Why does accessing a String parameter of a subclassed NSManagedObject with a parent relationship crash? - swift

I have generated classes for two core data entities. The first is called Address and is an abstract entity. The second is called Person, and it inherits from Address. I've added a few example managed attributes for the purpose of this test. And i've added a non-managed String property to the Person class. Accessing the string property of the Person class will crash. Why does this crash?
The Address and Person classes are automatically generated by Xcode, with the exception of the extra parameter: let foo = "Foo"
If i modify the code to make Person inherit from NSManagedObject directly instead of Address, then the code works and doesn't crash.
Automatically generated Address class:
public class Address: NSManagedObject {
extension Address {
#nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<Address> {
return NSFetchRequest<Address>(entityName: "Address")
#NSManaged public var street: String?
#NSManaged public var city: String?
Automatically generated person class with the exception of the "foo" parameter:
public class Person: Address {
public let foo = "Foo" //added this parameter
extension Person {
#nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<Person> {
return NSFetchRequest<Person>(entityName: "Person")
#NSManaged public var name: String?
problem code
let person = Person(context: context)
print(person.foo) //doesn't crash, but prints empty line instead of value
print("VALUE:\(person.foo):") //crashes with Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x18)
if foo is defined as
public let foo: String? = "Foo"
then the print statements don't crash, instead they interpret the value as 'nil' and print that.
So my question becomes: Why is this value which is assigned as a constant being reset to nil under the covers?

I have two hand-waving explanations why you are getting nil:
Managed objects don't function very well until they are inserted.
Your foo is a what I would call a constant stored property. I made up the name because, red flag, I cannot find any examples of it in the Swift book chapter on Properties
Put these two together and you get an edge case that doesn't work.
That being said, I'm kind of surprised that your foo setting does not work, because foo is not a managed property (that is, it is not in the data model). If I make such a constant stored property in a regular, non-managed object…
public class Animal {
public let foo: String! = "Foo"
it reads back later as expected.
So, if you can accept that this edge case just doesn't work in Core Data, you can move on to several more normal ways that do work.
One way is to declare foo as a var and assign a value to in awakeFromInsert() which is, as I alluded to earlier, after insertion. In Core Data, awakeFromInsert() is one of your friends…
public class Person: Address {
public var foo: String!
override public func awakeFromInsert() {
foo = "Foo"
Another way that works is as a computed property…
public class Person: Address {
public var foo : String { return "Foo" }
And, finally, the most logical way, since foo is constant for all instances, is to make it a type property…
public class Person: Address {
static var foo: String = "Foo"
but of course if you do this you must reference it as Person.foo instead of person.foo.


RealmSwift: storing an element with a timestamp

I am trying to define a wrapper around objects I want to store in Realm. The wrapper should contain an additional date object so that I can filter old objects. So far I have this
public final class RealmDateTaggedRealmObject: ObjectFacade {
#objc public dynamic var date: Date?
#objc public dynamic var value: ObjectFacade?
#objc private dynamic var id: String = ""
public override class func primaryKey() -> String? {
return #keyPath(id)
public convenience init<T: RealmMappable>(from object: RealmDateTagged<T>) {
date = object.date
value = object.value.asRealmObject
id = object.primaryKey
The RealmMappable protocol enables transforming implementing entities into ObjectFacade. The ObjectFacade class is an empty class that inherits from Object, because I got an exception if I declared
#objc public dynamic var value: Object?
So I tried to be smart and created ObjectFacade. Turns out I'm not so smart cause it always stores nil. Also, value can't be a generic type because it is not supported in Objective-C.
Any suggestions?

Error Making Entity Relationship Encodable

I'm trying to get a simple NSManagedObject class to conform to Encodable so that I can easily encode it to JSON.
I have an entity named TestObject that has a one to many relationship with an entity named Device.
Everything works fine until I try to encode an NSSet (to many relationship).
import UIKit
import CoreData
import Foundation
public class TestObject:NSManagedObject,Encodable
#nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<TestObject> {
return NSFetchRequest<TestObject>(entityName: "TestObject")
#NSManaged public var testName: String?
#NSManaged public var devices: NSSet? // of entity type "Device"
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case testName
case devices
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy:CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(testName,forKey:.testName)
try container.encode(devices,forKey:.devices)
The error I receive from the compiler is
reference to member 'devices' cannot be resolved without a contextual type
try container.encode(devices,forKey:.devices)
What is this compiler telling me and how can I encode my objects along with its relationships?

Error claims a protocol is a generic type, but no generics are used

I am wishing to implement a pattern similar to Notification.Name where anyone can add one later via an extension, like this:
Swift 4
public protocol Foo {
    var bar: String { get }
public struct FooImpl: Foo {
    public let bar: String
public extension Foo {
    public static let baz: Foo = FooImpl(bar: "baz")
// Ideal usage:
This seems fine to me, but I get a confusing error when compiling:
/path/to/main.swift:24:23: error: static stored properties not supported in generic types
public static let baz: Foo = FooImpl(bar: "baz")
~~~~~~ ^
What's going on here, and what's a solution?
That is a weird error message, but your code shouldn't compile anyways. Stored properties are not supported in extensions, hence the error.
By removing the static keyword and just leaving baz as a stored property, you get a meaningful error:
extensions may not contain stored properties
Changing the declaration to a computed property (and hence declaring it mutable) the error magically disappears.
public protocol Foo {
var bar: String { get }
public struct FooImpl: Foo {
public let bar: String
public extension Foo {
public static var baz: Foo {
return FooImpl(bar: "baz")

Core Data One to Many Relationship not saving correctly/as expected

I have a core data project that includes the following NSManagedObjects:
********************** FSDJump NSManaged Object
extension FSDJump {
#nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<FSDJump> {
return NSFetchRequest<FSDJump>(entityName: "FSDJump")
#NSManaged public var starSystem: String
#NSManaged public var starPos: NSArray
#NSManaged public var bodyName: String
#NSManaged public var jumpDist: Float
#NSManaged public var fuelUsed: Float
#NSManaged public var fuelLevel: Float
#NSManaged public var boostUsed: Bool
#NSManaged public var systemFaction: String
#NSManaged public var systemAllegiance: String
#NSManaged public var systemEconomy: String
#NSManaged public var systemGoverment: String
#NSManaged public var systemSecurity: String
#NSManaged public var powers: NSArray
#NSManaged public var powerplayState: String
#NSManaged public var timeStamp: String
#NSManaged public var factionState: String
#NSManaged public var factions: NSSet
// MARK: Generated accessors for factions
extension FSDJump {
#NSManaged public func addToFactions(_ value: Factions)
#NSManaged public func removeFromFactions(_ value: Factions)
#NSManaged public func addToFactions(_ values: NSSet)
#NSManaged public func removeFromFactions(_ values: NSSet)
********************** Factions NSManaged Object
extension Factions {
#nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<Factions> {
return NSFetchRequest<Factions>(entityName: "Factions")
#NSManaged public var name: String
#NSManaged public var allegiance: String
#NSManaged public var factionState: String
#NSManaged public var government: String
#NSManaged public var influence: Float
#NSManaged public var fsdJump: FSDJump
with a one to many relationship defined between FSDJump and Factions (i.e. one FSDJump may have multiple factions (with the inverse relationship defined as 'fsdJump').
I use the following code to save multiple Factions (where they exist) within an 'if else' statement saves each fsdJumpEvent.
if fsdJumpEvent["Factions"].exists() {
// save all of the Faction array objects in the variable arrayOfFactions
let arrayOfFactions = fsdJumpEvent["Factions"]
// create a newFaction managedObject to save the faction details to
let newFaction = (Factions(context: contextTCCEDJ))
for faction in arrayOfFactions {
// the following is strictly not necesary but it makes the code easier to read
// first allocate the values from faction to a local variable then allocate that variable to the newFaction managedObject
// Note faction is a tuple (string, JSON) so the construct 'faction.1' accesses the second value in the tuple
// 'faction.0' would access the first value in the tuple which is the array index "0", "1", "2", etc
let newFactionName = faction.1["Name"].string!
let newFactionState = faction.1["FactionState"].string!
let newFactionGovernment = faction.1["Government"].string!
let newFactionAllegiance = faction.1["Allegiance"].string!
let newFactionInfluence = faction.1["Influence"].float!
newFaction.name = newFactionName
newFaction.allegiance = newFactionAllegiance
newFaction.government = newFactionGovernment
newFaction.influence = newFactionInfluence
newFaction.factionState = newFactionState
// Add the new object to the context allowing it to be saved.
print("Faction added \(newFaction)")
The code appears to work. It builds, it runs and the print("Faction added \(newFaction)") statement prints multiple Factions per FSDJump as expected when they exist and as per the source data file I am using (JSON).
I can fetch the results and display them in a NSTableView. I can load data without any problems for the FSDJump managed object and display that in a NSTableView.
The fetch code is:
// Function returns all of the Factions associated with the timeStamp related entry in FSDJumps using the fsdJump relationship
func eventFactionsFetchSavedDataFromPersistenStore (contextTCCEDJ: NSManagedObjectContext, timeStamp: String) -> [Factions] {
var result = Array<Factions>()
let localFetchRequest = Factions.fetchRequest() as NSFetchRequest
localFetchRequest.predicate = NSPredicate(format:"fsdJump.timeStamp == '\(timeStamp)'")
do {
result = try contextTCCEDJ.fetch(localFetchRequest)
} catch {
print("Error in returning Factions event saved data from the persistent store")
for reSult in result {
return result
However, it only seems to save the last 'faction' for each relationship - rather than the multiple factions that are shown in the for faction in arrayOfFactions loop. Because the fetch statement only returns one Faction per fetch. Even if I remove the predicate statement it returns all of the saved factions but again only one has been saved per fsdJumpEvent instead of the multiple factions that are identified by the print statement.
I have tried everything I can think of. I have not been able to find a previous question that relates to this specific issue.
Am I using the 'addToFactions' function incorrectly?
Any help would be gratefully received.
(And yes - for any Elite Dangerous fans out there I am writing a macOS app to parse my journal files as a companion app to my windows version of Elite Dangerous.)
You are creating a new, single instance of newFaction outside of your for faction in arrayOfFactions loop. So that single newFaction is used each time the loop runs and just assigns new values to it (overwriting previous values) resulting in it ending up with the last set of values. Hence you seeing a single faction with the 'last' set of values. Move the line:
Let newFaction = Factions(context: contectTCCEDJ)
Inside (at the beginning) of the for in loop.
Edit: you are adding your faction to a Set (which by definition requires unique entities) so all you're currently doing is re-adding the same faction each time rather than a new one. To-many relationships point to a Set.

how to set 'setter' of an computed property to private?

I know how to set 'setter' of an stored property to private (e.g. public private(set) var name: String = "John") but how do we set 'setter' of an computed property to private? In this case the 'setter' for the variable 'age'. When I tried to put an keyword private in front of set(newAge){}, XCode display an error. So is it possible to set 'setter' of an computed property to private?
public class Person {
public private(set) var name: String = "John"
var age: Int{
get {
return 10
set(newAge){ // how to set this setter to private so to restrict modification
You do it the same way as for a stored property:
private(set) var age: Int{
get {
return 10
set(newAge) {
// setter code here