Docker Rundeck + local Postgres - postgresql

I'm trying to run a docker image of rundeck, using PostGres for the database.
The issue I'm having is mapping my local postgres installation to the docker rundeck image. The postgres port runs on 5432, and have confirmed using netstat that the port is open and listening. The port for rundeck needs to run on 4440.
I have tried the following command:
docker run -p -e RUNDECK_DATABASE_URL=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/rundeck -e RUNDECK_DATABASE_DRIVER=org.postgresql.Driver -e RUNDECK_DATABASE_USERNAME=xxx -e RUNDECK_DATABASE_PASSWORD=xxx --name test-rundeck -t rundeck/rundeck:3.0.19
But it fails with an error: Connection to refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP
I'm guessing it's because the internal 5432 port isnt mapped to the docker container port 5432?
I tried mapping the ports with -p but that fails with the error:
Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use
At this point I might just resort to running both PostGres and Rundeck as docker images, but I would rather like to resolve this problem.
Any ideas on how to map a local PostGres to a docker ran Rundeck?

Found the answer.
Had to edit the pg_hba.conf file to allow the docker0 ip address through.
host all all md5


SSH to docker container that refuse to start

My spring boot app is connecting to postgres and I want to set /etc/hosts like in add-postgres-port-hosts but my container refusing to run when I try to run it using docker run -d -p 8080:8080 springio/flyaway-postgres it fails to run in the background because it tries to find localhost inside the container -
Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections
So how can I run docker exec [container] nc -v -z localhost 5432 in a container that I cannot run in detach mode?
Thank you.

Error creating postgres container with Docker

I'm initializing my studies with docker. When I creating the postgreSQL container with Docker, appear this error:
I've already reinstall docker and tried change the database port, but must be don't have success
The error indicates that the 5432 port is already in use, in the HOST. This means that this port is occupied by another application. This could be for example a Postgres instance that you have on your machine or maybe another container using up this port.
The port option is -p hostPort:ContainerPort, so to have access to the Postgres port of the container which is 5432 in the host at port 5000 try:
-p 5000:5432

Can't connect remotely to PostGIS docker

I've created a PostGIS docker container with the following code:
docker run --name=h4d -d -e POSTGRES_USER=h4d_user -e POSTGRES_PASS=password -e POSTGRES_DBNAME=gis -e ALLOW_IP_RANGE= -p 5432:5432 -v h4d_data:/var/lib/postgresql --restart=always kartoza/postgis:latest
I can connect to the docker from my localhost, but I can't from another terminal. The error message says "could not connect to server: Connextion timed out (0x0000274C/10060) Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
I'm not sure if maybe I must edit some firewall settings or something else. I'm working on Windows 10
Maybe this will help ..
Go to the postgresql.conf and change the parameter of listen_addresses to the ip address you wish or just place * for all ips, e.g:
listen_addresses = '*'
In the pg_hba.conf file you also have to add which ips and users may access a certain database, e.g.
host my_db my_user md5
In an Ubuntu machine these files are normally found at: /etc/postgresql/10/main

Docker postgres connection from *inside* docker container to host machine's postgres localhost instance on a Mac

All the questions on SO about this seem to refer to an opposite case of creating a postgres container and connecting it from Mac host. But I am trying to do the opposite, without success. I have localhost running on my Mac host machine, and despite setting port flags, I cannot get code inside my container to talk to my localhost postgres (talks to remote host postgres just fine).
docker run -it -p 5000:5000 -p 5432:5432 yard-stats
Then inside docker:
telnet 5432
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
or telnet or localhost. Connection is refused.
Edit: I also tried with flag --network="host", which did not change anything except break inbound connections to the container on localhost:5000 as well.
If you are using docker for mac, you can use use host.docker.internal special DNS name which resolves to the internal IP address used by the host.
You can also use --network="host" with your docker run command to run the container in host network. Then the localhost interface inside the container will be same as localhost interface of the host machine when run in host network. So you should be able to use localhost:5432 to connect to postgresql. You can remove -p option as it has no effect when running with --network="host".
docker run -it --network=host yard-stats

How do I connect to a Postgresql set up on docker, running on local host, with dbeaver?

I am running a postgresql database on docker, hosting it on my local machine. When I try and connect to it using DBeaver though, I am given the error:
Connection to localhost:5432 refused.
Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
Connection refused: connect
Here are the commands I ran in Docker to create my PostgreSQL image:
rrowe#LAPTOP-AFM43BOB MINGW64 /c/Program Files/Docker Toolbox
$ docker run --name RiohRoweDB -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=Charlie -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
rrowe#LAPTOP-AFM43BOB MINGW64 /c/Program Files/Docker Toolbox
$ docker exec -it RiohRoweDB bash
root#55c78d059fdb:/# psql -U postgres
psql (12.0 (Debian 12.0-2.pgdg100+1))
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE postgresqlDB
postgres-# \q
root#55c78d059fdb:/# exit
rrowe#LAPTOP-AFM43BOB MINGW64 /c/Program Files/Docker Toolbox
$ docker container ls
55c78d059fdb postgres "docker-entrypoint.s…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>5432/tcp RiohRoweDB
On the DBeaver side, I add a connection with the following parameters:
When I test the connection ("Test Connection" button in Connection Settings)
I get the following error:
Connection to localhost:5432 refused.
Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.
Connection refused: connect
I was following this tutorial that did not use DBeaver:
If you got here from the official Postgres Docker page, don't forget to add the port-forwarding flag -p 5432:5432 to your initialization command like Rioh did above:
docker run --name RiohRoweDB -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=Charlie -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
Also consider studying this how-to on Medium:
If you're using Docker Toolbox, programs on the host need to use the IP address from docker-machine ip, usually, to reach container processes; localhost won't work. – David Maze