Dataprep Dashboard slow - google-cloud-dataprep

I am having problems with performing actions on the Dataprep dashboard. In particular, when I try to merge two datasets, its just loading there for >20 minutes without a result. I tried to also add a new receipe or dataset and I only get that it gets stuck at 99%.
What is wrong with Dataprep Dashboard?

While I can't provide a specific reference, I've found that this can happen when you have a bad cache entry in your browser (either from a recent update to Dataprep or something related to the Flow itself).
Our team has found that this can often be resolved, but you can test that theory by opening a new Incognito window in Chrome (or another browser altogether) and loading your recipe there. If the problem goes away, it's likely that it was a caching issue—so you can just clear your cache for the Dataprep domain. (This has the advantage of also isolating things like LocalStorage.)
If you don't want to have to log in to your account from another window, you can also try hard-refreshing the page (Windows/Linux: Ctrl+F5, Mac: ⌘ Cmd+Shift+R)—or opening the Chrome Dev Tools, switching to the Network panel, checking the "Disable cache" button, and reloading the page. The plus here is that it allows you to test the issue without breaking your ability to recreate it (like if you want to submit a bug report).
Best of luck!


Problems with MS TFS 2018's Dashboards, Build Pipelines, and Icons

I am having some recent problems with TFS 2018 that have escaped my ability to troubleshoot. The application runs on a Hyper-V VM hosting Server 2019 and connects to a separate MS SQL 2016 database over on a separate Windows 2019 VM.
A few weeks ago we migrated our database server over to a new machine which, over the course of setting our existing TFS server up to use the new database, required us to run though the TFS setup wizard again.
Everything was fine for about a week when we started to have issues, specifically with the TFS web front-end we use. First we lost various icons on the webpage, with the browsers (Chrome, Firefox, etc). replacing them with rectangles:
A little while after that we lost our project Dashboards, and the whole dashboard page is just blank now. A little while after that, our WIP build/test automation feature also lost its management section of the site.
Other than these things not displaying, things generally "work" - the source control stuff functions, work items can be interacted with, etc. It's just that the interface is clumsier without the icons (which extends to every icon within every work item type, not just the banner I shared) and we can't get our automated test reports without the site's front-end for it. The latter is the real show stopper.
I spent some time troubleshooting and at best was able to figure out a maybe solution for the icon problem:
This seemed to do the trick for just the icon problem, though some time later they disappeared and reappeared when people were refreshing pages. I'm still unsure if the re-failure was a fluke or not, as we rolled back the VM snapshot the changes were made on shortly after.
Using Chrome's developer tools, it seems like the lack of dashboard data is related to issues retrieving content on the host server for a cause we cannot determine.
Here is what shows up on the DevTool in Chrome for our main project's Dashboard:
What's interesting is the error claims widget.css is either not present or empty. Neither of these are the case as I can find the file and read data in it.
I recognize MIME types as a thing that shows up in IIS but I don't know what to do with the information. Should I be adding .css to the MIME Types list within IIS? Maybe that was set and the wizard reverted it?
Here's what shows up in the Builds section:
Thing is, I don't know what to do with this information. I found some vague hints online from people having similar issues with sites they were themselves coding (which stated the errors in question were red herrings), but this TFS front end is not something I've created and I had not any idea what to do with the information shared.
Does anyone have an idea of what might have gone wrong with the dashboards here? I have run out of ideas and can't figure out a different attack angle to approach this from.

Datasets in ADF are not appearing/loading in Azure Data Factory Studio

When opening Azure Data Factory Studio, our datasets do not appear (couple of 100). If I open the solution in Azure Repos, I can see that they are there. If I open the solution in Visual Studio, again, the datasets are there. Sometimes if we refresh our browser several times over, they appear. If I clear all browser history, cookies, etc, and restart my computer, they 'sometimes' reappear.
If I accidentally close the browser (like I did now), it can take me hours to get the datasets to appear again. Sometimes they just pop back up.
Anyone else experience something similar? I have done a whole load of searches and cannot seem to find any posts with a similar issue (could be my wording?).
This is unexpected behavior in Azure Data Factory. As there is no error message, it is difficult to understand reason of problem and difficult to resolve issue.
Providing a link to raise ticket.
Just for anyone else experiencing the same issue.... turns out it was related to the proxy server. Apparently it was intermittently stripping out the datasets from the header (possibly because there were so many of them - and as they grew in number, so did the frequency in which they were being stripped from the header). Whitelisting ADF apparently solved the issue.

Google Assistant Hello World Draft Project not updating

Very new to Google Actions. Testing out tutorial stuff.
I have tried this in a couple of test projects just to double check. After initial run of any project I do not get any updates on draft projects. No changes show up in draft projects for me for both simulator and real device.
Started new project
Even blank project has basic conversation telling you where to add things next.
Change text.
Notice prompt does not change in testing environment.
In below pictures I have changed the words "hello world" with "Hey Dude" for both fulfillment and console output. I would expect Testing Prompt to respond with "Hey Dude from fulfillment and Hey Dude from the console!" But it does not. Instead it does not reflect any recent changes.
I think there may be two slightly different (but sometimes related) issues going on here.
The first is that there are known problems with the simulator being slow to pick up on updates, or them not seeming to show up. The second has to do with making sure you're deploying changes from the build-in code editor.
I don't have a clear answer to the first problem, although I know they're looking into it. I find that I can make some changes and they may not be noticed, but I know they have been picked up if I see the "Your preview is being updated..." spinner appear. There are other spinners that sometimes appear, but unless it explicitly says that it is being updated - the updates aren't always picked up. (Sometimes they are, however.)
Usually, if I don't see this, I'll go back and force an apparent change (delete a character from a webhook handler name, then add it back) and go back to the simulator. In general, this time it will say it is updating.
If you're using the Cloud Functions editor, you need to do three things:
Save the changes. You'll do this by clicking the "Save Fulfillment" button, but this only saves it so you can leave the editor. It doesn't mean that the simulator has access to it yet.
Deploy the changes. This deploys your code to Cloud Functions so they can be run. Note in the illustration that it says the code is saved, but not yet deployed.
Wait till the changes are fully deployed. Deploying takes time, and until it is completed, it won't be available in the simulator. While deploying, it lets you know.
Once it has deployed, however, the message changes, and you the impacts should be available through the simulator (although you may still need to see the "being updated" message to be sure).
Remember, however, that you don't need to use the "Cloud Functions editor" in order to deploy a webhook. You can deploy a webhook on any web server where
The host is public (so has a public IP address that Google can reach)
It can handle HTTPS with a non-self-signed certificate
You can even deploy yourself to Cloud Functions for Firebase, which is the same service that the Actions Builder uses. This way you have the URL set once in the Actions Builder and, once it is set, you won't need to change it.
But you'll still be able to change your code by managing your own deployment separate from Actions Builder.

Is there auto-syncing in netbeans for external changes

I know netbeans syncs the original files once I save, but if there is a file changed externally is there a way for netbeans to recognize this and either tell me to re-sync it or automatically resync it with the new changes?
Here's what makes this behavior possible:
NetBeans 6.9 contains a feature that automatically looks for external changes to keep informations about files up-to-date. We have some reports that it can slow down NetBeans mainly, when an open project has many folders. When NetBeans find out that files were externally changed, it re-scans the files to keep data up-to-date that are used with features like code completion, navigation etc. Unfortunately the notification and following re-scanning can take some time and during this time many mentioned features are waiting for the finishing of scanning. There is option Enable auto-scanning of sources that can switch off this behavior. The option you can find it in Options dialog, Miscellaneous category and Files tab.
The default behavior is that NetBeans also looks for external changes when the main window gets focus. This is can be during developing a web application very often when user switches between browser and IDE. The mentioned option also switch this off.
When you switch off option Enable auto-scanning of sources you can still keep the information up-to-date, just invoke Scan for External Changes action from Sources menu manually.
(Here's the original article by Petr Pisl)
I find it counterproductive to leave this setting on, as sometimes auto-loading external changes to a file opened in the UI without asking for permission first can ruin your day when you're forced to make small local changes that you don't want replicated in your repository. I'm sure other people can think of more reasons to advocate for "warn before loading external changes" behavior to be implemented in NB. That is one of the reasons why I like Eclipse better sometimes.

What does Ctrl-S specifically do in Chrome Dev tools Sources tab?

The local save feature of the Chrome Dev tools Sources tab is very powerful.
However, I can't completely tell what kind of changes actually hold.
What changes are actually activated?
Ctrl-S applies your changes into v8.
So the the dynamic page behavior will work differently according to the changed code.
The star symbol in the file title indicates that the recent changes in the file haven't been sent to v8.
You have to save the changed file to the place where the web server gets it if you want to see the changes after reloading the page. You could do that with help of context menu.