Where to find luna safenet client logs? - pkcs#11

We are using luna SDK to develop algorithms to perform cryptographic operations using HSM. In doing so, we installed Luna client software in our application. The problem is I am not able to find the logs generated by the client software. After my search, I found cklog.txt contains the logs but I can't find this file on the client installation.

Normally, you can find cklog.txt in your luna client installation folder.
eg : C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\cklog.txt
If you don't find, you need to check the configuration file if you have the below entry:
C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\crystoki.ini
File=C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\cklog.txt
Error=C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\cklog_error.txt
LibNT32=C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\win32\cryptoki.dll
LibNT=C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\cryptoki.dll
CkLog2 = {


#[INS-20802] Oracle Database Configuration Assistant failed during installing oracle12c on windows7. Can any one suggest?

[INS-20802] Oracle Database Configuration Assistant failed.
Cause - The plug-in failed in its perform method Action - Refer to the logs or contact Oracle Support Services. Log File Location
C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory\logs\installActions2016-12-19_11-03-33AM.log
I faced the same issue recently and I tried several of the following methods for resolving the issue :-
Disabling Windows UAC
Disabling firewall
Disabling antivirus - mine was a fresh VM, so disabled Windows Defender
Adding localhost IP i.e., to the hosts file etc.
but none of them helped.
At last I found this, which suggested installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) and this solved the problem in a matter of seconds! I just had to click 'Retry' on the installation dialog.
For me everything was working fine...I checked for listener, services, path.
Then I tried below and it works...
During installation when Database configuration got failed.
Go to sqlnet.ora file and replace NTS with NONE.
Example :
After that try again installing the database configuration. Click on Retry.
Note: If you have installed oracle and skip database configuration failed step then you can go to search bar of window and open Database configuration and try downloading it & it will get installed and will ask for password.
After that you will be able to connect to database.
DONT USE # IN ORACLE PASSWORD Because when you try to login sql plus it will give error. In case you did that then write your password in inverted commas. ex: "password"
There is a bug in some installers, as described in this other answer, which prevents Oracle from installing the required Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable.
The 32bit installer uses the file install\oraparam.ini, which contains these lines:
#Flags for installing MSVCR80
#MSVCREDIST_LOC flag will provide the name of the exe that is being shipped in stage/ext/bin
But the file available under stage/ext/bin/ is vcredist_x86.exe.
So before installing, edit the install\oraparam.ini file, and replace _x64 with _x86 in that line to get:

Working with openShift in Eclipse Error at importing

I've followed this tutorial here , but on step Clone your repo, by clicking finish, I got this error:
Could not clone the repository. Authentication failed.
Please make sure that you added your private key to the ssh preferences.
What's the problem?
It's a problem with your SSH keys.
Usually, the problems are:
Your private key is not in the correct location;
You didn't register your public key correctly in the repository (wrong key or wrongly formatted);
If you are using windows, you can try to put your private key in either of the following locations, where your git is installed:
Program Files\Git\.ssh\id_rsa
Program Files (x86)\Git\.ssh\id_rsa
Or create a .ssh directory in your home directory and putting the private key there (usually, it's C:/Users/user/).
If it doesn't work, give more information about your environment.
You should use the final version of Jboss Tools but not beta versions when you install the openshift tool plugin for eclipse. And I don't recommand you to install it via eclipse marketplace because Jboss tools final version doesn't appear when you make a search on it, especially if you use STS. The link for final version of Jboss tools is here http://tools.jboss.org/downloads/

ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt not generated

I am new to JMeter. I believe I have installed it successfully and I am running through the script recorder setup (http://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/jmeter_proxy_step_by_step.pdf). When I start the JMeter proxy server which is used to intercept the browser requests a file called ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt should be generated in jmeter/bin folder. It isn't. So, I cannot move on to Install the JMeter CA certificate for HTTPS recording, or for that matter configure my browser. Is there any known reason why the JMeter certificate would fail to be generated?
I solved it by removing ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt, ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.usr and proxyserver.jks from the bin directory of JMeter.
You are probably using Java 6 , in this case no ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA is generated.
To know if you are using Java 7:
- If HTTPS Domains is read only you are in JDK6
- If HTTPS Domains is writable you are using JDK7
Ensure you follow this:
Need to remove proxyserver.jks to create new certificate if you have removed ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt, ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.usr from bin . I did same too and got the certificate.
I was having the same issue - the root certificate was not found under the jmeter/bin directory. It was created in this path
I had to import it to firefox
Windows 7 Professional - 64 bit
Java 7 - 64 bit
Jmeter Version 2.12
We had the same problem. It appeared that the keytool.exe file that was being called by JMeter to generate the certificate, was located in a directory that had no write access. Initially the certificate is generated relatively to the location of keytool.exe (which is in java/bin), and then it is moved into the jmeter/bin directory.
We were able to fix it by copying the java installation directory into de jmeter directory and set write access. Then start JMeter with java pointing to the copied version.
Don't forget to remove proxyserver.jks before you try again
I had a similar issue please follow below steps,
1.Reinstall java, update the environment variables JAVA_HOME
2.Check the java version and make sure you don't get anything extra other than
C:>java -version
java version "1.8.0_144"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_144-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.144-b01, mixed mode)
in case if you find anything addition , remove them from environment variables.
5.Run Jmeter , you should be getting root certification
don't go complex solution lets try it easily
check your jdk version java -version> if version is less then jdk6 then update you jdk
2.download the missing file (gist.github.com/9ef114c53b83e553b635.git)
3 and add it however you know
In my case,
I extracted JMeter in C: drive (Windows 10 program files folder).
Running JMeter.bat as Administrator solved that issue for me.
Otherwise extracting in other drives also help.

Creating SVN repository server with XAMPP on windows

For last 3 days I am struggling in setting up my SVN server. I tried several ways and tools but I found always some issue and bug all the files.
I am planning to use the following tools for this project.
For Server and database - XAMPP (Comes with APACHE and MySql)
Version control server - subversion-1.6.16
Version control client - tortoiseSVN
IDE is Eclipse
Following are my queries
1. Is the above combination of tools and softwares is perfect for my project?
2. Is there any open-source software which provides all the above functionalities combined?
3. If anybody of you has already done such kind of project, could you please share with me which are the correct version of softwares I should use to get it worked error free.
If anybody can provide solution for below I can carry on with my current setup also.
My Error Message from server for current configuration : I tried to setup the svn-win32-1.6.16 with my XAMPP installation by copying the two moduels mod_dav_svn.so and mod_authz_svn.so to my apache modules directory and changed the httpd.conf file with Loadmodules of these the so files and set the location also for these. But when i start the server in error logs I get error message like this - "httpd.exe: Syntax error on line 136 of C:/xampp/apache/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load C:/xampp/apache/modules/mod_dav_svn.so into server: The specified module could not be found."
Following are pre-conditions and configurations prior to this error
Location of SVN - C:/SVN/svn-win32-1.6.16
Location XAMPP - C:/xampp/
Changes in httpd.conf file
LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/mod_dav_svn.so
LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/mod_authz_svn.so
and for location
# Enter this location in your browser to access the repository
<Location /repos>
DAV svn
SVNPath c:/SVN/svn_repos
I have created the repository here - C:/SVN/svn_repos
Is the above combination of tools and softwares is perfect for my
That is impossible to answer, because:
a) we don't know what your project is
b) nothing is perfect
But it is definitely an ok combination of tools. If I were you I would not use XAMPP but Zend Server CE instead! You get a nice web GUI for most php configuration needs.
Is there any open-source software which provides all the above
functionalities combined?
No. These tools are maintained for various target audiences and the combination you're asking for wouldn't make much sense in a bundle.
But of course your IDE (Eclipse in this case) integrates nicely with these tools. 'Integrates' means it plays together, doesn't mean it comes bundled with these things.
If anybody of you has already done
such kind of project, could you please
share with me which are the correct
version of softwares I should use to
get it worked error free.
I used to have such a combination (now I'm on Zend Studio with Zend Server CE) and there is no problem with it. The problem is that you're trying to do something unnecessary and wrong.
If you're using XAMPP, you're on a Windows machine, using .so extensions wouldn't do any good at all, Windows needs .dll extensions.
Why do you want to load such extensions anyways? You don't need those in order to get it all working.
Where are your repositories? Only if you want to host your own repositories do you need to run your own server. If that is the case, look at VisualSVNServer. You just install it, no need for integration with anything.
If your repositories are on a location in the net (more likely) you don't need an SVN server, you just need the client. In that case you're ready to go, no need for php extensions. You can checkout repos, commit, export, branch, tag, etc. From within Eclipse or in your file system with TortoiseSVN.
Try it and get back here, if you still experience problems.

Cannot access Tomcat from Eclipse in Ubuntu

I am having a problem accessing Tomcat from the browser if it was invoked from Eclipse, but it works fine if invoked from command prompt.
I have configured Eclipse to start Tomcat 5.5.23. It starts fine. If I try to connect to it at least to see the admin page using http://localhost:8081/ I get 404 error "The requested resource (/) is not available".
No logs are emitted in the logs folder which is very strange. If I invoke it from comman dprompt 9using startup.sh) I do get log files in logs. This is a new fresh install of Tomact from tomcat.apache.org.
The console on Eclipse doesn't show any activity when attempting to access Tomcat, just the normal start up or Tomcat.
I didn't have problem using and connecting to Tomcat in Eclipse on Windows platform before but I have absolutely no clue why it is failing to do so on Linux?
Any help will be appreciated.
In your eclipse Run Configurations of your server instance catalina.base will not be same as your actual catalina home.
Set it to your catalina.home and it should work fine.
Are you sure Eclipse is configured to start the tomcat installation you currently starting manually?
There might be 2 installations, one shipped with eclipse and one other installed seperatly.
If so, it would be no wonder the admin-interface isn't accessable since -iirc- the admin-panel has to be installed afterwards.
If I try to connect to it at least to see the admin page using http://localhost:8081/ I get 404 error "The requested resource (/) is not available".
I don't know if this is the problem but 1. that's not the path of the admin application 2. it is actually not bundled with Tomcat 5.5. From the FAQ:
How do I install the Administration web app?
If you install Tomcat 5.5 binaries,
the Administration web app is not
bundled with it; this describes how to
add the Administration web app to your
Tomcat 5.5 installation. (Tomcat 4.1
comes with the Administration web app
as part of the binary).
The following refers to a Tomcat 5.5
set up on Windows 2000, so your path
names will be different on *nix
platforms. In this example, Tomcat
5.5.17 in installed in c:\Program Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 5.5 (this is my
Unzip or untar (be careful to use GNU tar) the file containing the
administration web app files (eg.
apache-tomcat-5.5.17-admin.zip) to a
temporary directory, eg. c:\temp.
Copy c:\temp\apache-tomcat-5.5.17\conf\Catalina\localhost\admin.xml to the directory c:\Program
Files\Apache Software
Copy the entire directory tree c:\temp\apache-tomcat-5.5.17\server\webapps\admin
to the directory c:\Program
Files\Apache Software
Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\server\webapps.
This is an overlay, so \server\webapps
is just pointing you to the
\server\webapps, and the admin
directory with its contents will be
the only thing you see added there.
Add a line to your c:\Program Files\Apache Software
5.5\conf\tomcat-users.xml file so that you have a user who has admin
role. For example, add this line just
before the last line (containing
</tomcat-users>) of the file:
<user username="admin" password="makesomethingup" roles="admin,manager"/>
Restart Tomcat.
Now when you visit http://localhost:8080/admin you should
see a page that asks for a user name
and password. If you still see the "no
longer loaded" error message in your
browser, you must either force a full
reload of the web page (in Firefox,
hold down Shift key while clicking on
the Reload button) or just restart
your browser completely.