Swift 5 Result type - swift

In Swift 5 Apple introduced Result type. It's generic enum with two cases:
public enum Result<Success, Failure: Error> {
case success(Success), failure(Failure)
Personally I used to two separate completions in network calls success: Completion and failure: Completion, but from what I see now, Apple pushing us to use single completion with Result type and then inside perform switch. So what are advantages of this approach with Result? Because in a lot of cases I can just omit error handling and don't write this switch. Thanks.

You shouldn’t omit cases when Result is failure. You shouldn’t do it with Result and you shouldn’t do it with your closure for failure. You should handle errors.
Anyway, Result type was introduced for simplifing completion handlers. You can have single closure for handling success or failure (primary-opinion based if two separate closures are better or not). Also Result is designed for error handling. You can simply create your own enum conforming to Error and then you can create your own error cases.

Swift 5 introduced Result<Success, Failure> associated value enumeration[About] It means that your result can be either success or failure with additional info(success result or error object). Good practice is to manage error case and success case as atomic task.
Result is a single/general(generic)/full type which can be used for all yes/no cases
Not optional type
Forces consumers to check all cases
public enum Result<Success, Failure> {
case success(Success)
case failure(Failure)
To use it
func foo() -> Result<String, Error> {
if ok {
return .success("Hello World")
} else {
return .failure(.someError)
func bar() {
let result = foo()
switch result {
case .success(let someString):
//success logic
case .failure(let error):
//fail logic


Generic type not preserved when called within another generic function

[Updated with a less contrived example]
I'm trying to extend a generic function to provide different behavior for a specific type. This works as expected when I call the function directly. But If I call it from within another generic function, the original generic type is not preserved and I get the default behavior. I'm a bit new to Swift, so I may be missing something obvious here.
My code looks something like this:
protocol Task {
associatedtype Result
struct SpecificTask: Task {
typealias Result = String
// other taks related properties
enum TaskRunner<T: Task> {
static func run(task: T) throws -> T.Result {
// Task not supported
throw SomeError.error
extension TaskRunner where T == SpecificTask {
static func run(task: T) throws -> T.Result {
// execute a SpecificTask
return "Some Result"
func run<T: Task>(task: T) throws -> T.Result {
// Additional logic related to running the task
return try TaskRunner.run(task: task)
print(try TaskRunner.run(task: SpecificTask())) // Prints "Some Result"
print(try run(task: SpecificTask())) // Throws SomeError
I need the top-level run function to call the SpecificTask version of the lower-level run() function, but the generic version of the function is called instead
You're trying to reinvent class inheritance with generics. That is not what generics are for, and they don't work that way. Generic methods are statically dispatched, which means that the code is chosen at compile-time, not runtime. An overload should never change the behavior of the function (which is what you're trying to do here). Overrides in where clauses can be used to improve performance, but they cannot be used to create dynamic (runtime) dispatch.
If you must use inheritance, then you must use classes. That said, the problem you've described is better solved with a generic Task rather than a protocol. For example:
struct Task<Result> {
let execute: () throws -> Result
enum TaskRunner {
static func run<Result>(task: Task<Result>) throws -> Result {
try task.execute()
let specificTask = Task(execute: { "Some Result" })
print(try TaskRunner.run(task: specificTask)) // Prints "Some Result"
Notice how this eliminates the "task not supported" case. Rather than being a runtime error, it is now a compile-time error. You can no longer call this incorrectly, so you don't have to check for that case.
If you really want dynamic dispatch, it is possible, but you must implement it as dynamic dispatch, not overloads.
enum TaskRunner<T: Task> {
static func run(task: T) throws -> T.Result {
switch task {
case is SpecificTask:
// execute a SpecificTask
return "Some Result" as! T.Result // <=== This is very fragile
throw SomeError.error
This is fragile because of the as! T.Result. If you change the result type of SpecificTask to something other than String, it'll crash. But the important point is the case is SpecificTask, which is determined at runtime (dynamic dispatch). If you need task, and I assume you do, you'd swap that with if let task = task as? SpecificTask.
Before going down that road, I'd reconsider the design and see how this will really be called. Since the Result type is generic, you can't call arbitrary Tasks in a loop (since all the return values have to match). So it makes me wonder what kind of code can actually call run.

How to differentiate what generic value is what in Swift?

How can I differentiate what generic value is for what in Swift?
For example, what does the value 'T' do and what does the value 'E' do?
func ??<T, E>(result: Result<T, E>, handleError: (E) -> T) -> T {
switch result {
case let .success(value):
return value
case let .failure(error):
return handleError(error)
what does the value 'T' do and what does the value 'E' do?
They're not "values", they're the names of types — on a par with a term like String or Int. In fact, T could be String or Int. But E has to be some type of Error.
So the phrase <T, E>, which appears twice, just refers to the fact that T and E are generic placeholders for their real types. When someone actually calls this ?? function, the caller will make clear what T and E really are. This is called resolving the generic.
So let's imagine that we call ?? in such a way as to resolve T to String and E to Error. Then in the mind of the compiler, we'll have this:
func ??(result: Result<String, Error>, handleError: (Error) -> String) -> String {
switch result {
case let .success(value):
return value
case let .failure(error):
return handleError(error)
So now we can read the function declaration. It says: "You hand me two parameters. One, result:, must be a Result enum whose success type is String and whose failure type is Error. The other, handleError:, must be a function that takes an Error and returns a String. And I will return a String to you."
Except, of course, that that is only one way out of an infinite number of ways to resolve T and E. They stand in for the real types that will be resolved a compiled time, depending on how ?? is actually called. So there's your answer; that is "what they do". They are placeholders standing for the real types that will be resolved at compile time.
And in fact, to demonstrate, I will call your function in a way that resolves T to String and E to Error (though I will rename your function myFunc to make the name legal):
func myFunc<T, E>(result: Result<T, E>, handleError: (E) -> T) -> T {
switch result {
case let .success(value):
return value
case let .failure(error):
return handleError(error)
enum MyError : Error { case oops }
let r = Result<String, Error> { throw MyError.oops }
let output = myFunc(result:r) { err in "Ooops" }
print(output) // Ooops
Footnote: Note that your function cannot really be called ??, as that name is taken. It might have been better to call it foo (the usual nonsense name in these situations).
#matt's answer nails it, so I thought I'd add a like bit of higher level commentary.
Type parameter naming
The use of single characters for these generic type parameters is bit of a legacy a convention from Java and C#, but it need not be so concise. In this example, if you look at the main constraint on the types (Result), note that they use Success and Failure. Using these here would provide a clearer idea about the intent of this function:
func ??<Success, Failure>(result: Result<Success, Failure>, handleError: (Failure) -> Success) -> Success
Thus, a function that takes:
a Result that can either contain a Success or a Failure, and
a closure that takes a Failure and returns a Success
and returns:
a Success
Implementations bourne out of type system constraints
Note that as none of these types are wrapped in Optional the implementation of this function is almost entirely constrained (side-effects notwithstanding).
Take, for example, the simplest function that could seemingly match:
func ?? <Success, Failure>(result: Result<Success, Failure>, handleError: (Failure) -> Success) -> Success {
return Success()
Attempting to compile this gives the following error:
main.swift:2:12: error: type 'Success' has no member 'init'
return Success()
due to the fact that the Success type is entirely unconstrained in Result, so we don't actually know how to create one inside the function.
We know that Result can contain a Success, so what if we try and forcibly get that?
func ?? <Success, Failure>(result: Result<Success, Failure>, handleError: (Failure) -> Success) -> Success {
return result.get()
This now fails with the following compiler error:
main.swift:2:12: error: call can throw, but it is not marked with 'try' and the error is not handled
return result.get()
due to the fact that this function has explicitly denoted that it will not throw, and Result.get() will throw the contained Failure if it does not contain a Success.
The other way to get the Success out of a Result is pattern matching, let's see how that works out matching the enumeration case pattern for a single if:
func ?? <Success, Failure>(result: Result<Success, Failure>, handleError: (Failure) -> Success) -> Success {
if case let .success(success) = result {
return success
When attempting this, the compilation error is (quite sensibly):
main.swift:5:1: error: missing return in a function expected to return 'Success'
So we need to also handle the case when a Result contains a Failure. Let's try with another pattern match, using the provided handleError closure:
func ?? <Success, Failure>(result: Result<Success, Failure>, handleError: (Failure) -> Success) -> Success {
if case let .success(success) = result {
return success
if case let .failure(failure) = result {
return handleError(failure)
This still gives the same error as the previous attempt, as the logic could still fall through in this case (this seems unlikely, but this could be subject to a kind of time-of-check to time-of-use bug).
Let's attempt it again, but matching both patterns in a switch:
func ?? <Success, Failure>(result: Result<Success, Failure>, handleError: (Failure) -> Success) -> Success {
switch result {
case let .success(success):
return success
case let .failure(failure):
return handleError(failure)
There we go, compiling without error.
As is obvious, this is the original function, as provided in your question.
Now that we've arrived back here, can we trim down this implementation? We could try something like:
func ?? <Success, Failure>(result: Result<Success, Failure>, handleError: (Failure) -> Success) -> Success {
switch result {
case let .success(success):
return success
but this provides this compilation error:
main.swift:2:5: error: switch must be exhaustive
switch result {
main.swift:2:5: note: add missing case: '.failure(_)'
switch result {
which indicates that we need that .failure(_) case to match all possible outcomes of the result.

Swift: use inOut parameter in escaping closure

I have the following method:
private func retrieveFromAPIAndMapToCD<T: Decodable & CoreDataMappable, R: NSManagedObject>(endpoint: Endpoint, object: T.Type, cdObjectType: R.Type, storedObjectList: inout [R]) {
API.client.call(endpoint, expecting: [T].self) { (result, objects) in
switch result {
case .failure:
print("Unable to retrieve objects")
case .success:
guard let objectResponse = objects else { return }
DispatchQueue.main.async {
for object in objectResponse {
self.updateLastSavedDate(object: T.self)
self.fetchObjectsFromCD(object: cdObjectType.self, objectList: &storedObjectList)
Without pasting too much unnecessary code, my issue is that within this API call (which comes from a library helper method we use to handle API responses) I need to set storedObjectList which is a variable defined within the scope of the current class.
However, when I do this I receive an error stating:
Escaping closure captures 'inout' parameter 'storedObjectList'
I'm trying to find a way around this so that I can still pass in storedObjectList here. I hit this method for 3 different objects, hence why I am trying to make it generic to avoid code repetition. This is the last part that I cannot get to work. I would like to avoid having some kind of a switch statement based on the object type passed in as R because this will limit the reusability of this method in the future.

Using Just with flatMap produce Failure mismatch. Combine

I have such code
func request(request: URLRequest) -> AnyPublisher<Data, Error> {
return Just(request)
.flatMap { request in
RequestManager.request(request) // returns AnyPublisher<Data, Error>
and I'm getting compile error:
Instance method flatMap(maxPublishers:_:) requires the types
Just.Failure (aka Never) and Error be equivalent
And it's clear, because Just has Never as Failure and .flatMap requires Error as Failure, so Never != Error
I see 2 approaches:
using right Publisher, instead of Just, but I didn't find good candidate for this.
using some operator like .mapError, .mapError { $0 as Error }, but I'm not sure that it's great idea.
Any ideas how to handle it?
it makes more sense to use
.setFailureType(to: Error.self)
.mapError { $0 as Error }
There is special operator setFailureType(to:). You can override failure type to whatever error type you need.
func request(request: URLRequest) -> AnyPublisher<Data, Error> {
return Just(request)
.setFailureType(to: Error.self)
.flatMap { request in
RequestManager.request(request) // returns AnyPublisher<Data, Error>
If you call .mapError() on the Just output, it will change the type to include Error, but that closure will never be called (so I wouldn’t worry) — this is what I would do unless someone has a better idea.
Normally, the Self.Error == P.Error on flatMap makes sense, as you can’t just ignore errors coming from Self. But, when Self.Error is Never, you can ignore them and produce your own errors.
While the accepted answer certainly works it's pretty verbose. I stumbled on an alternative syntax using Result<Success,Failure).publisher that is somewhat more succinct:
(Note that in this case I'm depending on Swift to be able to infer the error type, but you might need to declare it explicitly: Result<URLRequest, Error>.Publisher(.success(request)))

Cannot put error with Generic Result enum in RxSwift

I'm trying to create a generic results enum in swift, this is what I have so far:
enum Result<T: Codable>: Error {
//Indicates that it was a success, and data is the returned result
case Success(data: T)
//Indicates that there was an unrecognizable error
case Failure(error: Error)
//Some cases for specific status codes
case Forbidden //Status code: 403
case NotAcceptable //Status code: 406
case Conflict //Status code: 409
case InternalServerError //Status code: 500
And then I try to create an Observable out of it, like this:
(The T is specified in the function's call, this is shortened for brevity)
Observable<Result<T>>.create { observer in
//Some code to go make an Http requests and return response....
switch response.result {
case .success(let value):
//This works fine
case .failure(let error):
//This is where things go wrong.
The problem is when I try to return in the .failure case, it always says Argument type 'Result<_>' does not conform to expected type 'Error' even though Result is an Error type
Am I doing something wrong?
Other than the fact that your capitalization is all over the place... When you do Result.failure(anError) the compiler can't infer the type of T. To fix just do: Result<T>.failure(anError)
... Or should it be Result<T>.Failure(error: anError)? You have it capitalized and use a named variable in the definition but you use lower-case and don't use a named variable where it's being used. :-(
What about this?
enum Result<T: Codable, E: Error> {
case Success(data: T)
case Failure(error: E)
// ...
I also removed the inheritance because it does not make sense when you actually wrap it by an enum case.
You might also want to put your networking code somewhere inside of Observable.create closure because the response is not available in a sequential manner. The closure instead is escaping the sequential flow like the network request/response does.