Hide <g:customCell styleName="width:15%;"> - gwt

I have a customcell in my xml file, It contains vertical panel which I have hide, But it cause some UI design issue as CustomCell is not hidde. Can anyone tell me how I can hide my customcell?. Thanks in advance.
<g:customCell styleName="width:15%;" ui:field="parentCell"
<g:VerticalPanel visible="false" ui:field="SortVPanel">
<g:Grid width="100%">
<g:customCell >
<g:Label styleName="float-left" wordWrap="false" width="65px" >
<ui:msg key="lblSort"> Sort By </ui:msg></g:Label>
<g:customCell styleName="cell-width83">
<c:ComboBoxComponent />
I want to hide the above customcell, which UiField value is ui:field="parentCell"

The g:customCell tag isnt a dom element, but a marker for the g:Grid tag to know which items are cells vs rows. This means you can't add html attributes to it. You also can't give it a ui:field, since it isn't an object at all.
Instead, you put these on the child Widget which lives inside the g:customCell tag, or from your Java code, you can call grid.getCellFormatter() and use the methods there to further format the cell which wraps the widget.


Text field in matrix layout

I want to place a text field in a matrix layout. Please check below code and please suggest how to check XML code errors? Every time I stuck in designing the XML code. Please suggest me how to overcome that.
<Page title="ytftfhgff">
<l:MatrixLayout layoutFixed="true" columns="4" width="600px" widths="150px,150px,150px,150px">
<l:MatrixLayoutCell colSpan="4">
<Text text="Its a heading" />
<Label text="First Name"/>
<TextField id="axscx" width="20em"></TextField>
Thanks in advance,
In general the errors logged by the XMLTemplateParser to the console should be understandable enough to get a basic idea of what's going wrong. In your case it is quite simple. The default namespace is set to "sap.m", i.e. the runtime tries to load the TextField control from that library. This cannot work as sap.m does not have a TextField control.
You can either use the Input control, i.e. replace TextField with Input. Or introduce an additional namespace:
and define the TextField in the following way:
<commons:TextField id="axscx" width="20em"/>
I would prefer using the Input field.

Couldnt set Width to Combobox in ZK?

Am new to ZK and using combobox in my page.I gave width="100%" to combobox but it doesn't take and if I refresh the page , the combobox shrinks.
Please anyone tell me how I can set common width to entire combobox in my application uniformly?
There are few ways to do what you want. for example:
<div sclass="positionInfo">
<combobox readonly="true" width="30%" model="#load(vm.positionModel)" constraint="no empty:Please select position!"
selectedItem="#bind(fx.position)" tabindex="3">
<template name="model" var="po">
<comboitem label="#load(po.positionName)" value="#load(po.positionId)" />
put your combobox inside div element, then set CSS class named "positionInfo".
set CSS rule for CSS selector .positionInfo (width by a specific pixels or percent), then everything will be done.

Can I use Sencha FieldLabel tag to put label and text field in reverse order?

I've made layout with simple gwt, but now I want to make label and text field using gxt 3.0.1.
Gxt provides FieldLabel field. Label on the left than TextField on the right.
Can I make it to be, text field than label on right side of the text field.
Current code is `
<g:HorizontalPanel ui:field="hpOne" width="1">
<g:Cell verticalAlignment="ALIGN_MIDDLE">
<form:FieldLabel text="{message.lblTestGroupName}" ui:field="lblTestGroupName">
<form:TextField ui:field="tbTestGroupName"/>
I am not sure if we are on the same plate, but please try this:
<g:HorizontalPanel ui:field="hpOne" width="1">
<form:TextField ui:field="tbTestGroupName" />
<form:FieldLabel text="{message.lblTestGroupName}" ui:field="lblTestGroupName" />
Lemme know if you are looking for this.

Is it possible to set the column width of a grid in GWT using uibinder?

I'm trying to use the GWT grid component in uibinder. It works fine until I want to set the width of the columns. The following is what I've tried to do but it doesn't seem to work.
<g:Grid width="100%">
<g:customCell width="20%">
<g:FlowPanel width="">
<g:customCell width="80%">
<g:FlowPanel width="">
You can write some java code in order to do that, example:
grid.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(0, "10%");
grid.getColumnFormatter().setWidth(1, "10%");
Only styleName is taken into account on g:row, g:cell and g:customCell elements.
If you can (i.e. if your grid content is mostly static), avoid using Grid and prefer an HTMLPanel containing an HTML <table>, this gives you much more flexibility.

Grid + UiBinder : Setting row level styles

<g:row styleName="OddNumberRow">
<g:row styleName="EvenNumberRow">
The above approach is not working. In other words, the "tr" elements in the generated html do not have any class names at all. A back up option would be to inject styles into these rows from the UiBinder's constructors (using getRowFormatter.addStyleName) but
I do not want to take that route for now.(I wanna try to reserve the code that goes into the UiBinder java class for event handling purposes only. )
Any thoughts/pointers would be much appreciated.
Note: Cross posted at https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/google-web-toolkit/yGRUkpcpBzU
You are right, this does not work. I have also tried adding the style to g:customCell, which does not work either.
The only way I can think of is using a SimplePanel to wrap your content in:
<g:SimplePanel width="100%" height="100%" styleName="OddNumberRow">
<g:SimplePanel width="100%" height="100%" styleName="EvenNumberRow">
It looks like GWT has been updated to understand styleName=foo directly on <gwt:cell> and <gwt:row> elements.
Your example code should now do what you expect :)