Matlab Get Handle for Layout - matlab

As the title states, I need to get a handle for my Matlab application. My class is derived from matlab.apps.AppBase and is app.UIFigure (if that matter, I'm still learning Matlab). My main goal is to change the mouse cursor to watch after a button is clicked and data is processed in the background.
I have tried:
But gcf is just empty, so it creates a new figure. I have also gotten all of the figures, using:
figs = findall(groot,'Type','Figure')
Which finds all of the figures I am using. I believe that I need to get the overall application figure and find the handle, but I am unsure how to do that.

There is no pointer property for uifigure; otherwise, you would be able to use app.UIFigure.Pointer = 'watch' as suggested by #CrisLuengo.
However, specially for uifigure MATLAB provides a nice looking and powerful progress bar uiprogressdlg. You can make it indeterminate with uiprogressdlg.Indeterminate = on;. I find this working pleasingly well.
Here is an example:
progressdlg=uiprogressdlg(f,'Title','Progress','Message', 'Doing something please wait', 'Indeterminate','on');
pause(10); % Run your algorithm.
% Delete the progress bar after work done.


how to save figure of gui plot which will run on a computer that does not have matlab

I have made a Gui program that I compile to EXE application which lots csv file into graph data. I buit a save button but I do not know how save figure with different name each time cause (savefig anduisave both uses matlab program). I am posting my code below if anyoff you guys figure out how to save gui figue into image or anything that does require matlab to open. Last function is the callback function for save button.
function ma_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% i tried uisave but not possible to run computer without matlab cause mcr
% does not run uisave
% i tried copyopbj but since i did not put a name on my figure it did not
% work
If you are trying to save a kind of image from your figure, then the best option which supports many aspects, is using print function.
I have already done this in a compiled app and it works perfect. Using print function you can set different file type(vector formats like *.svg are also supported), resolution(dpi), and so many others.
Although you can use print function directly on the figure, but I found that the best way (More Customization like removing or adding some objects and changing many options) is to follow this steps:
Create another figure with Visible='on' but a position that is out of screen with the same width and height of Main Figure.
normalized position = [-1, -1, ?, ?]. (Create this figure in start up and don't destroy it until your app exits, let call it Print Figure).
Copy your figure content (or the parts you are interested in) using copyobj to that figure (you may need to set Parent property of some key objects like panels to this new figure). They would look exactly as they look in the main figure, because they have the same properties. you can add or remove some objects in this step.
Change aspect ratio of "Print Figure" for a better output.
Print this figure with all options (file format, dpi, ...) you need. in my own GUI i allowed the user to change this settings with an input dialog.
In my app i used functions like winopen to show the output, and output directory to the user, when the print task was done. Print process takes some time, specially if dpi is huge, so it is also a good idea to inactivate buttons and show wait cursor.
a simple usage would be:
print(MainFigure, 'myFileName', '-dpng', '-r300')

How to create axes in matlab GUIDE

I want to implement the following code using matlab GUIDE:
As I am very new to GUIDE so I am having no idea how to do this. Any guidance.
Open guide selecting empty gui
Drag and drop two axes objects anywhere in the figure.
Right clicking on any axes object and seeing it properties allows to set size, position, and name of the object.
Guide always generate figure file in parallel with .m file containing all callback functions, among them function to be called on opening the gui (just before it is visible) -you can put you imshow() code there...
The whole thing is very intuitive, and has a great help provided by matlab.

Determine value of "gcf" in matlab

Stupid, simple question - is the value of gcf in matlab always going to be the figure number of the active figure? I.e., if I'm working on Figure 5, will gcf always return 5?
GCF returns the handle of the "current figure". This is always the figure number of the active figure. However, if you click on a different figure in the meantime, that other figure will become active. Thus, if you already know what figure you're working with, because you either forced the handle to 5 by calling figure(5), or because you captured the handle in a variable by calling fh=figure; it is safer that you use the handle instead of gcf whenever you want to modify the figure to avoid risking to inadvertently making another figure active.
Also, if there is no figure currently open, gcf will open a new figure.
This is a little more complicated than a simple "yes" or "no" answer. The handle for the current figure will generally match the number displayed at the top left of the figure window, but this number is only displayed when the 'NumberTitle' figure property is set to 'on' (the default).
Another wrinkle is that the figure handle is not guaranteed to be an integer. There is an 'IntegerHandle' figure property which determines if the handle created for the figure is an integer or a non-reusable real number. If this property is set to 'off', you get handle values that aren't integers, so the first figure that you open won't have a handle of 1. For example:
>> hFigure = figure('IntegerHandle','off') %# The only window open
hFigure =
And the figure is numbered accordingly:
Notice that when the figure number and handle are displayed, there is some round-off of the number. The figure window only displays 6 digits past the decimal place. It becomes apparent that you're dealing with floating point numbers when you change the format of the Command Window to show more decimal places:
>> format long
>> hFigure
hFigure =
In this case, the displayed figure number and the figure handle differ slightly.
Yes, gcf will return the handle of the currently selected (or active) figure. From the documentation,
H = GCF returns the handle of the current figure. The current
figure is the window into which graphics commands like PLOT,
TITLE, SURF, etc. will draw.
But also remember that:
The current figure is not necessarily the frontmost figure on
the screen.
One way to make a figure "current" is:
Clicking on uimenus and uicontrols contained within a figure,
or clicking on the drawing area of a figure cause that
figure to become current.
Another way is to use the figure handle. i.e., if you called the figure as h=figure;, then figure(h) will make it the current figure.

How do I use TeX/LaTeX formatting for custom data tips in MATLAB?

I'm trying to annotate a polar plot with data tips labelled with 'R:...,Theta:...' where theta is actually the Greek symbol, rather than the word spelled out. I'm familiar with string formatting using '\theta' resulting in the symbol, but it doesn't work in this case. Is there a way to apply the LaTeX interpreter to data tips? Here's what I have so far:
dcm_obj = datacursormode(f1);
info_struct = getCursorInfo(dcm_obj);
datacursormode on
where polarlabel is defined as follows:
function txt = polarlabel(empt,event_obj)
pos = get(event_obj,'Position');
txt = {['R: ',num2str(r)],...
['\Theta: ',num2str(th*180/pi)]};
Update: This solution is primarily applicable to versions R2014a and older, since it appears to fail for newer versions, specifically R2014b and newer using the new handle graphics system. For newer versions using the new handle graphics system, a solution can be found here.
For some odd reason, the data cursor tool in MATLAB forcibly sets the data tip text to be displayed literally instead of with TeX/LaTeX interpreting (even if the default MATLAB settings say to do so). There also appears to be no way of directly setting text properties via the data cursor mode object properties.
However, I've figured out one workaround. If you add the following to the end of your polarlabel function, the text should display properly:
set(0,'ShowHiddenHandles','on'); % Show hidden handles
hText = findobj('Type','text','Tag','DataTipMarker'); % Find the data tip text
set(0,'ShowHiddenHandles','off'); % Hide handles again
set(hText,'Interpreter','tex'); % Change the interpreter
Every graphics object created in the figure has to have a handle. Objects sometimes have their 'HandleVisibility' property set to 'off', so their handles won't show up in the list of child objects for their parent object, thus making them harder to find. One way around this is to set the 'ShowHiddenHandles' property of the root object to 'on'. This will then allow you to use findobj to find the handles of graphics objects with certain properties. (Note: You could also use findall and not worry about the 'ShowHiddenHandles' setting)
Turning on data cursor mode and clicking the plot creates an hggroup object, one child of which is the text object for the text that is displayed. The above code finds this text object and changes the 'Interpreter' property to 'tex' so that the theta symbol is correctly displayed.
Technically, the above code only has to be called once, not every time polarlabel is called. However, the text object doesn't exist until the first time you click on the plot to bring up the data tip (i.e. the first time polarlabel gets called), so the code has to go in the UpdateFcn for the data cursor mode object so that the first data tip displayed has the right text formatting.

Matlab IMRECT backward compatibility

I've writtend a GUI function in MATLAB R2009b which makes use of the IMRECT function. I need to make sure this GUI also works in MATLAB R2007b: since this release the IMRECT function has undergone extensive changes. I have two question:
1 - in the new (R2009b) IMRECT, a method GETCOLOR is defined which allows to get the color which was selected by the user using the scroll menu. Is there a way to mimic this behavior for the old (R2007b) function?
2 - in MATLAB R2009b I can use WAIT after using IMRECT as follows:
h = imrect(axhandle);
this allows to wait unitl the user as correctly placed his/her rectangle and has double click to confirm the choice. Is there anything analogous that can be used with IMRECT from R2007b?
Unfortunately, you need a workaround for both functions.
Here is one way to do it:
%# Create a figure and some points
fh = figure;plot(rand(10,1),rand(10,1),'.')
ah = gca;
%# this allows the user to place the rectangle. However, the code resumes
%# as soon as the rectangle has been drawn
rh = imrect(ah,[]);
%# Create a dialog to have the possibility to uiwait
wh = warndlg('Please close this dialog once you are done adjusting your rectangle');
%# Get the color of the rectangle
rectKids = get(rh,'Children');
rectangleColor = get(rectKids(1),'Color');
You can use verLessThan to check for the Matlab version in order to get the proper functionality. However, if there are users who'll use the code both on 2007b and 2009b, I suggest you leave the dialog box in for everyone, so that they don't get confused when they switch.