Get Instagram emails through Facebook graph API - facebook

I have an application, that obtains user's Facebook access token with instagram_basic permission and gets information about the user's Facebook and Instagram pages.
I am able to get Instagram account ids, using graph explorer
By the following request
Using restfb library I am able to get all information about the user. The full list of fields: ``
Also, I am able to set email for my Instagram account through Instagram and though Facebook page (provided, the Instagram account is bound to the Facebook page).
However, cannot find any of these emails in the responses if Facebook Graph API, neither documented, nor non-documented. Could you please point me the way how to get those emails?


Get instagram posts and insights via API

I like to get posts and insights from Instagram users, ideally with only one login.
From what I’ve seen, I have to use two different APIs:
Instagram API, for login and to get the accounts posts
Facebook API, to get the insights
As it seems I can’t use Instagrams token for Facebooks API and I also don’t get direct access to Instagram accounts via Facebooks API. Also there might be Instagram accounts without connected Facebook account.
So I’m wondering:
Is there an option to access Instagram insights just via Instagrams API?
What would be the best solution to get Instagram user ids with Facebook token (get user token ➝ get Page token ➝ get connected instagram accounts)?

Instagram Insight API for page not linked to FB page

Is it possible to get Instagram insights via API (or sdk) for a page that is not linked to a facebook page?
From what I have read on the link Instagram Insight API it says
However, unlike Facebook users, Instagram users cannot grant your app access tokens directly. Instead, they must connect their Instagram Professional account to a Facebook Page. Once connected, any Facebook User who is able to perform Tasks on behalf of that Page will be able to grant your app a User access token, which you can then include in API requests..
Is there no way to get insights via API for pages that are not linked to facebook page? Cant the Instagram account grant an access key or something along the line ?

User Instagram Graph API without Facebook Login

I'm trying to use the Instagram Graph API from Facebook. I need the media, stories and some profile information like follower. The problem is, that many users have no Facebook page which is connected to a instagram account.
Is it possible to use the Instagram Graph API without Facebook Login? The best solutions would be a login via Instagram or login via Facebook but without required page. Have anyone a suggestion?
I read through the documents and did a bunch of testing.
Here's what I think is necessary for using instagram Graph API as of 21-01-2021:
A facebook login to get fb access token
A page that connect to a business/creator account
We can get the connected instagram business/creator account's data by the token.
If users do not have facebook page is your concern, consider to use the instagram basic api instead.
I think it is possible to get ig data without facebook technically. Hope facebook get provide a clearer instruction and docs for developers in the future.

Using facebook Graph API to show a wall

I'm having trouble navigating Facebook's Graph API. What I'd like to do is show a page's wall (or just the last post from that wall) on our website. I have a business manager account with only one user.
My first problem is I can't seem to find where to get a page access token to use any of the Graph commands. How do I generate a token ?
Do I need to generate the token under the user's account and not the business manager account?

E-mail address is not returning with facebook's graph api

Im developing an android app that uses facebook login, and i would like to get the logged in facebook user's email, but somehow i cant.
So i started to play with facebook's graph api explorer and i can clearly see that the email field is not even in the returning data.
My profile:
Graph API explorer:
You must authorize a user with the "email" permission in order to get the email in the result of /me.