Is there a more efficient way for performing multiple nested for loops in matlab? - matlab

I have a small logical array (A) of size 256x256x256 with an unknown shape of ones somewhere in the array. Also there is a smaller double array (se) of size 13x13x13. In se there is a defined cube of logical ones in the middle of the array (se).
I need to run over every logical element in A and for each logical one in A the smaller array se needs to add its ones to A. Meaning dilating the shape of A by se.
Here is what I got so far. It works, but is of very poor performance in respect to speed.
Does anyone has a suggestion of how to speed up this coding task?
[p, q, r] = size(se);
[m, n, o] = size(A);
temp = zeros(m, n, o);
for i = 1:m
for j = 1:n
for k = 1:o
if img_g(i, j, k) == 1
for s = 1:p
for t = 1:q
for u = 1:r
if se(s, t, u) == 1
c = i + s;
d = j + t;
e = k + u;
temp(c, d, e) = 1;
B = temp;
I am very grateful for any help and suggestions that improve my programming skills.

dependent on the processor you're using, you can at least use "parfor" for the outer loop (first loop).
this enables parallel computing and accelerates your performance by the number of physical kernels your processor got.

I'm not 100% sure this does what you're asking (as I'm not completely clear on what your code does), but perhaps the methodology will give some inspiration.
I've not generated a "logical" A, but a random one, and I've set a cube inside equal to 1. Similar for se. I use meshgrid to get arrays corresponding to the indices, and use a mask of logical indexing. (perhaps my mask is what you have for A in the first place?)
A = rand(255,255,255);
A(40:50, 23:33, 80:100) = 1;
mask = (A==1);
[I,J,K] = meshgrid(1:255);
se = rand(13,13,13);
se(4:6, 3:7, 2:8) = 1;
se_mask = (se==1);
[se_I, se_J, se_K] = meshgrid(1:13);
Here I'm assuming that the cube in A is far enough from any edge (say 13 spaces) so we wont get c, d or e larger than 255.
I've flattened mask into a row vector so find gives a single index ii we can use to refer to any point in A, then the original i,j and k indices are in I(ii), J(ii), and K(ii) respectively. Similar for se_I etc.
temp = zeros(255, 255, 255);
for ii=find(mask(:).')
for jj=find(se_mask(:).')
c = I(ii) + se_I(jj);
d = J(ii) + se_J(jj);
e = K(ii) + se_K(jj);
temp(c,d,e) = 1;
end % for
end % for
The matrices I, J, K, se_I, se_J and se_K are regular, so if making/storing these becomes a bottleneck you can write functions to replace them. Matrix temp might be very sparse depending on the size of your cubes of ones, so you could look into using sparse.
I've not compared the timings against your solution.


vectorize two nested for-loops in MATLAB

I have two nested for-loops that are used to format data that I load it. The loops have the following construction:
data = magic(20000);
data = data(:,1:3);
for i=0:10
for j=0:10
data_tmp = data((1:100)+100*j+100*10*i,:);
vx(:, i+1,j+1) = data_tmp(:,1);
vy(:, i+1,j+1) = data_tmp(:,2);
vz(:, i+1,j+1) = data_tmp(:,3);
Arrays vx, vy and vz I do pre-allocate to their desired size. However, is there a way to vectorize the for-loops to increase the efficiency? I'm not convinced it is the case due to the first line in the second loop, data((1:100)+100*j+100*10*i,:), is there a better way to do this?
It turns out that you have repeated index in loop
at i=k, j=10 and i=k+1, j=0 for k<10
for example, you read 1:100 + 100*10 + 100*10*0 and then read 1:100 + 100*0 + 100*10*1 which are identical.
Reshape w/ Repeated index
If this was what you intended to do, then vectorization needs one more step (index generation).
Following is my suggestion (N=100, M=10 where N is the length of data_tmp and M is the maximum loop variable)
index = bsxfun(#plus,bsxfun(#plus,(1:N)',reshape(N*(0:M),1,1,M+1)),M*N*(0:M)); %index generation
vx = data(index);
vy = data(index + size(data,1));
vz = data(index + size(data,1)*2);
This is not that desirable, but it will work.
When I tested on my laptop, it is twice faster than your original code with pre-allocation. As I increase the size of data, the gap gets smaller and smaller.
Reshape w/o Repeated index
If not i.e., you want to reshape each column in the direction of 3rd dimension first, 2nd dimension last), then following would work.
Firstly, this is how I interpreted your code
data = magic(20000);
data = data(:,1:3);
N = 100; M = 10;
for i=0:(M-1)
for j=0:(M-1)
data_tmp = data((1:N)+M*j+N*M*i,:);
vx(:, i+1,j+1) = data_tmp(:,1);
vy(:, i+1,j+1) = data_tmp(:,2);
vz(:, i+1,j+1) = data_tmp(:,3);
Note that loop ended at (M-1).
Following is my suggestion.
vx = permute(reshape(dat(1:N*M*M,1), N, M, M),[1,3,2]);
vy = permute(reshape(dat(1:N*M*M,2), N, M, M),[1,3,2]);
vz = permute(reshape(dat(1:N*M*M,3), N, M, M),[1,3,2]);
In my laptop, it is 4 times faster than original code. As I increase the size, the gap approaches to 2.
Just in case you want to stick with the loop, here is a much faster way to do this:
data = randi(100,20000,3);
[vx,vy,vz] = deal(zeros(100,11,11));
[J,I] = ndgrid(1:11,1:11);
c = 1;
for k = 0:100:11000
vx(:,I(c),J(c)) = data((1:100)+k,1);
vy(:,I(c),J(c)) = data((1:100)+k,2);
vz(:,I(c),J(c)) = data((1:100)+k,3);
c = c+1;
My guess is that reshape from #Dohyun answer is what you looking for (and it's x10 faster than this, and x10000 faster than your code), but for next time you use loops, this may be useful.
And here is another option to do this without reshape, in a similar time to the reshape version:
[vx,vy,vz] = deal(zeros(100,10,11));
vx(:) = data(1:11000,1);
vy(:) = data(1:11000,2);
vz(:) = data(1:11000,3);
vx = permute(vx,[1 3 2]);
vy = permute(vy,[1 3 2]);
vz = permute(vz,[1 3 2]);
The idea is that you define the shape of [vx,vy,vz] while allocating them.

Matlab Vectorize

I have a probability matrix(glcm) of size 256x256x20. I have reshaped the matrix to
65536x20, so that I can eliminate one loop (along the 3rd dimension).
I want to do the following calculation.
for y = 1:256
for x = 1:256
if (ismember((x + y),(2:2*256)))
p_xplusy((x+y),:) = p_xplusy((x+y),:) + glcm(((y-1)*256+x),:);
So the p_xplusy will be a 511x20 matrix which each element is the sum of the diagonal of nxn sub matrix (where n belongs to 1:256) of the original 256x256x20 matrix.
This code block is making my program inefficient and I want to vectorize this loop. Any help would be appreciated.
Since your if statement is just checking whether x+y is less than or equal to 256, just force it to always be, and remove excess loops:
for y = 1:256
for x = 1:256-y
p_xplusy((x+y),:) = p_xplusy((x+y),:) + glcm(((y-1)*256+x),:);
This should provide a noticeable speed-up to your code.
You can reduce the complexity from O(n^2) to O(2*n) and thus improve runtime efficiency -
N = 256;
for k1 = 1:N
idx_glcm = k1:N-1:N*(k1-1)+1;
p_xplusy(k1+1,:) = p_xplusy(k1+1,:) + sum(glcm(idx_glcm,:),1);
for k1 = 2:N
idx_glcm = k1*N:N-1:N*(N-1)+k1;
p_xplusy(N+k1,:) = p_xplusy(N+k1,:) + sum(glcm(idx_glcm,:),1);
Some quick runtime tests seem to confirm our efficiency theory too.

Martix Logical comparison

In matlab i have hue plane in a matrix and the most common colors(top 5% of the hues) in an another matrix(L). I want to create a binary image where only rare colors are present.
Hue plane is 253X320 matrix the L matrix is 6X1.
for l = 1 : size(HuePlane,1)
for m = 1 : size(HuePlane,2)
for n = 1:size(L,1)
if L(n,1) == HuePlane(l,m)
H(l,m) = 0;
H(l,m) = 1;
This results in a matrix of only 1s.
As Daniel mentioned, using ismember is the best solution and you should use it:
H = ~ismember(HuePlane, L)
However I thought I'd show you where you've gone wrong in your loop solution. Basically you're always comparing each colour in HuePlane to EVERY element of L sequentially which means you only store the result of the LAST comparison. In otherwords you are only checking against L(end). This is what I think you were trying to do:
H = ones(size(HuePlane)); %// This pre-allocation is essential in Matlab! Your code will be terribly inefficient if you don't do it.
for l = 1 : size(HuePlane,1)
for m = 1 : size(HuePlane,2)
for n = 1:size(L,1)
if L(n,1) == HuePlane(l,m)
H(l,m) = 0;
break; %// No point checking against the rest of L once we've found a match!
But this is a very inefficient way to go.
(I'm trying to follow your original idea)
h = 0*H;
for ii = 1:length(L)
hh = H==L(ii);
h = max(hh,h);

Non Local Means Filter Optimization in MATLAB

I'm trying to write a Non-Local Means filter for an assignment. I've written the code in two ways, but the method I'd expect to be quicker is much slower than the other method.
Method 1: (This method is slower)
for i = 1:size(I,1)
for j = 1:size(I,2)
w = exp((-abs(I-I(i,j))^2)/(h^2));
Z = sum(sum(w));
w = w/Z;
sumV = w .* I;
NL(i,j) = sum(sum(sumV));
Method 2: (This method is faster)
for i = 1:size(I,1)
for j = 1:size(I,2)
Z = 0;
for k = 1:size(I,1)
for l = 1:size(I,2)
w = exp((-abs(I(i,j)-I(k,l))^2)/(h^2));
Z = Z + w;
sumV = 0;
for k = 1:size(I,1)
for l = 1:size(I,2)
w = exp((-abs(I(i,j)-I(k,l))^2)/(h^2));
w = w/Z;
sumV = sumV + w * I(k,l);
NL(i,j) = sumV;
I really thought that MATLAB would be optimized for Matrix operations. Is there reason it isn't in this code? The difference is pretty large. For a 512x512 image, with h = 0.05, one iteration of the outer loop takes 24-28 seconds for Method 1 and 10-12 seconds for Method 2.
The two methods are not doing the same thing. In Method 2, the term abs(I(i,j)-I(k,l)) in the w= expression is being squared, which is fine because the term is just a single numeric value.
However, in Method 1, the term abs(I-I(i,j)) is actually a matrix (The numeric value I(i,j) is being subtracted from every element in the matrix I, returning a matrix again). So, when this term is squared with the ^ operator, matrix multiplication is happening. My guess, based on Method 2, is that this is not what you intended. If instead, you want to square each element in that matrix, then use the .^ operator, as in abs(I-I(i,j)).^2
Matrix multiplication is a much more computation intensive operation, which is likely why Method 1 takes so much longer.
My guess is that you have not preassigned NL, that both methods are in the same function (or are scripts and you didn't clear NL between function runs). This would have slowed the first method by quite a bit.
Try the following: Create a function for both methods. Run each method once. Then use the profiler to see where each function spends most of its time.
A much faster implementation (Vectorized) could be achieved using im2col:
Create a Vector out of each neighborhood.
Using predefined indices calculate the distance between each patch.
Sum over the values and the weights using sum function.
This method will work with no loop at all.

Trouble iterating a function with one input and two outputs on Matlab

I've created a function (name it MyFunction) which, given a matrix A, outputs two matrices B and C i.e. [B C] = MyFunction(A).
I'm trying to create another function which, when given a matrix A, will calculate MyFunction(A) and then calculate MyFunction(B) = [D E] and MyFunction(C) = [F G], and then calculate MyFunction(D), MyFunction(E), MyFunction(F) and MyFunction(G), and so on, until the matrices it outputs start to repeat. I know this process necessarily terminates.
I'm really having difficulty constructing this code. Any advice would be really appreciated.
I think what you're trying to do is binary tree recursion. It's hard to give a good solution without knowing more about the problem, especially without knowing what you want as the output of this process.
I whipped this up to give an example of how you could do this. It's not necessarily the most efficient because it stores all of the results at every step. Given an input matrix A, it calculates a 2-output function [B, C] = MyFunction(A) and looks for either isequal(A, B) or isequal(A, C). When that occurs, it outputs the depth of the tree at that point, i.e. how many iterations had to occur before there was a repetition. The bit with global variables is just so that I could do a simple example with an easy fixed point (the k'th iteration is just A^k). It will iterate a maximum of 10 times.
function depth = myRecursor(A)
global A_orig;
A_orig = A;
depth = 1;
max_depth = 10;
pvs_level = cell(1);
pvs_level{1} = A;
while depth < max_depth,
this_level = cell(2*length(pvs_level), 1);
for ix = 1 : length(pvs_level),
[B, C] = MyFunction(pvs_level{ix})
if isequal(B, A) || isequal(C, A),
this_level{2*ix - 1} = B;
this_level{2*ix} = C;
depth = depth + 1;
pvs_level = this_level;
function [B, C] = MyFunction(A)
global A_orig;
B = A_orig*A;
C = 2*A;
So, for example myRecursor(eye(2)) gives 1 (duh) and myRecursor([0 1; 1 0]) gives 2.
EDIT: rewritten wrong alg
function [list] = newFunction(A) % returns all matrix generated matrix
ii = 1;
[B C] = myFunction(list{ii});
list = list{list{:}, B, C};
for jj=1:numel(list)-2
if(all(all(list{jj}==B)) || all(all(list{jj}==C)))
done = 1;
UPDATE: a more general way to handle an unknown number of outputs is to modify myFunction so that it outputs all matrices within a single cell vector. This way you can concatenate list this way:
[newMat] = myFunctions(list{ii}); % where newMat={B,C,...}
list = {list{:}, newMat{:}}; % or list=cat(2,list,newMat)
for jj=1:numel(list)-numel(newMat)
for nn=1:numel(newMat) % checking for repetitions
I think you should use cells:
function [B]=Myfunction(A)
for n=1:numel(A)
B{n}=func1(A{n}) %%% put some processing here
B{numel(A)+n}=func2(A{n}) %%% put some other processing here