How to install the WASP in powershell? - powershell

I want to use WASP plug-in in powershell. Lack of knowledge about c#, I have no idea how to install it. I have downloaded the archive file from . I haven't found a "install" file in the zip. There is no user guide for installation on the page, either. I would like to install it from powershell. My system is windows10, 64bits. I need some help, thank you.

You can use SendKeys directly via PowerShell.
# Example, start notepad, grab all services and display in in notepad using SendKeys
Get-Service | Clip
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
## .NET:
Yet, WASP and other tools like if are better options. However, WASP is a very old project and has not been maintained in years. I have it as do many other and used it in the past. From CodePlex, you need Visual Studio ( you can use the free community edition) to compile that into a DLL to be imported. Yet again , it's very old. So, there are other tools to use for GUI automatization vs WASP.
PowerShell module to run a Selenium WebDriver.
PowerShell & Selenium: Automate Web Browser Interactions
PowerShell, Selenium and Browser Automation
AutoIt Cmdlets for Windows PowerShell


Find argument list for an installation exe

I am a complete Noob on Windows and, for the first time of my life, I have to make a Powershell script to install various services on a server. From what I understood, silent installations are made this way:
Start-Process "C:\Path\To\some_installer.exe" -ArgumentList "/some /argument" -Wait -PassThru
But I cant figure a way to identify what the arguments should be for this given .exe. On Linux, I would launch the installer and answer to the prompts one by one to know what the arguments are supposed to be. Then:
(echo arg1; echo arg2) | my command
But since Start-Process does not display a similar behavior (or I am not using it properly), I am lost. I tried the -RedirectStandardOutput but getting nothing in the output file. How do you identify the argument list to provide?
Just like Linux, Windows has many package installation tools. The difference is that the Windows installers are mostly designed for GUI. So there is no standard for CLI. For each installation, you need to check for the installer.
If it's an MSI file, you can use the Microsoft docs. If it's an executable, you need to check for the installer. Many software use common installation wizards, but many of them use custom ones.
If you want to use it like Linux, you can use scoop or chocolatey. You can have a local repository in your network then share. Or just use internet. Then you can have silent installation by default.

Powershell ISE NOT found in Windows Server 2012

i am not able to see the powershell ise application in my windows serevr 2012 OS,Search window .
Below is the screenshot of my issue:
Whats wrong with my OS? Does anything is corrupted?
Try to enable powershell via following steps. Open PowerShell Window, and type the following commands:
Import-Module ServerManager
Add-WindowsFeature PowerShell-ISE
For more details see this msdn link.
As far as I know PowerShell ISE is not enabled for WIN server operating systems. Reason: WIN 2012 is designed for headless usage in clouds. Therefore it won't make sense to enable GUI based PowerShell ISE.
I know it's late for the original poster, but it's available to be added as a Feature in the Server Manager. Go to Programs and Features --> Turn Windows features on or off --> Expand Features (in the left pane) --> Add Features (upper right) --> Check the appropriate box in the Add Features Wizard and install.
Note: It's called Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) so it's down in the "W" section and not "P".

Building GUI Applications in PowerShell

Is there a free equivalent to the Sapien Powershell Studio to build GUI applications in Powershell?
Ok, I found the solution:
There is a free community edition of Powershell studio which is called PrimalFormsCE.
You can build GUI applications, then export to Ps1, edit the code...
Really a good tool !

Can't use out-gridview since installing PowerGUI with Powershell V3

Just wondering if anyone seen this and knows a workaround.
I'm Running Windows 7 64bit and just upgraded to Powershell V3. Since then, i can't use out-gridview commands. I get the following error.
To use the Out-GridView cmdlet, install the Windows PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment feature from Server Manager. (Could not load file or assembly '
Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalHost, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file sp
I have opened the native MS ISE and can run out-gridview withgout error.
PowerGUI Script Editor launches using PowerShell v.2, even though you have PowerShell v.3 installed. Launching Script Editor with the "-version 3.0" option resolved this problem for me.
There are two things you can check:
When you installed PowerShell V3, did you also make sure to install the PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE).
Make sure you have Microsoft .NET Framework v3.5 with Service Pack 1 installed also.
Source of answer
I fixed it by changing -Version 2.0 to -Version 3.0
Right click on Exchange Management shell and choose properties. Find above in TARGET.

What free Powershell editors can I use on Windows XP SP2?

I have Windows 7 at home with Powershell 2 and I really like the free version of the PowerGUI Powershell editor.
I'd like to start using Powershell at work but we are on version 1.o on XP with SP2. I was going to install PowerGui but
it looks like it requires some Core components or maybe even Powershell 2.0. I expect that our XP production servers may not have this version and I think it is safe to stay with 1.0 for now to avoid pushback from the keys with the keys to the production box.
My question is this:
Is there an editor like powerGui that I can use with version 1 where I do not have to install additional Powershell components that may not be present in production?
You can use all of the free and commercial editors on XP:
PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) ships with PowerShell V2
PowerGUI ( is a great free editor with support for code folding and intellisense, and PowerPacks to make it easy to work with PowerShell by point and click
Idera makes another great editor (PowerShell Plus - with a strong collection of scripts that ship with it.
DevFarm makes PowerWF and PowerSE (, and editor and workflow tool for working with PowerShell
PrimalForms is an editor and tool to make UI in PowerShell, built by Sapien (
Hope this Helps
If your question is actual PowerGUI script editor (version 2.4.0) works with PowerShell V1.0. My answer is that I don't think it works. In my understanding you need a version before 2.0 . I'am using PowerGUI which works perfectly with PowerShel V1.0.