How to get around rate limits of publicly available APIs - rest

So I am trying to build my first full website, and my idea for this website involves using a publicly available API. The only issue is that most public APIs have a rate limit of a certain amount of requests per hour, and if I am making direct requests from my application to their API, I will probably run out of requests if I have any users whatsoever.
My question is, is there a way to design the website in a way that could not have the outside dependency? What I was thinking was using this public API to build my own API service that my website uses with only the information I need. The only issue I see with this is that the public API is constantly changing, so I will constantly have to run scripts to update my own API with the correct data and would have to redeploy. Is there any clean way of accomplishing this from a design perspective? Thanks


Dynamically Change API Environments Google Rollout Track

I'm developing an Ionic(3 / 4)(Angular 4 - 7)-Cordova / Capacitor Cross Platform Application(s). I'm interested in switching API env based on the current rollout track in the Google Play Store. For example, once an application has been successfully tested and recommended to continue staging/production. I would like to have the API env dynamically changed (e.g., using a different URI domain to connect to REST API ) dependent on the Google Play Store Track.
I'm aware that I can use Google Developer Play Store API to identify / list versions and available tracks yet, I'm unaware if there's already an implementation or solution. I'm perfectly willing to design a solution though, I figure I find out if it's been done already rather than reinvent the wheel.
I'm hoping to implement a solution either to the REST API BACKEND or in the ionic framework layer rather than an integration at the native layer for scalability per-project. The purpose of doing this would enable CI rather than rebuilding the project and change the API URI domain for every environment. Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
So, if anyone's interested. The approach highlighted above is possible, couldn't get an answer so I just created something. Using Google Play Developer API. The process flow is as follows:
For now it's a working prototype perhaps its not very efficient; I suppose it can be improved if the request was issued from a single server, or microservice. Though, I wanted to make the code recyclable and it's isolated from both the mobile application & Node Server.
If you are interested in learning more or would like to work on project. Please feel free to contact me.

Best practices designing sandbox for REST api

We are developing some REST api's for internal use. To test these microservices we are toying with the idea that every service has a sandbox mode so we can do integration tests that are as close as possible to the real deal.
To see if this path is worth trying we are looking for documentation / best practices on how to manage this sandbox and how to implement this internally. When we look for the keywords Sandbox, REST API and Best Practices we only find how to implement as consumer of existing sandboxes.
So does anyone have some documentation / links in how to tackle this problem and what the pro's and con's are of the different ways?
I'd say there are two ways to proceed:
Basic: keep a separate sandbox instance of a service. You always deploy a new code to this instance first and run automated/manual tests to verify if everything works fine. A datastore could be a snapshot from the production data or artificial testing data. I would rather we have a "Snapshot" but it depends whether it is applicable in your particular case (privacy etc.)
Advanced: I spied this technique on Facebook Marketing API. This API provides an interface to set up and launch advertising campaigns. They didn't provide a sandbox api for testing purposes (at least last year when the system I was working on had been integrating with Facebook). However if you use a keyword "test" in a name of a campaign or an adset (key entities in the ad world) they would never launch and spend your money. You can try extend this concept on your particular domain and run tests on (or very close to) your production
Hope this helps

How to maintain app master data at server end?

I'm trying to build an API which can be used to update some master data in my app. It contains various drop-downs for city, country etc. Whenever I add new data in these drop-downs, I need the apps to hit this API once a day and get the latest data. Also, if the API is requested older data (from older apps), it should be able to return such data based on some date query parameter.
What's the best way to create such an API?
Also, the API needs to be RESTful and will be exposed to Android/iOS environments.
API should be able to return so based on some date query parameter.
You can use two columns created_at and updated_at in you tables schema. So how can this will useful for your situation:
Whenever some one hitting api without date parameter, you are return all data which are created before current time.
Whenever some one hitting api with date parameter then you can return data which are created before value of date parameter.
Obviously you have to write complete logic for this at server side
Please explore one of the Mobile Backend as a Service (mBaaS) products for your long term needs.
Here are some players:
BaasBox: Open source backend
Backendless: Allows
developers to have an instant backend without writing server-side
Apigee App Services: provides a lot of free storage, push notification, analytics etc.
Appcelerator: An BaaS targeted at the Enterprise audience.
For the short run you may want to try to embed some quick javascript code to return the JSON response for you.
I would put a spin on #Santanu's suggestion of using BaaS. I would recommend using a BaaS during the development phase of your project.
When the iPhone and Android Apps have been developed and tested, replace the Baas-based server components with a in-house built RESTful server.
This approach has a couple of benefits. It lets you divide the effort into two distinct parts: the client changes to your product, and the building of your server component.
I assume your company's current expertise lies in App development, so it should be easier for you all to upgrade your applications to use the BaaS-based APIs.
It will also be much easier to reiterate and refine your data components and models using a mature BaaS server.
With Apps using data requests to populate the drop-downs from a BaaS-based RESTful API, and stable working data models and data sets hosted in the BaaS servers, it will be much faster to start building your own RESTful service.
When you run into issues, you will be confident they are in the server side code. You can run A/B tests with the same Apps against two versions of the server and ensure the client experience is the same.
You could continue to use the BaaS Server for rapid prototyping and developing API extensions.

Metalsmith and Contenful Sync

I have been using the metalsmith contenful plugin. I am wondering if maybe I have the idea of static site generators wring, but what is the purpose of this if I have to run a build every time something is changed on contentful.
Is there a way to have metalsmith on my server and have a build issued anytime contenful is changed, or is this a bad idea.
What would be recommended for keeping a site in sync with contentful more than just accessing the database with a static site generator.
If you want to automatically keep in sync a static site built using content on Contentful your best option is to use webhooks.
Contentful provides webhooks which can be used for different types of events (publish, editions, etc.).

Page Download Speed API Service

I'm looking for a API online service that provides the page download speed of specific pages on different websites. The result should give me the load time in milliseconds (i.e. 3400 ms).
I've firstly seen Google's PageSpeed service, but it only gives me a useless 'score'. I'm actually unable to find any other service that fits my needs.
If possible, i'm looking for a REST service that gives me a good number of requests limit (at least 2500 / day).
You can use which has a restful API as well:
You may need to run your own private version of WebpageTest in order to use the restful API (the public one requires an API key).
I am going to be brief here.
You can call Page Speed Insights API by Google. Here it is.
