associated with it
* #return $this
public function clearQuote()
$this->_eventManager->dispatch('checkout_quote_destroy', ['quote' => $this->getQuote()]);
$this->_quote = null;
return $this;
* Unset all session data and quote
* #return $this
public function clearStorage()
$this->_quote = null;
return $this;
* Clear misc checkout parameters
* #return void
public function clearHelperData()
* Revert the state of the checkout to the beginning
* #return $this
* #codeCoverageIgnore
public function resetCheckout()
return $this;
* Replace the quote in the session with a specified object
* #param Quote $quote
* #return $this
public function replaceQuote($quote)
$this->_quote = $quote;
return $this;
* Get order instance based on last order ID
* #return \Magento\Sales\Model\Order
public function getLastRealOrder()
$orderId = $this->getLastRealOrderId();
if ($this->_order !== null && $orderId == $this->_order->getIncrementId()) {
return $this->_order;
$this->_order = $this->_orderFactory->create();
if ($orderId) {
return $this->_order;
* Restore last active quote
* #return bool True if quote restored successfully, false otherwise
public function restoreQuote()
/** #var \Magento\Sales\Model\Order $order */
$order = $this->getLastRealOrder();
if ($order->getId()) {
try {
$quote = $this->quoteRepository->get($order->getQuoteId());
$this->_eventManager->dispatch('restore_quote', ['order' => $order, 'quote' => $quote]);
return true;
} catch (NoSuchEntityException $e) {
return false;
* Flag whether or not the quote uses a masked quote id
* #param bool $isQuoteMasked
* #return void
* #codeCoverageIgnore
protected function setIsQuoteMasked($isQuoteMasked)
$this->isQuoteMasked = $isQuoteMasked;
* Return if the quote has a masked quote id
* #return bool|null
* #codeCoverageIgnore
protected function isQuoteMasked()
return $this->isQuoteMasked;
* Returns quote for customer if there is any
private function getQuoteByCustomer(): ?CartInterface
$customerId = $this->_customer
? $this->_customer->getId()
: $this->_customerSession->getCustomerId();
try {
$quote = $this->quoteRepository->getActiveForCustomer($customerId);
} catch (NoSuchEntityException $e) {
$quote = null;
return $quote;

Display an image in a form type of some model SYLIUS

i have created a new model which have an attribute "image" , i have generated the CRUD using the SyliusResourcesBundle ,
what i'm trying to achieve is to display an image in the edit form type , how can i do that ? thx in advance
my form type :
namespace AppBundle\Form\Type;
use Sylius\Bundle\ResourceBundle\Form\Type\DefaultResourceType as BaseSliderType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FileType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
class SliderType extends AbstractType
* {#inheritdoc}
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
parent::buildForm($builder, $options);
public function getName()
return 'app_slider';
my model:
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Sylius\Component\Resource\Model\ResourceInterface;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
* Slider
class Slider implements ResourceInterface, \Serializable
* #var int
private $id;
* #var string
private $lib;
* #var string
private $title;
* #var string
private $description;
private $file;
* #return mixed
public function getFile()
return $this->file;
* #param mixed $file
public function setFile($file)
$this->file = $file;
* Get id
* #return integer
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Set lib
* #param string $lib
* #return Slider
public function setLib($lib)
$this->lib = $lib;
return $this;
* Get lib
* #return string
public function getLib()
return $this->lib;
* Set title
* #param string $title
* #return Slider
public function setTitle($title)
$this->title = $title;
return $this;
* Get title
* #return string
public function getTitle()
return $this->title;
* Set description
* #param string $description
* #return Slider
public function setDescription($description)
$this->description = $description;
return $this;
* Get description
* #return string
public function getDescription()
return $this->description;
* #var string
private $condition;
* Set condition
* #param string $condition
* #return Slider
public function setCondition($condition)
$this->condition = $condition;
return $this;
* Get condition
* #return string
public function getCondition()
return $this->condition;
/** #see \Serializable::serialize() */
public function serialize()
return serialize(array(
// see section on salt below
// $this->salt,
/** #see \Serializable::unserialize() */
public function unserialize($serialized)
list (
// see section on salt below
// $this->salt
) = unserialize($serialized);

Updating an Entity with a file field

I'm trying to update my Recipe Entity that has a file field, in particular an image.
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
* Article
* #ORM\Table()
* #ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks
* #ORM\Entity
class Article
* #var integer
* #ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
private $id;
* #var string
* #ORM\Column(name="titolo", type="string", length=255)
private $titolo;
* #var string
* #ORM\Column(name="autore", type="string", length=255)
private $autore;
* #var string
* #ORM\Column(name="testo", type="text")
private $testo;
* #var string
* #ORM\Column(name="categoria", type="string", length=100)
private $categoria;
* #var string $image
* #Assert\File( maxSize = "1024k", mimeTypesMessage = "Perfavore inserisci un'immagine valida!")
* #ORM\Column(name="image", type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $image;
* #var date
* #ORM\Column(name="data", type="date")
public $data;
* #var integer
* #ORM\Column(name="rate", type="integer",nullable=true)
private $rate;
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="CommentoArticle", mappedBy="article")
protected $commentoarticle;
public function __construct()
$this->commentoarticle = new ArrayCollection();
* Get id
* #return integer
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Set titolo
* #param string $titolo
* #return Article
public function setTitolo($titolo)
$this->titolo = $titolo;
return $this;
* Get titolo
* #return string
public function getTitolo()
return $this->titolo;
* Set autore
* #param string $autore
* #return Article
public function setAutore($autore)
$this->autore = $autore;
return $this;
* Get autore
* #return string
public function getAutore()
return $this->autore;
* Set testo
* #param string $testo
* #return Article
public function setTesto($testo)
$this->testo = $testo;
return $this;
* Get testo
* #return string
public function getTesto()
return $this->testo;
* Set image
* #param string $image
public function setImage($image)
$this->image = $image;
* Get image
* #return string
public function getImage()
return $this->image;
public function getFullImagePath() {
return null === $this->image ? null : $this->getUploadRootDir(). $this->image;
protected function getUploadRootDir() {
// the absolute directory path where uploaded documents should be saved
return $this->getTmpUploadRootDir().$this->getId()."/";
protected function getTmpUploadRootDir() {
// the absolute directory path where uploaded documents should be saved
return __DIR__ . '/../../../web/imgArticoli/';
* #ORM\PrePersist()
* #ORM\PreUpdate()
public function uploadImage() {
// the file property can be empty if the field is not required
if (null === $this->image) {
$this->image->move($this->getTmpUploadRootDir(), $this->image->getClientOriginalName());
$this->image->move($this->getUploadRootDir(), $this->image->getClientOriginalName());
* #ORM\PostPersist()
public function moveImage()
if (null === $this->image) {
copy($this->getTmpUploadRootDir().$this->image, $this->getFullImagePath());
* Set data
* #param \DateTime $data
* #return Article
public function setData($data)
$this->data = $data;
return $this;
* Get data
* #return \DateTime
public function getData()
return $this->data;
* Set categoria
* #param string $categoria
* #return Article
public function setCategoria($categoria)
$this->categoria = $categoria;
return $this;
* Get categoria
* #return string
public function getCategoria()
return $this->categoria;
* Add commentoarticle
* #param \AppBundle\Entity\CommentoArticle $commentoarticle
* #return Article
public function addCommentoArticle(\AppBundle\Entity\CommentoArticle $commentoarticle)
$this->commentoarticle[] = $commentoarticle;
return $this;
* Remove commentoarticle
* #param \AppBundle\Entity\CommentoArticle $commentoarticle
public function removeCommentoArticle(\AppBundle\Entity\CommentoArticle $commentoarticle)
* Get commentoarticle
* #return \Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getCommentoArticle()
return $this->commentoarticle;
* Set rate
* #param integer $rate
* #return Article
public function setRate($rate)
$this->rate = $rate;
return $this;
* Get rate
* #return integer
public function getRate()
return $this->rate;
In the controller i have the update action
public function update_ricettaAction(Request $request, $id)
//$this->denyAccessUnlessGranted('ROLE_ADMIN', null, 'Non puoi accedere a questa pagina!');
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$recipe = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:Recipe')->find($id);
$form = $this->createForm(new RecipeType($recipe), $recipe);
if ($form->isValid())
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('successricettaupdate'));
} catch (\Exception $e)
$form->addError(new FormError('errore nel database: ' . $e->getMessage()));
if ($form->isValid())
$var = $recipe;
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('successricettaupdate'));
} else
return $this->render('administration/update_ricetta.html.twig', array(
'recipe' => $recipe,
'form' => $form->createView()));
When i submit the form, to update all, some, or just one field of the entity, i get the error:
Error: Call to a member function move() on a non-object
I don't know what can it be...
Any suggestion?
I solved my own problem, and this is the solution if can help anyone:
In the Entity, i modified this:
* #ORM\PrePersist()
* #ORM\PreUpdate()
public function uploadImage() {
// the file property can be empty if the field is not required
if (null === $this->image) {
$this->image->move($this->getTmpUploadRootDir(), $this->image->getClientOriginalName());
$this->image->move($this->getUploadRootDir(), $this->image->getClientOriginalName());
in to this:
* #ORM\PrePersist()
* #ORM\PreUpdate()
public function uploadImage() {
// the file property can be empty if the field is not required
if (null === $this->image) {
$this->image->move($this->getTmpUploadRootDir(), $this->image->getClientOriginalName());
return null;
Now I don't get any error, and the updating works!

Zend2 Framework - Doctrine ORM giving Mapping Exception

I'm trying to use Doctrine 2 ORM for one of my Zend2 applications. I did the setup within the application using Doctrine modules with the help of composer.
I'm able to persist the data to the database, but when i make a find() call on the object manager it is giving me a Mapping Exception, with the following message.
Class 'User' does not exist
Below are the Doctrine settings added under the Application module config file
'driver' => array(
'application_entities' => array(
'class' =>'Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver',
'cache' => 'array',
'paths' => array(__DIR__ . '/../src/Application/Entity')
'orm_default' => array(
'drivers' => array(
'Application\Entity' => 'application_entities'
This is the User Entity created under Application\src\Entity folder
namespace Application\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
* #ORM\Entity
class User {
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\Column(type="integer")
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="NONE")
* #var int
protected $user_id;
* #ORM\Column(type="integer")
* #var int
protected $network_id;
* #ORM\Column(type="string", length=64)
* #var string
protected $network_name;
* #ORM\Column(type="string", length=64)
* #var string
protected $job_title;
* #ORM\Column(type="string", length=64)
* #var string
protected $location;
* #ORM\Column(type="string", length=64)
* #var string
protected $first_name;
* #ORM\Column(type="string", length=64)
* #var string
protected $last_name;
* #ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
* #var string
protected $url;
* #ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
* #var string
protected $img_url;
* #ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
* #var string
protected $department;
* #ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
* #var string
protected $email_address;
* #ORM\Column(type="boolean")
* #var string
protected $verified;
* #return the int
public function getUserId() {
return $this->user_id;
* #param int $user_id
public function setUserId($user_id) {
$this->user_id = $user_id;
return $this;
* #return the int
public function getNetworkId() {
return $this->network_id;
* #param int $network_id
public function setNetworkId($network_id) {
$this->network_id = $network_id;
return $this;
* #return the string
public function getNetworkName() {
return $this->network_name;
* #param string $network_name
public function setNetworkName($network_name) {
$this->network_name = $network_name;
return $this;
* #return the string
public function getJobTitle() {
return $this->job_title;
* #param string $job_title
public function setJobTitle($job_title) {
$this->job_title = $job_title;
return $this;
* #return the string
public function getLocation() {
return $this->location;
* #param string $location
public function setLocation($location) {
$this->location = $location;
return $this;
* #return the string
public function getFirstName() {
return $this->first_name;
* #param string $first_name
public function setFirstName($first_name) {
$this->first_name = $first_name;
return $this;
* #return the string
public function getLastName() {
return $this->last_name;
* #param string $last_name
public function setLastName($last_name) {
$this->last_name = $last_name;
return $this;
* #return the string
public function getUrl() {
return $this->url;
* #param string $url
public function setUrl($url) {
$this->url = $url;
return $this;
* #return the string
public function getImgUrl() {
return $this->img_url;
* #param string $img_url
public function setImgUrl($img_url) {
$this->img_url = $img_url;
return $this;
* #return the string
public function getDepartment() {
return $this->department;
* #param string $department
public function setDepartment($department) {
$this->department = $department;
return $this;
* #return the string
public function getEmailAddress() {
return $this->email_address;
* #param string $email_address
public function setEmailAddress($email_address) {
$this->email_address = $email_address;
return $this;
* #return the boolean
public function getVerified() {
return $this->verified;
* #param boolean $verified
public function setVerified($verfied) {
$this->verified = $verfied;
return $this;
Now, when I do persist operation on the above entity from Application module's IndexController, it is working fine. But when I do the find operation using the same object mapper in the same IndexController, it is giving the mapping exception.
Below is how I'm doing this:
$objectManager = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager');
$user = $objectManager->find('User', $uniqueID);
Can anyone help me with this issue??
Your entity is not called User but Application\Entity\User. So replace this line:
$user = $objectManager->find('User', $uniqueID);
With this:
$user = $objectManager->find('Application\Entity\User', $uniqueID);

Symfony 2 Embedded forms using one to many db relationship

I'm have a problem embedding forms from different entities in one form, my form is being displayed with firstname [input] lastname [input] address - but the address has no input next to it.
Basically I want to create a form where the user can add first name, last name, address1, address2, city, country ect and submit it it as one, although it's different tables.
The main form is no problem the only issue I'm having is with the second embedded form. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is my code:
Member class:
namespace Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
* Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity\Member
class Member
* #var integer $id
private $id;
* #var string $firstName
private $firstName;
* #var string $lastName
private $lastName;
* #var Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity\Address
private $address;
* #var Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity\Telephone
private $telephone;
public function __construct()
$this->address = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
$this->telephone = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
* Get id
* #return integer
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Set firstName
* #param string $firstName
public function setFirstName($firstName)
$this->firstName = $firstName;
* Get firstName
* #return string
public function getFirstName()
return $this->firstName;
* Set lastName
* #param string $lastName
public function setLastName($lastName)
$this->lastName = $lastName;
* Get lastName
* #return string
public function getLastName()
return $this->lastName;
* Add address
* #param Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity\Address $address
public function addAddress(\Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity\Address $address)
$this->address[] = $address;
* Get address
* #return Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getAddress()
return $this->address;
* Add telephone
* #param Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity\Telephone $telephone
public function addTelephone(\Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity\Telephone $telephone)
$this->telephone[] = $telephone;
* Get telephone
* #return Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection
public function getTelephone()
return $this->telephone;
Here is the address class:
namespace Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
* Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity\Address
class Address
* #var integer $id
private $id;
* #var string $addressType
private $addressType;
* #var string $firstLine
private $firstLine;
* #var string $secondLine
private $secondLine;
* #var string $city
private $city;
* #var string $postCode
private $postCode;
* #var string $country
private $country;
* #var Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity\Member
private $member;
* Get id
* #return integer
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* Set addressType
* #param string $addressType
public function setAddressType($addressType)
$this->addressType = $addressType;
* Get addressType
* #return string
public function getAddressType()
return $this->addressType;
* Set firstLine
* #param string $firstLine
public function setFirstLine($firstLine)
$this->firstLine = $firstLine;
* Get firstLine
* #return string
public function getFirstLine()
return $this->firstLine;
* Set secondLine
* #param string $secondLine
public function setSecondLine($secondLine)
$this->secondLine = $secondLine;
* Get secondLine
* #return string
public function getSecondLine()
return $this->secondLine;
* Set city
* #param string $city
public function setCity($city)
$this->city = $city;
* Get city
* #return string
public function getCity()
return $this->city;
* Set postCode
* #param string $postCode
public function setPostCode($postCode)
$this->postCode = $postCode;
* Get postCode
* #return string
public function getPostCode()
return $this->postCode;
* Set country
* #param string $country
public function setCountry($country)
$this->country = $country;
* Get country
* #return string
public function getCountry()
return $this->country;
* Set member
* #param Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity\Member $member
public function setMember(\Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity\Member $member)
$this->member = $member;
* Get member
* #return Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity\Member
public function getMember()
return $this->member;
Here is the memberform:
namespace Pomc\MembersBundle\Form\Type;
use \Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use \Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder;
class MemberType extends AbstractType
public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options)
$builder->add('address','collection', array( 'type' => new AddressType(),
'allow_add' => true,
'prototype' => true,
'by_reference' => false,
public function getDefaultOptions(array $options)
return array('data_class' => 'Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity\Member');
* Returns the name of this type.
* #return string The name of this type
function getName()
return 'member';
Here is the address form:
namespace Pomc\MembersBundle\Form\Type;
use \Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use \Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder;
class AddressType extends AbstractType
public function buildForm(Formbuilder $builder, array $options)
public function getDefaultOptions(array $options)
return array('data_class' => 'Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity\Address');
* Returns the name of this type.
* #return string The name of this type
function getName()
return 'address';
function getIdentifier()
return 'address';
Here is the controller:
namespace Pomc\MembersBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use \Pomc\MembersBundle\Entity\Member;
use \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use \Pomc\MembersBundle\Form\Type\MemberType;
class DefaultController extends Controller
public function indexAction($name)
return $this->render('PomcMembersBundle:Default:index.html.twig', array('name' => $name));
public function newAction(Request $request)
$member = new Member();
$form = $this->get('form.factory')->create(new MemberType());
if($request->getMethod() == 'POST')
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();
return $this->render('PomcMembersBundle:Default:new.html.twig', array( 'form'=> $form->createView(),));
Here is the template:
<form action="{{ path('member_new') }}" method="post" {{ form_enctype(form)}}>
{{ form_widget(form) }}
{{ form_row(form.address)}}
<input type="submit" />
Been a long time user of this site, but this is my first question.
Thank you
Oh I faced the same problem, but I found the solution, hope this will help you :-)
You're forgetting to add an Address object to the member entity.
In your action you'll need to do the following:
$member = new Member();
$member->addAddress(new Address());
$form = $this->createForm(new MemberType(), $member);
And then in your template:
{% for address in form.address %}
{{ form_widget(address.firstLine) }}
{% endfor %}
Btw your 'firstline' widget doesn't relate to an entity property.
Btw if you called addAddress two times, you would of course get two 'firstline' widgets in your form.
Hope this works. best of luck.
Llewellyn, do you mean something like thid:
public function editAction($id)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$entity = $em->getRepository('imBundle:Inspecciones')->find($id);
$entity_valores = $em->getRepository('imBundle:ValoresInspecciones')->findByInspecciones($id);
if (!$entity) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find Inspecciones entity.');
$editForm = $this->createEditForm($entity);
$deleteForm = $this->createDeleteForm($id);
return $this->render('imBundle:Inspecciones:edit.html.twig', array(
'entity' => $entity,
'edit_form' => $editForm->createView(),
'delete_form' => $deleteForm->createView(),