TensorFlow works in command prompt but doesn't work in spyder( ipython) - python-3.7

My spyder version is 3.3.4 in anaconda( version 3.5), and my Ipython version is 7.4.0. Now my python version is 3.7.3 and I installed tensorflow of 1.13.1 version. When I open spyder and input the commands "import tensorflow as tf ",it is always running and I can not use function of tf. But I can use tensorflow in python through command prompt, I'm just not used to editing function in command prompt. So I want to know what is the reason that tensorflow doesn't work in spyder while running well in command prompt.


Can't Import Cairo

I've tried to install "cairo" using Anaconda (and Miniconda before that). It installs without an error, and when I open Anaconda Navigator, I see three "Environments": base(root), miniconda3, and spyder-env. In all three, it lists "cairo" as installed. When I import "cairo" in Spyder (or simply in python in my terminal), I get the following error: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cairo'"
I'm running a macOS Monterey 12.2.1, and I'm running python 3.9.12 in the terminal, and the default environment in Spyder points to: (conda 3.9.12). I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

Local pyenv python version ignored

I want to use Notebook with a previous python version as Pytorch works with 3.8
I have installed 2 python version :
$ pyenv versions
* 3.8.10 (set by C:\Users\Guillaume\Documents\Python\Pegasus Tutorial\.python-version)
I have set 3.8.10 local to my notebook folder as I want to run it with older python version.
Though my notebook cell returns this :
!python --version
Python 3.9.5
When I run python --version inside the folder it returns 3.10.5 and not 3.8.10 as expected

Conda virtual environment for IPython

I'm fairly new to the Python scene. My problem is that when I launch a jupyter notebook from an Anaconda Powershell with my DataScience virtual environment activated, the notebook does not have my virtual environment in it's PATH, and therefore cannot find some packages (like plotly and progress). The same is true when I launch VS Code from Anaconda Navigator with DataScience activated. When I run import plotly in an interactive window, I get ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘plotly’. But when I run this line in the terminal within VS Code, it runs without error.
So I have run the following commands in various shell/terminal sessions:
import sys
In a VS Code terminal I get:
['', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\envs\\DataScience\\python37.zip', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\envs\\DataScience\\DLLs', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\envs\\DataScience\\lib', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\envs\\DataScience', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\envs\\DataScience\\lib\\site-packages']
In an interactive window in VS Code I get:
['C:\\Users\\adiad\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\04e2b30c-4fc3-4aa9-9567-3aba17081a73', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\python37.zip', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\DLLs', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\lib', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3', '', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\win32', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\win32\\lib', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\Pythonwin', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\IPython\\extensions', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\.ipython']
In a jupyter notebook running in my browser I get:
['C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\envs\\test', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\python37.zip', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\DLLs', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\lib', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3', '', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\win32', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\win32\\lib', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\Pythonwin', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\Anaconda3\\lib\\site-packages\\IPython\\extensions', 'C:\\Users\\adiad\\.ipython']
The IPython session don't appear to reference my virtual environment. So my question is: what do I need to do make IPython run with same environment as my terminal?
I found the following SO question which seems to answer my question, but I find it hard to believe that everyone is following this practice.
How to start an ipython shell(not notebook) within a conda or virtualenv
Here's my configuration:
conda version : 4.7.12
conda-build version : 3.18.8
python version : 3.7.3.final.0
virtual packages :
base environment : C:\Users\adiad\Anaconda3 (writable)
channel URLs : https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/win-64
package cache : C:\Users\adiad\Anaconda3\pkgs
envs directories : C:\Users\adiad\Anaconda3\envs
platform : win-64
user-agent : conda/4.7.12 requests/2.22.0 CPython/3.7.3 Windows/10 Windows/10.0.18362
After doing further digging, my problem ought to be filed under, "knowing enough to be dangerous." My problem was ultimately caused by the fact that the jupyter package hadn't yet been installed in my new environment. So whenever I attempted to launch an IPython session of some kind, either in VS Code or in a browser, the application would look in my environment and see that the IPython packages weren't installed. It would then look to other conda environments and use the "nearest" equivalent, which was the base environment. Hence, most of the packages would load, but not all.
The fix to my problem was:
conda install jupyter
Another simple fix:
Launch CMD.exe prompt on Anaconda Navigator
Install: conda install jupyter
Conda install plotly

Spyder not showing stderr output in IPython console when running commands with os.system

Setup: MacOS High Sierra, Spyder 3.3.1, Python 2.7.15 64bits, Qt 5.9.4, PyQt5 5.9.2 on Darwin
I run the following code in the IPython console within Spyder:
In [1]: import os
In [2]: os.system("ls")
Out[2]: 0
In [3]: os.system("aasdasd")
Out[3]: 32512
I can see the output to stdout of the ls command in the bash shell where I run spyder, but not to stderr of the second os.system call that should print sh: asdasd: command not found.
Where does spyder redirect stderr to? Is there a way to see error messages like the one generated in the second case?
Thank you very much!
(Spyder maintainer here) This was fixed in spyder-kernels 0.3.0, the package that provides kernels for our consoles. And by fixed I mean that both stdout and stderr of external commands are now shown directly in our IPython consoles.
To update spyder-kernels, please close Spyder and run in a system terminal (xterm or Terminal.app, this doesn't work on Windows):
conda install spyder-kernels=0.*
if you use Anaconda (it's not available at the moment, but it should be shortly, please wait until it is), or
pip install spyder-kernels==0.*
if you use a custom Python installation.

How do I install Scala in Jupyter IPython Notebook?

Here's a few links that I went to and did exactly what they said. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
None of this is working. It may be some way that my node is configured. I just don't know. Please help.
I tried the following with Jupyterhub notebook and it works seamlessly:
# Step 1: Install spylon kernel
pip install spylon-kernel
# Step 2: create a kernel spec
python -m spylon_kernel install
# Step 3: start jupyter notebook
jupyter notebook
PS: to list all installed kernels, you can run the following command:
jupyter kernelspec list
You can use the information given here.
Ensure you have IPython 3 installed. ipython --version should return a
value >= 3.0. If it's not the case, a quick way of setting it up
consists in installing the Anaconda Python distribution, and then
$ pip install --upgrade "ipython[all]"
ipython --version should then return a value >= 3.0.
Download the Jupyter Scala binaries for Scala 2.10 (txz or zip) or
Scala 2.11 (txz or zip), and unpack them in a safe place. Then run
once the jupyter-scala program (or jupyter-scala.bat on Windows) it
contains. That will set-up the Jupyter Scala kernel for the current
Check that Jupyter/IPython knows about Jupyter Scala by running
$ jupyter kernelspec list
This should print, among others, a line like
(or scala210 dependending on the Scala version you chose).
Then run either IPython console with
$ ipython console --kernel scala211
and start using the Jupyter Scala kernel straightaway, or run Jupyter
Notebook with
$ jupyter notebook
and create Scala 2.11 notebooks by choosing Scala 2.11 in the dropdown
in the upper right of the Jupyter Notebook start page.
Note: Since IPython has now been replaced by Jupyter, we replaced ipython in the above commands with jupyter.
I've just run:
conda create --name base2 --clone base to create an env just like base.
conda activate base2 to move to the new env.
conda install -c conda-forge spylon-kernel.
python -m spylon_kernel install --user. create a kernel spec for Jupyter notebook
...and works just fine.
I'm using:
Anaconda 4.7.12
Jupyter-notebook 6.0.1
Ubuntu 18.04
ipykernel 5.1.3
ipython 7.9.0
ipython_genutils 0.2.0
jupyter_client 5.3.4
jupyter_core 4.6.0
traitlets 4.3.3
from def suma(a: Int) = a + 3
I can't add a comment to Heapify's answer, but his solution worked for JupyterLab on Windows without problems.
I cut and pasted his code into an Anaconda Powershell prompt
pip install spylon-kernel
python -m spylon_kernel install
jupyter notebook
And refreshed my anacopnda launcher and the spylon project option was available.
The answer for Linux can be found here.
Install Scala. Add these lines to ~/.bashrc
export SCALA_HOME=/usr/local/share/scala export
Follow these instructions from the
GitHub site:
Download and unpack pre-packaged binaries Scala 2.11. Unpack each
downloaded archive(s), and, from a console, go to the bin
sub-directory of the directory it contains. Then run the following to
set-up the corresponding Scala kernel:
./jove-scala --kernel-spec
Make sure spark is installed in local along with SPARK_HOME is added or exported in .profile/environment file.
If not, you might get stuck with the following message:
"Intitializing Scala interpreter ..."
without any result.
For mac, I needed only to 3 commands to add Scala and run it with Spark (I had it already installed) on my Jupyter notebook
pip install spylon-kernel
python -m spylon_kernel install
ipython notebook
Once you run them on your terminal, you'll have spylon-kernel in your notebook, which can be used as your a Scala notebook.
spylon-kernel hasn't seen an update in years. These days its much better to use almond.