VS Code Jest and Cypress intellisense doesn't work properly with Chai - visual-studio-code

I am using Jest as unit testing framework and bellow intellisense is correct:
However, when I install Cypress "cypress": "^3.2.0", the same code now displaying error Property 'toMatch' does not exist on type 'Assertion'. Did you mean 'match'?. The reason for that IMO is Cypress install typings under node_modules/cypress/types/chai/index.d.ts and VS Code is picking them for intellisense. Both Jest and Cypress have dependency on Chai assertion library. Intellisense after installing Cypress:
Is there a way to tell VS Code which Chai intellisense to use in specific folder? Or is there some way to specify it in jsconfig.json file?

Had the same problem with cypress and jest.
I solved it by creating two jsconfig.json
"typeAcquisition": { "include": ["cypress"] }
and then one for my src folder
"typeAcquisition": { "include": ["jest"] }
Restarted VSCode and it worked as expected

Facing this issue myself too.
Usually I can type the assertions by heart, but when you really need autocompletion, adding
/// <reference types="jest" />
(A triple-slash directive) On the top of your test suite file will give you the correct jest types.
Note: you need to have #types/jest installed too!

The solution was to create aliases for those global variables exposed in Jest
and decorate those variables with #type in JSDoc. So, I created a file jestGlobals.js in same directory where my tests are.
jestGlobals.js file: (I included only one global for sake of simplicity, but you would do the same thing for all global variables):
/** #type {jest.Expect} */
// #ts-ignore
let expect = global.expect
export { expect }
Then I just import those variables in my *.spec.js files:
import { expect } from './jestGlobals'
Now, when I use this aliases, I got correct intellisense like this:


What babel or other settings do I need to run Mocha Test Explorer on a vue-cli-3 project?

I've created a vue3 cli project with Mocha testing:
vue create vue_proj_with_mocha_testing
(accept defaults)
cd vue_proj_with_mocha_testing
vue add unit-mocha
Then in Visual Code I install the Mocha Test Explorer extension, restart, add the folder to the workspace, click the folder, ctrl-shift-p and Mocha Test Explorer : "Enable for a workspace folder". Out of the box Mocha Test Explorer doesn't seem to like vuecli's example.spec.js test:
import { expect } from 'chai'
import { shallowMount } from '#vue/test-utils'
import HelloWorld from '#/components/HelloWorld.vue'
describe('HelloWorld.vue', () => {
it('renders props.msg when passed', () => {
const msg = 'new message'
const wrapper = shallowMount(HelloWorld, {
propsData: { msg }
I add this entry to settings.json so that Test Explorer finds the vue "tests" folder, which is different from the default of "test".
"mochaExplorer.files": ["tests/**/*.spec.js"],
And then receive this error in Test Explorer:
import { expect } from 'chai';
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
This indicates I have some transpiling work to do, and Mocha Test Explorer indicates the way to do that is the "mochaTestExplorer" fields in settings.json, but I'm not sure what combination of babel packages would be required. What should be done to run this out-of-the-box vue-cli-3 test in Mocha Test Explorer in Visual Studio Code? Here is my current guess:
"mochaExplorer.require": [
First, add #babel/register in yours devDependencies.
After, add in your Visual Studio Code settings.json:
"mochaExplorer.files": "tests/**/*.spec.js",
"mochaExplorer.env": {
"NODE_ENV": "test"
"mochaExplorer.require": [
Finally, changes your babel.config.js to like this:
const presets = [];
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') presets.push('#babel/preset-env');
else presets.push('#vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset');
module.exports = {
I'm afraid what you want is not possible - problem is it is not enough to setup Babel correctly. Vue single file components (.vue) need to be processed by Vue Loader which is Webpack loader plugin.
And there is no easy way how to setup Mocha Test Explorer to use webpack as indicated by the author himself in this thread - Support for vue cli projects
So I decided to split my tests into two groups, tests/ui (tests using Vue components) and tests/unit (non-ui tests) and use setup described by Fernando with these modifications:
Configure Mocha Test Explorer to only search for non-ui tests:
"mochaExplorer.files": "tests/unit/**/*.spec.js",
"test:unit": "vue-cli-service test:unit tests/unit/**/*.spec.js tests/ui/**/*.spec.js",
...to include both folders when running tests from command-line
Note: Last step - modifying babel.config.js - is not needed, everything works fine without it....
On a slightly different config, i worked for me: in .vscode/settings.json
"mochaExplorer.require": "esm"
esm should also be in your dev dependencies

How to watch mocha-webpack tests results in mocha-test-explorer VS Code Extension?

I'm working on a just created Vue cli project with TypeScript and unit testing.
I Know that Vue cli tests uses mocha-webpack to runt tests. And when I Type mocha-webpack on terminal, the tests runs ok.
But I would like to use an mocha-test-explorer, a VS Code extension for mocha testing. For a better programming experience.
I Installed the extension and configured like this:
"mochaExplorer.files": "tests/**/*.ts",
"mochaExplorer.require": "ts-node/register"
But I'm still not able to see the tests. test-explorer shows the fallowing output:
(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { import { expect } from 'chai'
SyntaxError: Unexpected token import
I know that is because mocha is not loading files through webpack.
What should I do to see mocha-webpack tests in the mocha-test-explorer extension (or any other gui extension) for VSCode?

VSCode IntelliSense for NativeScript Cannot Find Module 'ui/frame'

I am new to NativeScript, new to VSCode and new to TypeScript definitions and am experiencing difficulties getting setup for VSCode to perform autocompletion through IntelliSense for modules required from tns-core-modules.
The dependencies from my package.json:
"dependencies": {
"lodash": "^4.17.4",
"nativescript-theme-core": "1.0.4",
"tns-core-modules": "3.2.0"
IntelliSense for lodash works perfectly as expected. However, IntelliSense for anything from tns-core-modules does not work.
I created a project from the blank-template in NativeScript's Sidekick. After googling around I added a jsconfig.json as follows:
"compilerOptions": {
"checkJs": true,
"target": "ES6",
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true
"include": [
CheckJS shows me this error in home-page.js
Hovering over the error it reads:
[js] Cannot find module 'ui/frame'.
I tried to do various things that I honestly, just don't understand like:
/// <reference path="../../node_modules/tns-core-modules/tns-core-modules.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../node_modules/tns-core-modules/ui/frame/frame.d.ts"/>
My understanding is that because "ui/frame" is not in the package.json, but nativeScript intelligently extracts the appropriate module from tns-core-modules based on what platform it's building for...
The big question is: How do you get VSCode to know about the proper mappings and make the connection between ui/frame and the appropriate "frame.d.ts".
Thanks in advance!
I wanted to update any readers and let them know that I am not and do not want to write TypeScript code, but I do want VSCode to interpret the typescript definitions properly.
The answer to this is to use TypeScript. I couldn't get it to work without it.

vscode automatic type acquisition for jest

I have vscode 1.9 and I want to have intellisense for jest tests. The problem is that describe, it, expect etc are globally available in jest and you don't need to import them in your test files. So vscode will not show intellisense for them.
Is there any configuration for globals for automatic type acquisition?
You have a few options in this case:
Add jest to your package.json:
"dependencies": {
"jest": "^18.1.0"
This only works if you are working JavaScript and do not have a tsconfig.json.
Install #types/jest
$ npm install -D #types/jest
This should work for both JavaScript and TypeScript projects. However #types but may be disabled by a jsconfig.json/tsconfig.json: http://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/tsconfig-json.html
Create a jsconfig.json file in the root of your workspace to specifically include jest:
"typeAcquisition": {
"include": [
This will only work for JavaScript projects when automatic typings acquisition is enabled.
All of these should allow VSCode to pick up jest's typings without an import or require
I tried installing the #types/jest, and it did work, but the problem is that it resulted in the jest suggestions appearing in my .js files as well. I couldn't figure out how to get global suggestions for test, expect, etc. in only .test.js files but not .js files.
So I decided to just manually import each jest global I was going to use in each .test.js file, which allowed the suggestions to appear with types but avoided having the suggestions appear in the .js files:
import { test, expect } from '#jest/globals'
npm install -D #types/jest
edit jest.config.js
typeAcquisition: {
include: ['jest'],

babel-jest doesn't handle ES6 within modules

I am trying to set up Jest on a React based project which uses ES6 modules. However I seem to be having issues with ES6 modules, I am using babel-jest and believe I have this set up properly (Jest detects it automatically).
Jest doesn't seem to have a problem using ES6 imports however as soon as it hits on an import statement within one of the imported modules it chokes. It's as if it is only transpiling the initial test script and not any of the imported modules. I have tried various configurations and tried searching Google with no luck. Running tests without any imports works fine.
Here is the error:
({"Object.<anonymous>":function(module,exports,require,__dirname,__filename,global,jest){import Predications from './predications';
SyntaxError: Unexpected token import
Here are the relevant bits of config:
"testRegex": "\/test\/spec\/.*\\.js$",
"presets": ["es2015", "stage-0", "react"]
Test script
import React from 'react';
import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme';
import Slider from 'react-slick';
import Carousel from '../../client/components/carousel/carousel.js'; // test chokes on when I include this module
describe('carousel component', () => {
it('is a test test case', () => {
expect(1 + 2).toEqual(3);
As suggested, I have tried running the test without jest.conf.js, however the testRegex is needed in order for Jest to find my tests, I tried moving tests to the default test directory and they still fail.
I would like to clarify that tests themselves are running fine, the issue seems to be where one of my imported modules uses ES6, in my example above, if I don't import my carousel component the test runs fine, as soon as I import that the test chokes on the import statement within that file. It seems as though the imported modules are not getting transpiled.
Update #2
After some investigation it appears the issue is that babel is not transpiling ES6 within node_modules. I have created an example repo to demonstrate this here: https://github.com/jamiedust/babel-jest-example
I understand that third party modules should be handling their own transpiling, however we have a number of modules which are hosted on our own npm registry and are re-used between projects, in these cases Webpack handles transpiling, for the Jest tests we need these node_modules to be transpiled by Babel, or a way of leveraging our webpack set up to do this for us.
Add the following config in package.json (or Jest config file).
"jest": {
"transformIgnorePatterns": [
By default any code in node_modules is ignored by babel-jest, see the Jest config option transformIgnorePatterns. I've also created a PR on your example repo, so you can see it working.
While this works, I've found it to be extremely slow in real applications that have a lot of dependencies containing ES modules. The Jest codebase has a slightly different approach to this as you can find in babel-jest transforming dependencies. This can also take much longer on Windows, see Taking 10 seconds on an empty repo.
If doing "unit" testing, mocking is probably the better way to go.
You could try adding the transform-es2015-modules-commonjs plugin to your babel config file for testing only. Here is an example config file which tells babel to transpile modules only when in a testing environment. You can put it underneath your presets:
"presets": [
["es2015", {"modules": false, "loose": true}]
"env": {
"test": {
"plugins": ["transform-es2015-modules-commonjs"]
You can read about the plugin here:
Then, when running your Jest tests on the command line specify NODE_ENV=test (you may need to add the --no-cache flag to the command the first time after making the change to the babel config because Jest caches babel output, but after that you can leave it off:
NODE_ENV=test jest --no-cache
I learned about this issue in a React seminar by Brian Holt at Frontend Masters. https://frontendmasters.com/courses/
faced the same issue, followed the steps to resolve,
install babel-jest
in jest config add this configuration
transform: {
'^.+\\.js?$': require.resolve('babel-jest')
make sure you have babel.config.js present (your config might be different than provided below)
module.exports = {
"env": {
"test": {
presets: [
targets: {
node: 'current',
I faced the same problem (node_module not transpiled by babel-jest), without being able to solve it.
Instead, I finally succeed by mocking the node_module, like described here https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/manual-mocks.html
NB: setting mocks in __mocks__ subfolders did not work for me. So I passed the mock as the second parameter of the jest.mock() function. Something like :
jest.mock('your_node_module', () => {})
Another possible cause. Babel now ignores your .babelrc inside node_modules and uses the one provided by the dependency. If you have control of the dependency you would have to add a .babelrc to it and babel would use those settings for it.
this can cause problems though if your dependency and your project use different babel versions or modules.