Converting JSON into Swift objects using Codable - swift4

I saw somewhere on StackOverflow there was a website that converted your JSON API into Struct and Codable protocols and for the life of me, I can't find it. I did not bookmark it, unfortunately. Any help would be appreciated in finding this site.

Try Quicktype. this web app allows you to convert JSON in Swift Type or any language such as Go, Dart, Java, C++, RUBY, etc.

just paste your json code in there and see the result:


A Translation command

I want to do a translation command. So when ppl willl type y!translate <text>, it will be translate to English language, and only.
Can I have a code for do that?
Thanks so much.
I cannot provide because it will be a big project you with code but maybe this is helpful.
Get a Google Translate API key:
Read the Google Translate API documentation:
I can recommend you to use axios.js for node.js API requests:
When a user types the command you'll need to do an API request and process the response and send it back in Discord.
If you would like to auto-detect the language you can take a look at this page:
I hope this was helpful for you, if not please let me know!

how to find pow() methods using Swift Standard Library Reference

I'm new to Swift and is trying to understand how to use Swift Standard Library Reference. I have past experience in Java and if I want to find a class or a class's method, I simply type e.g. String.charAt() Java SE8 in Google and the first result shown is the latest offical Oracle documentation on String class. However, if I want to find a class or method in Swift, when I type in e.g. pow() Swift Standard Library Reference, google only shows the main page to Swift Standard Library Reference, not the page of the class that actually contain the method. Could someone please tell me how to actually search the Swift Library? It would help me a great deal! Thanks in advance for any help!
if you are using Xcode just go to Help > Documentation and API Reference

OpenCV and iOS - Getting started

I am new to iOS development and apologies for a basic question. I am trying to convert an image to grayscaled and threshold it using openCV in iOS. So far, I have imported and setup the framework on xcode. What I am trying to do now is to implement the following features:
at 0:24 and 0:53
I tried to follow the tutorial which points to the above youtube video :
and wasn't sure where to paste the above code and in which file?
Many thanks.
Kind Regards.
These are helper methods and best written in a separate file. Quite simply,
Put all that image manipulation code in say and create a header file for the same
Create a nice little category for UIImage.
which can call these methods in turn to create any image manipulation you might want.
Easy does it. And yeah, read up a bit more on using C++ in objectiveC, if you get into trouble and also about categories. They are some of the niftier features of objectivec
I achieved the same,using the help of this awesome link
Let me know if you need any further help.
Edit :
Check this out ImageFiltering

How can i parse following data in iPhone?

Hello i am working on web service base iPhone application but the problem is my client provide web service which is in following formate and i don't know how to parse it. i will appreciate for any help or anybody share their experience.
Thanks In Advance,
this is JSON data.
use SBJSON.h to parse, which is light and easy
You can use the jsonkit for json parsing.
Here is the code for the json kit library which is editing my simple class added and create one demo you can download the demo and easily identify the your problem
Download the Demo from here.
Also refer the tutorial for the how to use json kit from here.

Objective-C DOM XML parser for iPhone

Hello guys I'm looking for a way on the iPhone to parse an XML document using DOM. I have been using SAX with NSXMLParser but now I really want a DOM tree (or anything that can quickly translate the XML document into an NSDictionary)
Thanks for any help
If you want to use libxml2 with an Objective-C front without SAX events, take a look at this useful set of wrapper functions.
You issue an XPath query to your XML document object and get back Foundation class objects: NSArray, NSString, and NSDictionary, e.g.:
NSArray *queriedBuckets = PerformXMLXPathQuery(responseData, #"//*[local-name()='Buckets']/*[local-name()='Bucket']");
These functions help merge the speed of libxml2 with the readability and usability of Objective-C code.
Unfortunately, NSXMLDocument (which does what you're asking) does not exist on the iPhone. You may have to roll your own parser using libxml2, or try something like TouchXML or KissXML.
I suggest looking at the Google Data API for Objective-C (iPhone) at
In particular, look at these files which define the GDataXMLNode class: