Jasper Report: error executing SQL statement by Collection Parameter - postgresql

I'm creating a report which's passing by collection parameter.
The parameter name as 'ids' and the class is java.util.Collection.
My query:
select * from order_deliveryorder a
left join order_deliveryorderline b on a.id = b.d_order_id
left join order_item c on c.id = b.product_id
left join order_orderline e on e.id = b.s_order_id
left join order_order f on e.order_id = f.id
left join order_itemsection g on g.id = f.section_id
left join order_location d on d.id = a.location_id
left join order_location h on h.id = a.from_location_id
where a.id in ('2377900603251741014','2377900603251740997','2377900603251740967')
the query in jasper:
select * from order_deliveryorder a
left join order_deliveryorderline b on a.id = b.d_order_id
left join order_item c on c.id = b.product_id
left join order_orderline e on e.id = b.s_order_id
left join order_order f on e.order_id = f.id
left join order_itemsection g on g.id = f.section_id
left join order_location d on d.id = a.location_id
left join order_location h on h.id = a.from_location_id
where $X{IN, a.id, ids}
The value of parameter "ids" is ["2377900603251741014","2377900603251740997","2377900603251740967"]
In the End, had met the error executing sql statement.


Postgresql: UNION ALL on two queries using "with <name> as"?

I have this query:
with active_cars as (
select c.id
from car c
inner join dealership d on c.dealer_id = d.id and d.active=true and d.ownerId=${userId}
select cd.*
from car_details cd
inner join active_cars ac on cd.car_id = ac.id
where cd.ratings=5;
Then I have query:
with ports_active_cars as (
select c.id
from car c
inner join ports p on c.port_id = p.id and p.active=true and p.ownerId=${userId}
select cd.*
from car_details cd
inner join ports_active_cars pac on cd.car_id = pac.id
I'd like to know how I can combine the result of the two queries into one, so I get one result including all car_details records.
I tried this:
with active_cars as (
select c.id
from car c
inner join dealership d on c.dealer_id = d.id and d.active=true and d.ownerId=${userId}
select cd.*
from car_details cd
inner join active_cars ac on cd.car_id = ac.id
where cd.ratings=5
union all
with ports_active_cars as (
select c.id
from car c
inner join ports p on c.port_id = p.id and p.active=true and p.ownerId=${userId}
select cd.*
from car_details cd
inner join ports_active_cars pac on cd.car_id = pac.id;
but that is wrong, does not run.
Is there a way to combine the two into one result returning all rows of car_details?
You need to define both CTEs at the start of the statement:
with active_cars as (
select c.id
from car c
inner join dealership d
on c.dealer_id = d.id and d.active = true and d.ownerId = ${userId}
ports_active_cars as (
select c.id
from car c
inner join ports p
on c.port_id = p.id and p.active=true and p.ownerId = ${userId}
select cd.*
from car_details cd
inner join active_cars ac on cd.car_id = ac.id
where cd.ratings = 5
union all
select cd.*
from car_details cd
inner join ports_active_cars pac on cd.car_id = pac.id;

How to aggregate calculation in SQL Server?

I have a following script to get the total unit but it gives me an error
Cannot perform an aggregate function on an expression containing an aggregate or a subquery.
Do I need to calculate SUM(ta.Qty) outside the main table?
, SUM(ta.Total)
, SUM(SUM(ta.Qty) * ta.Unit)
tableA tA
tableB tB on tA.ID = tb.TableAID
tableC tc on ta.ID = tc.TableAID
tableD td on td.ID = tb.TableBID
Here is a query in the AdventureWorks database that produces the same error (but might make some sense):
SELECT v.Name AS Vendor, SUM(SUM(p.ListPrice*d.OrderQty)+h.Freight)
FROM Production.Product p
INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail d ON p.ProductID = d.ProductID
INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader h ON h.PurchaseOrderID = d.PurchaseOrderID
INNER JOIN Purchasing.Vendor v ON v.BusinessEntityID = h.VendorID
And here are two ways that I could rewrite that query to avoid the error:
SELECT v.Name AS Vendor, SUM(x.TotalAmount+h.Freight)
SELECT PurchaseOrderID, SUM(p.ListPrice*d.OrderQty) AS TotalAmount
FROM Production.Product p
INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail d ON p.ProductID = d.ProductID
GROUP BY PurchaseOrderID
) x
INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader h ON h.PurchaseOrderID = x.PurchaseOrderID
INNER JOIN Purchasing.Vendor v ON v.BusinessEntityID = h.VendorID
SELECT v.Name AS Vendor, SUM(x.TotalAmount+h.Freight)
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderHeader h
INNER JOIN Purchasing.Vendor v ON v.BusinessEntityID = h.VendorID
SELECT SUM(p.ListPrice*d.OrderQty) AS TotalAmount
FROM Production.Product p
INNER JOIN Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail d ON p.ProductID = d.ProductID
WHERE d.PurchaseOrderID=h.PurchaseOrderID
) x
The first query uses derived tables and the second one uses CROSS APPLY.

Postgres UPDATE statement

I have moved from mysql to psql, but find it hard to get my head around the UPDATE statement using multiple left joins.
How would you rewrite this in Postgres? (I am using postresql 9.4)
update task t
left join project p on t.project_id = p.id
left join client c on t.client_id = c.id
left join user u on t.user_id = u.id
set t.project_name = p.name,
t.client_name = c.name,
t.user_name = u.name;
Any pointer will be welcome.
Here you go:
WITH task_data AS (
SELECT t.id,
p.name AS project_name,
c.name AS client_name,
u.name AS user_name
FROM task t
LEFT JOIN project p ON t.project_id = p.id
LEFT JOIN client c ON t.client_id = c.id
LEFT JOIN "user" u ON t.user_id = u.id
UPDATE task t
FROM task_data d
project_name = d.project_name,
client_name = d.client_name,
user_name = d.user_name
WHERE t.id = d.id
I would be curious to see if there is a more efficient way

Row_Number () Over Certain Value Rows

ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY s.ExitStateTypeId ORDER BY s.InsertDate) AS Number
,s.ExitStateTypeId as [Status]
,d.Name AS Direction
,d.Id AS DirectionId
,h.Name AS Referal
,h.Id AS HealthOrgTypeId
FROM [DB1].[dbo].[Exits] x
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[ExitStates] s on x.Id = s.ExitId
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[HealthOrgTypes] h on x.HealthOrgTypeId = h.Id
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[Directions] d on x.DirectionId = d.Id
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[HealthCards] c on x.HealthCardId = c.Id
INNER JOIN [DB2].[pr].[TABLE] p on p.Id = c.TABLEId
INNER JOIN [DB3].[orgs].[Organizations] g on g.Id = x.OrganisationId
INNER JOIN [DB4].[dbo].ExitStateTypes t on t.Id = s.ExitStateTypeId
WHERE s.Id = (SELECT MAX(es.Id) from ExitStates es WHERE es.ExitId=x.Id)
ORDER BY s.InsertDate
This is my query, but what I need is that I want only those rows to be enumerated by ROW_NUMBER which s.ExitStateTypeId is in (4,7), for the other rows it should be -1.
Here's the incorrect query just for getting the idea.
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY s.ExitStateTypeId Where s.ExitStateTypeId IN (4,7)
ORDER BY s.InsertDate) AS Number
,s.ExitStateTypeId as [Status]
,d.Name AS Direction
,d.Id AS DirectionId
,h.Name AS Referal
,h.Id AS HealthOrgTypeId
FROM [DB1].[dbo].[Exits] x
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[ExitStates] s on x.Id = s.ExitId
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[HealthOrgTypes] h on x.HealthOrgTypeId = h.Id
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[Directions] d on x.DirectionId = d.Id
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[HealthCards] c on x.HealthCardId = c.Id
INNER JOIN [DB2].[pr].[TABLE] p on p.Id = c.TABLEId
INNER JOIN [DB3].[orgs].[Organizations] g on g.Id = x.OrganisationId
INNER JOIN [DB4].[dbo].ExitStateTypes t on t.Id = s.ExitStateTypeId
WHERE s.Id = (SELECT MAX(es.Id) from ExitStates es WHERE es.ExitId=x.Id)
ORDER BY s.InsertDate
So, I want partition by s.ExitStateTypeId just when it is 4 or 7 and -1 for the others
This is data I expect
Perhaps with a combination of CASE and ROW_NUMBER:
SELECT Number = CASE WHEN s.ExitStateTypeId NOT IN (4,7) THEN -1
ELSE Row_number() OVER (
partition BY s.exitstatetypeid
ORDER BY s.insertdate) END,
s.exitstatetypeid AS [Status],
d.name AS Direction,
d.id AS DirectionId,
h.name AS Referal,
h.id AS HealthOrgTypeId,
FROM [DB1].[dbo].[exits] x
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[exitstates] s
ON x.id = s.exitid
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[healthorgtypes] h
ON x.healthorgtypeid = h.id
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[directions] d
ON x.directionid = d.id
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[healthcards] c
ON x.healthcardid = c.id
INNER JOIN [DB2].[pr].[table] p
ON p.id = c.tableid
INNER JOIN [DB3].[orgs].[organizations] g
ON g.id = x.organisationid
INNER JOIN [DB4].[dbo].exitstatetypes t
ON t.id = s.exitstatetypeid
WHERE s.id = (SELECT Max(es.id)
FROM exitstates es
WHERE es.exitid = x.id)
ORDER BY s.insertdate
Get row numbers, left outer join and set null row number value to -1 (like below, might have to fix it up a bit as I don't have a schema to work with):
;with RowNumber( ExitId, RowNumber )
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY s.ExitStateTypeId ORDER BY s.InsertDate)
[DB1].[dbo].[Exits] x
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[ExitStates] s
on x.Id = s.ExitId
s.Id = (SELECT MAX(es.Id) from ExitStates es WHERE es.ExitId=x.Id)
and s.ExitStateTypeId in ( 4, 7 )
ISNULL( rn.RowNumber, -1 ) AS Number
,s.ExitStateTypeId as [Status]
,d.Name AS Direction
,d.Id AS DirectionId
,h.Name AS Referal
,h.Id AS HealthOrgTypeId
FROM [DB1].[dbo].[Exits] x
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[ExitStates] s on x.Id = s.ExitId
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[HealthOrgTypes] h on x.HealthOrgTypeId = h.Id
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[Directions] d on x.DirectionId = d.Id
INNER JOIN [DB1].[dbo].[HealthCards] c on x.HealthCardId = c.Id
INNER JOIN [DB2].[pr].[TABLE] p on p.Id = c.TABLEId
INNER JOIN [DB3].[orgs].[Organizations] g on g.Id = x.OrganisationId
INNER JOIN [DB4].[dbo].ExitStateTypes t on t.Id = s.ExitStateTypeId
left outer join RowNumber rn
on x.Id = rn.ExitId
WHERE s.Id = (SELECT MAX(es.Id) from ExitStates es WHERE es.ExitId=x.Id)
ORDER BY s.InsertDate

Filter table that I do a LEFT JOIN with

Here's my query at the moment:
LEFT JOIN B ON B.a_id = A.id
Now, suppose there is a table C which relates directly to B. What I'd like to do is to filter out the records of table B based on C - how do I do that? I've tried placing the filter in the WHERE section:
LEFT JOIN B ON B.a_id = A.id
LEFT JOIN C ON B.c_id = C.id
WHERE C.id > 10
The problem is that the preceding queryalso filters out table A's results. How do I achieve the result that I want?
you need to put that filter in join :
INNER JOIN C ON B.c_id = C.id AND C.id > 10
) AS B ON B.a_id = A.id
it will not filter out the A's results .