Copy missed data from top/bottom row col values - scala

I have a dataframe, with index, category and few other columns. index and category never be empty/null. but other columns data comes null, When all other columns data is null then we have to copy from top/bottom row values based on cateogry.
val df = Seq(
(1,1, null, null, null ),
(2,1, null, null, null ),
(3,1, null, null, null ),
(4,1,"123.12", "124.52", "95.98" ),
(5,1, "452.12", "478.65", "1865.12" ),
(1,2,"2014.21", "147", "265"),
(2,2, "1457", "12483.00", "215.21"),
(3,2, null, null, null),
(4,2, null, null, null) ).toDF("index", "category", "col1", "col2", "col3")
|index|category| col1| col2| col3|
| 1| 1| null| null| null|
| 2| 1| null| null| null|
| 3| 1| null| null| null|
| 4| 1| 123.12| 124.52| 95.98|
| 5| 1| 452.12| 478.65|1865.12|
| 1| 2|2014.21| 147| 265|
| 2| 2| 1457|12483.00| 215.21|
| 3| 2| null| null| null|
| 4| 2| null| null| null|
Expecting dataframe as below
|index|category| col1| col2| col3|
| 1| 1| 123.12| 124.52| 95.98| // Copied from below for same category
| 2| 1| 123.12| 124.52| 95.98| // Copied from below for same category
| 3| 1| 123.12| 124.52| 95.98|
| 4| 1| 123.12| 124.52| 95.98|
| 5| 1| 452.12| 478.65|1865.12|
| 1| 2|2014.21| 147| 265|
| 2| 2| 1457|12483.00| 215.21|
| 3| 2| 1457|12483.00| 215.21| // Copied from above for same category
| 4| 2| 1457|12483.00| 215.21| // Copied from above for same category

Update When several rows with nulls possible, advanced Windows have to be used:
val cols = Seq("col1", "col2", "col3")
val beforeWindow = Window
.rangeBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.currentRow)
val afterWindow = Window
.rangeBetween(Window.currentRow, Window.unboundedFollowing)
val result = cols.foldLeft(df)((updated, columnName) =>
last(columnName, ignoreNulls = true).over(beforeWindow),
first(columnName, ignoreNulls = true).over(afterWindow)
In one null case can be resolved with Window functions "lead" and "lag", and "coalesce":
val cols = Seq("col1", "col2", "col3")
val categoryWindow = Window.partitionBy("category").orderBy("index")
val result = cols.foldLeft(df)((updated, columnName) =>
lag(col(columnName), 1).over(categoryWindow),
lead(col(columnName), 1).over(categoryWindow)
|index|category|col1 |col2 |col3 |
|1 |1 |123.12 |124.52 |95.98 |
|2 |1 |123.12 |124.52 |95.98 |
|3 |1 |452.12 |478.65 |1865.12|
|1 |2 |2014.21|147 |265 |
|2 |2 |1457 |12483.00|215.21 |
|3 |2 |1.25 |3.45 |26.3 |
|4 |2 |1.25 |3.45 |26.3 |


Selecting rows by data corresponding to other rows of the same dataframe

I'm struggling in selecting the rows of my dataframe. The selection is depedening on the data inside the same dataframe.
My dataset looks something like this:
from pyspark.sql.session import SparkSession
sc = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
columns = ['Id', 'ActorId', 'EventId', 'Time']
vals = [(3, 3, 'START', '2020-06-22'),
(4, 3, 'END', '2020-06-24'),
(5, 3, 'OTHER', '2019-01-15'),
(6, 3, 'OTHER', '2020-07-24'),
(7, 3, 'OTHER', '2020-06-23'),
(8, 4, 'START', '2018-01-15'),
(9, 4, 'END', '2019-01-14'),
(10, 4, 'OTHER', '2018-11-14')]
events = sc.createDataFrame(vals,columns)
Which results in:
| Id|ActorId|EventId| Time|
| 3| 3| START|2020-06-22|
| 4| 3| END|2020-06-24|
| 5| 3| OTHER|2019-01-15|
| 6| 3| OTHER|2020-07-24|
| 7| 3| OTHER|2020-06-23|
| 8| 4| START|2018-01-15|
| 9| 4| END|2019-01-14|
| 10| 4| OTHER|2018-11-14|
(Bear in mind, that this is just an example -> an extract of the data)
I want to find all rows with EventId==OTHER, where time is not between the START and END Events of the same ActorId.
The result should look like:
| Id|ActorId|EventID| Time|
| 5| 3| OTHER|2019-01-15|
| 6| 3| OTHER|2020-07-24|
Thank you for your help!!!
This will solve your problem - There is only 1 assumption in the below code that START and END in the eventId colum will always appear in the 1st and 2nd line in each group.
_w = W.partitionBy('ActorId').orderBy('ActorId')
events = events.withColumn('start_date', F.first('Time').over(_w))
events = events.withColumn('row_num', F.row_number().over(_w))
events = events.withColumn('end_date', F.when(F.col('row_num') == F.lit('2'), F.col('Time')))
events = events.withColumn('end_date', F.coalesce(F.when(F.col('row_num') == F.lit('2'), F.col('Time')), F.min('end_date').over(_w)))
events = events.withColumn('passed_col', F.when(
((F.col('Time').cast(T.TimestampType()) > F.col('start_date').cast(T.TimestampType())) & (F.col('Time').cast(T.TimestampType()) > F.col('end_date').cast(T.TimestampType()))) |
(F.col('Time').cast(T.TimestampType()) < F.col('start_date').cast(T.TimestampType()))
& (F.col('Time').cast(T.TimestampType()) < F.col('end_date').cast(T.TimestampType())))),F.lit("Passed")))
events ='Id', 'ActorId', 'EventId', 'Time', 'passed_col')
| Id|ActorId|EventId| Time|passed_col|
| 3| 3| START|2020-06-22| null|
| 4| 3| END|2020-06-24| null|
| 5| 3| OTHER|2019-01-15| Passed|
| 6| 3| OTHER|2020-07-24| Passed|
| 7| 3| OTHER|2020-06-23| null|
| 8| 4| START|2018-01-15| null|
| 9| 4| END|2019-01-14| null|
| 10| 4| OTHER|2018-11-14| null|
Final Answer post filtering ---
events = events.filter(F.col('passed_col') == F.lit('Passed')).select('Id', 'ActorId', 'EventId', 'Time', 'passed_col')
| Id|ActorId|EventId| Time|passed_col|
| 5| 3| OTHER|2019-01-15| Passed|
| 6| 3| OTHER|2020-07-24| Passed|
val res = vals
// +---+-------+-------+----------+
// |Id |ActorId|EventId|Time |
// +---+-------+-------+----------+
// |5 |3 |OTHER |2019-01-15|
// |6 |3 |OTHER |2020-07-24|
// +---+-------+-------+----------+
val res = vals

Set literal value over Window if condition suited Spark Scala

I need to check a condition over a window:
- If the column IND_DEF is 20, then I want to change the value of the column premium for the window to which this register belongs to, and set it to 1.
My initial Dataframe looks like this:
| 1| BK| null| KT| 40|
| 1| AK| -31| null| 30|
| 1| VZ| null| IL| 20|
| 2| VK| 32| LI| 7|
| 2| CK| 25| YNZ| 10|
| 2| CK| 0| null| 5|
| 2| VK| 30| IL| 25|
And I want to achieve this:
| 1| BK| 1| KT| 40|
| 1| AK| 1| null| 30|
| 1| VZ| 1| IL| 20|
| 2| VK| 32| LI| 7|
| 2| CK| 25| YNZ| 10|
| 2| CK| 0| null| 5|
| 2| VK| 30| IL| 25|
I am trying the following code but does not work...
val df_946 = Seq [(Int, String, Integer, String, Int)]((1,"VZ",null,"IL",20),(1, "AK", -31,null,30),(1,"BK", null,"KT",40),(2,"CK",0,null,5),(2,"CK",25,"YNZ",10),(2,"VK",30,"IL",25),(2,"VK",32,"LI",7)).toDF("policyId", "name", "premium", "state","IND_DEF").orderBy("policyId")
val winSpec = Window.partitionBy("policyId").orderBy("policyId")
val df_947 = df_946.withColumn("premium",when(col("IND_DEF") === 20,lit(1).over(winSpec)).otherwise(col("premium")))
You can generate an array of IND_DEF values via collect_list for each window partition and recreate column premium based on the array_contains condition:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._
val df = Seq(
(1, None, 40),
(1, Some(-31), 30),
(1, None, 20),
(2, Some(32), 7),
(2, Some(30), 10)
).toDF("policyId", "premium", "IND_DEF")
val win = Window.partitionBy($"policyId")
withColumn("indList", collect_list($"IND_DEF").over(win)).
withColumn("premium", when(array_contains($"indList", 20), 1).otherwise($"premium")).
// +--------+-------+-------+
// |policyId|premium|IND_DEF|
// +--------+-------+-------+
// | 1| 1| 40|
// | 1| 1| 30|
// | 1| 1| 20|
// | 2| 32| 7|
// | 2| 30| 10|
// +--------+-------+-------+

Fill null or empty with next Row value with spark

Is there a way to replace null values in spark data frame with next row not null value. There is additional row_count column added for windows partitioning and ordering. More specifically, I'd like to achieve the following result:
+---------+-----------+ +---------+--------+
| row_count | id| |row_count | id|
+---------+-----------+ +------+-----------+
| 1| null| | 1| 109|
| 2| 109| | 2| 109|
| 3| null| | 3| 108|
| 4| null| | 4| 108|
| 5| 108| => | 5| 108|
| 6| null| | 6| 110|
| 7| 110| | 7| 110|
| 8| null| | 8| null|
| 9| null| | 9| null|
| 10| null| | 10| null|
+---------+-----------+ +---------+--------+
I tried with below code, It is not giving proper result.
val ss =$"*", sum(when(dataframe("id").isNull||dataframe("id") === "", 1).otherwise(0)).over(Window.orderBy($"row_count")) as "value")
val window1=Window.partitionBy($"value").orderBy("id").rowsBetween(0, Long.MaxValue)
val selectList=ss.withColumn("id_fill_from_below",last("id").over(window1)).drop($"row_count").drop($"value")
Here is a approach
Filter the non nulls (dfNonNulls)
Filter the nulls (dfNulls)
Find the right value for null id, using join and Window function
Fill the null dataframe (dfNullFills)
union dfNonNulls and dfNullFills
var df ="csv")
.option("header", "true")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
var dfNulls = df.filter(
val dfNonNulls = df.filter(
dfNulls = dfNulls.join(
dfNonNulls, $"row_count_nulls" lt $"row_count_values","left"
val window = Window.partitionBy("row_count_nulls").orderBy("row_count_values")
val dfNullFills = dfNulls.withColumn(
"rn", row_number.over(window)
).where($"rn" === 1).drop("rn").select(
dfNullFills .union(dfNonNulls).orderBy($"row_count").show()
which results in
|row_count| id|
| 1| 109|
| 2| 109|
| 3| 108|
| 4| 108|
| 5| 108|
| 6| 110|
| 7| 110|
| 8|null|
| 9|null|
| 10|null|

How to replace empty values in a column of DataFrame?

How can I replace empty values in a column Field1 of DataFrame df?
Field1 Field2
12 BB
This command does not provide an expected result:"Field1",Seq("Anonymous"))
The expected result:
Field1 Field2
Anonymous AA
12 BB
You can also try this.
This might handle both blank/empty/null
| | AA|
| 12| BB|
| 12| null|
+------+------+"Field1","Field2"),Map(""-> null)).na.fill("Anonymous", Seq("Field2","Field1")).show(false)
|Field1 |Field2 |
|Anonymous|AA |
|12 |BB |
|12 |Anonymous|
Fill: Returns a new DataFrame that replaces null or NaN values in
numeric columns with value.
Two things:
An empty string is not null or NaN, so you'll have to use a case statement for that.
Fill seems to not work well when giving a text value into a numeric column.
Failing Null Replace with Fill / Text:
| f1| f2|
|null| AA|
| 12| BB|
scala>"Anonymous", Seq("f1")).show
| f1| f2|
|null| AA|
| 12| BB|
Working Example - Using Null With All Numbers:
| f1| f2|
|null| AA|
| 12| BB|
scala>, Seq("f1")).show
| f1| f2|
| 1| AA|
| 12| BB|
Failing Example (Empty String instead of Null):
| f1| f2|
| | AA|
| 12| BB|
scala>, Seq("f1")).show
| f1| f2|
| | AA|
| 12| BB|
Case Statement Fix Example:
| f1| f2|
| | AA|
| 12| BB|
scala>"f1") === "", "Anonymous").otherwise(col("f1")).as("f1"), col("f2")).show
| f1| f2|
|Anonymous| AA|
| 12| BB|
You can try using below code when you have n number of columns in dataframe.
Note: When you are trying to write data into formats like parquet, null data types are not supported. we have to type cast it.
val df = Seq(
(1, ""),
(2, "Ram"),
(3, "Sam"),
).toDF("ID", "Name")
// null type column
val inputDf = df.withColumn("NulType", lit(null).cast(StringType))
| ID|Name|NulType|
| 1| | null|
| 2| Ram| null|
| 3| Sam| null|
| 4| | null|
//Replace all blank space in the dataframe with null
val colName = inputDf.columns //*This will give you array of string*
val data =,Map(""->"null"))
| ID|Name|NulType|
| 1|null| null|
| 2| Ram| null|
| 3| Sam| null|
| 4|null| null|

Dataframe get first and last value of corresponding column

Is it possible to get first value of the corresponding column within subgroup.
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.{Window, WindowSpec}
object tmp {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local").getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
val input = Seq(
(1235, 1, 1101, 0),
(1235, 2, 1102, 0),
(1235, 3, 1103, 1),
(1235, 4, 1104, 1),
(1235, 5, 1105, 0),
(1235, 6, 1106, 0),
(1235, 7, 1107, 1),
(1235, 8, 1108, 1),
(1235, 9, 1109, 1),
(1235, 10, 1110, 0),
(1235, 11, 1111, 0)
lazy val window: WindowSpec = Window.partitionBy("SERVICE_ID").orderBy("COUNTER")
val firsts = input.withColumn("first_value", first("EVENT_ID", ignoreNulls = true).over(window.rangeBetween(Long.MinValue, Long.MaxValue)))
firsts.orderBy("SERVICE_ID", "COUNTER").show()
Output I want.
First (or Previous) value of column EVENT_ID based on FLAG = 1
Last (or Next ) value of column EVENT_ID based on FLAG = 1
partition by SERVICE_ID sorted by counter
| 1235| 1| 1101| 0| 0| 1103|
| 1235| 2| 1102| 0| 0| 1103|
| 1235| 3| 1103| 1| 0| 1106|
| 1235| 4| 1104| 0| 1103| 1106|
| 1235| 5| 1105| 0| 1103| 1106|
| 1235| 6| 1106| 1| 0| 1108|
| 1235| 7| 1107| 0| 1106| 1108|
| 1235| 8| 1108| 1| 0| 1109|
| 1235| 9| 1109| 1| 0| 1110|
| 1235| 10| 1110| 1| 0| 0|
| 1235| 11| 1111| 0| 1110| 0|
| 1235| 12| 1112| 0| 1110| 0|
First the dataframe need to be formed into groups. A new group starts at each time the "TIME" column equals 1. To do this, first add a column "ID" to the dataframe:
lazy val window: WindowSpec = Window.partitionBy("SERVICE_ID").orderBy("COUNTER")
val df_flag = input.filter($"FLAG" === 1)
.withColumn("ID", row_number().over(window))
val df_other = input.filter($"FLAG" =!= 1)
.withColumn("ID", lit(0))
// Create a group for each flag event
val df = df_flag.union(df_other)
.withColumn("ID", max("ID").over(window.rowsBetween(Long.MinValue, 0)))
.cache() gives:
| 1235| 1| 1111| 1| 1|
| 1235| 2| 1112| 0| 1|
| 1235| 3| 1114| 0| 1|
| 1235| 4| 2221| 1| 2|
| 1235| 5| 2225| 0| 2|
| 1235| 6| 2226| 0| 2|
| 1235| 7| 2227| 1| 3|
Now that we have a column separating the events, we need to add the correct "EVENT_ID" (renamed "first_value") to each event. In addition to the "first_value", calculate and add a second column "last_value", which is the id of the next flagged event.
val df_event = df.filter($"FLAG" === 1)
.select("EVENT_ID", "ID", "SERVICE_ID", "COUNTER")
.withColumnRenamed("EVENT_ID", "first_value")
.withColumn("last_value", lead($"first_value",1,0).over(window))
val df_final = df.join(df_event, Seq("ID", "SERVICE_ID"))
.withColumn("first_value", when($"FLAG" === 1, lit(0)).otherwise($"first_value")) gives us:
| 1235| 1| 1111| 1| 0| 2221|
| 1235| 2| 1112| 0| 1111| 2221|
| 1235| 3| 1114| 0| 1111| 2221|
| 1235| 4| 2221| 1| 0| 2227|
| 1235| 5| 2225| 0| 2221| 2227|
| 1235| 6| 2226| 0| 2221| 2227|
| 1235| 7| 2227| 1| 0| 0|
Can be solved in two steps:
get events with "FLAG" == 1 and valid range for this event;
join 1. with input, by range.
Some column renaming included for visibility, can be shortened:
val window = Window.partitionBy("SERVICE_ID").orderBy("COUNTER").rowsBetween(Window.currentRow, 1)
val eventRangeDF = input.where($"FLAG" === 1)
.withColumn("RANGE_END", max($"COUNTER").over(window))
.withColumnRenamed("COUNTER", "RANGE_START")
val result = input.where($"FLAG" === 0).as("i").join("e"),
.select($"i.SERVICE_ID", $"i.COUNTER", $"i.EVENT_ID", $"i.FLAG", $"e.EVENT_ID".alias("first_value"))
// include FLAG=1
.union(input.where($"FLAG" === 1).select($"SERVICE_ID", $"COUNTER", $"EVENT_ID", $"FLAG", lit(0).alias("first_value")))
|1235 |1111 |1 |4 |
|1235 |2221 |4 |7 |
|1235 |2227 |7 |7 |
|1235 |1 |1111 |1 |0 |
|1235 |2 |1112 |0 |1111 |
|1235 |3 |1114 |0 |1111 |
|1235 |4 |2221 |1 |0 |
|1235 |5 |2225 |0 |2221 |
|1235 |6 |2226 |0 |2221 |
|1235 |7 |2227 |1 |0 |