Facebook Recent Logins breaks OAuth flow - facebook

I'm having troubles working with what appears to be an error with Facebook's OAuth server-side flow. When logging into Facebook using "Recent Logins", Facebook does not redirect back to my calling application. Instead it goes directly to the Facebook home page.
If I login to Facebook using the email/password fields at the top right of the screen, then the redirection becomes successful.
Is there some way to force facebook to send users to it's main login page and not this main page that displays the recent logins when they are not already logged into Facebook?
This also occurs using Facebook's very own OAuth for developers. So I know it can't be just me.
Login to Facebook.com
Visit facebook's apps page
Click your profile pic and enter your password (rather than using the blue banner to login).
Facebook redirects you to their home page rather than this page
What would be great is a parameter to this page that would allow me to force a particular facebook login dialog as a workaround.


Facebook log-in from Facebook's own WebView is not working (blank screen)

I need to create a PWA that is opened through the Facebook webview (when the user clicks a Facebook Ad on their phone). This app should have a button to enable the user to log-in with Facebook as easily as possible (ideally without having to type their FB email and password).
I was able to set-up the Facebook log-in system using the standard code from the documentation (works perfectly in Chrome desktop and mobile), however, in the Facebook WebView it doesn't work. When the user clicks on the FB login button, the screen just becomes blank. No errors displayed, not even user and password asked.
As far as I understood, Facebook discontinued the log-in from WebView feature (...but even their own?). Are there any turnarounds to enable the user to log-in with Facebook right after clicking on a Facebook Ad (that points toward a PWA page in a Facebook WebView)?
My project is in JavaScript.

How to stop automatic facebook login in my website?

i have a site which has a facebook login button. if i am logged in facebook on same browser, and clicks on website login button, it redirects me to the profile page without asking option to login via facebook or via form. i will add google plus button also in future.
so please tell me how to stop this automatic login in facebook.
It's all about Browser Cookies and Cache.. The session already kept in your browser cache. so that's why .. It automatically redirects you to facebook. You need to clear your browser cache. to solve this issue...

C# Facebook sdk: posting on page on owner's behalf

I have a page on facebook and i want to get my page access token so that i could use it to post ob my page from a mobile application or web application using the facebook sdk for C#.
I think the whole idea would be:
user will go to my webpage.
user will then login to facebook.
user will be taken back to my page with the his page's access token.
i will save this access token and then use it to post on his page on his behalf.
Right now i am not sure whether these are the right steps or not and if i am right, how can i make a facebook login page where user can use?
I found some answer here: Programatically log in to facebook and post from server side
do i need to create a facebook app for that?

How to redirect user to login page before using facebook app?

I have created an app(canvas page) on facebook using PHP. I see that users without logging in to facebook can see the canvas page http://apps.facebook.com/svolzesocial
How to redirect user to facebook login page before using app?
For example, when we open Mashable Social reader, if the user is not logged into facebook he gets redirect to another facebook login page like as shown in image below.
I want exactly like this only.
Since your page is in a canvas app, you should be receiving a signed_request parameter posted to your server. You should decode the request and determine if the user has already authenticated your app. If the user has already allowed your app, just serve up the page they requested. Otherwise you can just serve up a blank page that contains JavaScript call to redirect the user to the login screen.

Login with Facebook button issue in magento site

I have installed the fbconnect module of magento on my website and the 'Login with Facebook' button is there on this page:
Whenever a user clicks this button it can be logged into the site using facebook account. But when the user is already logged into the site with facebook and when the user logged out of his facebook account and then comes back to the magento site and logged out from the magento site and then coming back to login page again, the facebook button disappears from the site.
I think this may be the issue of browser cookies as when i am clearing my browser's cookies, the facebook button is appearing there.
That account appears to be suspended in your example. However, you can find a lot of helpful information now on Facebook's developers website. See specifically https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/