Unable to plot under Channel Data (Scrolling) while running eeglabv4.5 on matlab - matlab

I am new to eeg analysis and so the following the tutorial 'Swartz Center for COmputational Neuroscience'. I am running eeglabv4.5 on matlab (trail version). After loading the dataset it says to select the top Plot menu item, Plot > Channel data (scroll) which should pop up the eegplot() scrolling data window.
But I am getting the following error:
Error: Error using matlab.graphics.Graphics/set The name 'Units' is not an accessible property for an instance of class 'matlab.graphics.GraphicsPlaceholder'. while using plot and channel data scrolling

Downloading eeglab15_0b version solves the issue.


Difference in image superimposition achieved with MATLAB function imfuse and that using ImageJ composite image

I have two time-lapse images of a membrane surface. Both images were supposed to show the same region. But while adjusting focus, captured field might have drifted a bit. I used two routes to visualize the amount of drift - MATLAB v 2021a and ImageJ. With MATLAB, first I tried superimposing two images using imshowpair. Original grayscale images are fix
and mov. imshowpair(mov,fix) yields imshowpair_comp. It clearly shows possible drift. Then I tried using imfuse function as follows:
RF = imref2d(size(fix));
RM = imref2d(size(mov));
RM.XWorldLimits = RF.XWorldLimits;
RM.YWorldLimits = RF.YWorldLimits;
comp = imfuse(fix,RF,mov,RM,'falsecolor','Scaling','joint','ColorChannels',[1 2 0]);
It gave the composite image imfuse_comp. Next, I carried out image registration and I got imregcorr_comp.
tForm = imregcorr(mov,fix,"similarity");
movTransform = imwarp(mov,tForm,"OutputView",RF);
This image shows properly aligned composite image. I tried doing the same using ImageJ.
Open fix.tiff in ImageJ. Image->Colors->Channels Tool->Composite->Red.
Open mov.tiff in ImageJ. Image->Colors->Channels Tool->Composite->Green.
Image->Colors->Merge Channels
This gave the composite image imagej_comp. This composite image obtained from ImageJ clearly shows that there was no misalignment in the two images to begin with!
I am unable to figure out where I went wrong. Now I am really confused between two routes - and which route to believe in. Can someone please help me out?

Image Depth Error in NIST FpMV- Beta V3.0 application?

I tried viewing fingerprint minutiae points using Fingerprint Minutiae viewer. When I do it with a grayscale image from database, it works fine. But after performing image processing functions to enhance the image, when I save the output image using "saveas()" command in Matlab and use this image as input to the FpMV application it gives following error:
Error: Image is not 8-bit grey scale
I tried converting image to grayscale using "im2unit8" but it gave the same error.
Can someone help me in resolving the error?
Here, I'm attaching snapshot of error along with the GUI interface of FpMV:
GUI interface of FpMV along with the error

Labview: displaying few curves on one Waveform Chart

I'd like to display few curves on one Waveform Chart. Theoretically, I know how to do it (i.e. http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/how-do-i-display-multiple-plots-on-one-chart/td-p/803352).
But I got an error which says that the source is a cluster of (let's say) 9 elements and the sink is a double.
Shouldn't Labview be intelligent enough to figure out that I want to display 9 curves, not one? How can I change the settings of the Waveform Chart to inform Labview that I want to display 9 curves?
I'm sure I don't use the Waveform Chart in any other part of my code (I created a new chart to test it and I got the same error again).
Here is my code (without an error, but in fact, I don't know why). When I tried to do the same for 9 curves, I got the error.
change bundle function with build array

Highcharts:Heatmap not show rectangle when single data-point

I am plotting heatmap using highcharts. When there are many data data-points it works properly but when there is signle point like this :[[1.4409601E12,0,92]] it fails to show the rectangle of heatmap. However on hovering it show the value in tooltip but doesn't render heatmap. What I observed in console of developer tool of chrome it shows that there was a plotted but its X cordinate was -2073599976 , When I made it 0 on browser's inspect element console it started appearing but on code side I am unable to locate where to make the change.
when there are 2 or more points its x sets 25 or 26 and plots well.
Any Solution will be great help.

error in vessel branch segmentation code

I am struggling with this problem since 2 days. Please help me out on this. I am working on vessel branch segmentation and I have got the code from MathWorks central.
Please download the submission from that site, and open the readme.txt
Before I got an error for converting tiff file to mat file but now it's working. Thank you for the quick reply to my post. But now I am getting the following error
Elapsed time is 0.987052 seconds.
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in VBSvesselMask (line 20)
meanImg=mean(single(orgImg(:,:,windowSize+1:30)), 3);
Error in VesselBranchSegmentation/CBestimateVesselMask (line 294)
[appImg masks(1).img]= VBSvesselMask(orgImg);
Error while evaluating uimenu Callback
Please help me out.
Use dbstop if error and check the size of orgImg at that point.
It seems the input is expected to be some sort of image stack (3D data or a stack of 2D images, such as a set of 2D images of the same area taken over time). The error indicates that the size of your input image is smaller than what the code expects.
This line of code is the sticking point:
For this to work, the size of third dimension of orgImg must be at least 30 and the value of windowSize should be appropriately set (somewhere between 0 and 29). Looking at the original code, it appears you are supposed to use the VBSreadtiff function on a entire directory of images, to create an image stack for the code to work on. Using a single grayscale or RGB image will not work.