Pyspark join doesn't take 5 positional arguments? - pyspark

I'm implementing LEFT JOIN on 5 columns in Pyspark. But it's throwing an error as shown below
TypeError: join() takes from 2 to 4 positional arguments but 5 were given
Code implemented :
Tgt_df_time_in_zone_detail = Tgt_df_view_time_in_zone_detail_dtaas.join(Tgt_df_individual_in_shift_tiz
,Tgt_df_view_time_in_zone_detail_dtaas.id_individual == Tgt_df_individual_in_shift_tiz.id_individual,
(Tgt_df_view_time_in_zone_detail_dtaas.timestamp_start >= Tgt_df_individual_in_shift_tiz.swipein)
& (Tgt_df_view_time_in_zone_detail_dtaas.timestamp_start <= Tgt_df_individual_in_shift_tiz.swipeout)
& (Tgt_df_view_time_in_zone_detail_dtaas.timestamp_end >= Tgt_df_individual_in_shift_tiz.swipein)
&(Tgt_df_view_time_in_zone_detail_dtaas.timestamp_end <= Tgt_df_individual_in_shift_tiz.swipeout)
, "left_outer")
Why Pyspark doesn't take join on 5 columns? What's the better way to do it then!?

Guess, you missed & in between your 1st and 2nd condition. Try this, if it works.
Tgt_df_time_in_zone_detail = Tgt_df_view_time_in_zone_detail_dtaas.join(Tgt_df_individual_in_shift_tiz,
(Tgt_df_view_time_in_zone_detail_dtaas.id_individual == Tgt_df_individual_in_shift_tiz.id_individual)
& (Tgt_df_view_time_in_zone_detail_dtaas.timestamp_start >= Tgt_df_individual_in_shift_tiz.swipein)
& (Tgt_df_view_time_in_zone_detail_dtaas.timestamp_start <= Tgt_df_individual_in_shift_tiz.swipeout)
& (Tgt_df_view_time_in_zone_detail_dtaas.timestamp_end >= Tgt_df_individual_in_shift_tiz.swipein)
& (Tgt_df_view_time_in_zone_detail_dtaas.timestamp_end <= Tgt_df_individual_in_shift_tiz.swipeout)
, "left_outer")


ASP EF Core between query 'greater than or equal' throwing compile error?

I have a query in ASP Razor EF Core which runs ok:
Model.Bookings.Where(x => x.DateOfVisit > DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1) && x.DateOfVisit < DateTime.Now).Count() > 10
I have realised that I need the query to be 'greater than or equal to' and 'less than or equal to' but when I change the code to this:
Model.Bookings.Where(x => x.DateOfVisit >= DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1) && x.DateOfVisit =< DateTime.Now).Count() > 10
I get 2 errors - one for invald expression term '<' and the other for Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'bool' and 'DateTime
I've done these types of queries in SQL many times but I can't see why it won't let me use this logic/format. I've been Googling for over an hour but I can't see why it wont work - please will somone put me out of my misery?
You got the second '=' wrong, it's after the '<'
Model.Bookings.Where(x => x.DateOfVisit >= DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1) && x.DateOfVisit <= DateTime.Now).Count() > 10
try this :
DateTime d1 = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1);
DateTime d2 = DateTime.Now;
Model.Bookings.Where(x => x.DateOfVisit >= d1 && x.DateOfVisit <= d2 ).Count() > 10

How to get values from a dataframe column using SparkSQL?

Right now I am working with Spark/Scala and I am trying to join multiple dataframes to get the expected output.
The data input are CSV files with call record information. These are the input main fields.
a_number:String = is the origin call number.
area_code_a:String = is the a_number area code.
prefix_a:String = is the a_number prefix.
b_number:String = is the destination call number.
area_code_b:String = is the b_number area code.
prefix_b:String = is the b_number prefix.
cause_value:String = is the call final status.
val dfint = ((cdrs_nac.join(grupos_nac).where(col("causevalue") === col("id")))
.join(centrales_nac, col("dpc") === col("pointcode_decimal"), "left")
.join(series_nac_a).where(col("area_code_a") === col("codigo_area") &&
col("prefix_a") === col("prefijo") &&
col("series_a") >= col("serie_inicial") &&
col("series_a") <= col("serie_final"))
.join(series_nac_b, (
((col("codigo_area_b") === col("area_code_b")) && col("len_b_number") == "8") ||
((col("codigo_area_b") === col("area_code_b")) && col("len_b_number") == "10") ||
((col("codigo_area_b") === col("codigo_area_cent")) && col("len_b_number") == "7")) &&
col("prefix_b") === col("prefijo_b") &&
col("series_b") >= col("serie_inicial_b") &&
col("series_b") <= col("serie_final_b"), "left")
This generates a multiple output files with the call data records processed, including the column "len_b_number" which means the length of the b_number field.
I was doing some tests I already find that for some reason the expression "col("len_b_number")" is returning the column name "len_b_number" instead the length values which are 7, 8 or 10. This means that the col("len_b_number") == 7 OR col("len_b_number") == 8 OR col("len_b_number") == 10 conditions will never work because the code will always compare with the column name.
At this moment the output is blank because the col("len_b_number") doesnt match with 7, 8 or 10. I will like to know if ypou can help to understand how to extract the value from this column.
Try using === instead of ==.
I could not get your error.
&& col("len_b_number") == "8"
should be:
&& col("len_b_number") === "8"

Pyspark compound filter, multiple conditions

Brand new to Pyspark and I'm refactoring some R code that is starting to lose it's ability to scale properly. I return a dataframe that has a number of columns with numeric values and I'm trying to filter this result set into a new, smaller result set using multiple compound conditions.
from pyspark.sql import functions as f
matches = df.filter(f.when('') >=0.9 & (f.when('') == 1.0) & (f.when('street') >= 0.7)) |
(f.when('') == 1) & (f.when('df.firstname') == 1) & (f.when('df.street') == 1) & (f.when('' == 1)) |
(f.when('') >=0.9) & (f.when('df.street') >=0.9) & (f.when('')) == 1))) |
(f.when('') == 1) & (f.when('df.street') == 1) & (f.when('')) == 1))) |
(f.when('df.lastname') >=0.9) & (f.when('') == 1) & (f.when('')) >=0.9 & (f.when('') == 1))) |
(f.when('') == 1 & (f.when('df.street') == 1 & (f.when('') == 1) & (f.when('df.busname') >= 0.6)))
Essentially I'm just trying to return a new dataframe, "matchs" where the columns in the previous dataframe, "sdf" fall into the afore pasted criterion. I've read a couple of other filtering posts such as
multiple conditions for filter in spark data frames
PySpark: multiple conditions in when clause
however I still can't seem to get it right. I suppose I could filter it on one condition at a time and then call a unionall but I felt as if this would be the cleaner way.
Well, since #DataDog has clarified it, so the code below replicates the filters put by OP.
Note: Each and every clause/sub-clause should be inside the parenthesis. If I have missed out, then it's an inadvertent mistake, as I did not have the data to test it. But the idea remains the same.
matches = df.filter(
(( >= 0.9) & ( ==1) & (df.street >= 0.7))
(( == 1) & (df.firstname == 1) & (df.street ==1) & ( ==1))
(( >= 0.9) & (df.street >= 0.9) & ( ==1))
(( == 1) & (df.street == 1) & ( ==1))
((df.lastname >= 0.9) & ( == 1) & ( >=0.9) & ( ==1))
(( == 1) & (df.street == 1) & ( ==1) & (df.busname >=0.6))

How to filter out numbers with Structured Streaming?

I am working with Spark Structured Streaming and trying to filter out negative numbers from fields streamed from a lab. My code looks like this:
val records = labs.filter(
$" data.trays.tray1” <= 5 ||
$" data.trays.tray2" <= 10 ||
$" data.trays.tray3" <= 20)
.select("data.labs", "data.labs.tray1", “data.labs.tray2”, “data.labs.tray3”)
My output with the code above is:
Lab | Tray 1 | Tray 2 | Tray 3
FGF 0 -8 13
RFF -3 9 -14
WER 2 -8 -16
However, I am missing the the logic to filter out the negative numbers. I thought I had if figured out, but I can't seem to filter them out
filter will keep all values such that the predicate returns true. Try
val records = labs.filter(
$"data.trays.tray1" > 5 &&
$"data.trays.tray2" > 10 &&
$"data.trays.tray3" > 20)
.select("data.labs", "data.labs.tray1", "data.labs.tray2", "data.labs.tray3")

geotools filter CQLException: Encountered "t"

I am querying a simple feature type schema:
with the query expression: r = 31 AND di = 5 AND BBOX(g, -38.857822, -76.111145, -74.64091, -38.61907) AND al <= 39.407307 AND s <= 1.6442835 AND b <= 83.14717 AND an <= 87.0774 AND he <= 40.89476 AND ve <= 88.761566 AND t <= 44.786507 AND m = true AND i = true.
but it throws an exception saying Encountered "t" at line 1, column 195.
Here is my exception log detail:
org.geotools.filter.text.cql2.CQLException: Encountered "t" at line 1, column 195.
Was expecting one of:
<NOT> ...
"include" ...
"exclude" ...
"(" ...
"[" ...
Parsing : r = 31 AND di = 5 AND BBOX(g, -38.857822, -76.111145, -74.64091, -38.61907) AND al <= 39.407307 AND s <= 1.6442835 AND b <= 83.14717 AND an <= 87.0774 AND he <= 40.89476 AND ve <= 88.761566 AND t <= 44.786507 AND m = true AND i = true.
at org.geotools.filter.text.cql2.CQLCompiler.compileFilter(
at org.geotools.filter.text.commons.CompilerUtil.parseFilter(
at org.geotools.filter.text.cql2.CQL.toFilter(
at org.geotools.filter.text.cql2.CQL.toFilter(
at com.hps.GeomesaClient.query(
I am not able to determine, why it's throwing an exception on querying with the attribute named t. Whereas if I remove attribute t from the query, it works as expected. Is t a reserved key? or I am missing something.
Ok, this is a limitation in the ECQL query parser. The letter 't' by itself (ignoring case) is the UTC token.
The options are to work with the GeoTools team to fix this corner case or pick a different attribute name. Nice find!