Unity - use GetRawTextureData to change underlying RGB bytes without copying - unity3d

I am trying to use OpenCV with Unity for image processing, and I am trying to make the data transfers between OpenCV and Unity code as efficient as possible.
Currently, I am able to create a new byte[] in C#, then load an image into these bytes in OpenCV, and then use texture.LoadRawTextureData(array) and texture.Apply() to show this texture in Unity.
However, the Unity documentation recommends to use texture.GetRawTextureData() to get a reference to the NativeArray (the version of function that returns byte[] makes a copy of the raw data) and then write the data directly into this buffer (+ call Apply()).
Unfortunately, the documentation on NativeArrays is rather scarce - how exactly do NativeArrays look in the memory? They do have an ToArray() function, but this again makes a copy of the data. What I need is a byte[] array, which can be either RGB24 or RGBA32 (RGBA seems to be preferred, as even though it is memory-inefficient if the texture is opaque, the modern GPUs apparently do not support RGB24).
Is there any way to pass the pointer to the beginning of the buffer in the texture without making copies and calling LoadRawTextureData()? Or are the data in the Texture in a completely different format?

I had the same confusion over NativeArray. It looks like the CopyTo() method doesn't seem to alloc memory. There is a ToArray() method, which I'm certain allocates.
I was able to work out this utility method which is working fine for a webcam feed.
private byte[] m_byteCache = null;
public byte[] GetRawTextureData(Texture2D texture)
NativeArray<byte> nativeByteArray = texture.GetRawTextureData<byte>();
if (m_byteCache?.Length != nativeByteArray.Length)
m_byteCache = new byte[nativeByteArray.Length];
return m_byteCache;

ToArray() allocates a new array. CopyTo() doesn't alloc memory but of course it copies the data.
But what I gather from the documentation is that you should be able to just access the NativeArray like a normal array to modify the memory and then call .Apply() on the corresponding Texture object. If you can make your C# OpenCV code write to it, that should do the trick.
The issue with NativeArray is I guess that you directly get the memory of whatever implementation your code runs on, so the exact byte representation could differ depending on the platform. Also the memory will be invalid as soon as the texture is gone.


Efficient way of editing vertex positions during runtime in Unreal Engine

I’m looking for a way to update the vertex positions of every vertex of a mesh with 65536 vertices from C++ code. It needs to be updated every few frames with values calculated in code, so it needs to be somewhat efficient.
I tried this, with no effect:
if (NewElement->GetStaticMeshComponent()->GetStaticMesh()->RenderData->LODResources.Num() > 0)
FPositionVertexBuffer* VertexBuffer = &NewElement->GetStaticMeshComponent()->GetStaticMesh()->RenderData->LODResources[0].VertexBuffers.PositionVertexBuffer;
if (VertexBuffer)
const int32 VertexCount = VertexBuffer->GetNumVertices();
for (int32 Index = 0; Index < VertexCount; Index++)
VertexBuffer->VertexPosition(Index) += FVector(float(Index), float(100* Index), float(10000 * Index));
I’ll appreciate help with finding a working solution.
As for now, I’m looking for a simple solution, just to start with something. But I know, that updating the mesh CPU side is not the most efficient way, so maybe it would be easier/faster to calculate the position for every vertex and then pass it to Vertex shader? Or generate some pseudo-texture, upload it to GPU and use it in the vertex shader? Does anyone have an example of such a mechanism in UE?
Your code doesn't actually push any updates to the GPU. You're using a static mesh here which isn't really intended to have vertices modified at runtime , hence the "static" moniker. That's not to say you can't modify that data at runtime but that's not what you're doing here. Your code is only changing data CPU-side.
If you look through the various vertex buffers implemented in engine code, you'll see that ultimately they all extend FRenderResource which provides RHI-management functions or FVertexBuffer, which is an FRenderResource and contains an FBufferRHIRef field, which is the actual GPU-bound vertex buffer.
Because rendering in Unreal Engine is multithreaded, the engine uses the concept of scene proxies which extend from FPrimitiveSceneProxy. Each primitive type that exists on the game thread and needs to be rendered will have some form of a FPrimitiveSceneProxy created and will pass data and updates to its proxy in a thread-safe manner, usually by queuing rendering commands via ENQUEUE_RENDER_COMMAND(...) which you would pass a lamba function of what should be executed when the rendering thread determines its time to run it. This proxy will contain the vertex and index buffers, and is where the "real" updates to your rendered geometry happen.
One example could be the following (excerpt taken from BaseDynamicMeshSceneProxy.h, FMeshRenderBufferSet::TransferVertexUpdateToGPU() function), which shows the render buffer collection in a scene proxy for a UDynamicMeshComponent pushing an update of its vertex positions to the GPU by copying its CPU-bound data directly into its GPU-bound vertex position buffer:
FPositionVertexBuffer& VertexBuffer = this->PositionVertexBuffer;
void* VertexBufferData = RHILockBuffer(VertexBuffer.VertexBufferRHI, 0, VertexBuffer.GetNumVertices() * VertexBuffer.GetStride(), RLM_WriteOnly);
FMemory::Memcpy(VertexBufferData, VertexBuffer.GetVertexData(), VertexBuffer.GetNumVertices() * VertexBuffer.GetStride());
I won't be providing a full sample here for you because, as you can see from everything described to this point, there is much more to it than a simple snippet of code to achieve what you're looking for, but I wanted to outline the overall concept and patterns of what you'll need to understand to achieve this because if you're going to do this directly in your own code, you must understand these concepts and it can be a bit confusing when you first start digging into Unreal Engine's rendering code.
The best resource to help gain a solid understanding of the patterns the engine expects you to follow would be the official documentation found here: Unreal Engine Graphics Programming.
If you are wanting to modify geometry at runtime, there are also other options available which will make the process mush easier than trying to write it completely yourself, such as the engine-provided Procedural Mesh Component plugin, the third-party RuntimeMeshComponent plugin, and in later versions of Unreal Engine (4 and 5), the UDynamicMeshComponent (aka USimpleDynamicMeshComponent in earlier versions) which is part of the Interactive tools framework and in most recent versions of the engine has become a core part of the engine runtime module GeometryFramework.
I hope this helps you in your journey. Runtime-modifiable geometry is tough to get started but it's definitely worth the journey.

Microsoft FileSink Mpeg4

I have 2 questions
1)How do I write raw data to a file sinker. I am trying to mux.
2)How do I make sure the sinked data is not written to a file but to a memory buffer
So in Detail:
I am trying to use windows MPEG-4 File Sink to write some Intel SDK Encoded avc or hevc to memory and send it to websocket.
what is the right approach?
Can I just feed raw hevc or avc as (byte*, length) to MPEG-4 File Sink?
Or Do I need to wrap the Intel Encoder into a Custom Windows Media Foundation Encoder(well I can just use GUID to get the Intel Encoder anyway) from Windows Media Frame work. Correct me If I am wrong please.
So I have 2 problems, How do I write my raw data(avc||hevc) to MP4 Sinker(Encoded by a 3rd Party Encoder)
Do I need to implement a custom Sinker , And how custom is it. Can I inherit part of the MPEG4 Sinker(After all I do not want to re implement a full container for Mp4)
Or Modify MPEG4 Sinker behavior so that it does not write it to a file but writes to a Memory
I know I feel like I re iterated myself A few times. Sorry about that.
1) If you wrap the encoded bitstream in an IMFSample you can just call IMFStreamSink::ProcessSample. To wrap it in the IMFSample, create a memory buffer IMFMediaBuffer with MFCreateMemoryBuffer , then create an IMFSample with MFCreateSample and add the buffer to it with IMFSample::AddBuffer. And then pass it to the stream sink. Also, if you can constrain the output bitstream length you can actually use the underlying memofy from IMFMediaBuffer by using IMFMediaBuffer::Lock to obtain the pointer to the underlying memory and passing that to the Intel SDK.
2) When creating the MPEG-4 sink via MFCreateMPEG4MediaSink you pass in an IMFByteStream instance. You can make your own class which implements this interface and writes the data directly to memory or wherever you need. If you do not want to do a full implementation there are also MFCreateMFByteStreamOnStream and MFCreateMFByteStreamOnStreamEx which can wrap an IStream instance into a IMFByteStream but I have never used those and I am not aware of the underlying memory semantics. You can create a memory backed IStream with SHCreateMemStream and CreateStreamOnHGlobal.
I have used Intel SDK quite long ago but if I remember it had a MFT compatible encoder, but I always used the plain C++ one, and thus I am not sure how they differ in terms of configuration etc. But if the MFT one works, then you can setup a proper pipeline without processing the bitstream samples yourself as stated in (1) and just handle (2).
Also, performance wise, since as far as I remember Intel SDK did work on Direct3D surfaces as well, you could look into MFCreateDXSurfaceBuffer to used Direct3D surfaces instead of memory buffers for wrapping the data.

what are the difference of between glGenBuffers and glGenFramebuffers and glGenRenderbuffers

the description of them in http://www.khronos.org/opengles/sdk/docs/man/ are almost same. The only difference is the name
glGenBuffers creates regular buffers for vertex data, etc.
glGenFrameBuffers creates a framebuffer object primarily used as render targets for offscreen rendering.
glGenRenderBuffers creates a renderbuffer object that are specifically used with framebuffer objects for any depth-testing required.
There's a difference between plain old buffers and frame buffers and render buffers (used in offscreen rendering). The overall functionality of those "glGen__" functions is the same, but they just generate different kinds of buffer object names.

Modify Auriotouch sample code to read data from an audio file

I want to modify the apple's sample code of auriotouch to generate the waveform from and audio file instead of rendering the waveform from the mic input. I tried to do it, but i am not able to understand where and what changes to make. Can anyone guide me on how it can be achieved.
Look inside the render callback for a function named AudioUnitRender
The render callback happens whenever the speakers are hungry for data.
IIRC A.T. simply grabs however many samples are required from the microphone using this function
Of course, the first time round it will fail because there will be nothing waiting
Anyway, just comment out this function and instead fill the buffer yourself with samples from your file ( which I think you would probably want to load into memory in advance, probably don't want fileIO clogging a high priority thread )
that means you will probably need to create some sort of AudioFile class, and pass a reference to an instance of this class when you set up the render callback. that way you will be able to access the data from within this render callback ( which is a vanilla C function, ie not a member of a class, so it has no other way to access class data -- unless you want to do something horrible with file-level variables ).
make sure you create this AudioFile* audiofile NONATOMIC if it is a property, you don't want your render callback to be kept waiting because some other thread is inside the object and consequently has a lock on it.

OpenGL ES - glImageProcessing - remove texture

I am using the glImageProcessing example from Apple to perform some filter operations on. However, I would like to be able to load a new image into the texture.
Currently, the example loads the image with the line:
loadTexture("Image.png", &Input, &renderer);
(which I've modified to accept an actual UIImage):
loadTexture(image, &Input, &renderer);
However, in testing how to redraw a new image I tried implementing (in Imaging.c):
loadTexture(image, &Input, &renderer);
loadTexture(newImage, &Input, &renderer);
and the sample app crashes at the line:
CFDataRef data = CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(CGImage));
in Texture.c
I have also tried deleting the active texture by
loadTexture(image, &Input, &renderer);
glDeleteTextures(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
loadTexture(newImage, &Input, &renderer);
which also fails.
Does anyone have any idea how to remove the image/texture from the opengl es interface so that I can load a new image???
Note: in Texture.c, apple states "The caller of this function is responsible for deleting the GL texture object." I suppose this is what I am asking how to do. Apple doesn't seem to give any clues ;-)
Also note: I've seen this question posed many places, but no one seems to have an answer. I'm sure others will appreciate some help on this topic as well! Many thanks!
You're using glDeleteTextures() incorrectly in the second case. The first parameter to that function is how many textures you wish to delete, and the second is an array of texture names (or a pointer to a single texture name). You'll need to do something like the following:
glDeleteTextures(1, &textureName);
Where textureName is the name of the texture obtained at its creation. It looks like that value is stored within the texID component of the Image struct passed into loadTexture().
That doesn't fully explain the crash you see, which seems like a memory management issue with your input image (possibly an autoreleased object that is being discarded before you access its CGImage component).