Jenkins - get EnvInject Plugin info by rest api - rest

I am using 1.93.1 in my Jenkins installation.
I need to fetch the EnvInject properties configuration for every job I have, but I can't seem to find a way to do this in the job rest api.
The way I figured to do this is by fetching the last build for every job and then hit the injectedEnvVars/api/.
This strategy is not optimal because I have to do a request for every job, and that is taking too long (4000+ jobs).
Am I missing something? Is there a way to fetch the envInject properties together with the job information?

If you think send 4000 HTTP requests is not effective, You can iterate the JENKINS_HOME folder on Jenkins Master.
Following picture illustrate the structure for injectedEnvVars.txt which stores the value of EnvInject.
.jenkins is JENKINS_HOME folder
fetch-envinject-value is jenkins job
builds/1 is the 1st job build
builds/1/injectedEnvVars.txt is all environment variables for this job build.


How to pull code from different branches at runtime and pass parameter to NUnit.xml file?

We recently moved Java(TestNG) to C#.Net (NUnit). Sametime migrated to Jenkins to Team-city. Currently we are facing some challenges while we configuring the new build pipeline in Team-City.
Scenario 1: Our project has multiple branches, we generally pull code from different Git-branches then trigger the automation.
In Jenkins we used to create build-parameter(list), when user try to execute the Job, he/she select the branch-name from the list (build-parameters), then git will pull code user selected branch then trigger execution.
Can you please help how to implement a similar process in Team-City?
How to configure the default value in the list parameter?
Scenario 2: In Jenkins build-parameter use used to pass to (TestNG.xml). eg: browser, environment. When the user select browser and environment from build parameters, when execution trigger TestNG pull those values and initiate the regression.
How should create build parameters (browser, envi.) and pass those
values to NUnit/ config file?

Jenkinsfile - how to access other github files?

I'm performing an api call in my jenkinsfile that requires specifying a path to file 'A'. Assuming file A is located on the same repo, I am not sure how to refer to file A when running the jenkinsfile.
I feel like this has been done before, but I can't find any resource. Any help is appreciated.
You don't say whether you are using a scripted or declaritive Jenkinsfile, as the details differ. However the principle is the same as far as I am concerned. Basically to do anything with a file you will need to be within a node clause - essentially the controller opens a session on one of the agents and does actions there. You need to checkout your repo on that node:
The scripted Jenkinsfile would look something like (assuming you are not bothered about which node you are running on):
node("") {
checkout scm // "scm" equates to the configuration that the job was run with
// the whole repo will be now available

Tag resources when registering to the environment

I have a pipeline with multiple stages that deploys groups of virtual machines.
And registers one to and azure pipelines environment.
Then I want to target that registered VM in a deployment job.
I have a problem to target that resource by name as the resource does not exists in the environment at queue time so I cannot even disable the stage before running.
So my next option is targeting by tags.
But I saw no option in the registration script to define tags at registering time.
So my pipeline flow has a manual step between stages to go to the environment and tag the resource.
Then I can trigger the deployments stage of the pipeline and it continues ok.
So my question is:
There is any way of disabling the resource evaluation at queuetime or anyway to tag resoureces in the environment programmatically?
But I saw no option in the registration script to define tags at
registering time.
When running the Registration script, there will be a step: Enter Environment Virtual Machine resource tags? (Y/N) (press enter for N), at this time you need to enter Y, and then in the next step: Enter Comma separated list of tags (e.g web, db) define the tag for the resource.
You can add --addvirtualmachineresourcetags --virtualmachineresourcetags "<tag>" to the registration script.
You can refer to this case for details.

Email upstream job artifact in jenkins

I have two jenkins jobs - JobA(upstream) and JobB(downstream). JobA generates the artifact I want to take artifact in JobB and send it as an attachment in an email sent from JobB. I tried copy artifact plug in, but no luck. Can somebody please help with some steps how to do it?
Are you facing issue to passing to Job B or facing issue to send email from Job B. I am assuming, you are facing issue to pass artifact to job B. As copy artifact plugin you tried and not worked, there is some alternative, you can try. So if both job A and Job B are running from same jenkins slave, then you can store artifact in some common place from where Job B can also access that and Job B can copy that from own workspace and initiate email using that as attachment. Please refer this article on how to pass parameter from one job to another.

Inject all GERRIT env variables as if the Jenkins job was started by gerrit event

This SO answer has the list of environment variables which gets injected automatically when a Jenkins job is triggered by a gerrit event, but if Jenkins is started manually with a gerrit number as input parameter, how to fetch those GERRIT_* env variables and inject? so the list of environment variables will be same for job started by gerrit event or started manually with gerrit number as input parameter.
You can't do that easly, you would have to use the REST API to search for the GERRIT_* values you're interested in.
But there's another option that, maybe, can solve your problem:
You can re-trigger any job, as it had been trigged at that moment, with all environment variables set. Do the following:
Go to Jenkins web interface
Click on Jenkins > Query and Trigger Gerrit Patches
Search/select the Changes/Patchsets you want
Click on Trigger Selected