Where are the nodes in Hyperledger Fabric deployed in the actual scenario? - deployment

This problem has been bothering me for a long time, because like a public blockchain, each computer is a node and can get all the ledger.
If three companies want to make a ledger using Fabric, which company should deploy these nodes?
If each enterprise has to deploy peer nodes, how should the endorsement peer and the commit peer be allocated, and where is the orderer node placed?
If you put them all in one place, is it decentralization?

Great questions.
It really does not matter where companies deploy the nodes, could be on campus, could be in the cloud, all you need are IP addresses and ports. It is best to deploy peers in different locations to avoid a single point of failure. Maybe deploy a node on each major cloud provider and one on campus to minimize downtime.
The endorsement policies would require an endorsement from a peer of each of the organizations if it is a transaction that is important to all the orgs. Each organization has endorsement peers. Orderer nodes should also be deployed in a variety of places although orderers are not organization specific like endorsement peers. It is best practice to have a more than one orderer and then get consensus using Kafka or Raft. There are a number of algorithms that can be used.
Peers should not all be in the same place- only for a dev env

To add to your second question, with Fabric 1.4.1 and 2.0.0, you can now use Raft-based Ordering services, which support decentralized ordering nodes. Now multiple Organizations can run decentralized Orderer's as well as decentralized Peer's. Providing additional security against downtime, and compromise.


multiple environment for websites in Kubernetes

I am a newbie in Kubernetes.
I have 19 LAN servers with 190 machines.
Each of the 19 LANs has 10 machines and 1 exposed IP.
I have different websites/apps and their environments that are assigned to each LAN.
how do I manage my Kubernetes cluster and do setup/housekeeping.
Would like to have a single portal or manager to manage the websites and environment(dev, QA, prod) and keep isolation.
Is that possible?
I only got a vague idea of what you want to achieve so here goes nothing.
Since Kubernetes has a lot of convenience tools for setting a cluster on a public cloud platform, I'd suggest to start by going through "kubernetes-the-hard-way". It is a guide to setup a cluster on Google Cloud Platform without any additional scripts or tools, but the instructions can be applied to local setup as well.
Once you have an operational cluster, next step should be to setup an Ingress Controller. This gives you the ability to use one or more exposed machines (with public IPs) as gateways for the services running in the cluster. I'd personally recommend Traefik. It has great support for HTTP and Kubernetes.
Once you have the ingress controller setup, your cluster is pretty much ready to use. Process for deploying a service is really specific to service requirements but the right hand rule is to use a Deployment and a Service for stateless loads, and StatefulSet and headless services for stateful workloads that need peer discovery. This is obviously too generalized and have many exceptions.
For managing different environments, you could split your resources into different namespaces.
As for the single portal to manage it all, I don't think that anything as such exists, but I might be wrong. Besides, depending on your workflow, you can create your own portal using the Kubernetes API but it requires a good understanding of Kubernetes itself.

Can Kubernetes mix physical and virtual servers as masters

I am trying to add additional master nodes to my K8 master which is a physical server. Can I add 2 virtual servers in a separate subnet as additional masters for the cluster. The secondary masters will be hosting K8, docker, and etcd.
Is the a risk in trying to do this beside latency?
There are no risks other than usual risks of misconfiguration or potential security holes you could leave - but nothing in particular related with the scenario itself.
Anyway answering your question, you will just do it as with traditional multi master way, just make sure you have met this requirements:
Full network connectivity between all machines in the cluster (public
or private network)
sudo privileges on all machines
SSH access from one device to all nodes in the system
kubeadm and kubelet installed on all machines. kubectl is optional.
Then just follow standard guides on how to deploy HA Kubernetes cluster.
I will not describe the whole process as you did not ask about it and also you can find many detailed guides on how set it up. Including the one from Kubernetes official documentation. If you will have problems feel free to ask more questions, but remember to provide the steps which led to that potential problem.

Will the master know the data on workers/nodes in k8s

I try to deploy a set of k8s on the cloud, there are two options:the masters are in trust to the cloud provider or maintained by myself.
so i wonder about that if the masters in trust will leak the data on workers?
Shortly, will the master know the data on workers/nodes?
The abstractions in Kubernetes are very well defined with clear boundaries. You have to understand the concept of Volumes first. As defined here,
A Kubernetes volume is essentially a directory accessible to all
containers running in a pod. In contrast to the container-local
filesystem, the data in volumes is preserved across container
Volumes are attached to the containers in a pod and There are several types of volumes
You can see the layers of abstraction source
Master to Cluster communication
There are two primary communication paths from the master (apiserver) to the cluster. The first is from the apiserver to the kubelet process which runs on each node in the cluster. The second is from the apiserver to any node, pod, or service through the apiserver’s proxy functionality.
Also, you should check the CCM - The cloud controller manager (CCM) concept (not to be confused with the binary) was originally created to allow cloud specific vendor code and the Kubernetes core to evolve independent of one another. The cloud controller manager runs alongside other master components such as the Kubernetes controller manager, the API server, and scheduler. It can also be started as a Kubernetes addon, in which case it runs on top of Kubernetes.
Hope this answers all your questions related to Master accessing the data on Workers.
If you are still looking for more secure ways, check 11 Ways (Not) to Get Hacked
Short answer: yes the control plane can access all of your data.
Longer and more realistic answer: probably don't worry about it. It is far more likely that any successful attack against the control plane would be just as successful as if you were running it yourself. The exact internal details of GKE/AKS/EKS are a bit fuzzy, but all three providers have a lot of experience running multi-tenant systems and it wouldn't be negligent to trust that they have enough protections in place against lateral escalations between tenants on the control plane.

VPN access for applications running inside a shared Kubernetes cluster

We are currently providing our software as a software-as-a-service on Amazon EC2 machines. Our software is a microservice-based application with around 20 different services.
For bigger customers we use dedicated installations on a dedicated set of VMs, the number of VMs (and number of instances of our microservices) depending on the customer's requirements. A common requirement of any larger customer is that our software needs access to the customer's datacenter (e.g., for LDAP access). So far, we solved this using Amazon's virtual private gateway feature.
Now we want to move our SaaS deployments to Kubernetes. Of course we could just create a Kubernetes cluster across an individual customer's VMs (e.g., using kops), but that would offer little benefit.
Instead, perspectively, we would like to run a single large Kubernetes cluster on which we deploy the individual customer installations into dedicated namespaces, that way increasing resource utilization and lowering cost compared to the fixed allocation of machines to customers that we have today.
From the Kubernetes side of things, our software works fine already, we can deploy multiple installations to one cluster just fine. An open topic is however the VPN access. What we would need is a way to allow all pods in a customer's namespace access to the customer's VPN, but not to any other customers' VPNs.
When googleing for the topic, I found approaches that add a VPN client to the individual container (e.g., https://caveofcode.com/2017/06/how-to-setup-a-vpn-connection-from-inside-a-pod-in-kubernetes/) which is obviously not an option).
Other approaches seem to describe running a VPN server inside K8s (which is also not what we need).
Again others (like the "Strongswan IPSec VPN service", https://www.ibm.com/blogs/bluemix/2017/12/connecting-kubernetes-cluster-premises-resources/ ) use DaemonSets to "configure routing on each of the worker nodes". This also does not seem like a solution that is acceptable to us, since that would allow all pods (irrespective of the namespace they are in) on a worker node access to the respective VPN... and would also not work well if we have dozens of customer installations each requiring its own VPN setup on the cluster.
Is there any approach or solution that provides what we need, .i.e., VPN access for the pods in a specific namespace only?
Or are there any other approaches that could still satisfy our requirement (lower cost due to Kubernetes worker nodes being shared between customers)?
For LDAP access, one option might be to setup a kind of LDAP proxy, so that only this proxy would need to have VPN access to the customer network (by running this proxy on a small dedicated VM for each customer, and then configuring the proxy as LDAP endpoint for the application). However, LDAP access is only one out of many aspects of connectivity that our application needs depending on the use case.
If your IPSec concentrator support VTI, it's possible route the traffic using firewall rules. For example, PFSense suports it: https://www.netgate.com/docs/pfsense/vpn/ipsec/ipsec-routed.html.
Using VTI, you can direct traffic using some kind of policy routing: https://www.netgate.com/docs/pfsense/routing/directing-traffic-with-policy-routing.html
However, i can see two big problems here:
You cannot have two IPSEC tunnels with the conflicted networks. For example, your kube network is and you have two customers: A ( and B ( Unfortunelly, this can happen (unless your customer be able to NAT those networks).
Find the ideals criteria for rule match (to allow the routing), since your source network are always the same. Use mark packages (using iptables mangle or even through application) can be a option, but you will still get stucked on the first problem.
A similar scenario is founded on WSO2 (API gateway provider) architecture. They solved it using reverse-proxy in each network (sad but true) https://docs.wso2.com/display/APICloud/Expose+your+On-Premises+Backend+Services+to+the+API+Cloud#ExposeyourOn-PremisesBackendServicestotheAPICloud-ExposeyourservicesusingaVPN
I don't know if you use GKE. If yes, maybe use Alias-IP can be an option: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/alias-ips. The PODs IPs will be routable from VPC. So, you can apply some kind of routing policy based on their CIDR.

Tenant isolation with Kubernetes on networking level

We want to run a multi-tenant scenario that requires tenant separation on a network level.
The idea is that every tenant receives a dedicated node and a dedicated network that other tenants nodes can join. Tenant nodes should be able to interact with each other in that network.
Networks should not be able to talk with each other (true network isolation).
Are there any architectural patterns to achieve this?
One Kubernetes cluster per tenant?
One Kubernetes cluster for all tenants, with one subnet per tenant?
One Kubernetes cluster across VPCs (speaking in AWS terms)?
The regular way to deal with multi-tenancy inside kubernetes is to use namespaces. But this is within a kube cluster, meaning you still have the same underlying networking solution shared by all tenants. That is actualy fine, as you have Network Policies to restrict networking in the cluster.
You can obviously run autonomous clusters per tenant, yet this is not exactly multi-tenancy then, just multiple clusters. Networking can be configured on node level to route as expected, but you'd still be left with an issue of cross-cluster service discovery etc. Federation can help a bit with that, but I would still advise to chase Namespaces+Policies approach.
I see four ways to run multi-tenant k8s clusters at network-level:
Ingress rules
allow/deny and ingress/egress Network Policies
Network-aware Zones