Convert list of AppleScript strings to a Swift array - swift

I have a complicated AppleScript that returns a list of strings that I need to access from Swift. I've boiled it down to a simple example and I just can't figure out how to map the AppleScript strings to an array of Swift strings.
let listOfStringsScript = """
set listOfStrings to { "one", "two", "three" }
if let scriptObject = NSAppleScript(source: listOfStringsScript) {
var errorDict: NSDictionary? = nil
let resultDescriptor = scriptObject.executeAndReturnError(&errorDict)
if errorDict == nil {
// TODO: convert the resultDescriptor (NSAppleEventDescriptor) into an array of strings
// OUTPUT: <NSAppleEventDescriptor: [ 'utxt'("one"), 'utxt'("two"), 'utxt'("three") ]>

Answer with help from #Alexander and #MartinR:
extension NSAppleEventDescriptor {
func toStringArray() -> [String] {
guard let listDescriptor = self.coerce(toDescriptorType: typeAEList) else {
return []
return (0..<listDescriptor.numberOfItems)
.compactMap { listDescriptor.atIndex($0 + 1)?.stringValue }
let resultDescriptor = scriptObject.executeAndReturnError(&errorDict)
let subjectLines = resultDescriptor.toStringArray()

An alternative is to gather the Apple Script result as lines of text separated by line breaks and then parse the string in Swift.
So break up the Apple Script result using
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to linefeed
Then simply parse
let selectedItems = scriptExecuted.stringValue!
let selectedItemsFiltered = selectedItems.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
.components returns a string array


Parse String into an object in Swift

I have received this response from the server and I am sure there must be a more efficient way to convert it into an object.
I have the following response:
How do I convert it nicely into a well formed swift object in the simplest way?
Here is my attempt which gives me just the Sprint Value
if sprintJiraCustomField.count > 0 {
let stringOutput = sprintJiraCustomField.first?.stringValue // convert output to String
let name = stringOutput?.components(separatedBy: "name=") // get name section from string
let nameFieldRaw = name![1].components(separatedBy: ",") // split out to the comma
let nameValue = nameFieldRaw.first!
sprintDetail = nameValue// show name field
Not sure what format you want but the below code will produce an array of tuples (key, value) but all values are strings so I guess another conversion is needed afterwards
let items = stringOutput.components(separatedBy: ",").compactMap( {pair -> (String, String) in
let keyValue = pair.components(separatedBy: "=")
return (keyValue[0], keyValue[1])
This is a work for reduce:
let keyValueStrings = yourString.components(separatedBy: ",")
let dictionary = keyValueStrings.reduce([String: String]()) {
(var aggregate: [String: String], element: String) -> [String: String] in
let elements = element.componentsSeparatedByString("=")
let key = elements[0]
// replace nil with the value you want to use if there is no value
let value = (elements.count > 1) ? elements[1] : nil
aggregate[key] = value
return aggregate
This is a functional approach, but you can achieve the same using a for iteration.
So then you can use Swift’s basic way of mapping. for example you will have your custom object struct. First, you will add an init method to it. Then map your object like this:
init(with dictionary: [String: Any]?) {
guard let dictionary = dictionary else { return }
attribute = dictionary["attrName"] as? String
let customObjec = CustomStruct(dictionary: dictionary)
We already have some suggestion to first split the string at each comma and then split each part at the equals sign. This is rather easy to code and works well, but it is not very efficient as every character has to be checked multiple times. Writing a proper parser using Scanner is just as easy, but will run faster.
Basically the scanner can check if a given string is at the current position or give you the substring up to the next occurrence of a separator.
With that the algorithm would have the following steps:
Create scanner with the input string
Check for the opening bracket, otherwise fail
Scan up to the first =. This is the key
Consume the =
Scan up to the first , or ]. This is the value
Store the key/value pair
If there is a , consume it and continue with step 3
Consume the final ].
Sadly the Scanner API is not very Swift-friendly. With a small extension it is much easier to use:
extension Scanner {
func scanString(_ string: String) -> Bool {
return scanString(string, into: nil)
func scanUpTo(_ delimiter: String) -> String? {
var result: NSString? = nil
guard scanUpTo(delimiter, into: &result) else { return nil }
return result as String?
func scanUpTo(_ characters: CharacterSet) -> String? {
var result: NSString? = nil
guard scanUpToCharacters(from: characters, into: &result) else { return nil }
return result as String?
With this we can write the parse function like this:
func parse(_ list: String) -> [String: String]? {
let scanner = Scanner(string: list)
guard scanner.scanString("[") else { return nil }
var result: [String: String] = [:]
let endOfPair: CharacterSet = [",", "]"]
repeat {
let key = scanner.scanUpTo("="),
let value = scanner.scanUpTo(endOfPair)
else {
return nil
result[key] = value
} while scanner.scanString(",")
guard scanner.scanString("]") else { return nil }
return result

Search multiple words in one string in swift

I have a long string in swift3 and want to check if it contains word1 and word2. It could also be more than 2 search words. I found out following solution:
var Text = "Hello Swift-world"
var TextArray = ["Hello", "world"]
var count = 0
for n in 0..<TextArray.count {
if (Text.contains(TextArray[n])) {
count += 1
if (count == TextArray.count) {
print ("success")
But this seems very complicated, is there not an easier way to solve this? (Xcode8 and swift3)
If you are looking for less code:
let text = "Hello Swift-world"
let wordList = ["Hello", "world"]
let success = !wordList.contains(where: { !text.contains($0) })
It is also a little more efficient than your solution because
the contains method returns as soon as a "not contained" word
is found.
As of Swift 4 or later, you can use allSatisfy:
let success = wordList.allSatisfy(text.contains)
A more Swifty solution that will stop searching after it found a non-existent word:
var text = "Hello Swift-world"
var textArray = ["Hello", "world"]
let match = textArray.reduce(true) { !$0 ? false : (text.range(of: $1) != nil ) }
Another way to do it which stops after it found a non-match:
let match = textArray.first(where: { !text.contains($0) }) == nil
Another possibility is regular expressions:
// *'s are wildcards
let regexp = "(?=.*Hello*)(?=.*world*)"
if let range = Text.range(of:regexp, options: .regularExpression) {
print("this string contains Hello world")
} else {
print("this string doesn't have the words we want")

swift: how can I delete a specific character?

a string such as ! !! yuahl! ! , I want delete ! and , when I code like this
for index in InputName.characters.indices {
if String(InputName[index]) == "" || InputName.substringToIndex(index) == "!" {
have this error " fatal error: subscript: subRange extends past String end ", how should I do? THX :D
Swift 5+
let myString = "aaaaaaaabbbb"
let replaced = myString.replacingOccurrences(of: "bbbb", with: "") // "aaaaaaaa"
If you need to remove characters only on both ends, you can use stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(_:)
let delCharSet = NSCharacterSet(charactersInString: "! ")
let s1 = "! aString! !"
let s1Del = s1.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(delCharSet)
print(s1Del) //->aString
let s2 = "! anotherString !! aString! !"
let s2Del = s2.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(delCharSet)
print(s2Del) //->anotherString !! aString
If you need to remove characters also in the middle, "reconstruct from the filtered output" would be a little bit more efficient than repeating single character removal.
var tempUSView = String.UnicodeScalarView()
let s2DelAll = String(tempUSView)
print(s2DelAll) //->anotherStringaString
If you don't mind generating many intermediate Strings and Arrays, this single liner can generate the expected output:
let s2DelAll2 = s2.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(delCharSet).joinWithSeparator("")
print(s2DelAll2) //->anotherStringaString
I find that the filter method is a good way to go for this sort of thing:
let unfiltered = "! !! yuahl! !"
// Array of Characters to remove
let removal: [Character] = ["!"," "]
// turn the string into an Array
let unfilteredCharacters = unfiltered.characters
// return an Array without the removal Characters
let filteredCharacters = unfilteredCharacters.filter { !removal.contains($0) }
// build a String with the filtered Array
let filtered = String(filteredCharacters)
print(filtered) // => "yeah"
// combined to a single line
print(String(unfiltered.characters.filter { !removal.contains($0) })) // => "yuahl"
Swift 3
In Swift 3, the syntax is a bit nicer. As a result of the Great Swiftification of the old APIs, the factory method is now called trimmingCharacters(in:). Also, you can construct the CharacterSet as a Set of single-character Strings:
let string = "! !! yuahl! !"
string.trimmingCharacters(in: [" ", "!"]) // "yuahl"
If you have characters in the middle of the string you would like to remove as well, you can use components(separatedBy:).joined():
let string = "! !! yu !ahl! !"
string.components(separatedBy: ["!", " "]).joined() // "yuahl"
H/T #OOPer for the Swift 2 version
func trimLast(character chars: Set<Character>) -> String {
let str: String = String(self.reversed())
guard let index = str.index(where: {!chars.contains($0)}) else {
return self
return String((str[index..<str.endIndex]).reversed())
By adding this function in String extension, you can delete the specific character of string at last.
for index in InputName.characters.indices.reversed() {
if String(InputName[index]) == "" || InputName.substringToIndex(index) == "!" {
Also you can add such very helpful extension :
import Foundation
extension String{
func exclude(find:String) -> String {
return stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(find, withString: "", options: .CaseInsensitiveSearch, range: nil)
func replaceAll(find:String, with:String) -> String {
return stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(find, withString: with, options: .CaseInsensitiveSearch, range: nil)
you can use this:
for example if you want to remove "%" the percent from 10%
if let i = text.firstIndex(of: "%") {
text.remove(at: i) //10

Remove all non-numeric characters from a string in swift

I have the need to parse some unknown data which should just be a numeric value, but may contain whitespace or other non-alphanumeric characters.
Is there a new way of doing this in Swift? All I can find online seems to be the old C way of doing things.
I am looking at stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet - as I am sure my inputs will only have whitespace/special characters at the start or end of the string. Are there any built in character sets I can use for this? Or do I need to create my own?
I was hoping there would be something like stringFromCharactersInSet() which would allow me to specify only valid characters to keep
I was hoping there would be something like stringFromCharactersInSet() which would allow me to specify only valid characters to keep.
You can either use trimmingCharacters with the inverted character set to remove characters from the start or the end of the string. In Swift 3 and later:
let result = string.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet(charactersIn: "0123456789.").inverted)
Or, if you want to remove non-numeric characters anywhere in the string (not just the start or end), you can filter the characters, e.g. in Swift 4.2.1:
let result = string.filter("0123456789.".contains)
Or, if you want to remove characters from a CharacterSet from anywhere in the string, use:
let result = String(string.unicodeScalars.filter(CharacterSet.whitespaces.inverted.contains))
Or, if you want to only match valid strings of a certain format (e.g. ####.##), you could use regular expression. For example:
if let range = string.range(of: #"\d+(\.\d*)?"#, options: .regularExpression) {
let result = string[range] // or `String(string[range])` if you need `String`
The behavior of these different approaches differ slightly so it just depends on precisely what you're trying to do. Include or exclude the decimal point if you want decimal numbers, or just integers. There are lots of ways to accomplish this.
For older, Swift 2 syntax, see previous revision of this answer.
let result = string.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("[^0-9]", withString: "", options: NSStringCompareOptions.RegularExpressionSearch, range:nil).stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.whitespaceCharacterSet())
Swift 3
let result = string.replacingOccurrences( of:"[^0-9]", with: "", options: .regularExpression)
You can upvote this answer.
I prefer this solution, because I like extensions, and it seems a bit cleaner to me. Solution reproduced here:
extension String {
var digits: String {
return components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted)
You can filter the UnicodeScalarView of the string using the pattern matching operator for ranges, pass a UnicodeScalar ClosedRange from 0 to 9 and initialise a new String with the resulting UnicodeScalarView:
extension String {
private static var digits = UnicodeScalar("0")..."9"
var digits: String {
return String(unicodeScalars.filter(String.digits.contains))
"abc12345".digits // "12345"
Swift 4.2
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Self: StringProtocol {
var digits: Self {
return filter(("0"..."9").contains)
or as a mutating method
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Self: StringProtocol {
mutating func removeAllNonNumeric() {
removeAll { !("0"..."9" ~= $0) }
Swift 5.2 • Xcode 11.4 or later
In Swift5 we can use a new Character property called isWholeNumber:
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Self: StringProtocol {
var digits: Self { filter(\.isWholeNumber) }
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Self: StringProtocol {
mutating func removeAllNonNumeric() {
removeAll { !$0.isWholeNumber }
To allow a period as well we can extend Character and create a computed property:
extension Character {
var isDecimalOrPeriod: Bool { "0"..."9" ~= self || self == "." }
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Self: StringProtocol {
var digitsAndPeriods: Self { filter(\.isDecimalOrPeriod) }
Playground testing:
"abc12345".digits // "12345"
var str = "123abc0"
print(str) //"1230"
"Testing0123456789.".digitsAndPeriods // "0123456789."
Swift 4
I found a decent way to get only alpha numeric characters set from a string.
For instance:-
func getAlphaNumericValue() {
var yourString = "123456789!##$%^&*()AnyThingYouWant"
let unsafeChars = CharacterSet.alphanumerics.inverted // Remove the .inverted to get the opposite result.
let cleanChars = yourString.components(separatedBy: unsafeChars).joined(separator: "")
print(cleanChars) // 123456789AnyThingYouWant
A solution using the filter function and rangeOfCharacterFromSet
let string = "sld [f]34é7*˜µ"
let alphaNumericCharacterSet = NSCharacterSet.alphanumericCharacterSet()
let filteredCharacters = string.characters.filter {
return String($0).rangeOfCharacterFromSet(alphaNumericCharacterSet) != nil
let filteredString = String(filteredCharacters) // -> sldf34é7µ
To filter for only numeric characters use
let string = "sld [f]34é7*˜µ"
let numericSet = "0123456789"
let filteredCharacters = string.characters.filter {
return numericSet.containsString(String($0))
let filteredString = String(filteredCharacters) // -> 347
let numericSet : [Character] = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
let filteredCharacters = string.characters.filter {
return numericSet.contains($0)
let filteredString = String(filteredCharacters) // -> 347
Swift 4
But without extensions or componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet which doesn't read as well.
let allowedCharSet = NSCharacterSet.letters.union(.whitespaces)
let filteredText = String(sourceText.unicodeScalars.filter(allowedCharSet.contains))
let string = "+1*(234) fds567#-8/90-"
let onlyNumbers = string.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted).joined()
print(onlyNumbers) // "1234567890"
extension String {
func removeNonNumeric() -> String {
return self.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted).joined()
let onlyNumbers = "+1*(234) fds567#-8/90-".removeNonNumeric()
print(onlyNumbers)// "1234567890"
Swift 3, filters all except numbers
let myString = "dasdf3453453fsdf23455sf.2234"
let result = String(myString.characters.filter { String($0).rangeOfCharacter(from: CharacterSet(charactersIn: "0123456789")) != nil })
Swift 4.2
let numericString = string.filter { (char) -> Bool in
return char.isNumber
You can do something like this...
let string = "[,myString1. \"" // string : [,myString1. "
let characterSet = NSCharacterSet(charactersInString: "[,. \"")
let finalString = (string.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(characterSet) as NSArray).componentsJoinedByString("")
//finalString will be "myString1"
The issue with Rob's first solution is stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet only filters the ends of the string rather than throughout, as stated in Apple's documentation:
Returns a new string made by removing from both ends of the receiver characters contained in a given character set.
Instead use componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet to first isolate all non-occurrences of the character set into arrays and subsequently join them with an empty string separator:
"$$1234%^56()78*9££".componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet(charactersInString: "0123456789").invertedSet)).joinWithSeparator("")
Which returns 123456789
Swift 3
extension String {
var keepNumericsOnly: String {
return self.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet(charactersIn: "0123456789").inverted).joined(separator: "")
Swift 4.0 version
extension String {
var numbers: String {
return String(describing: filter { String($0).rangeOfCharacter(from: CharacterSet(charactersIn: "0123456789")) != nil })
Swift 4
import Foundation
extension String {
func removeCharacters(from forbiddenChars: CharacterSet) -> String {
let passed = self.unicodeScalars.filter { !forbiddenChars.contains($0) }
return String(String.UnicodeScalarView(passed))
func removeCharacters(from: String) -> String {
return removeCharacters(from: CharacterSet(charactersIn: from))
let character = "1Vi234s56a78l9"
let alphaNumericSet = character.removeCharacters(from: CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted)
print(alphaNumericSet) // will print: 123456789
let alphaNumericCharacterSet = character.removeCharacters(from: "0123456789")
print("no digits",alphaNumericCharacterSet) // will print: Vishal
Swift 4.2
let digitChars = yourString.components(separatedBy:
CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted).joined(separator: "")
Swift 3 Version
extension String
func trimmingCharactersNot(in charSet: CharacterSet) -> String
var s:String = ""
for unicodeScalar in self.unicodeScalars
if charSet.contains(unicodeScalar)
return s

Swift String to Array

I have a string in Swift that looks like this:
I need to convert it into an NSArray.
I've looked at other methods on SO but it is breaking each character into a separate array element, as opposed to breaking on the comma. See: Convert Swift string to array
I've tried to use the map() function, I've also tried various types of casting but nothing seems to come close.
Thanks in advance.
It's probably a JSON string so you can try this
let string = "[\"174580798\",\"151240033\",\"69753978\",\"122754394\",\"72373738\",\"183135789\",\"178841809\",\"84104360\",\"122823486\",\"184553211\",\"182415131\",\"70707972\"]"
let data = string.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!
let jsonArray = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions(), error: nil) as! [String]
as the type [String] is distinct you can cast it forced
Swift 3+:
let data = Data(string.utf8)
let jsonArray = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data) as! [String]
The other two answers are working, although SwiftStudiers isn't the best regarding performance. vadian is right that your string most likely is JSON. Here I present another method which doesn't involve JSON parsing and one which is very fast:
import Foundation
let myString = "[\"174580798\",\"151240033\",\"69753978\",\"122754394\",\"72373738\",\"183135789\",\"178841809\",\"84104360\",\"122823486\",\"184553211\",\"182415131\",\"70707972\"]"
func toArray(var string: String) -> [String] {
string.removeRange(string.startIndex ..< advance(string.startIndex, 2)) // Remove first 2 chars
string.removeRange(advance(string.endIndex, -2) ..< string.endIndex) // Remote last 2 chars
return string.componentsSeparatedByString("\",\"")
toArray(myString) // ["174580798", "151240033", "69753978", ...
You probably want the numbers though, you can do this in Swift 2.0:
toArray(myString).flatMap{ Int($0) } // [174'580'798, 151'240'033, 69'753'978, ...
which returns an array of Ints
EDIT: For the ones loving immutability and functional programming, have this solution:
func toArray(string: String) -> [String] {
return string[advance(string.startIndex, 2) ..< advance(string.endIndex, -2)]
or this:
func toArray(string: String) -> [Int] {
return string[advance(string.startIndex, 2) ..< advance(string.endIndex, -2)]
.flatMap{ Int($0) }
Try this. I've just added my function which deletes any symbols from string except numbers. It helps to delete " and [] in your case
var myString = "[\"174580798\",\"151240033\",\"69753978\",\"122754394\",\"72373738\",\"183135789\",\"178841809\",\"84104360\",\"122823486\",\"184553211\",\"182415131\",\"70707972\"]"
var s=myString.componentsSeparatedByString("\",\"")
var someArray: [String] = []
for i in s {
func deleteAllExceptNumbers(str:String) -> String {
var rez=""
let digits = NSCharacterSet.decimalDigitCharacterSet()
for tempChar in str.unicodeScalars {
if digits.longCharacterIsMember(tempChar.value) {
rez += tempChar.description
return rez.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString("\u{22}", withString: "")
Swift 1.2:
If as has been suggested you are wanting to return an array of Int you can get to that from myString with this single concise line:
var myArrayOfInt2 = myString.componentsSeparatedByString("\"").map{$0.toInt()}.filter{$0 != nil}.map{$0!}
In Swift 2 (Xcode 7.0 beta 5):
var myArrayOfInt = myString.componentsSeparatedByString("\"").map{Int($0)}.filter{$0 != nil}.map{$0!}
This works because the cast returns an optional which will be nil where the cast fails - e.g. with [, ] and ,. There seems therefore to be no need for other code to remove these characters.
EDIT: And as Kametrixom has commented below - this can be further simplified in Swift 2 using .flatMap as follows:
var myArrayOfInt = myString.componentsSeparatedByString("\"").flatMap{ Int($0) }
Also - and separately:
With reference to Vadian's excellent answer. In Swift 2 this will become:
// ...
do {
let jsonArray = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: NSJSONReadingOptions()) as! [String]
} catch {
_ = error // or do something with the error