New connect Instagram feature using Instagram graph API - facebook

My requirement is to add the feature of Instagram connect and fetch their post/medias.
So I am referring this link Instagram APIs for Instagram connect feature in my android app to fetch user posts of Instagram. as written in document Instagram developer APIs are going to deprecated in early 2020. so I read this new link Instagram Graph API of Instagram graph APIs.
So the problem is I am uncleared with the flow of connect Instagram feature using graph APIs.
So below are my queries:
If I need to connect Instagram and want to fetch their post/media
Do we need to authenticate with Instagram or Facebook?
What will be the flow of it for the user experience?
And all the user that want to connect with Instagram. they have to create Facebook page and link Instagram account to Facebook page?
Or we only need to configure developer account with these steps Instagram Graph API
Happy Coding....

The "old" Instagram API is going to be deprecated soon. You should use Facebook Graph API instead. However you need to keep in mind that at the moment Facebook Graph API supports only Instagram Business Accounts. It is not possible to fetch Instagram posts for "regular" Instagram accounts. If you need to support both, you have to apply for both APIs - Instagram API and Facebook Graph API.
With old API you need to authenticate via Instagram login flow. With new Graph API you need to go via Facebook login.
User needs to connect his/her account to your app. Depends on API you are planning to use, but user will have to go either through Instagram (regular accounts) or Facebook (business accounts) and approve access for your app to their content.
Yes, if you plan to use Facebook and Graph API. The requirement for Instagram Business Account is to have Facebook page connected to Instagram account. It is not required for regular accounts and Instagram old API. However you can also access business accounts from old API too;)
It really depends on your use-case. If this is only internal app and you plan to support your personal Instagram account, you cna basically configure the developer account only. But if you plan to release the app to global account you need to go through verification process and app review on Facebook.


Instagram Insight API for page not linked to FB page

Is it possible to get Instagram insights via API (or sdk) for a page that is not linked to a facebook page?
From what I have read on the link Instagram Insight API it says
However, unlike Facebook users, Instagram users cannot grant your app access tokens directly. Instead, they must connect their Instagram Professional account to a Facebook Page. Once connected, any Facebook User who is able to perform Tasks on behalf of that Page will be able to grant your app a User access token, which you can then include in API requests..
Is there no way to get insights via API for pages that are not linked to facebook page? Cant the Instagram account grant an access key or something along the line ?

Instagram API deprecation

I have an app that uses Instagram Login to use authenticate the users to the APP and the API which I using for this shown below{client_id}&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8585&response_type=code
Is this API is going to deprecate should I move to Instagram basic display API for the same
Thanks in advance :)
Based on what is written here, you shouldn't use Instagram Basic Display API for authentication users to login to mobile app, but only to read and display data from Instagram. If your app uses API data to authenticate users, it will be rejected during App Review. You should use rather Facebook Login for authentication.

User Instagram Graph API without Facebook Login

I'm trying to use the Instagram Graph API from Facebook. I need the media, stories and some profile information like follower. The problem is, that many users have no Facebook page which is connected to a instagram account.
Is it possible to use the Instagram Graph API without Facebook Login? The best solutions would be a login via Instagram or login via Facebook but without required page. Have anyone a suggestion?
I read through the documents and did a bunch of testing.
Here's what I think is necessary for using instagram Graph API as of 21-01-2021:
A facebook login to get fb access token
A page that connect to a business/creator account
We can get the connected instagram business/creator account's data by the token.
If users do not have facebook page is your concern, consider to use the instagram basic api instead.
I think it is possible to get ig data without facebook technically. Hope facebook get provide a clearer instruction and docs for developers in the future.

How to make a messenger chat bot without a facebook app and webhook?

I went through the documentation for creating a chatbot for messenger platform.
All I find there, I need a server, which in the case used as a service for the Facebook platform.
The server also validates the webhook from facebook app.
Now I see, for a chatbot, I need a facebook app, webhook server and definitely a facebook page.
Then I find an application Flow XO, where I only put the page name and the bot is ready.
My question is, how they(flow.xo) can communicate facebook page without a Facebook app(appId, appSecret) and webHook.
My question is, how they can communicate facebook page without a Facebook app(appId, appSecret) and webHook.
They can’t.
They use their server and their app to communicate with the API, on behalf of the users that grant them access to their pages, by providing the necessary permissions when they log in to that app.
Facebook allows to create a Facebook App which integrates multiple chatbots. At Amio, we ask you for permission using Facebook OAuth. When you give us these permissions we send and receive message on your behalf. This allows you to create a chatbot using Amio API without need of creating a Facebook App.
Facebook Page is always needed as this is the entry point of users interacting with your bot. You can check Amio documentation for more detail.

Do I have to create an app using the original Instagram API before i can use the instagram graph API?

I'm trying to create an app with the new Graph API for instagram business accounts.
I am following the documentation here
It says after adding Facebook login, I need to submit the app for review to be able to use the api, and I need to create a screencast on how the app will be used.
Am I looking at the wrong documentation? How am I suppose to create the app without being able to pull any data from the API?
Is there no sandbox mode until the app is developed that I can use?
Do I have to create an app using the Instagram API first to be able to request permissions to use it?
While I haven’t had any experience in Instagram apps, I do have a bit of Graph API experience with Facebook
While in development (a switch at the top of the App Dashboard), any developers and administrators can test the app using any and all permissions. To make the app public however you need to submit for review.
The new instagram graph API is an extension of the existing Facebook API.
So you can make requests on the new API by have a facebook login on your app, then requesting access for the users pages and the users instagram data.
Once you are able to access their pages data you can submit a get request and fetch ?fields=instagram_business_account
once you get the instagram accounts ID, you can make requests on it following this documentation
In development you can only access your own pages, once you build using your own data then you can submit your app for permissions, and finally you can submit your app for review.