Mark Logic's cloud formation template not working in eu-west-1 region - aws-cloudformation

I want to install MarkLogic solution in AWS eu-west-1 region using cloud formation template available in but the stack fails to create launch configuration.
I have downloaded the cloud formation template from the link and created a AWS cloud formation stack from "mlcluster.template" which is available in the above link but the stake failed during launch configuration set up. Not able to fix the template. Any suggestions ?

Problem got fixed. It is a configuration mistake.
For the IAM role parameter in AWS cloud formation stack I have to provide only the IAM name and not the entire ARN. Initially I provided the IAM ARN and it probably confused the resource name while creating an Auto Scaling Launch Configuration.


AWS ECS Blue Green Deployments - CloudFormation Error

Trying to execute a blue/green deployment of an ECS task within AWS using the CloudFormation approach (as documented here: and the deployment fails.
The initial stack deployment works fine and the ECS task is deployed and running as expected with the correct load balancer and target group etc. However when updating the task definition, to trigger a blue/green deployment, it fails with the message:
Imports and exports are currently not supported on templates using hooks
The deployment is created in CodeDeploy, so it's obviously triggered as expected, but the deployment screen in AWS console shows the following error:
The deployment failed because the stack update that triggered this CodeDeploy deployment failed in CloudFormation. In the AWS CloudFormation console, go to the Events tab to view status and error messages.
But the puzzling thing is the CloudFormation template does not appear to contain any imports or exports. I have even tried copying the yml from the documented example and it doesn't work.
I'm executing the CloudFormation updates using Serverless Framework, but I don't think that's an issue, the error is logged in the CloudFormation stack events tab.
Probably not unreasonable to expect the example in the AWS documentation to work?
So we did find the cause of this issue, and in fact the problem was actually caused by running the CloudFormation template via the serverless framework.
The serverless approach works for all our other AWS deployments, but the CodeDeploy transform explicitly requires for there to be no outputs from the CF template - however serverless actually adds the name of the S3 bucket that it uses as an output, which breaks this particular use case.
Therefore the solution was to invoke the CF template directly from the AWS CLI and it works perfectly.

Remove gcloud VPC-SC security perimeter when no organisation is set up

A cloud run project that worked two months ago suddenly started complaining about the default log bucket being outside the VPC-SC perimeter. However, this project is not in an organisation, so I don't understand how I can remove the perimeter.
gcloud builds submit --tag [tag]
Errors with:
ERROR: (gcloud.builds.submit)
The build is running, and logs are being written to the default logs bucket.
Unfortunately, the default logs bucket is always outside any VPC-SC security
perimeter, so this tool cannot stream the logs for you.
While changing the controls is not possible:
If you still have the issue, I reviewed documentation according to your main question of how to remove gcloud VPC-SC security perimeter, and, if you activate VPC accessible services and then decide that the VPC networks in your perimeter no longer need access to the Cloud Storage service, you can remove services from your service perimeter's VPC accessible services using the following command:
gcloud access-context-manager perimeters update example_perimeter \ \
If the issue persists, you can leave a comment so that we can continue helping you, or here is a link that helps to troubleshoot any issue related to VPC Service Control.
Update your gcloud tools......

Run kubernetes from source and configure cloud provider

Is it possible to run kubernetes from source (./hack/ and still properly configure the cloud provider from this type of setup? For example, if an instance is running on AWS EC2 and all prerequisites are met including proper exports, aws cli and configs but keep getting an error stating that the cloud provider was not found. KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=aws, Zone is set to us-west-2a, etc...
Failed to get AWS Cloud Provider. returned <nil> instead
I don't think hack/ is designed to be run on a cloud provider. However, cluster/ is designed to work when building from source:
$ make release
$ cluster/ # Uses the release built in step 1
There are lots of options which can be configured, and you can find more details here (just ignore the part about

Google Cloud - Deploy App to Specific VM Instance

I am using Google Cloud / Google Compute to host my application. I was on Google App Engine and I am migrating my code to Google Compute in order to use a customized VM Instance.
I am using the tutorial here, and I am deploying my app using:
$ gcloud preview app deploy
I setup a custom VM Instance using the "Create Instance" option at the top of my Google Cloud Console:
However, when I use the standard deploy gcloud command, my app is deployed to Managed VMs (managed by Google), and I have no control over those servers. I need to run the app on my custom VM because it has some custom OS-level software.
Any ideas on how to deploy the app to my custom VM Instance only? Even when I delete all the Managed VMs and try to deploy, the VMs are just re-created by Google.
The gcloud app deploy command can only be used to deploy the app to classic AppEngine sandboxed environment or to the Managed VMs. It cannot deploy your application to an instance running on GCE.
You will need to incorporate your own deployment method/script depending on the programming language you're using. Of course, since GCE is just an infrastructure-as-a-service environment (versus AppEngine being a platform-as-a-service), you will also need to take care of high-availability (what happens when your instance becomes unavailable?), scalability (what happens when one instance is not enough to sustain the load of your application?), load balancing and many more topics you'll need to address.
Finally, If you need to install packages on your application servers you may consider taking the Managed VMs route. It manages for you all the infrastructure related matters (scalability, elasticity, monitoring etc) and still allows you to have your own custom runtime. It's still beta though...
How to create a simple static Website and deploy it on Google cloud VM instance
Recommended: Docker and Google Cloud SDK should be installed
Create a Folder “personal-website” with index.html and frontend files on your local computer
Inside “personal-website” folder create a Dockerfile
Write two lines
FROM httpd
COPY . /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/personal-website
Build image with docker and push it to Google cloud registry
You should have google cloud sdk and project selected and docker authorized
Select Project using these commands:
gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]
gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-b
After that Run these commands
1. export PROJECT_ID="$(gcloud config get-value project -q)"
2. docker build -t${PROJECT_ID}/personal-website:v1 .
3. gcloud auth configure-docker
4. docker push${PROJECT_ID}/personal-website:v1
Create a VM instance with command with container running into it
Run Command
1. gcloud compute instances create-with-container apache-vm2 --container-image

Mesosphere Cloud Formation Template Using Existing VPC/NAT

I am using the existing single master Mesosphere DCOS cloud formation template:
I am trying to figure out how to indicate that I want to spin this up in an existing VPC that is already configured with a NAT/Internet gateway.
New to cloud formation and can't find any docs on the Mesosphere site around what the template actually creates and why. In addition there doesn't appear to be an all up manual setup tutorial. Just this template.
You can easily change the CF template, just delete the VPC resource, include the vpc-id as a parameter and change all the references to the VPC resource to point the new parameter.
In the same way you could replace the subnets in the template and remove the NAT instance.
I have made the changes in cloudformation script to install mesosphere in existing VPC/NAT.
Let me know, if you face any problems
This cloud formation template installs dcos version 1.3. I have written a terraform module for latest mesosphere installation.