how to re-execute the generated query from EF's output - entity-framework

I am new to Entity Framework.
When I review the T-query generated by Entity Framework, it shows a comment-out line for parameter with assigned type and value information, eg.
-- p__linq__0: 'ABC' (Type = String, Size = 100) .
I am trying to re-execute these generated T-query. Is there a way/tool to do so? Currently, I have to manually update T-query in order to execute it in SSMS .
[original generated text from EF]
SELECT [Books].[BookId] AS [BookId]
FROM [dbo].[Books]
WHERE [dbo].[Books].[Name] = #p__linq__0
-- p__linq__0: 'ABC' (Type = String, Size = 100)
[after manually re-format]
DECLARE #p__linq__0 nvarchar(100)
SET #p__linq__0 = 'ABC'
SELECT [Books].[BookId] AS [BookId]
FROM [dbo].[Books]
WHERE [dbo].[Books].[Name] = #p__linq__0


Don't understand 'CREATE VIEW' must be the first statement in a query batch

I am trying to create a View for temporary data I only need during the SQL run.
I get the error:
"'CREATE VIEW' must be the first statement in a query batch."
I searched on that and see it was asked about on Stack Overflow already here: 'CREATE VIEW' must be the first statement in a query batch
However, my SQL code looks like it should but I still get the error. First, I create a table called #StatusTable but that table wasn't working like I wanted. So I tried creating a View.
status VARCHAR(8000)
INSERT INTO #StatusTable
Select Status = ( select CONCAT(ls.ItemText, '/', st.ItemText ) as Status from Inmate_Legal_Status ils
Left join jt_list_items ls on ls.ItemID = ils.LegalStatusID
Left join jt_list_items st on st.ItemID = ils.StatusTypeId
where ArrestNo = #doc and ils.RecordDeleted = 0
order by ils.CreatedTime desc FOR XML PATH('')
-- table
USE #StatusTable;
create view MyView as
Select Status = ( select CONCAT(ls.ItemText, '/', st.ItemText ) as Status from Inmate_Legal_Status ils
Left join jt_list_items ls on ls.ItemID = ils.LegalStatusID
Left join jt_list_items st on st.ItemID = ils.StatusTypeId
where ArrestNo = #doc and ils.RecordDeleted = 0
I get three errors:
Incorrect syntax near GO.
'CREATE VIEW' must be the first statement in a query batch
Incorrect syntax near #StatusTable

Merge join not able to join properly on varchar column

I've created below code to implement SCD type 2 using merge, when i run the code i'm getting primary key violations on csname field. I have the below values as part of primary key, not sure whether merge SQL does support for varchar or not.
if I run the normal inner join SQL on the same key then i'm getting the matching records as well.
Any help much appreciated
ER - Building Complaints
TR - Building Applications
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.load_target
INSERT INTO [TR_DW].[enum].[Rt]([csname],[enddatetime],[EffectiveToDate],[EffectiveFromDate],[CurrentRecord])
MERGE [TR_DW].[enum].[Rt] RtCSQSuTT
USING [TR].[enum].[Rt] RtCSQSuST
ON (RtCSQSuTT.csname = RtCSQSuST.csname)
INSERT ([csname],[enddatetime],[EffectiveToDate],[EffectiveFromDate],[CurrentRecord])
VALUES ([csname],[enddatetime],'12/31/9999', getdate(), 'Y')
(ISNULL(RtCSQSuTT.[enddatetime], '') != ISNULL(RtCSQSuST.[enddatetime], ''))THEN
RtCSQSuTT.[CurrentRecord] = 'N',
RtCSQSuTT.[EffectiveFromDate] = GETDATE() - 1,
RtCSQSuTT.[EffectiveToDate] = GETDATE()
OUTPUT $Action Action_Taken,RtCSQSuST.[csqname],RtCSQSuST.[enddatetime],'12/31/9999' AS[EffectiveToDate],GETDATE() AS[EffectiveFromDate],'Y' AS[CurrentRecord]
WHERE MERGE_OUT21.Action_Taken = 'UPDATE';

Execute Dynamic Select into string in Teradata

This is the MySQL query, now I need this below dynamic query to execute in TERADATA SQL.
set l_sql=concat('SELECT max(',l_rid_col,'), MAX(cid) INTO #c2, #c3 FROM ',p_database,'.',p_table);
SET l_rid = #c2;
SET l_cid = #c3;
And this update query:
update table_a
set row = ifnull(l_rid, 0),
column = ifnull(l_cid, 0)
where databasename = p_database
and tablename = p_table;
But In Teradata I tried this way:
update table_a as a
from (select max(l_rid) TR, MAX(l_cid) TCC
from DEVP.employees) as b
set a.row = b.TR, a.column = b.TCC
where a.databasename = 'DEVP'
and a.tablename = 'employees';
Please remove the alias name from the LHS of the update statement.
a.colA=b.colname should be colA=b.colname
I got the answer:
update table_a from (select max(l_rid) TR, MAX(l_cid) TCC from DEVP.employees )as b
set row= b.TR , column=b.TCC where databasename='DEVP' and tablename='employees';
ISSUE: I just removed the alias name in UPDATE. finally got it.

Run function with select statement

I have a tabe valued function called "GetLogInfosMsg" which I want to run provided with some Parameters from a specific table. The code below does not work; I get the message "Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the sub-query is not introduced with EXISTS.". Can somebody help me? Thanks.
#pErrMsgID = [MsgID],
#pParams = [Params]
FROM [dbo].[TABLE1]
try this
you have to pass parameter in separate not in table format
SELECT #pErrMsgID = [MsgID] ,
#pParams = [Params]
FROM [dbo].[GetLogInfoMsg](( SELECT [FIELD1]
FROM [dbo].[TABLE1]
FROM [dbo].[TABLE1]
FROM [dbo].[TABLE1]
)) ;
If you are using mssql 2005+ consider using this:
#pErrMsgID = t2.[MsgID],
#pParams = t2.[Params]
FROM [dbo].[TABLE1] t1
FROM [dbo].[GetLogInfoMsg] (t1.FIELD1, t1.FIELD2, t1.FIELD3) t2

Metadata about a column in SQL Server 2008 R2?

I'm trying to figure out a way to store metadata about a column without repeating myself.
I'm currently working on a generic dimension loading SSIS package that will handle all my dimensions. It currently does :
Create a temporary table identical to the given table name in parameters (this is a generic stored procedure that receive the table name as parameter, and then do : select top 0 * into ##[INSERT ORIGINAL TABLE NAME HERE] from [INSERT ORIGINAL TABLE NAME HERE]).
==> Here we insert custom code for this particular dimension that will first query the data from a datasource and get my delta, then transform the data and finally loads it into my temporary table.
Merge the temporary table into my original table with a T-SQL MERGE, taking care of type1 and type2 fields accordingly.
My problem right now is that I have to maintain a table with all the fields in it to store a metadata to tell my scripts if this particular field is type1 or type2... this is nonsense, I can get the same data (minus type1/type2) from sys.columns/sys.types.
I was ultimately thinking about renaming my fields to include their type in it, such as :
FirstName_T2, LastName_T2, Sex_T1 (well, I know this can be type2, let's not fall into that debate here).
What do you guyz would do with that? My solution (using a table with that metadata) is currently in place and working, but it's obvious that repeating myself from the systables to a custom table is nonsense, just for a simple type1/type2 info.
UPDATE: I also thought about creating user defined types like varchar => t1_varchar, t2_varchar, etc. This sounds like something a bit sluggy too...
Everything you need should already be in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
I can't follow your thinking of not using provided tables/views...
Edit: As scarpacci mentioned, this somewhat portable if needed.
I know this is bad, but I will post an answer to my own question... Thanks to GBN for the help tho!
I am now storing "flags" in the "description" field of my columns. I, for example, can store a flag this way : "TYPE_2_DATA".
Then, I use this query to get the flag back for each and every column :
select as [column_name]
, as [type_name]
,extended_properties.value as [column_flags]
from sys.columns
inner join sys.types
on columns.system_type_id = types.system_type_id
left join sys.extended_properties
on extended_properties.major_id = columns.object_id
and extended_properties.minor_id = columns.column_id
and = 'MS_Description'
where object_id = ( select id from sys.sysobjects where name = 'DimDivision' )
and is_identity = 0
order by column_id
Now I can store metadata about columns without having to create a separate table. I use what's already in place and I don't repeat myself. I'm not sure this is the best possible solution yet, but it works and is far better than duplicating information.
In the future, I will be able to use this field to store more metadata, where as : "TYPE_2_DATA|ANOTHER_FLAG|ETC|OH BOY!".
I now store the information in separate extended properties. You can manage extended properties using sp_addextendedproperty and sp_updateextendedproperty stored procedures. I have created a simple store procedure that help me to update those values regardless if they currently exist or not :
create procedure [dbo].[UpdateSCDType]
#tablename nvarchar(50),
#fieldname nvarchar(50),
#scdtype char(1),
#dbschema nvarchar(25) = 'dbo'
declare #already_exists int;
if ( #scdtype = '1' or #scdtype = '2' )
select #already_exists = count(1)
from sys.columns
inner join sys.extended_properties
on extended_properties.major_id = columns.object_id
and extended_properties.minor_id = columns.column_id
and = 'ScdType'
where object_id = (select from sys.sysobjects where = #tablename)
and = #fieldname
if ( #already_exists = 0 )
exec sys.sp_addextendedproperty
#name = N'Scd_Type',
#value = #scdtype,
#level0type = N'SCHEMA',
#level0name = #dbschema,
#level1type = N'TABLE',
#level1name = #tablename,
#level2type = N'COLUMN',
#level2name = #fieldname
exec sys.sp_updateextendedproperty
#name = N'Scd_Type',
#value = #scdtype,
#level0type = N'SCHEMA',
#level0name = #dbschema,
#level1type = N'TABLE',
#level1name = #tablename,
#level2type = N'COLUMN',
#level2name = #fieldname
Thanks again