PID controllers simulink - simulink

Labview uses P= 4.3 , I = 0.12, D =0.03 ( I collected data)
Simulink uses P = 110 , I = 15, D= 40
Step response is almost the same.
My question is how I can set my simulink to use the same PID controllers as in Labview?


MATLAB parfor loop & random simulations

I am running multiple simulations using the parfor loop of MATLAB. The simulations run in a time-slotted fashion.
In these simulations, flows arrive at a server, finish there session and leave the server, of course, the arrival process is random (i.e: the departure process is also random). For each simulation, there are 100 arrivals, which means that for 2 simulations, under the parfor loop, the 100 arrivals are less likely to occur at the same slot in the 2 simulations (in other words: it is less likely that 2 simulations are perfectly identical).
I am calculating some metrics at the end of each simulation. After running 20 simulations I observe that for some simulations the values of the metrics are identical, see lines: 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 15, 17 and 20:
1 12.1380000000000 8.67000000000000e-07 2126951.79378669
2 38.3040000000000 2.73600000000000e-06 964079.569727887
3 7.95200000000000 5.68000000000000e-07 2724654.56890640
4 38.3040000000000 2.73600000000000e-06 964079.569727887
5 21.0080000000000 1.50057142857143e-06 1653785.58341616
6 38.3040000000000 2.73600000000000e-06 964079.569727887
7 21.0080000000000 1.50057142857143e-06 1653785.58341616
8 38.3040000000000 2.73600000000000e-06 964079.569727887
9 11.9820000000000 8.55857142857143e-07 1827114.39301842
10 7.63000000000000 5.45000000000000e-07 2662037.48091595
11 8.28400000000000 5.91714285714286e-07 2584669.40096182
12 38.3040000000000 2.73600000000000e-06 964079.569727887
13 16.7040000000000 1.19314285714286e-06 1745020.01488049
14 20.6480000000000 1.47485714285714e-06 1131378.20827498
15 38.3040000000000 2.73600000000000e-06 964079.569727887
16 9.45400000000000 6.75285714285714e-07 2330783.95992713
17 38.3040000000000 2.73600000000000e-06 964079.569727887
18 20.5960000000000 1.47114285714286e-06 1349336.77768965
19 9.54400000000000 6.81714285714286e-07 2344366.38257795
20 38.3040000000000 2.73600000000000e-06 964079.569727887
Getting results that are very identical makes me think that the simulations were perfectly identical also, which means that the arrival/departure to/from the server occurs at the same slots in different simulations.
Why I am getting perfectly similar results when the simulations are random?
If simulations are perfectly identical they will not be useful for me since I want to use results to determine confidence intervals...
I tried my best to make the question clear unfortunately I can not put code here (1xxx line of code in the main function)
I tried to simulate the arrival process only:
The script to launch simulations in parallel:
numSim = 20;
numSlotPerSec = 10;
arrivalRatesVec = [0.2 0.3];
parfor i = 1:numSim
[arrivals] = simulationFunction(numSlotPerSec, i,arrivalRatesVec);
The function that runs the simulations:
function [arrivals] = simulationFunction(numSlotPerSec, numSim, arrivalRatesVec)
arrivals = [];
numSlots = 1;
nextArrival = 1 + round(numSlotPerSec*exprnd(1/sum(arrivalRatesVec)));
arrivals = [arrivals nextArrival];
output_file = ['ResTest_' num2str(numSim)];
while numSlots < 10000
numSlots = numSlots + 1;
nextArrival = nextArrival + max(1, round(numSlotPerSec*exprnd(1/sum(arrivalRatesVec))));
arrivals = [arrivals nextArrival];
eval(['arrivals_' num2str(numSim) '= arrivals']);
save(output_file,['arrivals_', num2str(numSim)]);
I noticed that arrivals occur in different slots but I still don't understand why my metrics are perfectly identical.
The function eval can cause problems when it is called in a parfor loop? I saw on MATLAB that it might not access the correct workspace.
I launched 20 simulations again in parallel just to see if the arrival of events happens at the same slots
Figures below (corresponding to simulation 2 and 13) that users arrive at the server at the same slots (see columns "entry" for arrivals and "exit" for departures)
Which means that these simulations are identical.
Also, I tried to check if eval causes the problem, so I saved one of my metrics without using eval and turns out that there are duplicated values.

parfor in MATLAB : aborted workers

I'm using MATLAB 2016a on win 10 64bit OS. I run my program which is almost a complicated simulation of an engineering problem.
Question is that i use parfor and there is 2 other for loops in this program. I've been cautious to use minimum for loops and using array smart and built in commands such as repmat, bsxfun and etc. to avoid for loops. when i run the program it goes quite a while nice and stores results for me but suddenly after some iterations i encounter this error:
"All workers aborted during execution of the parfor loop."
and program terminates. I'm using a powerful system with these specs:
corei7 CPU intel 4720HQ, 16 GB RAM DDR4, 8MB cache, GPU: Geforce GTX 970M.
An example will be like this (although main program is very more demanding from both memory and computational point of view and I've omitted many lines and also 3 functions are called which are not included here):
lambda = 5e-5;
tau = 10.^((-5:25)*0.1);
tau = 0.3;
eta = 1.5;
b = 0.3;
c = 0.4;
beta = (0:90)';
x = (0.01:1000+0.01)';
r = (80.21:800+80.21)';
h = (10:0.1:30.5)';
Lh = length(h);
Lr = length(r);
Lx = length(x);
N = 6;
binom_coeff = factorial(N)*ones(N,1)./(factorial((1:N)').*factorial((N(1:N))'));
pdf_x = 2*pi*x*lambda.*exp(-pi*lambda*x.^2);
pdf_R = 2*pi*lambda*r.*exp(-pi*lambda*r.^2);
theta_l = atan(repmat(h,1,Lr)./repmat(r',Lh,1))*180/pi;
ratio = sqrt(repmat(h,1,Lr)+repmat(r',Lh,1));
coverage = zeros(size(beta_m));
Integrand_x = zeros(size(x));
Y = (b*h+c)*(1-a);
for k=1:length(beta_m)
for thr = 1:length(tau)
parfor i=1:Lx
temp = (-1)*eta*tau(thr)*(G_l/G_0.*( ratio/sqrt(x(i)^2+h_0^2)).^(-v));
temp_N = repmat(temp,1,N).*reshape(repmat(1:N,size(temp,1)*size(temp,2),1),size(temp,1),size(temp,2)*N);
Integrand = (1-(trapz(h,exp(temp_N).*repmat(Y,1,Lr*N))))';
Integrand_x(i) = exp(trapz(r,(Integrand * binom_coeff)));
coverage(thr,k) = trapz(x,pdf_x.*Integrand_x);
savepar = ['FinalMainRes_longheiv',num2str(v),'h0',num2str(h_0),'a',num2str(a),'.mat'];
It's worth to mention that running with just one worker does not crush (although it took about 4 days to complete the run).
What is the problem and how can i prevent it. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Predicting same values for entire test Set in MATLAB using LIBSVM

I am using Support Vector Regression(SVR) in libsvm package to predict outputs. Kernel : RBF
Train set size : 729x40
Test set size : 137x40
The output of train set seems fine when measured against ground truth. But the predictions on test set are all the same. It outputs same values.
After checking the related posts, I normalized the data and played with the values of gamma(10-100000) but still the problem persists.
trainGT=games(((games(:,46)>=2010) & (games(:,46)<2015) & (games(:,1)~=8)),43);
testGT=games((games(:,46)>=2015 & (games(:,1)~=8)),43);
eval(['model = svmtrain( trainGT, featuresTrain,''-s 4 -t 2 -c 10 -g 10 ' ''');']);
w = (model.sv_coef' * full(model.SVs));
b = -model.rho;
predictionsTrain = svmpredict(trainGT, featuresTrain,model);
predictionsTest = svmpredict(zeros(length(testGT),1), featureTest, model);
My output is as follows
optimization finished, #iter = 1777
epsilon = 0.630588
obj = -19555.036253, rho = -17.470386
nSV = 681, nBSV = 118
Mean squared error = 305.214 (regression)
Squared correlation coefficient = -1.#IND (regression)
All my predictionTest values are 17.4704 (which is same as the rho value in the output). Can someone please help me on this? Thanks.

Lsqnonlin on Matlab and Hardware-In-The-Loop with Arduino

I'm having some trouble with the function "lsqnonlin" on Matlab. I'm trying to optimize a PID controller inside Arduino by using this function that has the coefficients (Kp,Ki,Kd) of the PID as decisional variables and the goal function is to minimize the least-square difference of the response minus the reference value.
This link explains better what I'm doing:
The difference between that example and my problem is that I want to perform a sort of Hardware-In-The-Loop simulation, replacing the simulation performed by Simulink with the actual system that I designed, on which a sensor interfaced with Arduino provides the response "yout" to Matlab by Serial Communication.
The problem is that the algorithm on Matlab changes the variables (Kp,Ki,Kd) with a really small step (10^-8 or something like that) and so I can't see any change on the actual response. After a few iterations the algorithm stops saying: "lsqnonlin stopped because the size of the current step is less than
the selected value of the step size tolerance".
I can't understand why the steps are so little and why it stops like that. My code is the following.
pid0 = [10 0 0]; %inizialization of PID parameters
options = optimset('LargeScale','off','Display','iter',...
pid = lsqnonlin(#trackpid, pid0, [0 0 0], [], options)
Kp = pid(1); Ki = pid(2); Kd = pid(3);
The trackpid function is:
function F = trackpid(pid)
% Serial communication
s = serial('/dev/cu.usbmodemFD131');
set(s,'BaudRate', 9600);
set(s,'DataBits', 8);
set(s,'StopBits', 1);
% Global Variables
numberOfDatas = 700;
Kp = pid(1)
Ki = pid(2)
Kd = pid(3)
i = 1;
pause(1.7); %i need to wait 1.7s in order to read the values
%Send to Arduino the PID coefficients
while (fscanf(s,'%c') ~= 't') %Wait for Arduino to start the simulation
while(i <= numberOfDatas)
yout(i) = fscanf(s,'%f');
i = i + 1;
F = yout - 21; %evaluate the difference between the response and the reference
Thank you in advance.

matlab parfor and spmd doesn't work

The script is as follows:
Lambdass = [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000];
numcores = feature('numcores'); % get the number of cpu cores
num_slices = floor(length(Lambdass)/numcores); % get the number of slices for parallel computing
if mod(length(Lambdass), numcores)~=0
num_slices = num_slices + 1;
for slice_i=1:num_slices
if slice_i~=num_slices
Lambdas = Lambdass(((slice_i-1)*numcores+1):((slice_i)*numcores));
Lambdas = Lambdass(((slice_i-1)*numcores+1):end);
% start the parallel processing
myparpool = parpool(length(Lambdas))
parfor li = 1:length(Lambdas)
% spmd
lambda = Lambdas(li);
save_path1 = sprintf('results/lambda_%f/', lambda);
if ~exist([save_path1, '/fs_results.mat'], 'file')
do_something_and_save_results(lambda, save_path1);
This script could be run correctly in one computer, but in another computer, the parfor seems to not work correctly and there are some warning information as follows, and the parfor finally runs without parallel mode, just seems the for in sequential. Could anyone help give some advice, please?
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'local' profile ... Warning: Could not launch SMPD process manager. Using fallback parallel mechanism.
> In SmpdGateway>SmpdGateway.canUseSmpd at 81
In Local.hSubmitCommunicatingJob at 15
In CJSCommunicatingJob>CJSCommunicatingJob.submitOneJob at 81
In Job.Job>Job.submit at 302
In InteractiveClient>InteractiveClient.start at 327
In Pool.Pool>iStartClient at 537
In Pool.Pool>Pool.hBuildPool at 434
In parpool at 104