Use Connect-PnPOnline in a workflow - powershell

Good morning, everyone,
I have a problem in retrieving information from SharePoint groups. I do it in a workflow, first I get the list of all groups and then I use it in a foreach-parallel to list the members of these groups.
The problem is that the connection doesn't seem to be maintaining and my query doesn't recover all the groups.
Here is a piece of the code:
workflow GetGroup {
$KeepAlive = Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SPOSite -Credentials $SPOCreds -ReturnConnection
$GetGroups = Get-PnPGroup
ForEach -Parallel -ThrottleLimit 512 ($Group in $GetGroups)
$GroupName = $Group.LoginName
$Users = Get-PnPGroupMembers -Identity $groupName -Connection $workFlow:KeepAlive
GetGroup -SPOSite " -SPOCreds (Get-Credential)
The expected result would be an array initialized at the beginning of the workflow with a PSCustomObject object that is added to our array. This table is made up of 3 things: The name of the group, the names of the people in that group, the emails of the people.
Unfortunately the table is only partially generated because a workflow here is the error I find nothing on the subject:
Impossible to link the "Connection" parameter. Impossible to convert the value "SharePointPnP.PowerShell.Commands.Base.SPOnlineConnection" of the type "SharePointPnP.PowerShell.Commands.
Thank you for your help.

I ran into the same error in a similar scenario, and this article helped me. Workflow is converting the Connection object ($KeepAlive in your case) to a deserialized format, and so the other cmdlet doesn't accept it. You will just have to wrap those cmdlets with InlineScript, or use a PowerShell script runbook instead of a PowerShell workflow runbook.


MS Graph API - Group & membership info

I'm trying to pull out a listing of all groups in our Azure Active Directory org along with all the associated members (be them users, groups, contacts, etc).
Since I was unable to locate a method to do this through the various Microsoft portals with a simple export button I began the process of obtaining access to the Microsoft Graph API/SDK via Powershell.
I'm by no means a PowerShell expert as it's not one of my go-to scripts; however, from what I can tell the ability to pull group info in this fashion is fairly limited.
The following is what I've been able to accomplish thus far:
Pull in a list of the groups using Get-MgGroup -All
Use Get-MgGroupMembers to pull back a list of Directory Objects.
This is where I get stuck. From what I've read it looks like a Directory Object by default only returns the ID and the Deleted Date. I'd like to get a display Name for these objects; I can obviously do this by running the appropriate 'Get' cmdlet for the type of directory object (i.e. Get-MgUser); From what I can tell the type of directory object can't be gleaned via PowerShell with out 'trial-and-error'... This seems highly inefficient to simply get a displayName.
Is there a more effective way to determine either the displayName of a Directory Object via a PowerShell cmdlet or at the very least a type so I can write a case statement to run the right cmdlet on the first try?
For the record this is going to be incorporated in to a Powershell Script, the current iteration of which looks like this and sorta works okay... assuming the Id passed in $member.Id belongs to a User type directory object.
$groups=Get-mgGroup -All
ForEach ($group in $groups){
$members = #{}
$members = Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId $group.Id -All
ForEach ($member in $members){
$user = Get-MgUser $member.Id
Write-Output $object.ODataType
Write-output $group.DisplayName "," $member.Id "," $user.UserType"," $user.DisplayName "," $user.UserPrincipalName "," $user.Mail >> C:scripts\Azure_Groups.txt
Would appreciate any direction/assistance on this. Thanks in advance!
Not sure why its not returning all the details on the PowerShell query:
This is working fine in MS Graph Explorer with the results showing all the details of the members:
For more details:

How to use Remove-LocalGroupMember to remove from a server?

I have the following script that is supposed to remove members from a server:
$ssasInstance = ""
$accountName= ""
Import-Module SqlServer
[Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server]$SSASserver = New-Object ([Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server])
$role= $SSASserver.Roles["Administrators"]
The problem is for some reason Remove() is not really working, no errors generated, but it doesnt remove the user.
I tested the script by instead adding a user, $role.Members.Add($accountName) and this works great! so i know that it must be a bug with the remove() method, and the only option I have is to use Remove-LocalGroupMember
I tried just using it like this:
$ssasInstance = ""
$accountName= ""
Import-Module SqlServer
[Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server]$SSASserver = New-Object ([Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server])
$role= $SSASserver.Roles["Administrators"]
Remove-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators" -Member "$accountName"
but that doesnt work either...although i think its because it doesnt know exactly where its removing from...
I tried this too, but to no avail:
Remove-LocalGroupMember -Group "$role" -Member "$accountName"
So how can i integrate this module into my script?
This is an unfortunate confluence of circumstances: when you do
This works because, under water, the string "member" is implicitly converted by PowerShell to a RoleMember with a Name of member and an empty Sid. All fine. However, if you then do
Nothing happens, because you will create a new RoleMember instance, and since RoleMember has no implementation of .Equals() (a fairly bizarre oversight), different instances will never be considered the same.
This means you can only remove members by getting the actual instance in the collection (or by index, I suppose):
$member = $role.Members.Where{$_.Name -eq "member"} | Select -First 1
Note that you will not get an error if there is no such member (because Remove allows $null, again in a rather bizarre oversight), so you may want to check for $member -eq $null if you want to verify that.
Definitely do not use Remove-LocalGroupMember -- that cmdlet is part of a completely different module and removes members from local Windows groups, not SSAS roles.

POWERSHELL - The member's SID could not be resolved

Hello im working with Active Directory Group and Users and i wanna check and set proper Users/Groups from AD to machines. Problem is when i iterate over Local Users/Groups on some machine and there is old Users/Group that no longer exists in AD POWERSHELL will stop working and will throw exception.
An error (1332) occurred while enumerating the group membership. The member's SID could not be resolved.
I know what causes this problem but i dont know how to work around it. The main issue here is that its not even possible to iterate over whole array of users if one is no longer valid. Only solution to this is manualy delete those invalid users.
I even saw some reports to Microsoft that this behaviour is wrong and should be fixed but nothing was done about it.
Anyone here encountered this issue?
Thank you for your help.
$ctype = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Machine
$computer = "PC name"
$groupName = "Administrators"
$context = New-Object -TypeName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext -ArgumentList $ctype, $computer
$idtype = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.IdentityType]::SamAccountName
$groupData = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.GroupPrincipal]::FindByIdentity($context, $idtype, $groupName)
$groupData.Members | select #{N='Server'; E={$computer}}, #{N='Domain'; E={$_.Context.Name}},#{N='Group'; E={$groupName}} , #{N='Account Name/Group'; E={$_.SamAccountName}}
Here is example of code that im using for iterating over Local users/groups on some PC.
Can You post the code that you are using, and the full error. Im guessing there is a workaround, but without seeing your code I can't see what could be wrong. If a terminating error is thrown it will stop the script or function from running further (with some gotchas, and exceptions), there are many ways of working around this
Also could you post the full error.
You will probably need to set the $erroractionpreference to silentlycontinue. And then review the $error variable to check the errors, but again I am only speculating.

Powershell function parameters with multiple words/values

I'm new to powershell and my first module is for simply adding users to the local admin group on remote computers. It looks like:
function AddAdmin {
[Parameter (Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True,Position=1) ]
[Parameter (Mandatory=$True,ValueFromPipeline=$True,Position=2) ]
$Domain = "the domain"
$Group = [ADSI]"WinNT://$Computer/Administrators,group"
$Usertoadd = [ADSI]"WinNT://$Domain/$username,user"
so I can just type addadmin computername username and it gets added. I want to do the same for groups, the problem I'm having is figuring out how to set a parameter that has multiple values/words. For example let's say I want to add a group called Executive Team to local admins. addadmin computername executive team doesn't work - it only picks up executive as the value.
Googled quite a bit and can't seem to figure this out, I'm sure I'm missing something simple.
You just have to put the multiple words value into double quotes :
addadmin computername "executive team"
Positions start at 0, just FYI, and while JPBlanc's answer is correct (and honestly better from a technical standpoint) you should be able to add this to your Parameter list for the User Name to get the same results without having to put them in quotes.
ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true

returning and referencing remote powershell variable results

I'm very new to powershell so looking some assistance. I am trying to run remote powershell script to check health of or VDI enviroment using Citrix Commandlets. (I am implementing the script on Microsoft orchestrator .Net Activity). So I have the following code:
#2012 VDI Desktop check
$vdims = "MyCitrixPowershellSDKServer"
function vdidesktopcheck
asnp Citrix*
$result = Get-BrokerDesktop -InMaintenanceMode $True -DesktopGroupName Unidesk
$output = invoke-command -computer $vdims -scriptblock ${function:vdidesktopcheck}
$machinename = $output.machinename
$state = $output.RegistrationState
So when I use orchestrator to expose the variables $machinename, $state - I get the 'last' result from the involked Get-BrokerDesktop query. However Get-Brokerdesktop query may have multiple machines returned so I am hoping to be able to reference each of the machines that match the query output. Thats the basic requirement - what I am hoping to be able to do is further refine the basic Get-BrokerDesktop query to be able to count the number on machines output to say > 3 (ie more than 3 machines in MaintMode is unacceptable) and also check that the MachineName property is not equal to a particular value, ie the 3 test machine names in the environment which may be expected to be in MaintenanceMode.
Hope this makes sense, if not I'll try and elaborate. Any help much appreciated!!
One of the limitations of Orchestrator is that you can only pass strings across the data bus, and you need to pass an array of objects. You need to serialize the object array to a string. One way to do that is to convert the array to json, then use convertfrom-json when you get it back to get an object array to work with.
Don't have a SCORCH server handy to test with, so this isn't tested at all.
$vdims = "MyCitrixPowershellSDKServer"
function vdidesktopcheck
asnp Citrix*
$result = Get-BrokerDesktop -InMaintenanceMode $True -DesktopGroupName Unidesk
$output = invoke-command -computer $vdims -scriptblock ${function:vdidesktopcheck} |
select machinename,RegistrationState | ConvertTo-Json