vscode assistance with building cpptools needed - visual-studio-code

Ubuntu 18.04 ARM64
I have download and built vscode and this appears to be working.
I can see the extension market place and install extensions. The C/C++ IntelliSense, debugging, and code browsing install but gets a dependency install failure sometimes:
Updating C/C++ dependencies...
Downloading package 'Mono Framework Assemblies' (5368 KB) Done!
Installing package 'Mono Framework Assemblies'
Failed at stage: installPackages
Error: end of central directory record signature not found
It seems to succeed on the second attempt but I'm not convinced.
So I have cloned vscode-cpptools and would like to built it myself but I'm not sure what dependencies it has or how to build it correctly.
Any tips appreciated!
So following the build and debug guide at:
$ git clone -b release https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools
$ cd vscode-cpptools/Extension
$ npm install ! should install all dependencies but it forgets gulp
$ npm install gulp ! Manually install. I wonder what else it forgets
$ vsce package ! Should trigger the build and make the vsix package.
So the package is created and when I try and install it via the vscode extensions I get
Unable to start the C/C++ language server. IntelliSense features will be disabled. Error: Missing binary at ~/.vscode-oss-dev/extensions/ms-vscode.cpptools-0.22.1/bin/Microsoft.VSCode.CPP.Extension.linux.
Me thinks there are a lot of other dependencies that are missing!!!
Looking in the Extension bin folder and two important binaries are missing:
I also tried this on Intel Ubuntu 18.04 and while the Intel build appeared to do a whole lot more it also fails to build the binaries.

Found the answer in here : github.com/Microsoft/vscode-cpptools/issues/429 which indicates there is no support for Aaarch64 Arm64 at this point in time.


How install Nuget Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Gpu for ONNX Runtime in Ubuntu 18?

I'm trying to use ONNX runtime for Ubuntu: https://onnxruntime.ai/
I selected Linux, C++, x64, then CUDA. It says "Install Nuget package Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Gpu
Refer to docs for requirements."
When I click on "Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Gpu", I'm taken to https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Gpu
There, it just says "Install-Package Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Gpu -Version 1.8.1". Now what am I supposed to do?
They expect you to install nuget in linux with
sudo apt-get install -y nuget
And then run the following with the version you want installed.
nuget install Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Gpu -Version 1.12.0
That's the expected approach. Personally, for me that didn't work. I kept getting some error saying "'Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Managed' already has a dependency defined for 'System.Memory'." So I did it a different way. I just went to https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/releases/tag/v1.12.0. And then at the bottom under assets it lists pre-built .tgz packages for the different setups. You can just download one and unpack it.

error: SERVER does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL

I am trying to install Lustre on CentOS 7. I followed this link. When I try to run sh ./autogen.sh to generate the configure script I get the above error as illustrated below.
[root#localhost lustre-release]# sh ./autogen.sh
configure.ac:10: installing 'config/config.guess'
configure.ac:10: installing 'config/config.sub'
configure.ac:12: installing 'config/install-sh'
configure.ac:12: installing 'config/missing'
autoMakefile.am:127: error: SERVER does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
libcfs/libcfs/autoMakefile.am: installing 'config/depcomp'
Does anyone know how I can resolve this?
To build lustre from git use "autogen.sh" in the top level directory to setup the build environment:
$ bash autogen.sh
libcfs/libcfs/autoMakefile.am: installing 'config/depcomp'
Did you try downloading a pre-built package from https://downloads.whamcloud.com/public/lustre/ ? That is usually the easiest compared to building your own.
If you want to build your own Lustre code, which version of the source are you using? The latest code is available at git.whamcloud.com. Most users should use the LTS release (b2_10 branch currently), but if you are doing new development you should use the master branch.

npm error while installing ionic dependencies

After cloning the project code from the Repository, I'm trying to install the npm to update the packages and plugins included. The command used is:
npm install
It worked well for previous clones. But now it displays the following error:
npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /chokidar/fsevents:
npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: fsevents#1.0.12
npm WARN appname# No repository field.
npm WARN appname# No license field.
When I tried to install fsevents using --verbose, it is said that the supported OS is Darwin. But it worked in the previous clone. Why not now?
If your a Windows user:
The fsevents warning isn't a problem. It's an optional dependency and isn't needed for this to work on Windows.
But the error still displaying, in order to fix this.
Open package.json and delete the gulp-watch dependecy
Manualy remove the folder (gulp-watch) from the node_modules fordel
Unload the Project and uploaded again
The error is gone!!!
There's a issue open to fix this in .net core , but this will work untill then.

jspm hot reloading install - command not found after global install

i try to install the hot reload module of jspm using the chokidar-socket-emitter. Installation works like charme, but after that it is not possible to start the watch task as described here: http://jspm.io/0.17-beta-guide/hot-reloading.html
Here is my install log:
XXXXXMacBookPro:dasding xxxxxx$ sudo npm i -g chokidar-socket-emitter
fsevents#1.0.12 install /usr/local/lib/node_modules/chokidar-socket-emitter/node_modules/chokidar/node_modules/fsevents
node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build
[fsevents] Success: "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/chokidar-socket-emitter/node_modules/chokidar/node_modules/fsevents/lib/binding/Release/node-v14-darwin-x64/fse.node" is installed via remote
chokidar-socket-emitter#0.3.1 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/chokidar-socket-emitter
├── socket.io#1.4.6 (has-binary#0.1.7, debug#2.2.0, socket.io-parser#2.2.6, socket.io-adapter#0.4.0, engine.io#1.6.9, socket.io-client#1.4.6)
└── chokidar#1.5.2 (path-is-absolute#1.0.0, inherits#2.0.1, glob-parent#2.0.0, async-each#1.0.0, is-binary-path#1.0.1, is-glob#2.0.1, readdirp#2.0.0, anymatch#1.3.0, fsevents#1.0.12)
XXXXXMacBookPro:dasding xxxxxx$ chokidar-socket-emitter
bash: chokidar-socket-emitter: command not found
XXXXXMacBookPro:dasding xxxxxx$
Does anyone has any idea why he is unable to find the command? i have no idea how to fix this, global installs always used to work without any problem.
thanks in advance
Ok, in case someone faces the same problem - my current node.js installation was unable to handle the latest version of chokidar-socket-emitter, so a lower version was installed, but the docs refered to the latest version, so there never was a command that could have been found. after updating my node.js installation everything worked like charme.

Cordova 3.0.0 - How to install a plugin

I'm totally new to app development and just started to make my first steps.
I've installed Cordova and the needed utilities according this guide.
I've created my first app (using Cordova's create script) and I'm able to run it on my Nexus 4.
Now I tried to install a plugin using plugman, and I'm stuck.
This tutorial says I can install a plugin using
cordova plugin add https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-plugin-geolocation.git
in the application directory.
Two issues here:
1. In the application directory itself isn't a executable file named "cordova"
2. When I swtich to the cordova directory and execute the mentioned command, I get this error:
Cordova does not recognize the command plugin
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Or is ther a mistake in the tutorial?
Thanks a lot for any help!
I managed to install the plugins using plugman directly using
plugman install --platform android --project . --plugin
But nevertheless I'm still interested in how to install the plugins using cordova...
Below are several ways I've used to install plugins from Cordova CLI, hope it helps:
Firstly, make sure you've installed cordova correctly(please refer to official document if needed):
cordova -v // should print something like "3.5.0-0.2.6"
Install from Cordova plugin registry
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device
This should cover most cases and here is a list of plugins available in Cordova Plugin Registry.
Install from a remote repository, typically from GitHub
cordova plugin add https://github.com/brodysoft/Cordova-SQLitePlugin
If you encountered something like "Error: Command failed: error: Failed connect to help.github.com:443; Connection refused while accessing", typically it's a proxy issue, you could retry after config your proxy:
git config --global http.proxy http://user:password#proxy:xxx
If it still not works, you could click "Dowload Zip" from github, unzip the downloaded file and then:
Install from a local directory
cordova plugin add /path/to/directory
It will look in this directory and each of its subdirectories for the plugin.
NOTE: this is related to Android platform of cordova 3.4 on my windows 8 machine (tested)
step 1=> Install plugman by command in cmd "npm install -g plugman" (note that you must have node installed)
step 2=> Download git from http://msysgit.github.com/ for windows (15 mb) install exe file
step 3=> create new variable in enviorment variable name = GIT_PATH and value= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git (this is mine urs may be diff)", now append %GIT_PATH% in Path variable (very Important) check git command in cmd if no error than continue otherwise fix this now
step 4=> Now go to http://plugins.cordova.io/#/ find whatever plugin want to install. and get just this repository url like
step 5=> now whatever and anywhere project is, place following command in cmd
**plugman install --platform android --project F:\my17app\ --plugin https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-plugin-device.git**
Step 7=> If it successfully install we can see in app/res/xml/config.xml file a new feature will be added with id of new plugin
PS: For environment variables see in control Panel=> System and Security => System =>Advanced System Security
I did it in this manner
D:\phonegap\hello>plugman install --platform android --project D:\phonegap\hello
\platforms\android --plugin org.apache.cordova.battery-status
where as for doing it from git
plugman install --platform android --project D:\phonegap\hello
\platforms\android --plugin https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-plugin-geolocation.git