How can I resample my [t x] matrix and fill the gap of resampled data with interpolation data in Matlab?
Input is the upper signal output is lower signal in the image.The output should be [tout xout] with similar dimensions to [t x]. The middle points of resampled data should be interpolated.
Here is a visualisation of my desired output:
t = [0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5] % Original Time Vector
x = [1 2 2.5 2.4 3 2 1] % Original Data Vector
L = length(t);
tv = linspace(min(t), max(t), L); % Time Vector For Interpolation
dv = interp1(t, x, tv, 'linear'); % Interpolated Data Vector
Ts = mean(diff(tv));
I am trying to sort random coordinates on a 2D cartesian grid using MATLAB into "bins" defined by a grid.
For example if I have a 2D domain with X ranging from [-1,1] and Y from [-1,1] and I generate some random coordinates within the domain, how can I "count" how many coordinates fall into each quadrant?
I realize that for and if statements can be used to determine the if each coordinate is within the quadrants, but I would like to scale this to much larger square grids that have more than just 4 quadrants.
Any concise and efficient approach would be appreciated!
Below is an example adapted from the code I mentioned.
The resulting binned points are be stored the variable subs; Each row contains 2d subscript indices of the bin to which a point was assigned.
% 2D points, both coordinates in the range [-1,1]
XY = rand(1000,2)*2 - 1;
% define equal-sized bins that divide the [-1,1] grid into 10x10 quadrants
mn = [-1 -1]; mx = [1 1]; % mn = min(XY); mx = max(XY);
N = 10;
edges = linspace(mn(1), mx(1), N+1);
% map points to bins
% We fix HISTC handling of last edge, so the intervals become:
% [-1, -0.8), [-0.8, -0.6), ..., [0.6, 0.8), [0.8, 1]
% (note the last interval is closed on the right side)
[~,subs] = histc(XY, edges, 1);
subs(subs==N+1) = N;
% 2D histogram of bins count
H = accumarray(subs, 1, [N N]);
% plot histogram
imagesc(H.'); axis image xy
set(gca, 'TickDir','out')
colormap gray; colorbar
xlabel('X'); ylabel('Y')
% show bin intervals
ticks = (0:N)+0.5;
labels = strtrim(cellstr(num2str(edges(:),'%g')));
set(gca, 'XTick',ticks, 'XTickLabel',labels, ...
'YTick',ticks, 'YTickLabel',labels)
% plot 2D points on top, correctly scaled from [-1,1] to [0,N]+0.5
XY2 = bsxfun(#rdivide, bsxfun(#minus, XY, mn), mx-mn) * N + 0.5;
line(XY2(:,1), XY2(:,2), 'LineStyle','none', 'Marker','.', 'Color','r')
I'm estimating a probability density function (pdf) using matlab.
The code is like this
xi = -2:0.1:2;
a1 = normpdf(xi, 1, 0.3);
a2 = normpdf(xi, -1, 0.3);
plot(xi, a1+a2);
[f, xs] = ksdensity(a1+a2);
plot(xs, f);
and pics like this
You see the estimation is not working at all.
So what's wrong here? BTW is there other pdf estimation methods in matlab?
Is this closer to what you expect?
The ksdensity function expects a vector of samples from the distribution, whereas you were feeding it the values of the probability density function.
>> xi = -3:0.1:3;
>> p1 = normpdf(xi, 1, 0.3);
>> p2 = normpdf(xi,-1, 0.3);
>> subplot(211)
>> plot(xi, 0.5*p1+0.5*p2)
>> a1 = 1 + 0.3 * randn(10000,1); % construct the same distribution
>> a2 = -1 + 0.3 * randn(10000,1); % construct the same distribution
>> [f, xs] = ksdensity([a1;a2]);
>> subplot(212)
>> plot(xs, f)
ksdensity gives you the probability distribution (100 points by default) of the input values. Your input value a1+a2 has values that range between 0 and 1.5, with a large potion of those close to 0 and a smaller portion near 1.5. The second plot you see reflects this distribution.
If you want to see two similar plots, put as an input to ksdensity a vector with elements concentrated near -1 and 1.
I'm trying to represent a the intersection of two fuzzy sets as a 3d mesh in MatLab.
Here are my sets of vectors:
x = [0.3 0.5 0.7]
y = [0.5 0.7 0.1]
Followed by these statements:
[u,v] = meshgrid(x,y)
w = min(u,v)
The x and y ticks seem to be all over the place and do not correlate to the actual index number of each vector i.e. 1 to 3, and the graph should represent the shape of a small triangle/T-norm.
At the moment it looks like this:
Here is an example out of my book I'm following:
Ignore what looks like fractions, they are delimiters. Here is the resulting graph:
After looking up fuzzy sets and intersections, here's what I've come up with. First, let's reproduce the textbook example:
% possible values and associated degrees of truth for F
Fv = 1 : 5;
Ft = [0 0.5 1 0.5 0];
% possible values and associated degrees of truth for D
Dv = 2 : 4;
Dt = [0 1 0];
% determine degrees of truth for fuzzy intersection
It = bsxfun(#min, Ft', Dt);
% plot
h = mesh(Dv, Fv, It);
set(h, 'FaceColor', 'none')
set(h, 'EdgeColor', 'k')
xlim([0 4.5])
ylim([0 5])
xlabel D
ylabel F
view(37.5, 30)
The result is:
Not as pretty as in your book, but the same thing.
Applying the same code to your example yields:
Via the arguments u,v you are telling mesh to use the values in them, i.e. the values from x and y, for the positioning of the data points and corresponding ticks. If you just want positions and ticks at 1, 2, 3, leave these arguments out.
I have 2 vectors, X and Y, corresponding to a list of unordered coordinates, and a corresponding concentration vector C for each point.
I'd like to plot this on a structured grid as a 2D contour plot.
gives me what I want visually, but I'm looking for 2D contours, i.e. pcolor. Is there an easy solution like griddata or trigriddata?
EDIT: Ok, so `scatter3(X,Y,C,[],C); view([0 90])ยด is the correct visual.
TriScatteredInterp works nicely for a rectangle. But what about an irregular shape like a map? :=)
F = TriScatteredInterp(x,y,C);
[qx,qy] = meshgrid(tx,ty);
qC = F(qx,qy);
EXAMPLE: (X=width coordinate , Y= height coordinate, C= concentration of pollutant)
0.1 0.0 5
0.1 0.1 10
0.1 0.21 5
0.2 0.1 4
0.2 0.3 1
0.2 0.5 2
0.2 0.51 7
0.3 0.15 4
0.3 0.36 6
0.3 0.5 3
0.3 0.52 7
scatter3(X,Y,C,[],C,'filled'); %individual plotting of X,Y pairs and colors=C
view([0 90]) %see only XY and Z becomes flat
Imagine we had 10000 XY pairs so scatter3 produces almost an image but without interpolation.
If I understand your question correctly you can use contour(X,Y,Z)
EDIT: You can use imagesc with a matrix that you make yourself. So if your x and y values are in a reasonable range you can just start with:
I = zeros(max(x), max(y));
for d = 1: length(x),
I(x(d),y(d)) = z(d);
I would like to reproduce the following figure in MATLAB:
There are two classes of points with X and Y coordinates. I'd like to surround each class with an ellipse with one parameter of standard deviation, which determine how far the ellipse will go along the axis.
The figure was created with another software and I don't exactly understand how it calculates the ellipse.
Here is the data I'm using for this figure. The 1st column is class, 2nd - X, 3rd - Y. I can use gscatter to draw the points itself.
A = [
0 0.89287 1.54987
0 0.69933 1.81970
0 0.84022 1.28598
0 0.79523 1.16012
0 0.61266 1.12835
0 0.39950 0.37942
0 0.54807 1.66173
0 0.50882 1.43175
0 0.68840 1.58589
0 0.59572 1.29311
1 1.00787 1.09905
1 1.23724 0.98834
1 1.02175 0.67245
1 0.88458 0.36003
1 0.66582 1.22097
1 1.24408 0.59735
1 1.03421 0.88595
1 1.66279 0.84183
FYI, here is the SO question on how to draw ellipse. So, we just need to know all the parameters to draw it.
I agree that the center can be calculated as the means of X and Y coordinates. Probably I have to use principal component analysis (PRINCOMP) for each class to determine the angle and shape. Still thinking...
Consider the code:
%# generate data
num = 50;
X = [ mvnrnd([0.5 1.5], [0.025 0.03 ; 0.03 0.16], num) ; ...
mvnrnd([1 1], [0.09 -0.01 ; -0.01 0.08], num) ];
G = [1*ones(num,1) ; 2*ones(num,1)];
gscatter(X(:,1), X(:,2), G)
axis equal, hold on
for k=1:2
%# indices of points in this group
idx = ( G == k );
%# substract mean
Mu = mean( X(idx,:) );
X0 = bsxfun(#minus, X(idx,:), Mu);
%# eigen decomposition [sorted by eigen values]
[V D] = eig( X0'*X0 ./ (sum(idx)-1) ); %#' cov(X0)
[D order] = sort(diag(D), 'descend');
D = diag(D);
V = V(:, order);
t = linspace(0,2*pi,100);
e = [cos(t) ; sin(t)]; %# unit circle
VV = V*sqrt(D); %# scale eigenvectors
e = bsxfun(#plus, VV*e, Mu'); %#' project circle back to orig space
%# plot cov and major/minor axes
plot(e(1,:), e(2,:), 'Color','k');
%#quiver(Mu(1),Mu(2), VV(1,1),VV(2,1), 'Color','k')
%#quiver(Mu(1),Mu(2), VV(1,2),VV(2,2), 'Color','k')
If you want the ellipse to represent a specific level of standard deviation, the correct way of doing is by scaling the covariance matrix:
STD = 2; %# 2 standard deviations
conf = 2*normcdf(STD)-1; %# covers around 95% of population
scale = chi2inv(conf,2); %# inverse chi-squared with dof=#dimensions
Cov = cov(X0) * scale;
[V D] = eig(Cov);
I'd try the following approach:
Calculate the x-y centroid for the center of the ellipse (x,y in the linked question)
Calculate the linear regression fit line to get the orientation of the ellipse's major axis (angle)
Calculate the standard deviation in the x and y axes
Translate the x-y standard deviations so they're orthogonal to the fit line (a,b)
I'll assume there is only one set of points given in a single matrix, e.g.
B = A(1:10,2:3);
you can reproduce this procedure for each data set.
Compute the center of the ellipsoid, which is the mean of the points. Matlab function: mean
Center your data. Matlab function bsxfun
Compute the principal axis of the ellipsoid and their respective magnitude. Matlab function: eig
The successive steps are illustrated below:
Center = mean(B,1);
Centered_data = bsxfun(#minus,B,Center);
[AX,MAG] = eig(Centered_data' * Centered_data);
The columns of AX contain the vectors describing the principal axis of the ellipsoid while the diagonal of MAG contains information on their magnitude.
To plot the ellipsoid, scale each principal axis with the square root of its magnitude.