How to create custom gateway and custom waves wallet on waves platform - wavesplatform

Can someone help me creating custom gateway and customized wallet on waves platform so i can send my erc20 tokens to waves platform?

A good start to build a gateway is:
this framework allows easy implementation.
And here is an example:
I have used this framework by myself in the past a few times.
The waves wallet is open-source, so forkable, however, to send erc-20 to wavesplatform, you don't strictly need a custom wallet.


How can I get two platforms to exchange data by leveraging their REST APIs

I use two independent eCommerce platforms that don't officially support communication with one another, however, both have exposed REST API for managing products, orders, etc.
My question is: how can I leverage their APIs to allow the two platforms to exchange data?
Neither platform offers a workspace to code API calls and execute on retrieved records, so I don't understand how this scenario fits in the client server model.
Would this require a third node to be set up to act as the client with each of the eCommerce platforms acting as servers?
If so, then I surmise that this client would need to, for example, perform a GET request from Platform A, store the retrieved records in a database, then perform a POST to create the records in Platform B.
If my above understanding is correct, can anyone please advise on a platform/service with which this functionality can be built and managed? Is Postman what I'm looking for?
I'm still new to web API development, so please excuse my ignorance.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Dynamically Change API Environments Google Rollout Track

I'm developing an Ionic(3 / 4)(Angular 4 - 7)-Cordova / Capacitor Cross Platform Application(s). I'm interested in switching API env based on the current rollout track in the Google Play Store. For example, once an application has been successfully tested and recommended to continue staging/production. I would like to have the API env dynamically changed (e.g., using a different URI domain to connect to REST API ) dependent on the Google Play Store Track.
I'm aware that I can use Google Developer Play Store API to identify / list versions and available tracks yet, I'm unaware if there's already an implementation or solution. I'm perfectly willing to design a solution though, I figure I find out if it's been done already rather than reinvent the wheel.
I'm hoping to implement a solution either to the REST API BACKEND or in the ionic framework layer rather than an integration at the native layer for scalability per-project. The purpose of doing this would enable CI rather than rebuilding the project and change the API URI domain for every environment. Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
So, if anyone's interested. The approach highlighted above is possible, couldn't get an answer so I just created something. Using Google Play Developer API. The process flow is as follows:
For now it's a working prototype perhaps its not very efficient; I suppose it can be improved if the request was issued from a single server, or microservice. Though, I wanted to make the code recyclable and it's isolated from both the mobile application & Node Server.
If you are interested in learning more or would like to work on project. Please feel free to contact me.

How do smart contracts work in waves vs. ethereum?

I am developing contracts in ethereum. That is quiet easy for me. However, a customer would like to have a contract on waves. He already has a token created on the Waves blockchain. Is it possible to add a smart contract to an already existing token? How do Waves smart contracts generally work compared to ethereums?
Please check our articles and how to write a dApp using Waves RIDE language.
The assets (tokes) that were issued without a script cannot become scripted. You can create an asset that behaves as non-scripted but can be upgraded later, by issuing an asset with a script: 'true'.

How to deploy and maintain multiple chatbots agents

This post follow this one where I explain one of my problems. Currently, I have to found a way to publish and maintain a high number of agents. I am not limited to Dialogflow.
I need some integrations like the google assistant (text and vocal), facebook messenger, telegram and if possible others like Slack, Twitter, Twillio, Alexa...
Okay, so I have already produced some agents with Dialogflow to understand the technology. I also read some pages of the actions-on-google documentation and I did'nt found anything on this subject. So basically I have to implement this:
Deploy around X agents through differents integrations instanciations. I mean I really need X facebook contacts, X google assistant apps, etc.
Maintain one code-base but have the ability to add localized-features like the name of the chatbot, currency or just block some intents (for Dialogflow example but in a more generic way, dialogs triggers).
It is just possible ? I am thinking about a web UI that can handle some facilities like the deployment, the monitoring and the maintenance. I am wondering if it's not overkill and if a more easier solution than mine exists already.
It isn't currently possible to create agents automatically, although Dialogflow's V2 API provides a mechanism to update agents via JSON once they have been created; see the restore and import endpoints.

How to connect sensor devices to IOTF using API KEYS

I am doing an android application, I'd like to know how to connect sensor devices/applications to Bluemix IoTF using API keys, by saying that I just want to minimize the registration task from client side(sensor devices)as much as possible. I know how to register devices with deivce Id,token and authentication manually. but I just like to know that is there any other easy way around to do it. It would be great If I got some one shed light on this from scratch. Thanks in advance.
There is a rich set of REST based APIs available at:
and fully documented here:
One can use excellent REST based testing tools such as Postman for REST testing.
The reason I mention the REST APIs is that they provide a way for scripting or automating the registration of devices. There is an API called "Add device" that, when called, will register a new device instance of a specific device type against your IoT Foundation instance.
I could imagine a new device that knows it is not registered executing a self registration request to define itself as a new device type. What I would next suggest is that you read the links above and see if they make sense. If they answer your question fully, great. If not, simply post a new question that is specifically targeted at a specific areas and we'll be watching this set of tags and respond back as quickly as we can.