I tried to have a PostgreSQL constraint so that there will be no overlap between two date intervals. My requirement is that the date c_from for one entry can be the same as c_until for another date.
Eg: "01/12/2019 12/12/2019" and "12/12/2019 31/21/2019" are still date ranges that do not conflict. I have "[]" in my query but it seems not to work.
CONSTRAINT unique_user_per_daterange EXCLUDE USING gist (user_no WITH =, daterange(c_from, c_until, '[]') WITH && )
When I have the date range above, I get this error:
(psycopg2.IntegrityError) conflicting key value violates exclusion constraint "unique_user_per_daterange"
Could you please help?
Use ranges that do not include one of the ends:
daterange(c_from, c_until, '[)')
Then they won't conflict, even if one interval ends at the same point where another begins.
I have a question that's very similar to other SO questions, but I haven't been able to find my exact case. I would like to update a PostgreSQL table as follows:
update my_table
set my_timestamp = null
where TO_CHAR(my_timestamp :: DATE, 'dd-mm-yyyy') = '01-01-1970' and cast(my_timestamp as time) > '10:10:10'
The problem is setting my_timestamp = null violates a uniqueness constraint. In these cases I would like to skip that particular row. So I added the following line to my code.
update my_table
set my_timestamp = null
where TO_CHAR(my_timestamp :: DATE, 'dd-mm-yyyy') = '01-01-1970' and cast(my_timestamp as time) > '10:10:10'
ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT my_constraint do nothing
But this gives a syntax error and I can't figure out the exact right way to fix it. What's the right way to do this?
I have a table slot which has a start_time and end_time. I want no other slot to be created having the same start and end time. A unique constraint as shown in the schema below
start_time TIMETZ NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT slot_start_end_unique UNIQUE (start_time,end_time)
can be easily bypassed by picking up one minute + or - time. I want to add a constraint so that no equivalent time slot can be created or a subset time slot cannot be created.
I am thinking of using check to prevent any practically same slot from being created.
Can anyone please point towards the right direction?
Your idea of using a check constraint as unique enforcement is can probable be made to work but there could be issues and should probably be avoided. Your requirement necessitates comparing with other rows in the table but
PostgreSQL does not support CHECK constraints that reference table
data other than the new or updated row being checked. ...
It goes on to indicate a custom trigger is best employed. So, that is the approach here. See Section 5.4.1. Check Constraints.
Beyond that you have a couple issues: First off the data type TIME WITH TIMEZONE (TIMETZ) is a poor choice for data type and is somewhat misleading as it not actually used as indicated as the. As Section 8.5.3. Time Zones puts it:
Although the date type cannot have an associated time zone, the time
type can. Time zones in the real world have little meaning unless
associated with a date as well as a time, ... PostgreSQL assumes
your local time zone for any type containing only date or time.
(emphases mine)
Secondly, by using time only you may have problems specifying some ranges. How, for example, do you code the range from 22:00 to 06:00 or 23:45 to 00:15. But now back to the process.
The following trigger assumes data type TIME rather than TIMETZ and adjusts for the over midnight issue by assuming 'the next day' whenever start_time is greater than end_time.
create or replace
function is_valid_irange()
returns trigger
language plpgsql
as $$
k_existing_message constant text =
'Range Requested (%s,%s). Overlaps existing range (%s,%s).';
l_existing_range tsrange;
l_parm_range tsrange;
with p_times(new_start_time, new_end_time) as
( values ('1970-01-01'::timestamp + new.start_time
,'1970-01-01'::timestamp + new.end_time
select tsrange(new_start_time,end_time,'[)')
into l_parm_range
from (select new_start_time
, case when new_start_time>new_end_time
then new_end_time + interval '1 day'
else new_end_time
end end_time
from p_times
) pr;
with db_range (id, existing_range) as
( select id, tsrange(start_time, end_time, '[)')
from ( select id, '1970-01-01'::timestamp + start_time start_time
, case when start_time>end_time
then '1970-01-02'::timestamp + end_time
else '1970-01-01'::timestamp + end_time
end end_time
from irange
) dr
select d.existing_range
into l_existing_range
from db_range d
where l_parm_range && existing_range
and d.id != new.id
limit 1;
if l_existing_range is not null
raise exception 'Invalid Range Requested:'
using detail= format( k_existing_message
, lower(l_parm_range)
, upper(l_parm_range)
, lower(l_existing_range)::time
, upper(l_existing_range)::time
end if;
return new;
end ;
How it works:
Postgres provides a set of built in data range types and a set of range operator functions.
The trigger coheres the start and end times,both new row and existing table rows, into timestamps with a fixed date ( the beginning of time 1970-01-01 according to unix).
Then employs the Overlaps (&&) operator. If any overlaps are found the trigger raises and exception. Instead of an exception it could return null to suppress
the insert or update but otherwise continue processing. For that it needs to become a BEFORE trigger. It is currently an AFTER trigger.
For full example see here. Do not worry about the date, pick any you want, just used a a generator for calculating times and to provide a common base for testing.
Create the table as normal then before you INSERT data into the table perform a SELECT query to search whether or not the time you are looking to insert already exists. For example you want to enter start 1pm and end 2pm as such:
DECLARE #start_value INT = 1
#end_value INT = 2;
Select COUNT(ID) as UseCheck FROM slot WHERE start_time = #start_value or end_time = #end_value
Then apply logic to say; IF UseCheck > 0 Then do stuff
I want to make a date range constraint in postgresql 10. In postgresql 9.6 this worked:
CREATE TABLE project_lines (
project_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES projects(id),
description VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
end_time TIMESTAMP CHECK(end_time > start_time),
project_id WITH =,
tstzrange(start_time, COALESCE(end_time, 'infinity')) WITH &&
But in postgresql 10 I am getting this error:
functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE
How can I make this constraint working?
The start_time and end_time columns have type TIMESTAMP, while the tstzrange expects TIMESTAMPTZ (with time zone). Apparently this conversion happens automatically, but it's not considered "IMMUTABLE".
The documentation at
https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/static/xfunc-volatility.html says
A common
error is to label a function IMMUTABLE when its results depend on a configuration parameter. For example, a function that manipulates timestamps might well have results that depend on the TimeZone setting. For safety, such functions should be labeled STABLE instead.
You should probably use tsrange instead, or explicitly convert to timestamp with time zone (in a way that doesn't depend on server settings):
tstzrange(start_time at time zone 'utc', COALESCE(end_time at time zone 'utc', 'infinity')) WITH &&
I don't know what has changed between versions, though (and I get the same error message with 9.6.6).
Is there a way to add a constraint to a postgresql table to prevent dates overlapping? For example, I have a table called workouts that has date columns week_start, week_end. I want to make sure that none of the week_start - week_end ranges overlaps with any existing ranges. HOWEVER, the end date of week_start can overlap with the start date of week_end.
Can someone help?
Thanks in advance!
You can do this with an exclusion constraint, using the overlap operator (&&) for the daterange type:
CREATE TABLE workouts (
week_start DATE,
week_end DATE,
EXCLUDE USING gist (daterange(week_start, week_end) WITH &&)
You can add an EXCLUDE table constraint to your table definition and then work with ranges to detect overlaps. This would work really nice if you can change your table definition to turn columns week_start and week_end into a single range, say weeks.
CREATE TABLE workouts (
weeks intrange
EXCLUDE USING gist (weeks WITH &&)
I have a strange problem when retrieving records from db after comparing a truncated field with date_trunc().
This query doesn't return any data:
select id from my_db_log
where date_trunc('day',creation_date) >= to_date('2014-03-05'::text,'yyyy-mm-dd');
But if I add the column creation_date with id then it returns data(i.e. select id, creation_date...).
I have another column last_update_date having same type and when I use that one, still does the same behavior.
select id from my_db_log
where date_trunc('day',last_update_date) >= to_date('2014-03-05'::text,'yyyy-mm-dd');
Similar to previous one. it also returns record if I do id, last_update_date in my select.
Now to dig further, I have added both creation_date and last_updated_date in my where clause and this time it demands to have both of them in my select clause to have records(i.e. select id, creation_date, last_update_date).
Does anyone encountered the same problem ever? This similar thing works with my other tables which are having this type of columns!
If it helps, here is my table schema:
id serial NOT NULL,
creation_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
last_update_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
CONSTRAINT db_log_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
I have asked a different question earlier that didn't get any answer. This problem may be related to that one. If you are interested on that one, here is the link.
EDITS:: EXPLAIN (FORMAT XML) with select * returns:
<explain xmlns="http://www.postgresql.org/2009/explain">
<Coordinator-quals>(date_trunc('day'::text, creation_date) >= to_date('2014-03-05'::text, 'yyyy-mm-dd'::text))</Coordinator-quals>
"Impossible" phenomenon
The number of rows returned is completely independent of items in the SELECT clause. (But see #Craig's comment about SRFs.) Something must be broken in your db.
Maybe a broken covering index? When you throw in the additional column, you force Postgres to visit the table itself. Try to re-index:
REINDEX TABLE my_db_log;
The manual on REINDEX. Or:
Better query
Either way, use instead:
select id from my_db_log
where creation_date >= '2014-03-05'::date
select id from my_db_log
where creation_date >= '2014-03-05 00:00'::timestamp
'2014-03-05' is in ISO 8601 format. You can just cast this string literal to date. No need for to_date(), works with any locale. The date is coerced to timestamp [without time zone] automatically when compared to creation_date (being timestamp [without time zone]). More details about timestamps in Postgres here:
Ignoring timezones altogether in Rails and PostgreSQL
Also, you gain nothing by throwing in date_trunc() here. On the contrary, your query will be slower and any plain index on the column cannot be used (potentially making this much slower)