Cordova Background Mode plugin activated when Ionic camera open - ionic-framework

I'm using cordova background-mode plugin in my ionic app.
Alongside with bakcground mode i use ionic camera also. Every time device camera open, background mode is being enable
Is there any way to prevent background mode to be active when i open device camera from the app

ionic, being a web app, the main layer uses a browser. When you open the camera, the layer submits to the device's camera. As a result background mode is activated since the ionic view has been removed.
Ideal for preventing this from turning off background mode on pages where you use the camera.


Put flutter app in kiosk mode while on another app

I want to make a screen lock application with flutter. How can I put it in kiosk mode when I'm on top of other applications? thanks
I tried showing an overlay with the system_alert_window package and running it there, but it didn't work.

Flutter WebView Show Media Controls in Notification Bar

I have a Flutter application in which I have a webview using
Flutter InAppWebView
I have loaded a url which has radio streams inside and everything works fine, even when I go to background mode or I lock device I can hear the music. The problem is that I don't have any media controls, for example play-pause.
If I open the same link in my phone browser (using Android & iOS), play the stream and locked device I have media controls including art cover.
So my question is, is it possible to add Media Controls in Notification bar if I use WebView inside my Flutter application?

How Skip VR entry Screens with Unity

I know how to disable the tutorial of Daydream screen on Daydream app / Developer Options and checking Skip VR Entry Screens.
But, I need it. The problem with screen is because the entry screen is shown at the beginning of the app. I need this screen on my second scene!
If you have a way to disable it by code could you show it?
I found the solution.
It's needed disable the NFC option on mobile settings.

"AVCaptureDevice " Custom camera reopen issue in iPhone

I have problem while opening camera in my application from background mode. I used AVCaptureDevice controller and create custom camera in my application. It's work fine but when I close app from home button and again reopen app camera take longer time for reactivation. Can any body give some idea how can I reduce time for activation.
Thanks in Advance.

Will OpenLaszlo mouse events convert to touch events if i compile the code for mobile target?

I want to know whether the open laszlo mouse down events will be converted to touch events while compiling it in mobile format.
Yes, at least on iPad. I tested this myself on an iPad2 running the OpenLaszlo 4.9.0 in HTML5 (aka DHTML) mode of my application last year for R&D purposes and the following were confirmed to work:
1) Touching a button on the screen in the application in OpenLaszlo HTML5 mode properly triggered the onclick event of the button.
2) Drag and drop with your finger on a touch screen in OpenLaszlo HTML5 mode has the same result as dragging and dropping with the mouse on a non-touch screen system.
Note: This was only tested on the iPad2, it was not tested on Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, etc.
Flash is not relevant for mobile (since Flash Player has just been removed from Google Play store), but Adobe AIR for Android and iOS is an option, if you want to build native applications. In that case, you have to start capturing the touch events using the ActionScript3 API.