Get nested data and sharp into DTO with nested DTO - entity-framework

I'm newbie to EF, Linq and C# in general, I'm stuck with developing following.
I cannot map data into structure like this:
Actions [
I have 2 DTO classes like this:
public class TestDTO
public int TestId { get; set; }
public TestDTO2[] Actions { get; set; }
public class TestDTO2
public int TestActionId { get; set; }
public DateTime? StartDate { get; set; }
I've separated calls to DB into file called BusinessLogic, I'm doing it like this:
public IQueryable<TestDTO> GetNested(Filter filter)
var query =
from a in db.Table1.AsQueryable()
select new TestDTO
TestId = a.Id,
Actions = (
from b in db.Table2.AsQueryable()
where a.Id == b.TestId
select new TestDTO2
TestActionId = b.TestActionId,
StartDate = b.StartDate
return query;
I'm getting following error:
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Project.Core.Models.TestDTO2[] ToArrayTestDTO2' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.

You can't perform exactly this query, it is better to make two simple queries and then process their results on client side:
var main = db.Table1.Select(x => new { x.Id, x.Title }).ToList();
var mainIds = main.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
var actions = db.Table2.Where(x => mainIds.Contains(x.TestId)).Select(x => new
var result = main.Select(x => {
var actions = actions.Where(y => y.TestId == x.Id).Select(y => new TestDTO2
TestActionId = y.TestActionId,
StartDate = y.StartDate
return new TestDTO
TestId = x.Id,
Title = x.Title,
Actions = actions.Length == 0 ? null : actions

yes, you can't use any c# method that can't translate a sql in EF.
actually, you need get a list,then covert it to your DTO
a => a.Id,
b => b.TestId,
(a, b) => new
.GroupBy(k => k.Id, v => v).ToList()
.Select(a=>new TestDTO
TestId = a.Id,
Actions = a.Select(b=>
new TestDTO2
TestActionId = b.TestActionId,
StartDate = b.StartDate


The right way to apply GroupBy extension method with aggregate function

I have this simple model.
public class Room
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public Guid? postSubjectId { get; set; }
public PostSubject postSubject { get; set; }
public string MemberId { get; set; }
public AppUser Member { get; set; }
Basically I need to get Grouped postSubjectId along with MemberId.Count() , I know it's easy .. but it never comes with the expected result.
I made this simple GroupBy query
var mmbrs = _context.Rooms
.Select(g => new { id = g.postSubjectId, mmbrscount = g.MemberId })
.GroupBy(g => new { id = , mmbrscount = g.mmbrscount.Count() }).ToList();
but it gives me unexpected result
However I did the same using ordinary sql query
select [postSubjectId] as postId, count([MemberId]) as mmbrsCount from [dbo].[Rooms] group by [postSubjectId]
and It gives me result as expected
I need to apply that expected result using LINQ GruoupBy extention method
The grouping key new { id = g.postSubjectId, mmbrscount = g.MemberId }) is like typing group by [postSubjectId], count([MemberId]) in SQL.
The correct statement is:
.GroupBy(r => r.postSubjectId)
.Select(g => new
id = g.Key,
mmbrscount = g.Count()
So every Room has exactly one property PostSubjectId, and one string property MemberId.
I need to get Grouped postSubjectId along with MemberId.Count()
Apparently you want to make groups of Rooms that have the same value for property PostSubjectId AND have the same value for MemberId.Count().
var result = dbContext.Rooms.GroupBy(room => new
PostSubjectId = room.PostSucjectId,
MemberIdLength = room.MemberId.Count(),
The result is a sequence of groups of Rooms. Every group has a key, which is a combination of [PostSubjectId, MemberIdLength]. The group is a sequence of Rooms. All rooms in one group have the same combination of [PostSubjectId, MemberIdLength].
If you don't want a sequence of groups of Rooms, you can use the overload of GroupBy that has a parameter resultSelector
var result = dbContext.Rooms.GroupBy(
// parameter keySelector
room => new
{ PostSubjectId = room.PostSucjectId,
MemberIdLength = room.MemberId.Count(),
// parameter resultSelector:
// from every combination of [PostSubjectId, MemberIdLength] (= the key) and
// all rooms that have this combination, make one new object:
(key, roomsWithThisKey) => new
// select the properties that you actually plan to use, for example
PostSubjectId = key.PostSubjectId,
MemberIdLength = key.MemberIdLength,
RoomInformations = roomsWithThisKey.Select(roomWithThisKey => new
Id = roomWithThisKey.Id,
Member = roomWithThisKey.Member,

What the best way of translating created user name with ef core 3.1

public class Entity
public string Id { get; set; }
public string CreatedBy { get; set; }
public string LastUpdatedBy { get; set; }
public string Creator { get; set; }
public string Updater { get; set; }
public class User
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Id { get; set; }
I am going to search Entities, sort on Creator/Updater properties(and return UserInfo.Name) with ef core query, any idea?
After hours of researches, refers
How do you perform a left outer join using linq extension methods
Entity Framework Join 3 Tables
There 3 ways in oder(presonal perfer the first than second):
class Program
static void Main()
using TenantDBContext dbContext = new TenantDBContext("PORT=5432;DATABASE=linqtosql;;PASSWORD=xxx;USER ID=postgres;Pooling=true;Minimum Pool Size=10;Application Name=xxx");
var result = (
from entity in dbContext.Entities
join user in dbContext.Users on entity.CreatedBy equals user.Id into temp1
from ce in temp1.DefaultIfEmpty()
join user1 in dbContext.Users on entity.UpdatedBy equals user1.Id into temp2
from cu in temp2.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new Entity() { Id = entity.Id, CreatedBy = entity.CreatedBy, UpdatedBy = entity.UpdatedBy, Creator = ce.Name, Updater = ce.Name }
Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result, Formatting.Indented));
var result2 = dbContext.Entities
.GroupJoin(dbContext.Users, e => e.CreatedBy, u => u.Id, (e, u) => new { Entity = e, User = u })
.SelectMany(eUser => eUser.User.DefaultIfEmpty(), (e, u) => new Entity() { Id = e.Entity.Id, CreatedBy = e.Entity.CreatedBy, UpdatedBy = e.Entity.UpdatedBy, Creator = u.Name })
.GroupJoin(dbContext.Users, e => e.UpdatedBy, u => u.Id, (e, u) => new { Entity = e, User = u })
.SelectMany(eUser => eUser.User.DefaultIfEmpty(), (e, u) => new Entity() { Id = e.Entity.Id, CreatedBy = e.Entity.CreatedBy, UpdatedBy = e.Entity.UpdatedBy, Creator = e.Entity.Creator, Updater = u.Name }
Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result2, Formatting.Indented));
var result3 = dbContext.Entities
.SelectMany(entity => dbContext.Users.Where(user => entity.CreatedBy == user.Id).DefaultIfEmpty(), (entity, user) => new { Entity = entity, User = user })
.SelectMany(entity => dbContext.Users.Where(user => entity.Entity.UpdatedBy == user.Id).DefaultIfEmpty(), (entity, user) => new Entity { Id = entity.Entity.Id, CreatedBy = entity.Entity.CreatedBy, UpdatedBy = entity.Entity.UpdatedBy, Creator = entity.User.Name, Updater = user.Name })
Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result2, Formatting.Indented));

Linq Group Join Items into List

It's a master detail scenario, where each TABLE1 has multiple rows from TABLE2 assigned and I want to do something lihe this:
From a In TABLE1
Group Join c In TABLE2 On c.ID2 Equals a.ID Into Group
Select New ViewModel1 With {
.SUBTABLE = New ViewModel2 With {
Is this somehow possible?
Do you mean this:
var foobars = from foo in foolist
join bar in barlist on foo.Fooo equals bar.FooBar into t
select new
barbar = from bar in t
select new { bar.FooBar, bar.BarFoo }
That would be (approximately) how you do the query you described.
Sorry, I had to reread the question a few times to get that it was being mapped to the first element.
Perhaps the following can help you:
class Program
public class A
public int ID { get; set; }
public string COLUMN1 { get; set; }
public string COLUMN2 { get; set; }
public class B
public int ID { get; set; }
public int AID { get; set; }
public string SUBCOLUMN1 { get; set; }
public string SUBCOLUMN2 { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
var listA = new List<A>{
new A() { ID = 1, COLUMN1="COLUMN11",COLUMN2 = "COLUMN12"},
new A() { ID = 2 ,COLUMN1="COLUMN21",COLUMN2 = "COLUMN22"}
var listB = new List<B>()
new B(){ID=1,AID = 1 },
new B(){ID=2,AID = 1},
new B(){ID=3,AID = 1},
new B(){ID=4,AID = 2},
new B(){ID=5,AID = 2}
//Group Join As Method Chain:
var queryAsMethodChain = listA.GroupJoin(listB, a => a.ID, b => b.AID, (a, t) => new
ID = a.ID,
SUBTABLE = t.Select(tt => new { tt.SUBCOLUMN1, tt.SUBCOLUMN2 })
//Group Join As Standard Method
var queryAsStandardMethod = from a in listA
join b in listB
on a.ID equals b.AID into t
select new
ID = a.ID,
SUBTABLE = t.Select(tt => new { tt.SUBCOLUMN1, tt.SUBCOLUMN2 })

Receive Dictionary<int, string> from linq to entity?

continuation of the issue How get array in linq to entity?
but now is not array => Dictionary
City type is Dictionary
var sites = (from country in db.Countries
select new
Country = country.Title,
Cities = country.Cities.Select(m => m.Title)
.Select(country => new SitiesViewByUser()
Country = country.Country,
City = country.Cities.ToArray()
public class SitiesViewByUser
public string Country { get; set; }
public Dictionary<int, string> City { get; set; }
You can use ToDictionary to create a dictionary from a LINQ sequence.
The first part is the key, and the second the value, E.g.
.Select(country => new SitiesViewByUser()
Country = country.Country,
City = country.Cities.ToDictionary(c => c, c => c);
This assumes that City on SitiesViewByUser is defined as Dictionary<string, string>
Your LINQ is quite confusing though. You are creating an anonymous type, asssumed to shape a Country, but which has a Country property on it, which is infact the Title of the country (is that the name of the country?).
You also have a collection of just the city Titles, so I'm not sure what value you are going to use in your City dictionary on your SitiesViewByUser type.
Also, what is a Sitie? :\
You could do something like this:
var countries = (from country in db.Countries
select new
Title = country.Title,
CityIds = country.Cities.Select(c => c.Id),
CityTitles = country.Cities.Select(c => c.Title)
// You have a collection of anonymous types at this point,
// each type representing a country
// You could use a foreach loop to generate a collection
// of SitiesViewByUser, or you could use LINQ:
var sitiesViewByUsers = countries.Select(c => new SitiesViewByUser
Country = c.Title,
City = c.CityIds.Zip(c.CityTitles, (k, v) => new { Key = k, Value = v })
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value)
Alternatively, why don't you change the SitiesViewByUser type to be:
public class SitiesViewByUser
public string Country { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<City> Cities { get; set; }
Then you can do (using fluent syntax):
var sitiesViewByUsers = db.Countries.Select(c => new SitiesViewByUser
Country = c.Title,
Cities = c.Cities

Converting ESQL to LINQ to Entities. Sort by related entities

I am using EF + RIA and unfortunately meet some problems with sorting by related entities.
For such purpose there is ESQL query that I implemented (found only this solution):
var queryESQL = string.Format(
#" select VALUE ent from SomeEntities as ent
join Attributes as ea ON ea.EntityId = ent.Id
where ea.AttributeTypeId = #typeId
order by ea.{0} {1}", columnName, descending ? "desc" : "asc");
var query = ObjectContext.CreateQuery<SomeEntity>(queryESQL, new ObjectParameter("typeId", attributeTypeId));
Tables have following structure:
int Id;
decimal DecimalColumn;
string StringColumn;
int EntityId;
int AttributeTypeId;
int Id;
string Name;
Is there any way to rewrite this stuff(sorting), using LINQ to Entities approach?
Here's my attempt, I can't guarantee it will work. I need to think more on how to get a dynamic column name, I'm not sure on that one. EDIT: you can use a string for the order column.
int typeId = 1115;
bool orderAscending = false;
string columnName = "StringColumn";
var query = from ent in SomeEntities
join ea in Attributes on ea.EntityId = ent.Id
where ea.AttributeTypeId = typeId;
query = query.OrderBy(ea => columnName).Select(ea => ea.Value);
query = query.OrderByDescending(ea => columnName).Select(ea => ea.Value);
var results = query.ToList(); // call toList or enumerate to execute the query, since LINQ has deferred execution.
EDIT: I think that ordering after the select stops is from ordering by. I moved the select statement to after the order by. I also added the "query =", but I'm not sure if that is needed. I don't have a way to test this at the moment.
EDIT 3: I fired up LINQPad today and made a few tweaks to what I had before. I modeled your data in a Code-first approach to using EF and it should be close to what you have.
This approach works better if you're just trying to get a list of Attributes (which you aren't). To get around that I added an Entity property to the MyAttribute class.
This code works in LINQPAD.
void Main()
// add test entities as needed. I'm assuming you have an Attibutes collection on your Entity based on your tables.
List<MyEntity> SomeEntities = new List<MyEntity>();
MyEntity e1 = new MyEntity();
MyAttribute a1 = new MyAttribute(){ StringColumn="One", DecimalColumn=25.6M, Id=1, EntityId=1, AttributeTypeId = 1, Entity=e1 };
e1.Id = 1;
e1.Name= "E1";
MyEntity e2 = new MyEntity();
MyAttribute a2 = new MyAttribute(){ StringColumn="Two", DecimalColumn=198.7M, Id=2, EntityId=2, AttributeTypeId = 1, Entity=e2 };
e2.Id = 2;
e2.Name = "E2";
MyEntity e3 = new MyEntity();
MyAttribute a3 = new MyAttribute(){ StringColumn="Three", DecimalColumn=65.9M, Id=3, EntityId=3, AttributeTypeId = 1, Entity=e3 };
e3.Id = 3;
e3.Name = "E3";
List<MyAttribute> attributes = new List<MyAttribute>();
int typeId = 1;
bool orderAscending = true;
string columnName = "StringColumn";
var query = (from ent in SomeEntities
where ent.Attributes.Any(a => a.AttributeTypeId == typeId)
select ent.Attributes).SelectMany(a => a).AsQueryable();
query.Dump("Pre Ordering");
// query = is needed
query = query.OrderBy(att => MyEntity.GetPropertyValue(att, columnName));
query = query.OrderByDescending(att => MyEntity.GetPropertyValue(att, columnName));
// returns a list of MyAttributes. If you need to get a list of attributes, add a MyEntity property to the MyAttribute class and populate it
var results = query.Select(att => att.Entity).ToList().Dump();
// Define other methods and classes here
class MyAttribute
public int Id { get; set; }
public decimal DecimalColumn { get; set; }
public string StringColumn { get; set; }
public int EntityId { get; set; }
public int AttributeTypeId { get; set; }
// having this property will require an Include in EF to return it then query, which is less effecient than the original ObjectQuery< for the question
public MyEntity Entity { get; set; }
class MyEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public ICollection<MyAttribute> Attributes { get; set; }
public MyEntity()
this.Attributes = new List<MyAttribute>();
// this could have been on any class, I stuck it here for ease of use in LINQPad
// caution reflection may be slow
public static object GetPropertyValue(object obj, string property)
// from Kjetil Watnedal on
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyInfo=obj.GetType().GetProperty(property);
return propertyInfo.GetValue(obj, null);