How do I add a column with a new status in Jira? - workflow

I've modified the board and added a column in Jira but there are no status for it and it doesn't show on the board, how to fix and have the new column show up on the board and work correctly ?

This has confused me several times so I'm documenting the steps here.
Go to Board Settings
Click on columns
Click 'Add column' to add the new column - Code Review in my case
You will notice however that the board say
This column will not show on the board without a status
You may also notice that the min/max values cannot be entered
So you (think) next go to Issue Types...
Actually you want to go to
You'll see a workflow called something like Software Simplified Workflow for Project [..].
Click on the Actions edit link (the pen symbol)
Now you will be presented with a diagram showing the status'.
Click + Add status and add the new status, e.g. Code Review
Make sure you allow transitions from the other status (it is unchecked by default, so you should usually check it)
It is when you fail to do this that you can run into the 'can't drop ticket into column problem'
Next select the status category. Code Review was obviously "in-progress".
This allows for automatic ticket status transitions.
Arrange the new diagram to reflect the new status (this is for appearance in the diagram only).
Finally the last step is that you have to publish the change ('draft')
Now you can see the "unmapped status"
and you can move them into then new column
When you do all this, finally you can reload the board and see the new status!
Whew !!!


Testing keyboard input for blueprint select with react testing library

I have created a codesandbox to illustrate my issue here:
I am trying to test the keyboard navigation within a blueprint select. That is opening the select by clicking the button, then pressing key arrows untill the desired item is active and confirming with enter which closes the select.
The functionality works perfectly fine.
I however fail to get the unit test(s) to work. As you can see in the linked sandbox a unit test that select the new item via mouseclick works.
I however have run out of ideas how to trigger the onChange of the SelectExample with keyboard inputs.
userEvent.keyboard() doesn't work and fireEvent doesn't either (though I'm not sure what to target considering how blueprint implements the select and that I can only add data-testid to some elements, but going to any number of parentElements from the items which have testids didn't work either). Same issue with userevent.type(), unless the target for that is the desired item in which case the test pases but only because the implementation type() clicks on it before entering its text.
References for the keyboard input:
I'd appreciate any input.

is there a possibility to create an editable checkbox column?

I'm looking for a way to show a boolean value as a clickable checkbox in the table.
In my current example, I have a value called "charged". Currently this is shown as a check. It would be great to have it as a checkbox in order to update the value really quick, instead of clicking on edit on the specific row and update it there.
Example screenshot
Would appreciate any recommendations.
The Backpack team has something in the works for this - a package they call "editable columns". But it will probably be launched in Feb-March 2022.
Until then, you can
(A) create a custom column type that will make an AJAX call. For the javascript, take a look at the delete button for inspiration.
(B) Send an email to for beta access to that package (includes editable_checkbox, editable_switch and editable_text column types right now.

Working with a form in Add mode

please bear with me while I try to explain my problem. I am opening a form in Add mode; the form is bound to a single table but contains a subform linked to another table - the 2 tables have a 1 to many relationship. I enter some data which triggers the autoref to populate on the main form, and create a linked record on the subform. I then click a button on the main form to open another form. Using vba on the OnClick event of this button, I save the record on the current form and create a new record in a different table. This table is the data source for the 2nd form, and I open the form filtered to the newly created record. I enter some data in this secondary form and then click a button which takes a calculated value and populates a field on the main form and then closes the second form. The problem is that when it returns to the main form it seems to have lost the original record, as if it's back in Add mode. However, if I enter data on the main form and then simply close it, I can re-open it (in Edit mode) and open the 2nd form and back again without any problem. Sorry for the long-winded explanation but hope someone can help.
I've been programming Access for almost 20 years, and I've never found a use for Add mode. In other words, it has always been more trouble than it is worth.
Since you are coding already, I would just use DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec where needed to take you to a new record. Just make sure AllowAdditions is set to Yes in form properties.
Since this question is very general, it is hard to get any more specific than this. But if you do run into a specific problem that you can demonstrate in your code, update your question and I'll take a look.

Scheduled pages report from AEM

Is there any way to view a report for all pages scheduled for activate later from AEM? I am able to see one report under Tools (Workflow Report) which shows the total count of "Scheduled Page/Asset Activation", but I want to see all page information about scheduled page activations including time for activation.
You can view all running workflow instances by navigating to
http://localhost:4502/libs/cq/workflow/content/console.html and clicking on the the Instances tab. Look for Scheduled Page/Asset Activation under the Workflow Model column. You can group and sort by that column.
If you want to search from within your code, you can find the resources waiting to be activated with these JCR-SQL2 or XPATH queries:
SELECT * FROM [cq:Workflow] AS s WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE(s,'/etc/workflow/instances') AND s.[modelId] = '/etc/workflow/models/scheduled_activation/jcr:content/model' AND s.[status] = 'RUNNING'
/jcr:root/etc/workflow/instances//*[#modelId='/etc/workflow/models/scheduled_activation/jcr:content/model' and #status='RUNNING']
However, it sounds like what you want to do is create a custom report:
Navigate to http://localhost:4502/miscadmin.
Open Reports in the left pane.
Click New... > New Page... in the right pane.
Select the Workflow Instance Report template and give it a title.
Open the new page.
Drag Model from the sidekick into the parsys. The report should immediately populate.
Drag Payload from the sidekick into the title bar where Model already exists.
Click the dropdown arrow in the Model column, select Filter, equals and enter Scheduled Page/Asset Activation.
Drag Status from the sidekick into the title bar where Model and Payload already exist.
Click the dropdown arrow in the Status column, select Filter, equals and enter RUNNING.
You can drop in any other columns that you wish. You can save the report and set it up to create snapshots as well.
This will give you a report of pages scheduled to be activated. Unfortunately, it won't tell you the time that the page will be activated. In order to accomplish this you will have to create a new reporting column component.
Copy /libs/cq/reporting/components/instancereport/payloadcol into your apps folder renaming as something like scheduledcol.
Look at the scheduledcol node and notice the jcr:primaryType, componentGroup and sling:resourceSuperType; it's a regular CQ component.
Update the jcr:title property to Scheduled.
Update the scheduledcol/definitions/queryBuilder node's property property. You can go with either ./data/metaData/comment which gives you plain text or you can use ./data/metaData/absoluteTime which gives you the date and time in milliseconds when the activation will occur. Look at a workflow instance under /etc/workflow/instances/<date>/model_<number>/data/metaData and you'll see how the new component's queryBuilder property matches up.
Return to your report, refresh the page, and drag the new Scheduled component from the Sidekick onto your report.

How to referesh one view UI from other view UI

I have two Views called UserView and RoleView.
UserView.xaml contains RadGridView which contain three columns
UserID (Label) | UserName (Label)| Role (Dropdown).
RoleView.xaml contains one TextBox where i can add Roles into database.
Role (Textbox).
Step 1. Now first i open the UserView.xaml and it will display
records from database with appropriate roles.
Step 2. Now i open new page RoleView.xaml (minimize UserView.xaml).
Step 3. I have added one role. (AdminRole)
Step 4. Now i open UserView.xaml (it is already in memory, so just i
navigate to this page)
Step 5. Now i double click to any of the row with Role (Dropdown
column) it will comes into edit mode and populate list of roles.
**but it will not display recently added role (AdminRole) in dropdown. because of the data source will not getting referesh.**
If i am closing the UserView.xaml and reopen this page then it will display recently added role (AdminRole) in dropdown.
Note: my requirement is like, i have to update or notify all opened views once any of the change from anywhere.
I am using
Silverlight 4 (MVVM)
telerik RadGridView
Your help/comment/suggestion would be highly appreciated!
Prism comes with an Event Aggreator. Where you have publishers and subscribers to these events, which we'll call "messages". Have a look at the MDSN link below:
What this means is you can have each view subscribe to an update message and have them update whenever they receive this message. So you could send an "update" message each time a view changes.