GET not printing when there is another GET after it? - powershell

I've gt this script to automate removal of users for our workplace and I can't figure out why this Get doesn't print anything if there is another get after it. Is this a delay issue? or there a problem with my syntax"
#Requests user input username
$_Name=Read-Host "Enter account name you wish to disable"
#Lists the users AD groups and removes them
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $_Name | select name
Get-ADUser -Identity $_Name -Properties MemberOf -Credential $_Creds| ForEach-Object {
$_.MemberOf | Remove-ADGroupMember -Members $_.DistinguishedName -Credential $_Creds -Confirm:$false
write-host "User has been removed from the listed groups..."
It just returns a blank space where the list should be.

To extrapolate what was mentioned in the comments:
You are currently running two separate Get commands. The first one, Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership will generate output. It's a list of groups a principal is member of. The second Get command you're running (Get-ADUser) has it's output used in a loop and you're not printing that output. You'd need to do something like Write-Output $_.MemberOf to see it.
You're using $_.MemberOf as another input to the command Remove-ADGroupMember. For that command the documentation states:
None or Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADGroup
Returns the modified group object when the PassThru parameter is specified. By default, this cmdlet does not generate any output.
So unless you supply the parameter -PassThru it will consume the "output" of $_.MemberOf and not display anything.


How to query the Active Directory using a list of users in a text file for a specific attribute with PowerShell

I'm somewhat basic to Powershell and use one-liner commands only to keep it short and basic.
I would like to do the following: I have a list of users in a text file in the form of UserPrincipalName. I'd like to query this list of users if their accounts are still active/enabled or not. To do so, I'm trying to run the following command, which just reveals nothing in the end (blank output):
gc .\users.txt | foreach {get-aduser -server ""
-f 'name -like "$_"' -properties *}| select displayname,enabled
As mentioned, the output is blank with no errors or whatsoever.
I read that aduser doesn't work with pipelines, but I need to find a solution.
Kindly request your support :)
Your use of single quotes in your filter is not allowing the expansion of the variable. Double-quotes should be wrapping the filter expression so as to allow the interpolation of the automatic variable $_:
Get-ADUser -Filter "name -like '$_'" ...
Single-quoted strings:
A string enclosed in single quotation marks is a verbatim string. The string is passed to the command exactly as you type it. No substitution is performed.
Also note, you mention in your question that the file has the user's UserPrincipalName attribute, yet you're querying the Name attribute, if that's the case, the filter should be:
Get-ADUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName -eq '$_'" ...
Note the use of -eq instead of -like, for exact matches you should always use this operator, see about_ActiveDirectory_Filter for usage details and examples of each operator.
If you're only interested in DisplayName and Enabled for your output, there is no reason in querying all the user's attributes, -Properties * should be just -Properties DisplayName since Enabled is already part of the default attributes returned by Get-ADUser.
Finally, the -Identity parameter can be bound from pipeline, and this parameter accepts a UserPrincipalName as argument, hence ForEach-Object is not needed in this case:
Get-Content .\users.txt |
Get-ADUser -server "" -Properties DisplayName |
Select-Object DisplayName, Enabled

Get samaccountname from display name - but with extras

First time poster but site has helped me so much in the past.
We are an MSP and regularly get requests from clients to pull various details off a list of users they send us. Unfortunately though their lists rarely (if ever) contain any unique identifiers for AD such as samAccountName or even e-mail.
So typically I only get their first and last names, job titles etc. and use a slight variation on the below to try and get the required samAccountNames to work in batch modify scripts.
Get Samaccountname from display name into .csv
The problem comes (and caused a big headache recently) when I try to put that output back into a table to line up with the displaynames. As if the script can't find the displayname it just moves onto the next one in the list and puts the samAccountName directly below the last one it found. making it out of line with the displayname column I've put it beside.
My question is is there something I can add to the below script that when an error occurs it simply inputs null or similar into the samAccountName output csv so I could spot that easily in an excel sheet.
Similarly some users have multiple accounts like an admin and non-admin account with the same display name but different samAccountName so it pulls both of them, which is less of a problem but also if there was any way to have the script let me know when that happens? That would be super useful for future.
Import-Module activedirectory
$displayname = #()
$names = get-content "c:\temp\users.csv"
foreach ($name in $names) {
$displaynamedetails = Get-ADUser -filter { DisplayName -eq $name } -server "domain.local"| Select name,samAccountName
$displayname += $displaynamedetails
$displayname | Export-Csv "C:\temp\Samaccountname.csv"
So the problem lies in that you rely on Get-ADUser to provide you with user objects and when it doesn't you have gaps in your output. You instead need to create an object for every name/line in your "csv" regardless of whether Get-ADUser finds anything.
Get-Content 'c:\temp\users.csv' |
ForEach-Object {
$name = $_
$adUser = Get-ADUser -Filter "DisplayName -eq '$name'" -Server 'domain.local'
# Create object for every user in users.csv even if Get-ADUser returns nothing
DisplayName = $name # this will be populated with name from the csv file
SamAccountName = $adUser.SamAccountName # this will be empty if $adUser is empty
} | Export-Csv 'C:\temp\Samaccountname.csv'

Prepend AD User description with PS - Duplicate Update with ForEach

I've seen many code examples where Get-ADUser can be used to append a description with the following code:
get-aduser username -Properties Description | ForEach-Object { Set-ADUser $_ -Description "$($_.Description) Some more stuff" }
I had thought I could simply invert the order of the code in order to prepend, like so:
get-aduser username -properties Description | ForEach-Object { Set-ADUser $_ -Description "Stuff To Use - $($_.Description)"}
The output then becomes:
"Stuff To Use - Stuff To Use"
In essence, whatever is there to start with is wiped out completely and replaced with a doubled up result of the intended goal.
What am I missing here?
The code is good and it likely ran twice accidentally.
Reset the description, run the code, then refresh Active Directory Users and Computers and recheck.

Fax number update script, how to reverse?

I have created a script that would allow for the addition of the values "1-" to the beginning of our current AD fax numbers. I am running this in a test environment and the script runs exactly as I want it. I am looking for a failback and I can't seem to get that script to remove the "1-" it instead removes the 1 from the beginning and the final number from the end of the fax so the output looks like this: "-(###)-###-###" instead of looking like the correct number format "(###)-###-####"
Get-ADUser -Filter {facsimileTelephoneNumber -like "*"} -Properties facsimileTelephoneNumber| foreach {Set-ADUser -Identity $_ –replace #{facsimileTelephoneNumber="1-$($_.facsimileTelephoneNumber)"}}
Get-ADUser -Filter {facsimileTelephoneNumber -like "*"} -Properties facsimileTelephoneNumber| foreach {Set-ADUser -Identity $_ –replace #{facsimileTelephoneNumber="$(($_.facsimileTelephoneNumber).Substring(1,($_.facsimileTelephoneNumber.length) -2 ))"}}
Following my answer to your previous question where the 1- is added to the fax number, this is how you can reverse that.
I see in your question you are trying to do it all as one-liners, thereby skipping all possibility to check your code step-by-step. Using the first oneliner in your question also prepends 1- to simply every faxnumber found, regardless if it is needed or not.
Especially when just starting PowerShell, writing things out is a good thing.
Having said that, here's the code to remove the leading 1- from faxnumbers
# Remove leading '1-' from ADUsers faxnumbers
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# get all users in the specified OU that have a fax number starting with '1-'
Get-ADUser -LdapFilter '(facsimileTelephoneNumber=1-*)' -SearchBase 'OU=UserAccounts,DC=YourDomain,DC=com' -Properties 'Fax' | ForEach-Object {
# using Substring() to remove the first two characters. See:
$newFax = ($_.Fax).Substring(2)
Write-Host "Setting Faxnumber to '$newFax' for user $($_.Name)"
# remove the '-WhatIf' if you are sure the number may be changed
$_ | Set-ADUser -Fax $newFax -WhatIf
Hope this helps

powershell script add-adgroupmember

I'm writing a script which is supposed to show me security groups by matching an input e.g. 'marketing'.
Afterwards I want to add a user to this security group. Since the exchange-powershell can search for user via -anr it's much easier to find the right person.
Here is the part of my script:
$grparray = get-adgroup -filter * | where { $ -match "marketing" -and $_.GroupCategory -eq 'Security' }
$potentarray = get-mailbox -anr Julia | select SamAccoutName
$grparray[1] | add-adgroupmember -members $potentarray[1]
But I get the error:
Seems like the ad-modules can't handle the Exchange input.
Does anyone know how I can solve this issue, or got another idea how to?
Ambiguous Name Resolution is available with Get-ADUser, this is preferable over Get-Mailbox as it returns an AD Object which can be used as an input for Add-ADGroupmember.
Try $potentarray = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(anr=Julia)" instead of Get-Mailbox.