How can I include other files in a post in Wyam? - wyam

I'm trying to include a file with some html in a Wyam post, but I don't really understand how to get this to work.
I've tried several things in config.wyam
First to Add the Include() module to RenderBlogPosts
Next to BlogPosts
Then I tried it by adding another pipeline
I want to use this to include an html file test-include.html in a Markdown file These files are both in the same directory.
Here I have used the syntax from
Title: Test include
Published: 4/6/2019
Tags: [General]
# This page should contain the included content
<h2>This should show in the post</h2>
Expected result
<h1 id="this-page-should-contain-the-included-content">This page should contain the included content</h1>
<h2>This should show in the post</h2>
Actual result
<h1 id="this-page-should-contain-the-included-content">This page should contain the included content</h1>
What am I doing wrong here?

What version of Wyam are you using? Is sounds like you're also using the blog recipe, is that correct? If on a recent version and using the recipe, shortcodes are enabled by default so you shouldn't need to add any extra modules or pipelines. That's the easiest way going forward of including files (the old Include module will continue to work, but it needs to be added manually as you've noticed).
Try this:
Title: Test include
Published: 4/6/2019
Tags: [General]
# This page should contain the included content
<?# Include "test-include.html" /?>
If the included file contains Markdown syntax, you can even include it before the Markdown engine runs with a slight syntax change:
Title: Test include
Published: 4/6/2019
Tags: [General]
# This page should contain the included content
<?! Include "" /?>


TYPO3 11 Sitepackage Tutorial expected template file Standard/1.html

The Backend Layouts of the site package tutorial (Default/Standard and Two Columns) do not show up for new pages in Appearance -> Backend Layout. The error message in this thread (1.html) is an artefact of prior Backend Layouts which came from the original old site setup.
To make the Backend Layouts of the site package tutorial show up there, I had to edit the root page of the site: Resources -> Include static Page TSconfig (from extensions) and add site-package from the Available Items list.
This can also be achieved without "Resources -> Include static Page TSconfig (from extensions)" but via file ext_localconf.php in the root of the site package extension (gpcf_theme):
defined('TYPO3_MODE') || die();
$boot = function (string $_EXTKEY): void {
<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE:EXT:'.$_EXTKEY.'/Configuration/TsConfig/Page/Page.tsconfig">
Original Question:
I'm still trying to bring an existing (older) web page into Typo3 11 following the TYPO3 Sitepackage Tutorial.
Currently I get an
"Oops, an error occurred! Code: 202111161210589c32f8c0"
and can't get rid of it whatever I do.
The corresponding entry in the log files is (line breaks added by me):
../../var/log/typo3_61306f633c.log:Tue, 16 Nov 2021 12:10:58 +0000 [ALERT] request="30cc4e082c853"
Oops, an error occurred! Code: 202111161210589c32f8c0- InvalidTemplateResourceException:
Tried resolving a template file for controller action "Standard->1" in format ".html",
but none of the paths contained the expected template file (Standard/1.html).
The following paths were checked:
in file /var/www/html/typo3_11/vendor/typo3fluid/fluid/src/View/TemplatePaths.php
I can't find the reason of this error, because I have no idea, where the needed template Standard/1.html is requested from.
Is this some kind of hard coded default if nothing else is found?
If this is the case, the real problem is, that my customizations to the Sitepackage Tutorial source code seems to be wrong, but it never produced any different error despite the above one, which isn't really helpful. Ok, this is speculation, because I don't know.
As you can see, the site package was renamed to gpcf_theme, it's available in the backend and applied as root template to the site. No other template is active (AFAIK). A simple newly created test page creates above error.
If I uncomment in Configuration/TypoScript/Setup/Page.typoscript the lines so that:
page = PAGE
page {
typeNum = 0
10 = TEXT
10.value = Hello World!
same error, no hello world.
Any idea how to locate the reason for my misery?
Maybe the fix is really simple. Try to go into the backend:
Edit the homepage
To to the "Appearance" tab
Set the Backend Layout for this and subpages
Save your change
There is a good chance that it is working now.
Whats going on?
You can cast this query on your database:
uid, pid, title, backend_layout, backend_layout_next_level
Here you get a list of pages, some with backend_layout and backend_layout_next_level filled. Most likely your home pages has some values in this fields?
The value of this field is generated by the TSConfig for backend layouts you set in:
This column is then read and processed in your TypoScript:
It is explained below the code snippet.
If the 4 steps from the beginning of my answer did not solve your problem, then this are the places to look.
In TSConfig is the definition of the backend layouts, columns, labels and what is written in the pages.backend_layout db-field
DB columns if the value makes sense pagets__<yourTemplateName>
The TypoScript that reads this db-field cuts of the pagets__ takes the rest, adds .html and searches in the paths defined in the TypoScript below.
check if the Folder and Filename of your Template file are correct.
the error message states that the file 1.html is expected in the folder /var/www/html/typo3_11/public/typo3conf/ext/gpcf_theme/Resources/Private/Templates/Page/
as you noted that you have renamed the site package you may have missed some occurrences of the original package name and so some configuration is missing or pointing to nirvana.

How to make a single site page with gravstrap?

I am using the theme gravstrap for Grav CMS.
I want to make a single page website, like in this example :
I looked at the brief blog post explaining how to do it and also at the source code example on the project git repo.
I am having a hard time to undertand what to do exactly because what the blog-post says seems quite different than what I see in the example (especially how to link pages to menu items with the id thing).
I finally got it working :
Create a page with the template page_navbar_interne, create sub-pages as modular, each sub-page will be section.
By default sections will be ordered by the names of the folders. You can hardcode the order by adding this in the Frontmatter (expert mode) :
title: Single page website
published: true
slug: single-page-slug
items: '#self.modular'
by: default
dir: asc
- _header
- _mySection2
- _myOtherSection
To display the menu to navigate to the sections, you have to use navbar2 instead of navbar1, in the header module.
[g-navbar id="navbar2" name=navbar2 fixed=top centering=none brand_text="…" render=false]
[g-navbar-menu name=menu0 alignment="center" onepage=true attributes="class:highdensity-menu"][/g-navbar-menu]
[g-navbar-menu name=menu1 icon_type="fontawesome" alignment="right" ]
[g-link url="…" icon_type="fontawesome" icon="…"][/g-link]

Can I cause JsDoc3 to omit the <footer> tag with the date in it?

JSDoc outputs a date in the footer of each page:
Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.2.0 on Fri Jan 17 2014 14:30:54 GMT-0800 (PST)
So whenever I rebuild my library, all the documentation files look like they've changed to Git. That's not desirable -- I only want to commit these docs when they actually change in content.
Can I cause JsDoc to not output this footer at all?
I submitted a PR for this issue (, and it's now on the 3.3.0 branch.
This change was not published to NPM at the time I'm writing this answer, but you can require the 3.3.0 branch from git:
"jsdoc": "git+"
Afterwards, you can add the following field to your config file:
"templates": {
"default": {
"includeDate": false
Notice this option is only available for the default jsdoc template.
I have some modest experience with creating jsdoc 3 templates and I've looked at the code to check what you are asking. Here is what I found:
<footer> is hardcoded in the default template's layout.tmpl file. By hardcoded, I mean the element itself is not optional.
I've not seen any code in the default template's publish.js file that would somehow remove <footer> when processing layout.tmpl.
So to remove this footer you'd have to use a customized template or do some sort of post-processing on the files generated by jsdoc 3.
With versions prior to 3.3.0, removing <footer> from the template would mean copying the whole default template and making the change to layout.tmpl. Version 3.3.0, which is currently in alpha, will provide the possibility to basically tell jsdoc 3 to use the default template but with a different layout.tmpl file, which will make customizing templates much easier.

Matching of data files to pages

I have used the assemble/boilerplate-site as a test bed. Following the examples on I have created a page named test.hbs and a data file named test.yml.
The yaml file contains:
title: stuff
when running grunt assemble, a test.html page is assembled into the destination directory. if my test.hbs contains the tag {{title}} the title is not added from the data file, however a tag of {{test.title}} does add the title from the data file.
on the docs page it states:
When using "external" data files (versus YAML front matter), if name of the data file is the same as the associated template then Assemble will automatically associate the two files.
I also need to use the {{title}} tag in my layout. This works if I use YFM at the top of the page rather than an external data file.
Am I misunderstanding how external data files are associated with a page or am I missing something?
You can use {{page.title}} in your test.hbs and layout.hbs files to access the variable without having to specify the actual page name.

How to render a Jekyll markdown page on sites index

I'm probably missing something simple but I have no way to test Jekyll locally.
I'm using GitHub pages to render Jekyll, for starters I only want to render markdown content on the main index.html from one markdown page.
The structure is:
layout: default
- default.html
//html stuff..
In root folder I have a page called that I wish to render for {{page.content}} the layout renders but the liquid tags section is blank.
How do I render
There are a few things going on here.
In your _layouts/default.html file (and any of the other _layouts directory files for that matter), instead of:
{{ page.content }}
you need to use:
{{ content }}
Jekyll only lets you includes files from a site root level _includes directory. So, you need to move your from the root to that directory (making it if it doesn't already exist).
Finally, you need to actually make the call to the include file from your index.html file. This can be done by changing the content of your index.html file to:
layout: default
{% include %}
That will setup the behavior you are looking for.
I'd point out two other things:
You may find that changing the extension of your index file from .html to .md works better. An important note though: you need to use .html if you want pagination. Per the Jekyll Pagination documentation, that feature only works when the file is named index.html.
If all you are doing in your index file is calling an include that only resides on that page, you might be just as well off simply putting the content directly in the index file.
include only allows you to include files directly under _includes/. There is is also include_relative which allows you to use paths and include from other places. The include has to be relative to the given file however:
{% include_relative somedir/footer.html %}
There is one issue with either include method I can't resolve: If the file you include has front matter Jekyll won't strip it out. So you can't use front matter to store include specific meta data - like say "title". Of course you can use variables - {% assign title = "My Title" %} but it's not equivalent, because if you want the thing your including to be part of a collection or rendered independently you have to have a front matter.
I believe it is just
{{ content }}
good sir.