Cleanup Policy:Compact/Delete and log.retention - apache-kafka

I have a question about Kafka Topic cleanup policies and their interaction of log.retention....
For example, if I set cleanup.policy to compact, compaction will only start after the retention time of the topic or retention time has no effect for compaction?
Second part of the question, if I use compact,delete together, and I have log.retention for lets say 1 day, topic compacted all the time but content of the topic will be deleted after one day? or compaction and delete realised after one day?
Thx for answers...

Log segments can be deleted or compacted, or both, to manage their size. The topic-level configuration cleanup.policy determines the way the log segments for the topic are managed.
Log cleanup by compaction
If the topic-level configuration cleanup.policy is set to compact,the log for the topic is compacted periodically in the background by the log cleaner.
In a compacted topic,the log only needs to contain the most recent message for each key while earlier messages can be discarded.
There is no need to set log.retention to -1 or any other value. Your topics will be compacted and old messages never deleted (as per compaction rules).
Note that only the inactive file segment can be compacted; active segment will never be compacted.
Log cleanup by using both
You can specify both delete and compact values for the cleanup.policy configuration at the same time. In this case, the log is compacted, but the cleanup process also follows the retention time or size limit settings.
I would suggest you to go through the following links


Kafka trigger a compaction on low throughput topic

A common concern for PII on a compacted topic is to ensure that after some time the topic gets compacted even though no new message is written to it and thus triggers a segment close and compaction.
Using kafka 2.6
The topic I have needs to be compacted 1 hour after some PII cleaning is written, and as the topic is very low volume there might not be any more writes for a couple of days. Thus the old and new key/values stays.
When reading: its not clear wether a write needs to happen or if some house-keeping would ensure closing active segment and then a compaction.
I am configure topic with:
min.cleanable.dirty.ratio=0.01<1 hour><1 hour><1 hour>
segment.bytes=<1 MB>
What am I missing

Does Kafka consumer reads the message from active segment in the partition?

Let us say I have a partition (partition-0) with 4 segments that are committed and are eligible for compaction. So all these segments will not have any duplicate data since the compaction is done on all the 4 segments.
Now, there is an active segment which is still not closed. Meanwhile, if the consumer starts reading the data from the partition-0, does it also read the messages from active segment?
Note: My goal is to not provide duplicate data to the consumer for a particular key.
Your concerns are valid as the Consumer will also read the messages from the active segment. Log compaction does not guarantee that you have exactly one value for a particular key, but rather at least one.
Here is how Log Compaction is introduced in the documentation:
Log compaction ensures that Kafka will always retain at least the last known value for each message key within the log of data for a single topic partition.
However, you can try to get the compaction running more frequently to have your active and non-compated segment as small as possible. This, however, comes at a cost as running the compaction log cleaner takes up ressources.
There are a lot of configurations at topic level that are related to the log compaction. Here are the most important and all details can be looked-up here:
However, I am quite convinced that you will not be able to guarantee that your consumer is never getting any duplicates with a log compacted topic.

What does it really mean by "Kafka partitions are immutable"?

In all the Kafka tutorials I've read so far they all mentioned "Kafka partitions are immutable". However, I also read from this site that from time to time, Kafka will remove older messages in the partition (depending on the retention time you set in the log-compact command). You can see from the screenshot below that data within the partition has clearly changed after removing the duplicate Keys in the partition:
So my question is what exactly does it mean to say "Kafka partitions are immutable"?
Tha Kafka partitions are defined as "immutable" referring to the fact that a producer can just append messages to a partition itself and not changing the value for an existing one (i.e. with the same key). The partition itself is a commit log working just in append mode from a producer point of view.
Of course, it means that without any kind of mechanisms like deletion (by retention time) and compaction, the partition size could grow endlessly.
At this point you could think .. "so it's not immutable!" as you mentioned.
Well, as I said the immutability is from a producer's point of view. Deletion and compaction are administrative operations.
For example, deleting records is also possible using the Admin Client API ... but we are always talking about administrative stuff, not producer/consumer related stuff.
If you think about compaction and how it works, the producer initially sends, for example, a message with key = A and payload = "Hello". After a while in order to "update" the value, it sends a new message with same key = A and payload = "Hi" ... but actually it's a really new message appended at the end of the partition log; it will be the compaction thread in the broker doing the work of deleting the old message with "Hello" payload leaving just the new one.
In the same way a producer can send the message with key = A and payload = null. It's the way for actually deleting the message (null is called "tombstone"). Anyway the producer is still appending a new message to the partition; it's always the compaction thread which will delete the last message with key = A when it saw the tombstone.
Inidividual messages are immutable.
Compaction or retention will drop messages. It doesn't alter messages or offsets
Data in Kafka is stored in topics, topics are partitioned, each partition is further divided into segments and finally each segment has a log file to store the actual message, an index file to store the position of the messages in the log file and timeindex file, for example:
$ ls -l /mnt/data/kafka/*consumer*/00000000004618814867*
-rw-r--r-- 1 kafka kafka 10485760 Oct 3 23:41 /mnt/data/kafka/__consumer_offsets-7/00000000004618814867.index
-rw-r--r-- 1 kafka kafka 8189913 Oct 3 23:41 /mnt/data/kafka/__consumer_offsets-7/00000000004618814867.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 kafka kafka 10485756 Oct 3 23:41 /mnt/data/kafka/__consumer_offsets-7/00000000004618814867.timeindex
In scenario where log.cleanup.policy (or cleanup.policy on particular topic) set to delete, occur complete delete some of log segments (one or more).
In scenario where params set to compact the compaction is done in the background by periodically recopying log segments: it recopies the log from beginning to end removing keys which have a later occurrence in the log. New, clean segments are swapped into the log immediately so the additional disk space required is just one additional log segment (not a fully copy of the log). In other words, the old segment is replaced by a new compacted segment
See more about distributed logs:
Immutability is a property of the records stored within the partitions themselves. When the source (documentation or articles) states immutability within the context of topics or partitions, they are usually referring to either one of two things, both of which are correct in a limited context:
Records are immutable. Once a record is written, its contents can never be altered. A record can be deleted by the broker when either (a) the contents of the partition are pruned due to the retention limit, (b) a new record is added for the same key that supersedes the original record and compaction takes place, or (c) a record is added for the same key with a null value, which acts as a tombstone record, deleting the original without adding a replacement.
Partitions are append-only from a client's perspective, in that a client is not permitted to modify records or directly remove records from a partition, only append to the partition. This is somewhat debatable, because a client can induce the deletion of a record through the compaction feature, although this operation is asynchronous and the client cannot specify precisely which record should be deleted.

Kafka compaction for de-duplication

I'm trying to understand how Kafka compaction works and have the following question: Does kafka guarantees uniqueness of keys for messages stored in topic with enabled compaction?
Short answer is no.
Kafka doesn't guarantees uniqueness for key stored with enabled topic retention.
In Kafka you have two types of cleanup.policy:
delete - It means that after configured time messages won't be available. There are several properties, that can be used for that: log.retention.hours, log.retention.minutes, By default log.retention.hours is set 168. It means, that messages older than 7 days will be deleted
compact - For each key at least one message will be available. In some situation it can be one, but in the most cases it will be more. Compaction processed is run in background periodically. It copies log parts with removing duplicates and only leaving last value.
If you want to read only one value for each key, you have to use KTable<K,V> abstraction from Kafka Streams.
Related question regarding latest value for key and compaction:
Kafka only subscribe to latest message?
Looking at 4 guarantees of kakfa compaction, number 4 states:
Any consumer progressing from the start of the log will see at least
the final state of all records in the order they were written.
Additionally, all delete markers for deleted records will be seen,
provided the consumer reaches the head of the log in a time period
less than the topic's setting (the default is 24
hours). In other words: since the removal of delete markers happens
concurrently with reads, it is possible for a consumer to miss delete
markers if it lags by more than
So, you will have more than one value for the key if the head of the topic is not being retained by the policy.
As I understand it, if you set a 24h retention policy (, you'll have a unique value for a single key, for all messages that were from 24h ago. That's your at least, but not only, as many other messages for the same key may have arrived during the last 24 hours.
So, it is guaranteed that you'll catch at least one, but not just the last, because retention didn't act on recent messages.
edit. As cricket's comment states, even if you set a delete retention property of 1 day, the is what defines when a log segment is closed, based on message's timestamp. As this last segment is never retained for compaction, it becomes the second factor that doesn't allow you having just the last value for your known key. If your topic starts at T0, then messages after will be on the open log segment, thus, not compacted.

How Kafka reply works in case of log compaction?

In Kafka if log compaction is enabled it will store only recent key values. If we try to reply these messages, will it just replay latest messages? How exactly Kafka-reply works?
Yes. Offsets of earlier, duplicate keys are dropped and the newest key offset is kept. The consumer skips over gaps in the broker offsets to read all messages available
Also, log compaction happens on a schedule, so you might see the same key within a partition for a certain amount of time, depending on the the properties defined on the broker/topic.