Loop to replace c:\, d:\ ... z:\ with \\servername\c$\ - powershell

I'm actually trying to build some code to identify rights on shared folders in every single server I've got in my enterprise.
For now, I've already listed every single server and exported it in a .txt file, did a loop on this .txt to export in an other .txt file all shared folders.
All this is working fine but the path is like : c:\...\...\folder$.
To be able to use this I need to do a loop to replace c:\ d:\ etc. with \\servername\c$\.
I've tried using [system.io.file]::ReadAllText and WriteAllText, it's working fine for one letter but didn't find a way to do a loop on it.
I've tried
get-content ... -replace "c:\","\\$ServerName\c$\" ` -replace "d:\" ...
but got an error about regular expression not valid, so trying with [regex]::Escape but didn't work as expected neither...
$contenu = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("$path\$SharedFolders.txt").Replace("C:\","\\$SharedFolders\c$\")
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$path\$SharedFolders.txt", $contenu)
(Get-Content "$path\$SharedFolders.txt") | foreach {
$_ -replace "C:\","\\$SharedFolders\C$\" `
-replace "D:\","\\$SharedFolders\D$\" `
[...] | Set-Content "$path\$sharedfolders.txt"}
And i'd like to have something like that :
('a'..'z').ForEach({ (Get-Content "$path\$SharedFolders.txt" -Raw).replace("$_`:\","\\$SharedFolders\$_$") })
But I'm too newbie in Powershell to make it work proprely

You need PSv6 to use 'a'..'z'
The -replace operator is RegEx based, you need to escape a literal backslash with another one in the pattern.
following #Lee_Daileys hint build a RegEx with valid Drive letters
$OFS = '|'
$RE = ('('+(Get-Psdrive -PSProvider filesystem).where({$_.Displayroot -notmatch '^\\'}).name)+'):\\'
$OFS = $Null
"`$RE = '{0}'" -f $RE
'Loop to replace c:\, d:\ … z:\ with \\servername\c$\' -replace $RE,"\\servername\`${1}$\"
Sample output on my PC
$RE = '(A|C|D):\\'
Loop to replace \\servername\c$\, \\servername\d$\ … z:\ with \\servername\c$\
Reading the file with the -raw parameter doesn't require a loop, but wil do all changes at once.
$OFS = '|'
$RE = ('('+(Get-Psdrive -PSProvider filesystem).where({$_.Displayroot -notmatch '^\\'}).name)+'):\\'
$OFS = $Null
$File = "$path\$SharedFolders.txt"
(Get-Content $File -raw) -replace $RE,"\\servername\`${1}$\" |
Set-Content $File

Well thanks for your help, I just manage to make it works like that :
1..26 | % {
$contenu =[System.IO.File]::ReadAllText("$path\$SharedFolders.txt").Replace("${LR}:\","\\$SharedFolders\$LR$\")
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$path\$SharedFolders.txt", $contenu)
Hope it'll help some people ;)


PowerShell: Replace string in all .txt files within directory

I am trying to replace every instance of a string within a directory. However my code is not replacing anything.
What I have so far:
Test Folder contains multiple files and folders containing content that I need to change.
The folders contain .txt documents, the .txt documents contain strings like this: Content reference="../../../PartOfPath/EN/EndofPath/Caution.txt" that i need to change into this: Content reference="../../../PartOfPath/FR/EndofPath/Caution.txt"
Before this question comes up, yes it has to be done this way, as there are other similar strings that I don't want to edit. So I cannot just replace all instances of EN with FR.
$DirectoryPath = "C:\TestFolder"
$Parts =#(
#{PartOne="/ThirdPartOfPath";PartTwo="OtherEndofPath/Warning.txt"}) | % { New-Object object | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers $_ -PassThru }
Get-ChildItem $DirectoryPath | ForEach {
foreach($n in $Parts){
[string]$PartOne = $n.PartOne
[string]$PartTwo = $n.PartTwo
$ReplaceThis = "$PartOne/EN/$PartTwo"
$WithThis = "$PartOne/FR/$PartTwo"
(Get-Content $_) | ForEach {$_ -Replace $ReplaceThis, $WithThis} | Set-Content $_
The code will run and overwrite files, however no edits will have been made.
While troubleshooting I came across this potential cause:
This test worked:
$FilePath = "C:\TestFolder\Test.txt"
$ReplaceThis ="/PartOfPath/EN/Notes/Note.txt"
$WithThis = "/PartOfPath/FR/Notes/Note.txt"
(Get-Content -Path $FilePath) -replace $ReplaceThis, $WithThis | Set-Content $FilePath
But this test did not
$FilePath = "C:\TestFolder\Test.txt"
foreach($n in $Parts){
[string]$PartOne = $n.PartOne
[string]$PartTwo = $n.PartTwo
[string]$ReplaceThis = "$PartOne/EN/$PartTwo"
[string]$WithThis = "$PartOne/FR/$PartTwo"
(Get-Content -Path $FilePath) -replace $ReplaceThis, $WithThis | Set-Content $FilePath
If you can help me understand what is wrong here I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks to #TessellatingHeckler 's comments I revised my code and found this solution:
$DirectoryPath = "C:\TestFolder"
$Parts =#(
#{PartOne="/ThirdPartOfPath";PartTwo="OtherEndofPath/Warning.txt"}) | % { New-Object object | Add-Member -NotePropertyMembers $_ -PassThru }
Get-ChildItem $LanguageFolderPath -Filter "*.txt" -Recurse | ForEach {
foreach($n in $Parts){
[string]$PartOne = $n.PartOne
[string]$PartTwo = $n.PartTwo
$ReplaceThis = "$PartOne/EN/$PartTwo"
$WithThis = "$PartOne/FR/$PartTwo"
(Get-Content $_) | ForEach {$_.Replace($ReplaceThis, $WithThis)} | Set-Content $_
There were two problems:
Replace was not working as I intended, so I had to use .replace instead
The original Get-ChildItem was not returning any values and had to be replaced with the above version.
PowerShell's -replace operator is regex-based and case-insensitive by default:
To perform literal replacements, \-escape metacharacters in the pattern or call [regex]::Escape().
By contrast, the [string] type's .Replace() method performs literal replacement and is case-sensitive, invariably in Windows PowerShell, by default in PowerShell (Core) 7+ (see this answer for more information).
As TessellatingHeckler points out, given that your search strings seem to contain no regex metacharacters (such as . or \) that would require escaping, there is no obvious reason why your original approach didn't work.
Given that you're looking for literal substring replacements, the [string] type's .Replace() is generally the simpler and faster option if case-SENSITIVITY is desired / acceptable (invariably so in Windows PowerShell; as noted, in PowerShell (Core) 7+, you have the option of making .Replace() case-insensitive too).
However, since you need to perform multiple replacements, a more concise, single-pass -replace solution is possible (though whether it actually performs better would have to be tested; if you need case-sensitivity, use -creplace in lieu of -replace):
$oldLang = 'EN'
$newLang = 'FR'
$regex = #(
) -join '|'
Get-ChildItem C:\TestFolder\Test.txt -Filter *.txt -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
($_ |Get-Content -Raw) -replace $regex, "`${prefix}$newLang`${suffix}" |
Set-Content -LiteralPath $_.FullName
See this regex101.com page for an explanation of the regex and the ability to experiment with it.
The expression used as the replacement operand, "`${prefix}$newLang`${suffix}", mixes PowerShell's up-front string interpolation ($newLang, which could also be written as ${newLang}) with placeholders referring to the named capture groups (e.g. (?<prefix>...)) in the regex, which only coincidentally use the same notation as PowerShell variables (though enclosing the name in {...} is required; also, here the $ chars. must be `-escaped to prevent PowerShell's string interpolation from interpreting them); see this answer for background information.
Note the use of -Raw with Get-Content, which reads a text file as a whole into memory, as a single, multi-line string. Given that you don't need line-by-line processing in this case, this greatly speeds up the processing of a given file.
As a general tip: you may need to use the -Encoding parameter with Set-Content to ensure the desired character encoding, given that PowerShell never preserves a file's original coding when reading it. By default, you'll get ANSI-encoded files in Windows PowerShell, and BOM-less UTF-8 files in PowerShell (Core) 7+.

How to prepend to a file in PowerShell?

I'm generating two files, userscript.meta.js and userscript.user.js. I need the output of userscript.meta.js to be placed at the very beginning of userscript.user.js.
Add-Content doesn't seem to accept a parameter to prepend and Get-Content | Set-Content will fail because userscript.user.js is being used by Get-Content.
I'd rather not create an intermediate file if it's physically possible to have a clean solution.
How to achieve this?
The Subexpression operator $( ) can evaluate both Get-Content statements which are then enumerated and passed through the pipeline to Set-Content:
Get-Content userscript.meta.js -Raw
Get-Content userscript.user.js -Raw
) | Set-Content userscript.user.js
Consider using the Absolute Path of the files if your current directory is not where those files are.
An even more simplified approach than the above would be to put the paths in the desired order since both, the -Path and -LiteralPath parameters can take multiple values:
(Get-Content userscript.meta.js, userscript.user.js -Raw) |
Set-Content userscript.user.js
And in case you want to get rid of excess leading or trailing white-space, you can include the String.Trim Method:
(Get-Content userscript.meta.js, userscript.user.js -Raw).Trim() |
Set-Content userscript.user.js
Note that in above examples the grouping operator ( ) is mandatory as we need to consume all output from Get-Content before being passed through the pipeline to Set-Content. See Piping grouped expressions for more details.
For future folks, here's a snippet if you need to prepend the same thing to multiple files:
example: prepending an #include directive to a bunch of auto-generated C++ files so it works with my Windows environment.
Get-ChildItem -Path . -Filter *.cpp | ForEach-Object {
$file = $_.FullName
# the -Raw param was important for me as it didn't read the entire
# file properly without it. I even tried [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText
# and got the same thing, so there must have been some characater that
# caused the file read to return prematurely
$content = Get-Content $file -Raw
$prepend = '#include "stdafx.h"' + "`r`n"
#this could also be from a file: aka
# $prepend = Get-Content 'path_to_my_file_used_for_prepending'
$content = $prepend + $content
Set-Content $file $content

Powershell update string in each file within all sub-folders

I have a set of config files stored in each subfolder within a directory. These config files only contain a single string in the format XXX_YYYYMMDD where XXX is a number e.g. 006, 007 etc, so an example string would be 006_20150101. I want the powershell script to replace the XXX number with a new one in each of these config files. I'm using the below script to achieve that and it works fine. However, the issue is that it puts a new line character (ENTER) at the end of the string which I don't want. Any way to fix this?
$sourceDir = "C:\Users\001"
$configFiles = Get-ChildItem $sourceDir *.dat -rec
foreach ($file in $configFiles)
(Get-Content $file.PSPath) |
Foreach-Object { $_ -replace "006", "007" } |
Set-Content $file.PSPath
By default set-content ends with a newline, use -NoNewline to not have this behavior:
Set-Content -path $file.PSPath -NoNewline
I dont know if u can use this but you can use regex replace to match the first 3 digits in the string:
$regex = "^\d{3}"
# matches any 3 digits("\d{3}") at the beginning("^") of a string
"124_20201030" -replace $regex, "007"

illegal characters in path using powershell

I need to verify one path using powershell. The problem is when given the path like Test-Path -Path "\\\\share\Logger\Logger" its working fine, but my requirement is that, this path will be available in a Notepad - we need to read the path from the notepad then verify it. Here is the code:
$var = ( Get-Content D:\TestPathIssue\Params.txt ) -split '='
test-path -Path $source1;
I am able to get path in $source1 but I don't understand why its failing in Test-Path in this approach.
Fixed by trying this-
$source1=$source1 -replace '"', ""
Check if the variable $source1 is returning path in quotes eg:- "\\share\Logger\Logger" instead of \\share\Logger\Logger
The following powershell code will take a list of legal characters with regex and report back on any non-legal characters found in filenames. Modify the list of legal characters as desired.
$legal = "[a-zA-Z\d\.\-'_\s\(\)&,%\[\];\!\$\+#~=#]"
ForEach ($File in Get-ChildItem -Path C:\mypath -Recurse){
ForEach ($char in $File.Name.ToCharArray()){
If ($char -notmatch $legal){
$output = $char+" found in "+$file.fullname
write-output $output

Powershell Find Replace & Backup

Right now, i am looking to improve my code to use less space and be more intelligent, i need the below code to only backup files IF it's modified by the Find & Replace, right now i'm doing a backup of everything and overwriting old back-ups.
The next thing i would like would be to NOT overwrite the backups, but instead give them a number, so if there are 2 of the same backups in the "backup" folder it would look like this:
Filebackup.DCN3 -> Filebackup1.DCN3
So i always have the original file.
get-childitem -path "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Eurocard\SEB" -filter *.* -recurse | copy-item -destination "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Eurocard\Backup"
(Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Eurocard\SEB\*.*" -recurse).FullName |
Foreach-Object {
(Get-Content $_ -Raw).
Set-Content $_
Is there anyone who can help with this ?
Well, to start a large portion of your regex replaces probably aren't working, you need to escape most of them...for example "\". Anyways you can shorten up the whole replace to one expression like this:
-replace '[*"#¤&()=?´`|#£${\[\]}^~¨*<>\\_;.!]','Æ'
#query to show it working
'*"#¤&()=?´`|#£${[]}^~¨*<>\_;.!' -replace '[*"#¤&()=?´`|#£${\[\]}^~¨*<>\\_;.!]','Æ'
expanding on that here is how you would get it to only backup if you modify the file:
(Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Eurocard\SEB\*.*" -recurse).FullName |
Foreach-Object {
$Content = (Get-Content $_ -Raw)
$Regex = '[*"#¤&()=?´`|#£${\[\]}^~¨*<>\\_;.!]'
If ($Content | Select-String $Regex -Quiet)
$Content -Replace $Regex,'Æ'
rest of code block such as copies, backups, renames whatever would go here.
This way it is only taking place if the file has an unwanted character and is