Swift MVVM - use protocol to handle viewModel events - swift

I'm trying to use MVVM with delegate protocols. When something changes in the view model I want to trigger it in the view controller.
When I want to use protocols to handle the view model's event on a view controller, I can not set the protocol to the view controller for my view model class.
It gives me the error:
Argument type (SecondViewController) -> () -> SecondViewController does not conform to expected type SecondViewModelEvents
How can I do this the right way?
Here is the code for my view model:
protocol SecondViewModelEvents {
func changeBackground()
class SecondViewModel:NSObject {
var events:SecondViewModelEvents?
init(del:SecondViewModelEvents) {
self.events = del
func loadDataFromServer() {
And for my view controller class:
class SecondViewController: UIViewController,SecondViewModelEvents {
let viewModel = SecondViewModel(del: self) //Argument type '(SecondViewController) -> () -> SecondViewController' does not conform to expected type 'SecondViewModelEvents'
#IBAction func buttonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
func changeBackground() {
self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.red

You're trying to initialize the view model variable and pass the view controller as a delegate which at this point is not fully initialized.
Try checking out the very informative and very detailed Initialization page in the official Swift language guide.
Since this is a protocol used for this specific purpose, we can safely constrain it to classes (notice the : class addition to your code.
protocol SecondViewModelEvents: class {
func changeBackground()
It's good practice to use more descriptive naming, and also using weak references for delegate objects in order to avoid strong reference cycles.
class SecondViewModel {
weak var delegate: SecondViewModelEvents?
init(delegate: SecondViewModelEvents) {
self.delegate = delegate
func loadDataFromServer() {
You can try to use an optional view model, which will get initialized in an appropriate place, like awakeFromNib():
class SecondViewController: UIViewController, SecondViewModelEvents {
var viewModel: SecondViewModel?
override func awakeFromNib() {
viewModel = SecondViewModel(delegate: self)
#IBAction func buttonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
func changeBackground() {
view.backgroundColor = UIColor.red
Or an alternative approach would be to initialize a non-optional view model in the UIViewController required initializer:
// ...
var viewModel: SecondViewModel
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
self.viewModel = SecondViewModel(delegate: self)
// ...

You need to use lazy initialization as,
lazy var viewModel = SecondViewModel(del: self)
lazy var viewModel = { [unowned self] in SecondViewModel(del: self) }()


Delegate Method is not called in UIButton class

I have a UIbutton class - from which I would like to call an 'adjust constraints' method after the user makes changes on the setting screen. I have created some protocols and all seems in order but it is not calling the method from the subview UIButton after the user closes the Setting Screen.
I have tried some of the other solutions here - that hasn't worked and I think it might be because I am using a UIButton class and I can't reinstantiate it, or call the instantiation? Either way, it never calls the method from the delegate.
Is using protocols the right way to solve this problem and if so, what am I missing?
Basically I have 3 files; the MainVC which I set as my first delegate (it gets triggered from my SettingScreenVC when user is done making changes to Setting Screen):
class MainVC: UIViewController, SettingScreenDelegate {
weak var numButtonDelegate: Buttons_Numeric?
func settingSetButtonConstraints() {
Then in my Setting Screen I call the MainVC after the user made some changes to their settings:
class MainVC: SettingScreenVC {
weak var delegate: SettingScreenDelegate?
func closeSettings() {
Then in my Buttons_Numeric class I declare the function and the UIButton class delegate:
protocol numButtonDelegate: class {
func setupButtonConstraints()
class Buttons_Numeric: UIButton, numButtonDelegate {
weak var numButtonDelegate: Buttons_Numeric?
required init(coder aDecoder:NSCoder) { super.init(coder: aDecoder)!}
override init(frame:CGRect) {super.init(frame: frame)
self.numButtonDelegate = self
override func awakeFromNib() {
self.numButtonDelegate = self
func setupButtonConstraints() {
Ok so couple of things you need to understand about delegates:
if you create a delegate, you need to conform to the delegate somewhere.
the conforming class should be assigned to the instance of the delegate.
With that in mind lets try to fix the code:
first the settings screen:
protocol SettingScreenDelegate: class {
func settingSetButtonConstraints()
class SettingScreenVC {
weak var delegate: SettingScreenDelegate?
func closeSettings() {
So far so good now the mainScreen should conform to the SettingScreenDelegate and be assigned to its delegate:
class MainVC: UIViewController, SettingScreenDelegate {
weak var button: Buttons_Numeric!
func openSettingsScreen() {
let settingsScreen = ... // the setting screen instanciation
settingsScreen.delegate = self // the MainVC
func settingSetButtonConstraints() {
Now for the last step, the MainVC should have an instance of the button, then the only thing we need to do is call the function 'setupButtonConstraints' from the MainVC which means we do not need the delegate at the button.
class Buttons_Numeric: UIButton {
required init(coder aDecoder:NSCoder) { super.init(coder: aDecoder)!}
override init(frame:CGRect) {super.init(frame: frame)
override func awakeFromNib() {
func setupButtonConstraints() {
You need to assign a value to the delegate variable. I would do it like this if the answer is always self
class Example: SomeDelegate {
lazy var someDelegate: SomeDelegate? = self
Otherwise you'll want to do it in the class' initializer or ViewDidLoad.

closure through typealias swift not working

why does typealias closure not transmit data and output nothing to the console? How to fix it?
class viewModel: NSObject {
var abc = ["123", "456", "789"]
typealias type = ([String]) -> Void
var send: type?
func createCharts(_ dataPoints: [String]) {
var dataEntry: [String] = []
for item in dataPoints {
override init() {
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var viewModel: viewModel = viewModel()
func type() {
viewModel.send = { item in
override func viewDidLoad() {
I have a project in which a similar design works, but I can not repeat it
The pattern is fine, but the timing is off.
You’re calling createCharts during the init of the view model. But the view controller is setting the send closure after the init of the view model is done.
Bottom line, you probably don’t want to call createCharts during the init of the view model.
Possible solution is to create custom initializer:
class viewModel: NSObject {
init(send: type?) {
self.send = send
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var viewModel: viewModel = viewModel(send: { print($0) })

Swift constrained Protocol for a subclass and superclass

I wanted to implement my own HUD for a UIViewCntroller and a UIView, so I did this:
protocol ViewHudProtocol {
func showLoadingView()
func hideLoadingView()
extension ViewHudProtocol where Self: UIView {
func showLoadingView() { //Show HUD by adding a custom UIView to self.}
func hideLoadingView() {
Now I can easily adopt ViewHudProtocol on any UIView to call showLoadingView and hideLoadingView. The problem is I want to use the same protocol for UIViewController, so I did this:
extension ViewHudProtocol where Self: UIViewController {
func showLoadingView() {
self.view.showLoadingView() //Error: UIView has no member showLoadingView
func hideLoadingView() {
self.view.hideLoadingView() //Error: UIView has no member hideLoadingView
I agree to the error that UIView has not adopted the protocol yet. So I did this:
extension UIView: ViewHudProtocol {}
And it works. Is there a better way to do this? I mean it feels wrong to extend every view with ViewHudProtocol, where not all of them will use it. If I could do something like, "only adopt ViewHudProtocol implicitly for a UIView, if its UIViewController demands for it. Else you could adopt ViewHUDProtocol manually on any UIView when required."
I would solve this with the following approach, using associatedtype, defined only for needed views and/or controllers (tested in Xcode 11.2 / swift 5.1):
protocol ViewHudProtocol {
associatedtype Content : ViewHudProtocol
var content: Self.Content { get }
func showLoadingView()
func hideLoadingView()
extension ViewHudProtocol where Self: UIView {
var content: some ViewHudProtocol {
return self
func showLoadingView() { //Show HUD by adding a custom UIView to self.}
func hideLoadingView() {
extension ViewHudProtocol where Self: UIViewController {
func showLoadingView() {
self.content.showLoadingView() //NO Error
func hideLoadingView() {
self.content.hideLoadingView() //NO Error
extension UITableView: ViewHudProtocol { // only for specific view
extension UITableViewController: ViewHudProtocol { // only for specific controller
var content: some ViewHudProtocol {
return self.tableView
The problem
So you want to constraint the conformance of a UIViewController to the protocol ViewHudProtocol only when the UIViewController.view property conforms to ViewHudProtocol.
I am afraid this is not possible.
Understanding the problem
Let's have a better look at your problem
You have 2 types (UIView and UIViewController) and you want to add to both the same functionalities
func showLoadingView()
func hideLoadingView()
What Mick West teaches us
This kind of scenario is somehow similar to what Mick West faced during the development of the Tony Hawks series Mick West and an elegant solution is described in its article Evolve your hierarchy.
We can apply that approach to your problem and here's the solution
struct HudViewComponent {
let view: UIView
private let hud: UIView
init(view: UIView) {
self.view = view
self.hud = UIView(frame: view.frame)
self.hud.isHidden = true
func showLoadingView() {
self.hud.isHidden = false
func hideLoadingView() {
self.hud.isHidden = true
protocol HasHudViewComponent {
var hidViewComponent: HudViewComponent { get }
extension HasHudViewComponent {
func showLoadingView() {
func hideLoadingView() {
That's it, now you can add the hud functionalities to any Type conforming to HasHudViewComponent.
class SomeView: UIView, HasHudViewComponent {
lazy var hidViewComponent: HudViewComponent = { return HudViewComponent(view: self) }()
class MyViewController: UIViewController, HasHudViewComponent {
lazy var hidViewComponent: HudViewComponent = { return HudViewComponent(view: self.view) }()
As you can see the idea is to thinking in terms of components.
You build a component (HudViewComponent) with your hud functionalities. The component only asks for the minimum requirements: it needs a UIView.
Next you define the HasHudViewComponent which states that the current type has a HudViewComponent property.
Finally you can add your hud functionalities to any Type which has a view (UIView, UIViewController, ...) simply conforming your type to HasHudViewComponent.
You asked an interesting question and I know this does not answers 100% what you were looking for, but by a practical point of view it should provides you with a tool to achieve what you need.
I would have taken this approach:
Create a UIView Class,
setup the view
Declare a shared object.
A function to show the view
A function to remove the view. and then call it in view controllers as IndicatorView.shared.show() , IndicatorView.shared.hide()
import Foundation
import UIKit
import Lottie
class IndicatorView : UIView {
static let shared = IndicatorView()
var loadingAnimation : AnimationView = {
let lottieView = AnimationView()
lottieView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
lottieView.layer.masksToBounds = true
return lottieView
var loadingLabel : UILabel = {
let label = UILabel()
label.textColor = .white
label.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
label.font = UIFont(name: "SegoeUI", size: 12)
return label
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
public func show() {
self.alpha = 0
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5, animations: {
self.isHidden = false
self.alpha = 1
}, completion: nil)
public func hide() {
self.alpha = 1
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.5, animations: {
self.alpha = 0
}, completion: { _ in
self.isHidden = true
}) }
private func setupLoadingView() {
let controller = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow!.rootViewController!
//setup your views here
For this particular scenario, a Decorator would work better, and result in a better design:
final class HUDDecorator {
private let view: UIView
init(_ view: UIView) {
self.view = view
func showLoadingView() {
// add the spinner
func hideLoadingView() {
// remove the spinner
Using the Decorator would then be as easy as declaring a property for it:
class MyViewController: UIViewController {
lazy var hudDecorator = HUDDecorator(view)
This will allow any controller to decide if it wants support for showing/hiding a loading view by simply exposing this property.
Protocols are too invasive for simple tasks like enhancing the looks on a UI component, and they have the disadvantage of forcing all views of a certain class to expose the protocol functionality, while the Decorator approach allows you to decide which view instances to receive the functionality.

VIPER architecture using Swift to store data in presenter

So I'm setting up a simple VIPER architecture in Swift.
The Interactor gets some data from an API, and passes the data to the presenter that then passes formatted data to the view.
The presenter will process the data, and just count the number of objects that are downloaded. To do so I have stored a var in the presenter. The question is should I store data in the presenter?
class Interactor {
weak var presenter: Presenter?
func getData() {
ClosureDataManager.shared.fetchBreaches(withURLString: baseUrl + breachesExtensionURL, completion: { [weak self] result in
guard let self = self else { return }
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
case .success(let breaches):
self.presenter?.dataDidFetch(breaches: breaches)
self.presenter?.dataNumberDidFetch(number: breaches.count)
class Presenter {
var wireframe: Wireframe?
var view: ViewController?
var interactor: Interactor?
var dataDownloaded = 0
func viewDidLoad() {
print ("presenter vdl")
func loadData() {
func dataDidFetch(breaches: [BreachModel]) {
func showDetail(with text: String, from view: UIViewController) {
wireframe?.pushToDetail(with: text, from: view)
func dataNumberDidFetch(number: Int) {
dataDownloaded += number
view?.showData(number: String(dataDownloaded) )
View (ViewController)
protocol dataViewProtocol {
func showData(number: String)
class ViewController: UIViewController, dataViewProtocol {
#IBOutlet weak var showDetailButton: UIButton!
#IBOutlet weak var dataLabel: UILabel!
// weak here means it won't work
var presenter: Presenter?
#IBAction func buttonPressAction(_ sender: UIButton) {
#IBAction func buttonShowDetailAction(_ sender: UIButton) {
presenter?.showDetail(with: "AAA", from: self)
func dataReady() {
showDetailButton.isEnabled = true
func showData(number: String) {
dataLabel.text = number
override func viewDidLoad() {
Wireframe.createViewModule(view: self)
Router (Wireframe)
class Wireframe {
static func createViewModule (view: ViewController) {
let presenterInst = Presenter()
view.presenter = presenterInst
view.presenter?.wireframe = Wireframe()
view.presenter?.view = view
view.presenter?.interactor = Interactor()
view.presenter?.interactor?.presenter = presenterInst
So should the presenter be used to store the number of objects downloaded?
What have you tried I've implemented the var, as shown above. This is a minimum example of the problem.
What resources have you used I've looked on StackOverflow, and Googled the issue. I can't find an answer, but know I could store the data in the view but I think this is incorrect. I could store the number of data in the Interactor, but this also doesn't seem right. It all seems...to violate separation of concerns...
I won't do your homework / use a different architecture / You should use protocols / Why is there a single protocol in your implementation This isn't homework, it is for my own self - study. There may be other architectures that can be used to do this (and coding to protocols is good practice) but this is about storing a variable in the presenter. I want to know if I should store the variable in the presenter, using VIPER and using Swift. Comments about trivia around the question are seldom helpful if they are about variable names, or the like.
What is the question? I want to know if I can store the number of downloaded data items in the presenter.

What's the best way to watch the change of data in Cocoa

I have a singleton to store some global data for my macOS app, one of my ViewController keeps modifying data. I want to simultaneously show the changes in a View, which is related to another ViewController. what 's the best way to do this?
Global Data:
final class AppData {
static var logs: [LogData] = []
ViewController 1:
class FirstViewController: NSViewController {
ViewController 2:
class SecondViewController: NSViewController {
// what's the best way to simultaneously watch the change of AppData.logs?
If your App is planned to be macOS only you can use a NSObjectController. This is definitively the easiest approach and you can do most of the configuration in Interface builder. It works internally with bindings. In case of an array you want to observe, you would use a NSArrayController.
One way is to use the notificationcenter
In viewcontroller2 add:
override func viewDidLoad() {
selector: #selector(view1DidChange),
name: "view1DidChange",
object: nil
#objc private func view1DidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
// Do something
In viewcontroller1 add
notificationCenter.default.post(name: "view1DidChange", object: self)
This can be repeated in every class, that should listen.
Here i am sharing the Delegate & Protocol approach to achieve this functionality.
final class AppData {
static var logs: [LogData] = []
protocol FirstViewControllerDelegate {
func ViewControllerDelegate(appData:[LogData])
class FirstViewController: NSViewController {
var delegate:FirstViewControllerDelegate?
override func viewDidLoad() {
self. delegate?.ViewControllerDelegate(appData: AppData.logs)
class SecondViewController: NSViewController,FirstViewControllerDelegate {
var firstViewController:FirstViewController = FirstViewController()
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.firstViewController.delegate = self
func ViewControllerDelegate(appData:[LogData]){
//Do Update the UI