Share data between two simulink models - simulink

Lets say I have following model
And I want the block in red to come from another model.I want them the two models to run independently and having them talk to each other.
I have read this but I didn't help me

You're not really sharing data, you are asking about using one model inside another model. For this you want to use the Model Reference block.


In ecore while creating a dynamic instance, is it possible to create more than one object of the base class?

Like in the above model, Ecore lets me create more than one students in an instance of school. How do i create more than one objects of schools in the same instance?
I think the question how you worded it, doesn't make that much sense. But I think the solution you're looking for is just a way of grouping multiple schools together.
If that is the case, I would suggest adding another object called something like SchoolModel which has a composition of the object School. That way if you create one Schoolmodel, you have the freedom of having multiple Schoolobjects with multiple Studentsobjects, which are all "in the same instance" as you put it.

Best Data Structure for an Entity-Component-System Framework

I've been reading a lot about Entity Frameworks and now I want to implement it on my game. An Entity Framework is based on making the game entities simple containers of Components, where a Component contains a certain characteristic of an Entity (and all the variables/accessors which describe this characteristic).
The game logic is then modularized by creating Systems. Each System implements and runs a certain aspect of the game logic (eg. Collisions, Rendering, Animation). Each System has to be able to access every Entity which has some certain combination of Components (eg. RenderSystem has to get only Entities which have PositionComponent and AnimationComponent).
My question regards the best data structure for achieving such functionality.
My current idea is to create a Vector (with N cells, where N is the number of possible components) of List of Entity. So whenever I create (instantiate and add certain Components) an Entity, I would also reference this Entity from each List for each Component it contains. "Killing" an Entity would require removing each reference from each List. The problem would be querying which entities have to be processed by a certain System, because the search-key would be a combination of Components, and not a single Component, adding overhead to the operation (many searches and comparisons would have to be done).
Is my idea good? Is there any better data structure I can use? Note that everything in the game is supposed to be an Entity, summing up to thousands of Entites on a single Level (I could possibly use some space partitioning).
They are two ways of doing it,
The purely data oriented system would lead you not to have an Entity class but just components sharing an ID. In this case, a vector or a hashmap for every system wouldn't be a problem as the search in these data structure is fast. If you want several components per system per entity you can aggregate your components in one data structure adapted for each system.
The problem is that a pure data oriented system can be less usable than a more pragmatic approach where you keep all the features of the previously described system but you keep an entity class that holds reference to his components (or aggregated components structures) of every system. Processing an entity (deleting or inspecting it) becomes much easier as you still have a place where all the information about what the entity is, i.e. what it is made of and not what state it is in, can be found in one place instead of querying every system.
In your case, the best thing is to try... It's quite easy and fast to implement a rough engine in the two ways, and once you've played with the two you'll be able to decide which one suites you better.
This article is valuable as far as it suggests 4 iterations for the data structure, but no one is a good solution in my opinion. But I recommend to read it, because there is a detailed analysis of the problem, nice estimations in terms of memory and such other good material.

Can a project have two different EF data models that reference the same table?

I've system that has a primary data model to perform most of the work.
The model has quite a few tables and with performance in mind when I came to add an administrative feature to the application I decided to use a second separate data model.
All works well until my second data model needs to access a table that is also in the primary data model. Now, from digging around I can see this can cause problems.
The two possible workaround I've come up with are to either:
Put the data models in separate projects.
Use views / stored procedures for accessing the table in question when required.
Method 1 seems the simpliest but I'm concerned about whether there would be any performance loss. Method 2 seems a bit messy and takes the point out of using EF.
Before I plump for using method 1, is there an easier work around that I could use?
In the end I decided to put the two data models into separate projects and I've there hasn't been any slowdown that I've been able to notice (I've not done any benchmarking but it's passed the perception test).
In one of her online tutorials EF guru Julie Lerman says that you should put your data model in a separate project anyway, so I don't think this has been a bad workaround.
I am working with 2 models in the same project, because I connect to 2 different databases. I have put different namespaces using "Custom Tool Namespace" on *.tt files but it is not necessary. It generally works, but it cannot handle situation when the entity (table) with the same name is in both models. When you save one model the entity with the same name is deleted from the second model.

Moving logic from Template Toolkit to Catalyst

I think that I am using too much conditionals and calculations in the TT templates.
I am displaying a result set of items from DBIc. For each item I need to calculate things using the retrieved values, and the template doesn't seems to be the right place.
But in Catalyst it is a thick object that comes from DBIc.
So how can I move logic to the model? Must I run a whole loop for all items and change the object somehow?
First, you're on the right track by wanting to properly separate concerns. You'll thank yourself if you're the maintainer 6-12 months down the road.
IMHO, your Catalyst controllers should be as thin as possible with the business logic in the various models. This makes it easier to test because you don't have the overhead of Catalyst to deal with. I've been thinking about model separation quite a bit myself. There are two schools of thought I've come across:
1) Make your DBIx::Class Result classes have the business logic. This approach is convenient and simple.
2) Make a standalone Model which is instantiated by the Controller, and which has a DBIx::Class schema object. The model would use the DBIC schema to query the database, and then use the resulting data in its own business logic methods. This approach might be better if you have a lot of business logic since you separate DB access from business logic.
Personally, I've historically used approach #1 but I'm leaning towards #2 for larger apps.
Two possibilities.
Create a method in corresponding schema class.
(if 1 is not possible) Pass a callback to template that would have this object as argument.
You could
create a resultset that retrieves the data from the database and then calculates the needed values
if possible calculate the needed values within the database and then only retrieve the data needed for output
I personally would prefer the second one.
I hope that helps.

Modelling entity types using Core Data

I'm working on my first app using Core Data and I need to assign a type (with an associated name attribute) to a couple of entities.
Below is my object model so far.
The room and item types will be updated from time to time over the network.
Is this the best way to implement this using Core Data? Thanks :)
Edit: To try to explain better: for example, rooms may be Bedrooms, Kitchens etc. Items can be Aircon, Security Camera etc. The only difference between the different room and item types is the name text. The list of valid name texts will be updated so I don't want to hard code it in the app. Also, the user can create multiple rooms and items of the same type, which is why they are numbered (roomNumber,itemNumber)
improved Core Data Model Image
Nick, try and avoid the temptation of thinking of Core Data as a database. Design your model from the point of view looking at using the objects in your code.
i.e. your relationship properties are collections (or singluars) of the related thing.. you should rename the relationship JobLocation.JobLocationToRoom as just JobLocation.rooms
And yes, using Core Data will be quite straight forward, but it's hard to give you a definitive answer with such a vague question.
Perhaps my question wasn't clear, but I found the answer in the Apple iPhoneCoreDataRecipes demo code
The relationship I wanted to model is similar to Recipe -> RecipeType.
In addition to the other answers, you don't need to model separate ID attributes. Core Data managed objects automatically have managed object IDs that are handled for you entirely behind-the-scenes by the framework.