What is the reason of creating LoadBalancer when create cluster using kops - kubernetes

I tried to create k8s cluster on aws using kops.
After create the cluster with default definition, I saw a LoadBalance has been created.
apiVersion: kops/v1alpha2
kind: Cluster
name: bungee.staging.k8s.local
type: Public
I just wondering about the reason of creating the LoadBalancer along with cluster.
Appreciate !

In the type of cluster that kops creates the apiserver (referred to as api above, a component of the Kubernetes master, aka control plane) may not have a static IP address. Also, kops can create a HA (replicated) control plane, which means there will be multiple IPs where the apiserver is available.
The apiserver functions as a central connection hub for all other Kubernetes components, for example all the nodes connect to it but also the operator humans connect to them via kubectl. For one, these configuration files do not support multiple IP address for the apiserver (as to make use of the HA setup). Plus updating the configuration files every time the apiserver IP address(es) change would be difficult.
So the load balancer functions as a front for the apiserver(s) with a single, static IP address (an anycast IP with AWS/GCP). This load balancer IP is specified in the configuration files of Kubernetes components instead of actual apiserver IP(s).
Actually, it is also possible to solve this program by using a DNS name that resolves to IP(s) of the apiserver(s) coupled with a mechanism that keeps this record updated. This solution can't react to changes of the underlying IP(s) as fast a load balancer can, but it does save you couple of bucks plus it is slightly less likely to fail and creates less dependency on the cloud provider. This can be configured like so:
dns: {}
See specification for more details.


Kubernetes service discovery, CNIs and Istio differences

I was making some research about how K8s resolves the services using the clusterIP services and how CNIs like WeaveNet or how service meshes like Istio provide additional features to this functionality. However, I'm new on the topic and I'd like to share here what I've found to see if somebody can expand and correct my points:
Istiod has a service registry. This service registry is filled with the entries coming from K8s services clusterIPs (which in turn is the service registry of K8s) and other possible external services defined with Kind: ServiceEntry
(see seciton 5.5 of book istio in action)
This service registry is then mixed with more information about virtualservices and destination rules. These new/added K8s kinds are CRDs from Istio. They are what give the features of L7 load balancing that allow to distribute traffic by HTTP headers or URI path.
Without Istio, K8s has different (3) ways to implement the clusterIPs services concept. This services provide load balancing at L4.
The most extended one nowadays is the iptables proxy mode. The iptables of the Linux machine are populated in bases of what theh kube-proxy provides. Kube-proxy gets those data from the kube-apiserver and (problably the core-dns). The kube-apisever will in turn consult the etcd database to know about the k8s clusterIP services. The entry of the iptables is populated with a the clusterIP->pod IP with only one pod IP out of the many pod that a deployment behind the clusterIP could be.
Any piece of code/application inside of the container could make calls directy to the kube-apiserver if using the correct authentication and get the pod address but that would be not practic
K8s can use CNIs (container network interfaces). One example of this would be Weavenet.
Wevenet creates a new layer 2 network using Linux kernel features. One daemon sets up this L2 network and manages the routing between machines and there are various ways to attach machines to the network.
In this network the containers can be exposed to the outside world.
Weavenet implements a micro DNS server at each node. You simply name containers and the routing just can work without the use of services, including the load balancing across multiple continers with the same name.

metallb load balancer ip address range

I have a Kubernetes installation on-premise and it seems to be working fine.
I am now trying to install MetalLb to use load-balancer service.
Our network guy gave me IP ranges of which can be used for Kubernetes cluster load-balancing service.
My cluster runs on 11.211.220.X and I have one master and three worker nodes.
My question is, what do I need to provide as IP range in config map of a MetalLb load balancer?
Do I need to physically attach call those IP to any of the nodes before MetalLb can use it to hand-ver IP addresses for my service?
These questions are never being answered.. All the setup either use MiniKube or installation in local network where 192.168.X.X range is fully available.
When I assigned to configmap and created a service of type load balancer, it was still in External IP was still in Pending state for a while.
I then Applied changes manually to the service as follows:
type: LoadBalancer
It still couldn't connect my sample nginx deployment on port 80
Then to experiment with it, I changed "ExternalIps" to one of the Kubernetes Node IP address and now I can access Nginx index page. This raises a big concern since I only have three worker nodes and I probably can run only three services on port 80 using up IP address of each node.
Can someone please guide me where exactly I need to make changes so that I can use whole range of IP addresses?
I guess you don't have to assign the external IP, It will be assigned automatically from the pool you assigned and in sequence.

Accessing GCP Internal Load Balancer from another region

I need to access an internal application running on GKE Nginx Ingress service riding on Internal Load Balancer, from another GCP region.
I am fully aware that it is not possible using direct Google networking and it is a huge limitation (GCP Feature Request).
Internal Load Balancer can be accessed perfectly well via VPN tunnel from AWS, but I am not sure that creating such a tunnel between GCP regions under the same network is a good idea.
Workarounds are welcomed!
In the release notes from GCP, it is stated that:
Global access is an optional parameter for internal LoadBalancer Services that allows clients from any region in your VPC to access the internal TCP/UDP Load Balancer IP address.
Global access is enabled per-Service using the following annotation:
networking.gke.io/internal-load-balancer-allow-global-access: "true".
UPDATE: Below service works for GKE v1.16.x & newer versions:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: ilb-global
# Required to assign internal IP address
cloud.google.com/load-balancer-type: "Internal"
# Required to enable global access
networking.gke.io/internal-load-balancer-allow-global-access: "true"
app: hello
type: LoadBalancer
app: hello
- port: 80
targetPort: 8080
protocol: TCP
For GKE v1.15.x and older versions:
Accessing internal load balancer IP from a VM sitting in a different region will not work. But this helped me to make the internal load balancer global.
As we know internal load balancer is nothing but a forwarding rule, we can use gcloud command to enable global access.
Firstly get the internal IP address of the Load Balancer using kubectl and save its IP like below:
kubectl get services/ilb-global
ilb-global LoadBalancer 80:32400/TCP 18m
Note the value of "EXTERNAL-IP" or simply run the below command to make it even simpler:
kubectl get service/ilb-global \
-o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip}'
GCP gives a randomly generated ID to the forwarding rule created for this Load Balancer. If you have multiple forwarding rules, use the following command to figure out which one is the internal load balancer you just created:
gcloud compute forwarding-rules list | grep
a26cmodifiedb3f8252484ed9d0192 asia-south1 TCP asia-south1/backendServices/a26cmodified44904b3f8252484ed9d019
NOTE: If you not working on Linux or grep is not installed, simply run gcloud compute forwarding-rules list and manually look for the forwarding rule having the IP address we are looking for.
Note the name of the forwarding-rule and run the following command to update the forwarding rule with --allow-global-access (remember adding beta, as it is still a beta feature):
gcloud beta compute forwarding-rules update a26cmodified904b3f8252484ed9d0192 \
--region asia-south1 --allow-global-access
Updated [https://www.googleapis.com/compute/beta/projects/PROJECT/regions/REGION/forwardingRules/a26hehemodifiedhehe490252484ed9d0192].
And it's done. Now you can access this internal IP ( from any instance in any region (but the same VPC network).
Another possible way is to implement the ngnix reverser proxy server on an compute engine in the same region as of GKE cluster, and use the internal IP of compute engine instance to communicate with the services of the GKE.
First of all, note that the only way to connect any GCP resource (in this case your GKE cluster) from an on premise location, it’s either through a Cloud Interconnect or VPN set up, which actually they must be in the same region and VPC to be able to communicate with each other.
Having said that, I see you won’t like to do that under the same VPC, therefore a workaround for your scenario could be:
Creating a Service of type LoadBalancer, so your cluster can be reachable through and external (public) IP by exposing this service. If you are worried about the security, you can use Istio to enforce access policies for example.
Or, to create an HTTP(S) load balancing with Ingress, so your cluster can be reachable through its external (public) IP. Where again, for security purposes you can use GCP Cloud Armor which actually so far works only for HTTP(S) Load Balancing.

Routing internal traffic in Kubernetes?

We presently have a setup where applications within our mesos/marathon cluster want to reach out to services which may or may not reside in our mesos/marathon cluster. Ingress for external traffic into the cluster is accomplished via an Amazon ELB sitting in front of a cluster of Traefik instances, which then chooses the appropriate set of container instances to load-balance to via the incoming HTTP Host header compared against essentially a many-to-one association of configured host headers against a particular container instance. Internal-to-internal traffic is actually handled by this same route as well, as the DNS record that is associated with a given service is mapped to that same ELB both internal to and external to our mesos/marathon cluster. We also give the ability to have multiple DNS records pointing against the same container set.
This setup works, but causes seemingly unnecessary network traffic and load against our ELBs as well as our Traefik cluster, as if the applications in the containers or another component were able to self-determine that the services they wished to call out to were within the specific mesos/marathon cluster they were in, and make an appropriate call to either something internal to the cluster fronting the set of containers, or directly to the specific container itself.
From what I understand of Kubernetes, Kubernetes provides the concept of services, which essentially can act as the front for a set of pods based on configuration for which pods the service should match over. However, I'm not entirely sure of the mechanism by which we can have applications in a Kubernetes cluster know transparently to direct network traffic to the service IPs. I think that some of this can be helped by having Envoy proxy traffic meant for, e.g., <application-name>.<cluster-name>.company.com to the service name, but if we have a CNAME that maps to that previous DNS entry (say, <application-name>.company.com), I'm not entirely sure how we can avoid exiting the cluster.
Is there a good way to solve for both cases? We are trying to avoid having our applications' logic have to understand that it's sitting in a particular cluster and would prefer a component outside of the applications to perform the routing appropriately.
If I am fundamentally misunderstanding a particular component, I would gladly appreciate correction!
When you are using service-to-service communication inside a cluster, you are using Service abstraction which is something like a static point which will road traffic to the right pods.
Service endpoint available only from inside a cluster by it's IP or internal DNS name, provided by internal Kubernetes DNS server. So, for communicating inside a cluster, you can use DNS names like <servicename>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local.
But, what is more important, Service has a static IP address.
So, now you can add that static IP as a hosts record to the pods inside a cluster for making sure that they will communicate each other inside a cluster.
For that, you can use HostAlias feature. Here is an example of configuration:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: hostaliases-pod
restartPolicy: Never
- ip: ""
- "my.first.internal.service.example.com"
- ip: ""
- "my.second.internal.service.example.com"
- name: cat-hosts
image: busybox
- cat
- "/etc/hosts"
So, if you will use your internal Service IP in combination with service's public FQDN, all traffic from your pod will be 100% inside a cluster, because the application will use internal IP address.
Also, you can use upstream DNS server which will contain same aliases, but an idea will be the same.
With Upstream DNS for the separate zone, resolving will work like that:
With a new version of Kubernetes, which using Core DSN for providing DNS service, and has more features it will be a bit simpler.

Kubernetes External Load Balancer Service on DigitalOcean

I'm building a container cluster using CoreOs and Kubernetes on DigitalOcean, and I've seen that in order to expose a Pod to the world you have to create a Service with Type: LoadBalancer. I think this is the optimal solution so that you don't need to add external load balancer outside kubernetes like nginx or haproxy. I was wondering if it is possible to create this using DO's Floating IP.
Things have changed, DigitalOcean created their own cloud provider implementation as answered here and they are maintaining a Kubernetes "Cloud Controller Manager" implementation:
Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager for DigitalOcean
Currently digitalocean-cloud-controller-manager implements:
nodecontroller - updates nodes with cloud provider specific labels and
addresses, also deletes kubernetes nodes when deleted on the cloud
servicecontroller - responsible for creating LoadBalancers
when a service of Type: LoadBalancer is created in Kubernetes.
To try it out clone the project on your master node.
Next get the token key from https://cloud.digitalocean.com/settings/api/tokens and run:
export DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN=abc123abc123abc123
kubectl apply -f do-cloud-controller-manager/releases/v0.1.6.yml
There more examples here
What will happen once you do the above? DO's cloud manager will create a load balancer (that has a failover mechanism out of the box, more on it in the load balancer's documentation
Things will change again soon as DigitalOcean are jumping on the Kubernetes bandwagon, check here and you will have a choice to let them manage your Kuberentes cluster instead of you worrying about a lot of the infrastructure (this is my understanding of the service, let's see how it works when it becomes available...)
The LoadBalancer type of service is implemented by adding code to the kubernetes master specific to each cloud provider. There isn't a cloud provider for Digital Ocean (supported cloud providers), so the LoadBalancer type will not be able to take advantage of Digital Ocean's Floating IPs.
Instead, you should consider using a NodePort service or attaching an ExternalIP to your service and mapping the exposed IP to a DO floating IP.
It is actually possible to expose a service through a floating ip. The only catch is that the external IP that you need to use is a little unintuitive.
From what it seems DO has some sort of overlay network for their Floating IP service. To get the actual IP you need to expose you need to ssh into your gateway droplet and find its anchor IP by hitting up the metadata service:
curl -s
and you will get something like
This is the address that you can use as an external ip in LoadBalancer type service in kubernetes.
kubectl expose rc my-nginx --port=80 --public-ip=10.x.x.x --type=LoadBalancer