Flutter - how to set AppBar title height - flutter

I've spent hours attempting to make an AppBar show a title having a particular height. From what I have read on SO etc., it can be done, however I cannot achieve it and I have spent many hours attempting to. I need to make the "title:" and "actions:" have a height of about 70 or thereabouts.
From what I can determine from various tests that I have performed, when the size of the AppBar exceeds a certain size, any excess size automatically goes to the "bottom:" which in the case of my app is the TabBar.
I tested a PreferredSize for that AppBar in another test where there was no "bottom:" and no TabBar, and the space allocated to the AppBar in the program was sufficient to display the large title, but only part of the title having a large font showed. The remainder of the space that was allocated to the AppBar in that case was just blank and showed below the display of the title.
In another program that I have written, I have set the AppBar height to 35 and that works without a problem. So it appears that setting the AppBar height to a low value works for the title, but setting it to a large value does not.
I would appreciate a solution to this problem because the need for this is integral to my program and I have spent a lot of time attempting to solve the problem.

You can use toolbarHeight:
toolbarHeight: 100,

This problem appears to be solved by AppBar "flexibleSpace:".

The AppBar title and actions are part of the AppBar toolbar. The problem appears to be that the height of the AppBar can be changed, and that allows the height of the toolbar to be reduced, but the height of the AppBar toolbar cannot be increased beyond a height of 56. Any increase in the height of the AppBar beyond 56 does not allow the height of the toolbar to be increased beyond 56.
This is the subject of issues #7330 and #23373 for Flutter on Github. It would be great if these issues could be solved by allowing an increase in the AppBar toolbar height beyond 56. Currently the only way to solve this appears to be to write a custom AppBar and the standard AppBar has some good features.

Just try this pseudocode
Text('your text here', style:TextStyle(height:70.0));

You can use preferredSize widget to give custom height in appBar
appBar: PreferredSize(
preferredSize: Size.fromHeight(50.0),
child: AppBar(


Flutter: Transparent appbar is hiding content

I have a transparent app bar that hides some of my content, because the content starts behind the app bar:
My Scaffold looks like this:
return Scaffold(
extendBody: true,
extendBodyBehindAppBar: true,
appBar: getAppBar(),
body: generateMainBody(context),
If I would set extendBodyBehindAppBar to false it would work, however, the appbar would not be transparent anymore (when scrolling the area that is not part of that cool shape would be black and not transparent like in the screenshot).
I thought of adding some top padding to just move the cut content down a little bit but surely there has to be a better solution?
In your generateMainBody function, wrap your current return with padding and change the padding padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 8.0),. You can increase or decrease the '8.0' to best suit your app.
Since the only solution seems to be some kind of padding I settled with this:
SizedBox(height: MainAppBar.appBarHeight)
I simply added an empty SizedBox that has the height of the AppBar to the top of my content.

Make scroll responsive to size of column in flutter

I have a screen with a column in flutter which is basically a form. At first i had trouble with the fact that the pop-up keyboard reduced the visible space and thus had an overflow. Fixed that adding the SingleChildScrollView and setting a container as a parent with an specific height (based on devicequery size).
Unfortunately, when I test the rotated screen, i get the same problem. Is there a way to set the height of the container which controls the SingleChildScrollView so that it adjusts to the total size occupied by the column widgets?
Please add Listview instead of Colum Widget.
in your scaffold
set resizeToAvoidBottomInset to false or add it

How can I measure the specific height in the flutter?

I have no idea to figure out this problem in flutter. I want to know the size without app bar size and tab bar size(up).
I use variable "vertical_size" as
var vertical_size = (MediaQuery.of(context).size.height -
AppBar().preferredSize.height -
but I didn't figure out the tab bar size. It's mean there are oversized in Iphone. (Android is okay in now...)
Do you have any idea to measure tabbar height using Mediaquery? Or is there any idea to measure the actual using area?
You can always figure out the free space in any place you want in your layout with LayoutBuilder
In case of full usable screen height, you can use MediaQuery, but aparat from appbar's height and top padding, remember about bottom padding. You need to substract it as well
Hi and welcome to StackOverflow.
It's not oversized in iOS. What happens is that the AppBar will have in consideration the safe area, hence, its heigh will be bigger/smaller based on the device it is running on.
If you want to get the height of the screen without the AppBar heigh, just do it as the following:
Widget build() {
AppBar appBar = AppBar();
double vertical_size = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height - appBar.preferredSize.height;
return Scaffold(
appBar: appBar,
body: // your widget
The AppBar's height will have in consideration the device's status bar and so on, so there's no need to remove the inset padding manually.

Should I always use a SafeArea at the top level of my flutter screens?

I am curious if I should always use a SafeArea widget at the top level of my screen. I mean....when would I want my content blocked by things like a notch? For me it seems like the answer is never.
So should I not just use SafeArea on every page? If so, should it be above or below the Scaffold widget?
You don't have to use SafeArea on every screen. It actually depends if an AppBar is used or not, because the AppBar automatically calculates the values and adds the required padding.
If you use it above a Scaffold the area where the padding is applied would be black. On the other hand, if you use it below the Scaffold the color of the area would depend on the app theme, probably the Scaffold background color.
If you won't add an app bar or add it. if you want to adjust the screen to be responsive using MediaQuery and you don't need any scroll inside the screen use it.
Use it as the first widget in the body of the scaffold.

Make CachedNetworkImage scale to fit height of ListTile

I want to place a CachedNetworkImage as the leading property inside a ListTile and have the image scale itself to fit the height of the ListTile. Is this possible without specifying a fixed height for the CachedNetworkImage?
What I have right now is this, which looks good but uses a fixed height of 32px.
return ListTile(
title: Text(record.title),
subtitle: Text(record.type),
leading: CachedNetworkImage(imageUrl: url, fit: BoxFit.scaleDown, height: 32),
I'm not a fan of fixed dimensions, but perhaps I should be? Can I expect that 32px in Flutter will always be appropriate for a ListTile on any device?
Or is there a better way to make the size of my images adjust dynamically to the other content of the ListTile?
The leading element of a ListTile is normally expected to be an icon, although of course you can use anything else. But one way of doing it is to use IconTheme.of(context).size for your image's size, and then specify the size in your theme. That way, you could theoretically set theme based on the screen size at the top level of the app, and have it automatically propagate to wherever you use it. Most of the time you won't need to do that however, as flutter automatically handles different screen DPIs.
Another possible way of doing it would be to use an AspectRatio widget around the CachedNetworkImage, so that the width is dependent on the ListTile's height (which should be constant for a particular type of ListTile).