Download and cache the MKMapSnapshotter image using SDWebimage - swift

I want to show mapView in UITableViewCells,
So I actually wrote this code
class DataPointTableCell: UITableViewCell {
#IBOutlet weak var mapView: MKMapView!
func addAnnotaionToMapView(_ coordinates: Coordinate) {
let viewCoorindate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: coordinates.latitude, longitude: coordinates.longitude)
let annotation = MKPointAnnotation()
annotation.coordinate = viewCoorindate
// animate is turned to false on purpose.
mapView.animateToPoint(viewCoorindate, animated: false)
private func removePreviousCoordinate() {
let annotations = self.mapView.annotations
The problem with this approach is that it animates the mapView location and then adds the marker as it deques the cell.
I went with another approach i.e. by using MKMapSnapshotter
private func setMapImage() {
let rect = self.mapImageView.bounds
let mapSnapshotOptions = MKMapSnapshotter.Options()
// Set the region of the map that is rendered.
let needleLocation = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(15.4952364, 73.8343293)
let region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: needleLocation, latitudinalMeters: 1000, longitudinalMeters: 1000)
mapSnapshotOptions.region = region
// Set the scale of the image. We'll just use the scale of the current device, which is 2x scale on Retina screens.
mapSnapshotOptions.scale = UIScreen.main.scale
// Set the size of the image output.
mapSnapshotOptions.size = CGSize(width: 300, height: 300)
// Show buildings and Points of Interest on the snapshot
mapSnapshotOptions.showsBuildings = true
mapSnapshotOptions.showsPointsOfInterest = false
let snapshot = MKMapSnapshotter(options: mapSnapshotOptions)
snapshot.start { snapshot, error in
guard let snapshot = snapshot, error == nil else {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(mapSnapshotOptions.size, true, 0)
snapshot.image.draw(at: .zero)
let pinView = MKPinAnnotationView(annotation: nil, reuseIdentifier: nil)
let pinImage = pinView.image
var point = snapshot.point(for: needleLocation)
if rect.contains(point) {
let pinCenterOffset = pinView.centerOffset
point.x -= pinView.bounds.size.width / 2
point.y -= pinView.bounds.size.height / 2
point.x += pinCenterOffset.x
point.y += pinCenterOffset.y
pinImage?.draw(at: point)
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.mapImageView.image = image
This works fine but I can't cache image based on anything.
So the help that I wanted is how to download and cache the mapImage using SDWebimage.

First add a unique key for your cell
var youUniqueCellKey = "Key"
Then in setMapImage first check if an image is already Cached or not and assign it to your mapImageView
private func setMapImage() {
if let image = SDImageCache.shared().imageFromCache(forKey: youUniqueCellKey) {
self.mapImageView.image = image
} else {
// Add your rest of your code here
// At the end
var imageToStore = UIImage() // Your mapImage
SDImageCache.shared().store(imageToStore, forKey: youUniqueCellKey, completion: nil)


Render SwiftUI view offscreen and save view as UIImage to share

I'm trying to create a share button with SwiftUI that when pressed can share a generated image. I've found some tutorials that can screen shot a current displayed view and convert it to an UIImage. But I want to create a view programmatically off the screen and then save that to a UIImage that users can then share with a share sheet.
import SwiftUI
import SwiftyJSON
import MapKit
struct ShareRentalView : View {
#State private var region = MKCoordinateRegion(center: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 32.786038, longitude: -117.237324) , span: MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: 0.025, longitudeDelta: 0.025))
#State var coordinates: [JSON] = []
#State var origin: CGPoint? = nil
#State var size: CGSize? = nil
var body: some View {
GeometryReader{ geometry in
VStack(spacing: 0) {
HistoryMapView(region: region, pointsArray: $coordinates)
.frame(height: 300)
}.frame(height: 300)
}.onAppear {
self.origin = geometry.frame(in: .global).origin
self.size = geometry.size
func returnScreenShot() -> UIImage{
return takeScreenshot(origin: self.origin.unsafelyUnwrapped, size: self.size.unsafelyUnwrapped)
extension UIView {
var renderedImage: UIImage {
// rect of capure
let rect = self.bounds
// create the context of bitmap
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(rect.size, false, 0.0)
let context: CGContext = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!
self.layer.render(in: context)
// get a image from current context bitmap
let capturedImage: UIImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()!
return capturedImage
extension View {
func takeScreenshot(origin: CGPoint, size: CGSize) -> UIImage {
let window = UIWindow(frame: CGRect(origin: origin, size: size))
let hosting = UIHostingController(rootView: self)
hosting.view.frame = window.frame
return hosting.view.renderedImage
This is kind of my code idea at the moment. I have a view I've built that onAppear sets the CGpoint and CGsize of the screen capture. Then an attached method that can then take the screen shot of the view. The problem right now this view never renders because I never add this to a parent view as I don't want this view to appear to the user. In the parent view I have
struct HistoryCell: View {
private var shareRental : ShareRentalView? = nil
private var uiimage: UIImage? = nil
self.shareRental = ShareRentalView()
var body: some View {
Button{action: {self.uiimage = self.shareRental?.returnScreenShot()}}
This doesn't work because there view I want to screen shot is never rendered? Is there a way to render it in memory or off screen and then create an image from it? Or do I need to think of another way of doing this?
This ended up working to get the a screen shot of a view that was not presented on the screen to save as a UIImage
extension UIView {
func asImage() -> UIImage {
let format = UIGraphicsImageRendererFormat()
format.scale = 1
return UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: self.layer.frame.size, format: format).image { context in
self.drawHierarchy(in: self.layer.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
extension View {
func asImage() -> UIImage {
let controller = UIHostingController(rootView: self)
let size = controller.sizeThatFits(in: UIScreen.main.bounds.size)
controller.view.bounds = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: size)
let image = controller.view.asImage()
return image
And then in my parent view
var shareRental: ShareRentalView?
self.shareRental = ShareRentalView()
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
let shareImage = self.shareRental.asImage()
This gets me almost there. The MKMapSnapshotter has a delay while loading and the image creation happens too fast and there is no map when the UIImage is created.
In order to get around the issue with the delay in the map loading I created an array in a class that builds all the UIImages and stores them in an array.
class MyUser: ObservableObject {
public func buildHistoryRental(){
MapSnapshot().generateSnapshot(completion: self.snapShotRsp)
private func snapShotRsp(image: UIImage){
And then I made a class to create snap shot images like this
func generateSnapshot(completion: #escaping (JSON, UIImage)->() ){
let mapSnapshotOptions = MKMapSnapshotOptions()
// Set the region of the map that is rendered. (by polyline)
let polyLine = MKPolyline(coordinates: &yourCoordinates, count: yourCoordinates.count)
let region = MKCoordinateRegionForMapRect(polyLine.boundingMapRect)
mapSnapshotOptions.region = region
// Set the scale of the image. We'll just use the scale of the current device, which is 2x scale on Retina screens.
mapSnapshotOptions.scale = UIScreen.main.scale
// Set the size of the image output.
mapSnapshotOptions.size = CGSize(width: IMAGE_VIEW_WIDTH, height: IMAGE_VIEW_HEIGHT)
// Show buildings and Points of Interest on the snapshot
mapSnapshotOptions.showsBuildings = true
mapSnapshotOptions.showsPointsOfInterest = true
let snapShotter = MKMapSnapshotter(options: mapSnapshotOptions)
var image: UIImage = UIImage()
snapshotter.start(completionHandler: { (snapshot: MKMapSnapshotter.Snapshot?, Error) -> Void in
if(Error != nil){
print("\(String(describing: Error))");
image = self.drawLineOnImage(snapshot: snapshot.unsafelyUnwrapped, pointsToUse: pointsToUse)
func drawLineOnImage(snapshot: MKMapSnapshot) -> UIImage {
let image = snapshot.image
// for Retina screen
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.imageView.frame.size, true, 0)
// draw original image into the context
// get the context for CoreGraphics
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
// set stroking width and color of the context
// Here is the trick :
// We use addLine() and move() to draw the line, this should be easy to understand.
// The diificult part is that they both take CGPoint as parameters, and it would be way too complex for us to calculate by ourselves
// Thus we use snapshot.point() to save the pain.
context!.move(to: snapshot.point(for: yourCoordinates[0]))
for i in 0...yourCoordinates.count-1 {
context!.addLine(to: snapshot.point(for: yourCoordinates[i]))
context!.move(to: snapshot.point(for: yourCoordinates[i]))
// apply the stroke to the context
// get the image from the graphics context
let resultImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
// end the graphics context
return resultImage!
It's important to return the image back async with the callback. Trying to return the image directly from the func call yielded a blank map.

Navigation view transition full screen to a view with corner radius

I am trying to create an app home screen animation from splash, like after launch screen completed (full)screen color transforms into an app logo background color. Currently below code kind of archive what I expected. But, that transformation CAShapeLayer doesn't do with corner radius. Without corner radius it works as normal, when I try to use circle/oval/corner radius animation seems like below gif.
Tried few other StackOverflow answers which create circle animation those are not working. Here one of those.
weak var viewTransitionContext: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning!
func animateTransition(using transitionContext: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning) {
viewTransitionContext = transitionContext
guard let fromVC = viewTransitionContext.viewController(forKey: .from) else { return }
guard let toVC = viewTransitionContext.viewController(forKey: .to) else { return }
if fromVC.isKind(of: SOGSplashViewController.self) && toVC.isKind(of: SOGHomeViewController.self) {
guard let toVCView = transitionContext.view(forKey: .to) else { return }
guard let fromVCView = transitionContext.view(forKey: .from) else { return }
let containerView = transitionContext.containerView
let labelWidth = UIDevice.width() * 0.75
let labelHeight = labelWidth * 0.7
let xAxis = (UIDevice.width() - labelWidth)/2.0
let yAxis = ((UIDevice.height()/2.0) - labelHeight)/2.0
let labelRect = CGRect(x: xAxis, y: yAxis, width: labelWidth, height: labelHeight)
let radius = (UIDevice.height()/2.0)*0.1
let fromFrame = fromVCView.bounds
let animationTime = transitionDuration(using: transitionContext)
let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer()
maskLayer.isOpaque = false
maskLayer.fillColor = fromVCView.backgroundColor?.cgColor
maskLayer.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
maskLayer.path = toPathValue.cgPath
let maskAnimationLayer = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "path")
maskAnimationLayer.fromValue = (UIBezierPath(rect: fromFrame)).cgPath
maskAnimationLayer.toValue = toPathValue.cgPath
maskAnimationLayer.duration = animationTime
maskAnimationLayer.delegate = self as? CAAnimationDelegate
fromVCView.layer.add(maskAnimationLayer, forKey: nil)
maskLayer.add(maskAnimationLayer, forKey: "path")
let deadLineTime = + .seconds(1)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: deadLineTime) {
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2, animations: {
maskLayer.opacity = 0
}, completion: { (isSuccess) in
Transforming a rectangular path to a rounded rectangular path is a very complex operation if you do it through a generic way like Core Animation.. You should better use the cornerRadius property of CALayer which is animatable.
Here is a working example with a constraint based animation:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var constraints: [NSLayoutConstraint]!
#IBOutlet var contentView: UIView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
self.contentView.layer.cornerRadius = 10.0
#IBAction func animate(_ sender: Any?) {
for c in constraints {
c.constant = 40.0
UIView.animate(withDuration: 4.0) {
self.contentView.layer.cornerRadius = 40.0
contentView points to the inner view which should be animated, and constraints refer to the four layout constraints defining the distances from the view controller's view to the content view.
This is just a simple, rough example, which can certainly be improved.

How to fix flickering images after downloading from URL and setting it as GMSMarker?

This is what I have done so far. When I call functions apply image all the markers in view have their images set but the problems occurs when I zoom out of maps and check other markers, their images keeps flickering and doesn't stop whatsoever. Also I want my images to be circular but they keep turning into hexagon shape. Here is the gif showing the problem.
func showCurrentLocationWithOnlineMarkers() {
guard let locationObj = locationManager.location else {
viwMaps.delegate = self
let coord = locationObj.coordinate
userLat = coord.latitude
userLng = coord.longitude
let camera: GMSCameraPosition = userLat, longitude: userLng, zoom: Float(17.0))
viwMaps.isMyLocationEnabled = true
viwMaps.settings.myLocationButton = true
self.viwMaps.animate(to: camera)
for data in arrGetDriverModal{
let driver_lat = CLLocationDegrees(data.driver_lat ?? "")
let driver_long = CLLocationDegrees(data.driver_long ?? "")
let location = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: driver_lat!, longitude: driver_long!)
let marker = GMSMarker()
marker.position = location
marker.userData = data = self.viwMaps
let imageURL = URL(string: API.imgbaseURL+data.driver_image!)
self.applyImage(from: imageURL!, to: marker)
func applyImage(from url: URL, to marker: GMSMarker) {
let imageView = UIImageView(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "marker"))
imageView.frame = CGRect.init(x: 0, y: 0, width: 44, height: 44) .background).async {
guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url),
let image = UIImage(data: data)
else { return }
DispatchQueue.main.async {
imageView.image = image
imageView.layer.cornerRadius = 22
imageView.clipsToBounds = true
imageView.layer.masksToBounds = true
marker.iconView = imageView
Makers kinda act like reusable cells, so saving images to cache would advance your performance. To do this Kingfisher is a good library. After install and import it, you can use like this in your case;
func applyImage(from url: URL, to marker: GMSMarker) {
let imageView = UIImage()
imageView.frame = CGRect.init(x: 0, y: 0, width: 44, height: 44)
let identifier = "\(a specific name for each of your markers, could be coordinates or adress)"
let url = URL(string: "your url")!
let resource = ImageResource(downloadURL: url, cacheKey: identifier)
imageView.kf.setImage(with: resource, placeholder: UIImage(named:
"placeholderIfYouHave.png")! )

Detect intersect with masked image (not rectangular)

How to not get detected with intersects func when moving around masked image in UIImageView frame?
explanation image
Code that I am using to detect collision:
Where movingPerson is just a regular UIImage that I am moving around with touchesmoved func and camera is a masked Image.
I've tried .bounds instead of .frame but it's not working.
Is there any easy way?
If you want the "Very easy way" then UIDynamicItem and provide a path that bounds your image and let UIDynamicAnimator handle the collisions for you. If you do not know how to get the path for your artwork (yours is pretty easy and you should be able to extract the Bezier coordinates automatically in Paintcode, by hand in Illustrator, or from a SVG file) you can use SpriteKit instead since it will actually generate the bounding polygon for your sprite automatically.
EDIT Sample (note I didn't want to write a whole app for this so I took an existing playground and just added the colliders. the collision works, but the reset after collision doesn't):
import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport
class ObstacleView: UIView {
override var collisionBoundsType: UIDynamicItemCollisionBoundsType {
return .path
override var collisionBoundingPath: UIBezierPath {
return UIBezierPath(ovalIn: bounds)
override func layoutSubviews() {
layer.cornerRadius = bounds.size.width / 2
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var dynamicAnimator: UIDynamicAnimator!
var gravityBehavior: UIGravityBehavior!
var pushBehavior: UIPushBehavior!
var collisionBehavior: UICollisionBehavior!
lazy var player: UILabel = {
let label = UILabel()
label.text = "🐥"
label.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
label.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
return label
var isPanning = false
var anchor: CGPoint = .zero
let maxDistance = CGFloat(100)
lazy var obstacles: [UIView] = {
return (0..<2).map { index in
let view = ObstacleView(frame: CGRect(x:100 + CGFloat(index)*200,y:200, width: 40, height: 40))
view.backgroundColor = .blue
view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
return view
override func viewDidLoad() {
dynamicAnimator = UIDynamicAnimator(referenceView: view)
dynamicAnimator.delegate = self
gravityBehavior = UIGravityBehavior(items: [player])
let panGestureRecognizer = UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(pan))
_ = obstacles
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
anchor = = anchor
#objc private func pan(recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
switch recognizer.state {
case .began:
guard player.bounds.contains(recognizer.location(in: player)) else {
isPanning = false
isPanning = true
case .changed:
guard isPanning else {
} = recognizer.location(in: view)
let dx = - anchor.x
let dy = - anchor.y
let distance = CGFloat(hypotf(Float(dx), Float(dy)))
if distance > maxDistance { = anchor.x + dx / distance * maxDistance = anchor.y + dy / distance * maxDistance
case .ended:
guard isPanning else {
isPanning = false
let dx = - anchor.x
let dy = - anchor.y
let distance = CGFloat(hypotf(Float(dx), Float(dy)))
guard distance > 10 else { = anchor
if pushBehavior != nil {
pushBehavior = UIPushBehavior(items: [player], mode: .instantaneous)
pushBehavior.pushDirection = CGVector(dx: -dx, dy: -dy)
pushBehavior.magnitude = distance / maxDistance * 0.75
collisionBehavior = UICollisionBehavior(items: [player] + obstacles)
collisionBehavior.translatesReferenceBoundsIntoBoundary = true
collisionBehavior.collisionDelegate = self
case .cancelled:
isPanning = false = anchor
extension ViewController: UIDynamicAnimatorDelegate {
func dynamicAnimatorDidPause(_ animator: UIDynamicAnimator) {
dynamicAnimator.removeAllBehaviors() = anchor
extension ViewController: UICollisionBehaviorDelegate {
func collisionBehavior(_ behavior: UICollisionBehavior, beganContactFor item1: UIDynamicItem, with item2: UIDynamicItem, at p: CGPoint) {
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = ViewController()
PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true

Get Size of image in SCNNode / ARKit Swift

I'm trying to scan a Reference-Image an then display the image itself above the printed reference-image. The "virutal" image size should be the same like the printed size.
My idea: get the size of the printed Reference-Image, then scale the image in the SCNNode to this size (or scale the SCNNode to this size?)
But: 1-> How to get the size of the printed image, 2-> for scaling the SCNNode I need the size of this node, too. How to get it?
import UIKit
import SceneKit
import ARKit
import AVKit
import AVFoundation
class ViewController: UIViewController, ARSCNViewDelegate {
#IBOutlet var sceneView: ARSCNView!
private var planeNode: SCNNode?
private var imageNode: SCNNode?
private var animationInfo: AnimationInfo?
private var currentMediaName: String?
private var scrollView: UIScrollView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let scene = SCNScene()
sceneView.scene = scene
sceneView.delegate = self
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Load reference images to look for from "AR Resources" folder
guard let referenceImages = ARReferenceImage.referenceImages(inGroupNamed: "AR Resources", bundle: nil) else {
fatalError("Missing expected asset catalog resources.")
// Create a session configuration
let configuration = ARWorldTrackingConfiguration()
// Add previously loaded images to ARScene configuration as detectionImages
configuration.detectionImages = referenceImages
// Run the view's session
let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleTap(rec:)))
//Add recognizer to sceneview
//Method called when tap
#objc func handleTap(rec: UITapGestureRecognizer){
let location: CGPoint = rec.location(in: sceneView)
let hits = self.sceneView.hitTest(location, options: nil)
if !hits.isEmpty{
let tappedNode = hits.first?.node
if tappedNode != nil && tappedNode?.name != nil{
let stringArr = tappedNode?.name?.components(separatedBy: "-")
let name = stringArr! [0]
let size = stringArr! [1].components(separatedBy: ",")
let width = Float(size [0])
let height = Float(size [1])
loadReferenceImage(tappedNode: tappedNode!, name: (name), width: width!, height: height!)
private func playVideo() {
guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "video", ofType:"m4v") else {
debugPrint("video.m4v not found")
let player = AVPlayer(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: path))
let playerController = AVPlayerViewController()
playerController.player = player
present(playerController, animated: true) {
func loadReferenceImage(tappedNode: SCNNode, name: String, width: Float, height: Float){
let currentNode = tappedNode.parent
if let image = UIImage(named: "col" + name){
let childNodes = currentNode?.childNodes
for node in (childNodes)!{
let newImage = UIImage(named: "col" + name)
let newnode = SCNNode(geometry: SCNPlane(width: CGFloat(width), height: CGFloat(height)))
newnode.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = newImage
newnode.scale = SCNVector3(x: 10, y: 10, z: 10)
currentNode?.removeAnimation(forKey: "spin_around")
let rotation = SCNVector3((currentNode?.eulerAngles.x)!-0.95,(currentNode?.eulerAngles.y)!,(currentNode?.eulerAngles.z)!)
currentNode?.eulerAngles = rotation
let nodex = currentNode?.scale.x
let nodey = currentNode?.scale.y
let nodez = currentNode?.scale.z
let factorx = width / nodex!
let factory = height / nodey!
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, didAdd node: SCNNode, for anchor: ARAnchor) {
guard let imageAnchor = anchor as? ARImageAnchor else {
// 1. Load scene.
let planeScene = SCNScene(named: "art.scnassets/plane.scn")!
let planeNode = planeScene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "planeRootNode", recursively: true)!
// 2. Calculate size based on planeNode's bounding box.
let (min, max) = planeNode.boundingBox
let size = SCNVector3Make(max.x - min.x, max.y - min.y, max.z - min.z)
// 3. Calculate the ratio of difference between real image and object size.
// Ignore Y axis because it will be pointed out of the image.
let widthRatio = Float(imageAnchor.referenceImage.physicalSize.width)/1.2
let heightRatio = Float(imageAnchor.referenceImage.physicalSize.height)/1.2
let width = imageAnchor.referenceImage.physicalSize.width
let height = imageAnchor.referenceImage.physicalSize.height
let prefix = "-"
let imageSize = width.description + "," + height.description
let targetName =! + prefix + imageSize
// Pick smallest value to be sure that object fits into the image.
let finalRatio = [widthRatio, heightRatio].min()!
// 4. Set transform from imageAnchor data.
planeNode.transform = SCNMatrix4(imageAnchor.transform)
// 5. Animate appearance by scaling model from 0 to previously calculated value.
let appearanceAction = SCNAction.scale(to: CGFloat(finalRatio), duration: 0.4)
appearanceAction.timingMode = .easeOut
// Set initial scale to 0.
planeNode.scale = SCNVector3Make(0 , 0, 0)
//rotate y
let spin = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "rotation")
spin.fromValue = NSValue(scnVector4: SCNVector4(x: 0, y: 1, z: 0, w: 0))
spin.toValue = NSValue(scnVector4: SCNVector4(x: 0, y: 1, z: 0, w: Float(CGFloat(2 * Double.pi))))
spin.duration = 4
spin.repeatCount = .infinity
planeNode.addAnimation(spin, forKey: "spin_around")
// Add to root node.
// Run the appearance animation.
planeNode.runAction(appearanceAction) = targetName
let nodes = planeNode.childNodes
for node in nodes{ = targetName
self.planeNode = planeNode
self.imageNode = node
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, didAdd node: SCNNode, for anchor: ARAnchor, updateAtTime time: TimeInterval) {
guard let imageNode = imageNode, let planeNode = planeNode else {
// 1. Unwrap animationInfo. Calculate animationInfo if it is nil.
guard let animationInfo = animationInfo else {
refreshAnimationVariables(startTime: time,
initialPosition: planeNode.simdWorldPosition,
finalPosition: imageNode.simdWorldPosition,
initialOrientation: planeNode.simdWorldOrientation,
finalOrientation: imageNode.simdWorldOrientation)
// 2. Calculate new animationInfo if image position or orientation changed.
if !simd_equal(animationInfo.finalModelPosition, imageNode.simdWorldPosition) || animationInfo.finalModelOrientation != imageNode.simdWorldOrientation {
refreshAnimationVariables(startTime: time,
initialPosition: planeNode.simdWorldPosition,
finalPosition: imageNode.simdWorldPosition,
initialOrientation: planeNode.simdWorldOrientation,
finalOrientation: imageNode.simdWorldOrientation)
// 3. Calculate interpolation based on passedTime/totalTime ratio.
let passedTime = time - animationInfo.startTime
var t = min(Float(passedTime/animationInfo.duration), 1)
// Applying curve function to time parameter to achieve "ease out" timing
t = sin(t * .pi * 0.5)
// 4. Calculate and set new model position and orientation.
let f3t = simd_make_float3(t, t, t)
planeNode.simdWorldPosition = simd_mix(animationInfo.initialModelPosition, animationInfo.finalModelPosition, f3t)
planeNode.simdWorldOrientation = simd_slerp(animationInfo.initialModelOrientation, animationInfo.finalModelOrientation, t)
//planeNode.simdWorldOrientation = imageNode.simdWorldOrientation
guard let currentImageAnchor = anchor as? ARImageAnchor else { return }
func refreshAnimationVariables(startTime: TimeInterval, initialPosition: float3, finalPosition: float3, initialOrientation: simd_quatf, finalOrientation: simd_quatf) {
let distance = simd_distance(initialPosition, finalPosition)
// Average speed of movement is 0.15 m/s.
let speed = Float(0.15)
// Total time is calculated as distance/speed. Min time is set to 0.1s and max is set to 2s.
let animationDuration = Double(min(max(0.1, distance/speed), 2))
// Store animation information for later usage.
animationInfo = AnimationInfo(startTime: startTime,
duration: animationDuration,
initialModelPosition: initialPosition,
finalModelPosition: finalPosition,
initialModelOrientation: initialOrientation,
finalModelOrientation: finalOrientation)
In order to do this I believe that first you need to get the size in Pixels of the UIImage by
multiplying the size values by the value in the scale property to get
the pixel dimensions of the image.
As such an example would be something like so:
guard let image = UIImage(named: "launchScreen") else { return }
let pixelWidth = image.size.width * image.scale
let pixelHeight = image.size.height * image.scale
print(pixelWidth, pixelHeight)
The size of my image when made in Adobe Illustrator was 3072 x 4099, and when I logged the results in the console the dimensions were also the same.
Now the tricky part here is calculating the pixels to a size we can use in ARKit, remembering that different devices have a different PPI (Pixels Per Inch) density.
In my example I am just going to use the PPI of an iPhone7Plus which is 401.
//1. Get The PPI Of The iPhone7Plus
let iphone7PlusPixelsPerInch: CGFloat = 401
//2. To Get The Image Size In Inches We Need To Divide By The PPI
let inchWidth = pixelWidth/iphone7PlusPixelsPerInch
let inchHeight = pixelHeight/iphone7PlusPixelsPerInch
//3. Calculate The Size In Metres (There Are 2.54 Cm's In An Inch)
let widthInMetres = (inchWidth * 2.54) / 100
let heightInMeters = (inchHeight * 2.54) / 100
Now we have the size of our Image in Metres it is simple to create an SCNNode of that size e.g:
//1. Generate An SCNPlane With The Same Size As Our Image
let realScaleNode = SCNNode(geometry: SCNPlane(width: widthInMetres, height: heightInMeters))
realScaleNode.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = image
realScaleNode.position = SCNVector3(0, 0, -1)
//2. Add It To Our Hierachy
Hope it helps...
P.S: This may be useful for helping you get the PPI of the Screen (marchv/UIScreenExtension)