Having trouble writing Powershell output to csv file - powershell

I'm a PowerShell newbie trying to write a simple script to look up the number of times a specific user has logged into a workstation, and export that information in a useful way to a CSV file so it can be easily manipulated. The CSV file only really needs to contain the time of login and the username mentioned in the "Message" section of the Security log entry.
My problem is it seems I can either get a CSV file with a truncated "Message" no containing the username, or I get all the information I want printed to host instead of exporting to CSV. I'm sure the solution is probably very basic, but like I said I'm a newbie.
In the code posted here I get everything I need printed to host, but I can't seem to get it into a CSV file. Any help would be appreciated.
New-Item -Name "UserLoginHistory" -Path C:\ -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
$UserName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Which user are you searching for?'
$a =Get-EventLog -LogName Security -Message "*$UserName*" | Where-Object {$_.EventID -eq 4624}
foreach($item in $a)
$timeLog = $item.TimeGenerated
$item = $item.Message.Split(":")
$subject = $item[3].split()
$NewLogin = $item[14].split()
$WorkstationName = $item[26].split()
$SourceNetworkAddress = $item[27].split()
"Time: $timeLog Subject: $($subject[2]) NewLogin: $($NewLogin[2]) WorkstationName $($WorkstationName[1]) SourceNetworkAddress $($SourceNetworkAddress[1])"
Export-Csv -Path C:\UserLoginHistory\LoginHistory.csv

Don't reuse the variable $item of the foreach inside the {scrript block} for other purposes.
create a [PSCustomObject] and emit it to a gathering variable for the whole foreach
Untested template:
New-Item -Name "UserLoginHistory" -Path C:\ -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
$UserName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Which user are you searching for?'
$Events = Get-EventLog -LogName Security -Message "*$UserName*" | Where-Object {$_.EventID -eq 4624}
$Data = foreach($Event in $Events){
$item = $Event.Message.Split(":")
Time = $Event.TimeGenerated
Subject = $item[3].split()[2]
NewLogin = $item[14].split()[2]
WorkstationName = $item[26].split()[1]
SourceNetworkAddress = $item[27].split()[1]
$Data | Format-Table -Autosize *
$Data | Out-Gridview
$Data | Export-Csv -Path C:\UserLoginHistory\LoginHistory.csv -NoTypeInformation

Try stuffing your results into an array like this untested code.
New-Item -Name "UserLoginHistory" -Path C:\ -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
$UserName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Which user are you searching for?'
$a =Get-EventLog -LogName Security -Message "*$UserName*" | Where-Object {$_.EventID -eq 4624}
$ReportOutPut = #() # An array to hold your output.
foreach($item in $a)
$timeLog = $item.TimeGenerated
$item = $item.Message.Split(":")
$subject = $item[3].split()
$NewLogin = $item[14].split()
$WorkstationName = $item[26].split()
$SourceNetworkAddress = $item[27].split()
"Time: $timeLog Subject: $($subject[2]) NewLogin: $($NewLogin[2]) WorkstationName $($WorkstationName[1]) SourceNetworkAddress $($SourceNetworkAddress[1])"
$ReportOutput += [pscustomobject] #{
Time = $timeLog;
Subject = $subject[2];
NewLogin = $NewLogin[2];
WorkstationName = $WorkstationName[1];
SourceNetworkAddress = $SourceNetworkAddress[1]
} # Custom objec to be exported via csv
Export-Csv -InputObject $ReportOutPut -NoTypeInformation -Path C:\UserLoginHistory\LoginHistory.csv


Powershell - trying to merge 2 result in 1 txt/csv

I'm trying to make a daily script to check status of list of URLS and pinging servers.
I've tried to combine the csv, however, the output of $status code is different from the one in csv
$pathIn = "C:\\Users\\test\\Desktop\\URLList.txt"
$URLList = Get-Content -Path $pathIn
$names = gc "C:\\Users\\test\\Desktop\\hostnames.txt"
#status code
$result = foreach ($uri in $URLList) {
try {
$res = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -UseBasicParsing -DisableKeepAlive -Method Head -TimeoutSec 5 -ErrorAction Stop
$status = [int]$res.StatusCode
catch {
$status = [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
# output a formatted string to capture in variable $result
"$status - $uri"
#output to log file
$result | Export-Csv "C:\\Users\\test\\Desktop\\Logs.csv"
$output = $()
foreach ($name in $names) {
$results = #{ "Host Name" = $name }
if (Test-Connection -Computername $name -Count 5 -ea 0) {
$results["Results"] = "Up"
else {
$results["Results"] = "Down"
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $results -OutVariable nameStatus
$output += $nameStatus
$output | Export-Csv "C:\\Users\\test\\Desktop\\hostname.csv"
#combine the 2 csvs into 1 excel file
$path = "C:\\Users\\test\\Desktop" #target folder
cd $path;
$csvs = Get-ChildItem .\*.csv
$csvCount = $csvs.Count
Write-Host "Detected the following CSV files: ($csvCount)"
foreach ($csv in $csvs) {
Write-Host " -"$csv.Name
Write-Host "--------------------"
$excelFileName = "daily $(get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy).xlsx"
Write-Host "Creating: $excelFileName"
foreach ($csv in $csvs) {
$csvPath = ".\" + $csv.Name
$worksheetName = $csv.Name.Replace(".csv", "")
Write-Host " - Adding $worksheetName to $excelFileName"
Import-Csv -Path $csvPath | Export-Excel -Path $excelFileName -WorkSheetname $worksheetName
Write-Host "--------------------"
cd $path;
Get-ChildItem \* -Include \*.csv -Recurse | Remove-Item
Write-Host "Cleaning up"
Output in PowerShell
200 - https://chargebacks911.com/play-404/
200 - https://www.google.com/
500 - httpstat.us/500/
Host Name Results
x.x.x.x Down
x.x.x.x Up
Detected the following CSV files: (2)
- daily 26-03-2022.csv
- Logs.csv
Creating: daily26-03-2022.xlsx
- Adding daily 26-03-2022 to daily26-03-2022.xlsx
- Adding Logs to daily26-03-2022.xlsx
Cleaning up
result in excel
Host Name Results
x.x.x.x Down
x.x.x.x Up
I would like to know
how to correct the output in "Logs" sheet
if there's anyway to simplify my script to make it cleaner
Welcome to SO. You're asking for a review or refactoring of your complete script. I think that's not how SO is supposed be used. Instead you may focus on one particular issue and ask about a specific problem you have with it.
I will focus only on the part with the query of the status of your servers. You should stop using Write-Host. Instead you should take advantage of PowerShells uinique feature - working with rich and powerful objects instead of stupid text. ;-)
I'd approach the task of querying a bunch of computers like this:
$ComputernameList = Get-Content -Path 'C:\Users\test\Desktop\hostnames.txt'
$Result =
foreach ($ComputerName in $ComputernameList) {
ComputerName = $ComputerName
Online = Test-Connection -ComputerName $ComputerName -Count 1 -Quiet
Now you have a PowerShell object you can pipe to Export-Csv for example or use it for further steps.
For example filter for the offline computers:
$result | Where-Object -Property Online -NE -Value $true
If you insist to have a visual control during the runtime of the script you may use Write-Verbose or Write-Debug. This way you can switch on the output if needed but omit it when the script runs unattended.

PowerShell Exporting

Can someone point me in the right direction? Basically, I would like to export the results of my testpath to a csv. Below is what I am working with. I have read a couple Microsoft documents but they only seem to confuse me even more. Any feedback is appreciated.
$ComputerList = (Get-ADComputer -Filter *).name
write-host "`n"
Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerList)
$userfolders = get-childitem "\\$Computer\C$\users\"
foreach ($user in $userfolders) {
$ErrorActionPreference= 'silentlycontinue'
$path = $user.fullname
write-host $path
$t = test-path -Path "$path\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default"
IF ($t -eq 'True') {write-host "Has it" -ForegroundColor yellow} ELSE {write-host "no"}
write-host "`n"
$Output =New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
} | Select-Object
$Output | C:\Users\"user"\Chrome.csv
write-output "Script finished. Please check output files"
Assuming you want a record per user per computer, there's two things you want to change structurally:
Create new objects in the inner foreach loop
Assign all the objects created to $Output:
$ComputerList = (Get-ADComputer -Filter *).name
write-host "`n"
$Output = Foreach ($Computer in $ComputerList) {
$userfolders = get-childitem "\\$Computer\C$\users\"
foreach ($user in $userfolders) {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
$path = $user.fullname
write-host $path
$t = test-path -Path "$path\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default"
IF ($t -eq 'True') {write-host "Has it" -ForegroundColor yellow} ELSE {write-host "no"}
write-host "`n"
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
# We still need a bit of magic here
$Output | C:\Users\"user"\Chrome.csv
write-output "Script finished. Please check output files"
Now we just need to decide on what properties to add to our output objects:
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property #{
# We definitely want to know which computer and user profile the results are for!
ComputerName = $Computer
ProfileName = $user.Name
# And finally we want the results of `Test-Path`
Result = $t
Here's another option. Though nowhere near as elegant as what Matthias gave you. ;-}
It's just a refactor, to narrow down your code and pass everything directly and output by default, without the need for all the, Write-* stuff and the like. PowerShell just grants a number of ways to accomplish a use case.
$null = New-Item -Path 'C:\Temp\Chrome.csv' -Force
$Status = $null
$env:COMPUTERNAME,'Localhost', '' |
Foreach {
Get-ChildItem "\\$PSItem\C$\users\" |
foreach {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
# Use variable squeezing to assign and output to the screen
($path = $PSItem.fullname)
If (test-path -Path "$path\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default") {$Status = 'Has it'}
Else {$Status = 'no'}
[PSCustomObject] #{
ComputerName = $PSItem
Status = $Status
} | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\Temp\Chrome.csv' -Append
'Script finished. Please check output files'
# Results on screen
Script finished. Please check output files
Import-Csv -Path 'C:\Temp\Chrome.csv'
# Results
104DB2FE-76B8-4 no
Localhost no no
$null = New-Item -Path 'C:\Temp\Chrome.csv' -Force
$Status = $null
$env:COMPUTERNAME,'Localhost', '' |
Foreach {
Get-ChildItem "\\$PSItem\C$\users\" |
foreach {
$ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue'
# Use variable squeezing to assign and output to the screen
($path = $PSItem.fullname)
If (test-path -Path "$path\AppData\Local\MicrosoftEdge") {$Status = 'Has it'}
Else {$Status = 'no'}
[PSCustomObject] #{
ComputerName = $PSItem
Status = $Status
} | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\Temp\Chrome.csv' -Append
'Script finished. Please check output files'
# Results
Script finished. Please check output files
Import-Csv -Path 'C:\Temp\Chrome.csv'
# Results
ComputerName Status
------------ ------
104DB2FE-76B8-4 Has it
Localhost Has it Has it

How to read input through a csv file and write the output in an output file in power shell script?

[This is the powershell script to get the selected services status of servers,where list of servers are given through input csv file and the status of those server should be stored in an output file.
-----------Below is the script----------
$Servers = Get-Content "C:\temp\input.csv"
$Log = #()
foreach($Server in $Servers)
$Services = Get-Service *HRRA*, "SQL Server Reporting Services" -ComputerName $COMPUTERNAME
foreach ($Service in $Services)
$properties = #(
$Log += "" | select $properties
$Log | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-File "D:\temp\test.txt" -Force
------------------------------------New Script----------------------------------
$Computers = Import-Csv "C:\Temp\Input.csv"
#$mailboxdata = Get-Service *HRRA*,"SQL Server Reporting Services" -ComputerName $ComputerName| select machinename,name, status | sort machinename |
#format-table -AutoSize |Out-File "D:\Temp\RRR.txt"
#LogWrite "$ComputerName"
foreach($row in $computers)
Add-Content -Path D:\Temp\SSRS.txt -Value $mailboxdata }
Get-Content -Path D:\Temp\SSRS.txt
$ComputerName= $row.ComputerName;
$mailboxdata = Get-Service *HRRA*,"SQL Server Reporting Services" -ComputerName $ComputerName| select machinename,name, status | sort machinename |
format-table -AutoSize |Out-File "D:\Temp\SSR.txt"
$fromaddress = "Reporting.Services#accenture.com"
$toaddress = "aditi.m.singh#accenture.Com"
#$toaddress1 = "s.ab.balakrishnan#accenture.com"
$Subject = "SSRS Services Status"
$body = "Please find attached - test"
$attachment = "D:\Temp\SSR.txt"
$message = new-object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
$message.From = $fromaddress
$message.IsBodyHtml = $True
$message.Subject = $Subject
$attach = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($attachment)
$message.body = $body
$smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtpserver)
If i am running the script with static value its giving me output for both the servers---Below is the script----
Get-Service *HRRA*,"SQL Server Reporting Services" -ComputerName VW118627, VW118623 | select name, status, machinename | sort machinename | format-table -AutoSize |
Out-File "D:\Temp\Report.txt"
Looking at the screenshot, I can see the input csv is really a Comma Separated Values file. For these, you use the Import-Csv cmdlet to retrieve an array of computer names from the file.
$outputFile = "D:\temp\test.csv"
# make sure the field name matches what is in the CSV header
$Servers = (Import-Csv -Path "C:\temp\input.csv").ComputerName
$Log = foreach($Server in $Servers) {
# add a test to see if we can reach the server
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Server -Count 1 -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
Get-Service -Name *HRRA*, "SQL Server Reporting Services" -ComputerName $Server |
Select-Object #{Name = 'MachineName'; Expression = {$Server}},
#{Name = 'ServiceName'; Expression = {$_.Name}},
#{Name = 'Status'; Expression = {$_.Status}}
else {
Write-Warning "Server '$Server' is unreachable"
# if you want the log sorted, do
$Log = $Log | Sort-Object MachineName
# output on screen
$Log | Format-Table -AutoSize
# output to CSV file
$Log | Export-Csv -Path $outputFile -Force -NoTypeInformation
# mail the output csv file using Send-MailMessage
# collect the parameters in a hashtable
$mailParams = #{
From = "Reporting.Services#accenture.com"
To = "aditi.m.singh#accenture.com"
Subject = "SSRS Services Status"
Body = "Please find attached - test"
BodyAsHtml = $true
Attachments = $outputFile
# add other parameters if needed
# see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/send-mailmessage
# use 'splatting' to send the email
# see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_splatting
Send-MailMessage #mailParams
P.S. The Format-Table cmdlet is for displaying the object(s) on screen only.

Invoke-Command: Null-value and positional parameter errors

I wanted to start a new thread for this, since I am using a different method in my code now. I have written a script that pings hundreds of devices and logs their online or offline status. It was taking an extremely long time to run, so I am now looking into using Invoke-Command to run the commands remotely on servers for each site (instead of all from the same server). I am receiving the following errors: "A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'Of'", "You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression", and this is happening for each server as it is iterating through them. Any ideas as to why this is happening? Thank you very much, here is my current code:
Created on: 11/17/2016 8:06 AM
Created by:
Filename: Get-MPOSOfflinePrinters.ps1
#Define log file variables and remove any existing logs
$logfile = "D:\Logs\MPOSPrinterPingLog.txt"
$offlineprinters = "D:\Reports\MPOS\MPOSOfflinePrinters.txt"
If (Test-Path $logfile) {Remove-Item $logfile}
If (Test-Path $offlineprinters) {Remove-Item $offlineprinters}
Add-Content $logfile "Gathering server list"
#Compiling list of all MPOS Print Servers
$serverList = (Get-ADComputer -Filter "Name -like 'Q0*P30' -or Name -like 'Q0*P32'" -SearchBase "OU=Print,OU=Prod,OU=POS,DC=COMPANY,DC=NET").name | Sort-Object | Out-File C:\Temp\MPOS\MPOSPrintServers.txt
$serverListPath = "C:\Temp\MPOS\MPOSPrintServers.txt"
Add-Content $logfile "Compiling text file"
#Retrieve a list of MPOS Print servers from text file and set to variable $serverNames
$serverNames = Get-Content -Path $serverListPath
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $serverNames -ScriptBlock {
#Define log file variables and remove any existing logs
$logfile = "C:\Temp\MPOSPrinterPingLog.txt"
$offlineprinters = "C:\Temp\MPOSOfflinePrinters.txt"
$masteroffline = "\\a0345p689\d$\Reports\MPOS\MPOSOfflinePrinters.txt"
If (Test-Path $logfile) {Remove-Item $logfile}
If (Test-Path $offlineprinters) {Remove-Item $offlineprinters}
#process xml file to parse IP addresses for ping
$timestamp2 = (Get-Date -Format g)
Add-Content $logfile "$timestamp2 - Processing xml file from $serverName to parse data to csv"
$xml = [xml](Get-Content C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Point Of Service\Configuration\Configuration.xml)
$PrinterNames = $xml.selectNodes('//PointOfServiceConfig/ServiceObject/Device') | foreach {New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property #{LogicalName=$_.LogicalName.Name}}
$PrinterIPs = $xml.selectNodes('//PointOfServiceConfig/ServiceObject/Device') | foreach {New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property #{HardwarePath=$_.HardwarePath}}
foreach ($PrinterIP in $PrinterIPs) {
$pingableIP = $PrinterIP.HardwarePath
If (Test-Connection $pingableIP -Quiet -Count 1) {
$timestamp3 = (Get-Date -Format g)
Add-Content $logfile "$timestamp3 - $serverName, $pingableIP is online and pingable"
Else {
$timestamp3 = (Get-Date -Format g)
Add-Content $offlineprinters "$timestamp3 - $serverName, $pingableIP is offline!"
Get-Content $offlineprinters | Out-File -FilePath $masteroffline -Append -NoClobber
} #foreach ($PrinterIP in $PrinterIPs) {
} #Invoke-Command -ComputerName $serverNames -ScriptBlock {

O365 PowerShell Pull SubLicense

I am trying to pull a list of all users in my O365 Tenant and if they are licensed, the list of sublicenses they have been granted. The following code works great to list out my sublicenses:
$userlicensetest = get-msoluser -userprincipalname "steve.dorr#merrillcorp.com"
ServicePlan :: ProvisioningStatus
----------- :: ------------------
INTUNE_O365 :: PendingActivation
So I tried to modify code I found online to include the sublicense information. Here is what I have built so far:
$ReportPath = "c:\users\userlist.csv"
Add-Content -value ("UserPrincipalName"+","+"IsLicensed"+","+ "Licenses”"+","+ "SubLicenses") -Path $ReportPath
$AllUsers = Get-MsolUser -All
foreach ($User in $AllUsers)
$UserPrincipalName = $User.UserPrincipalName
$IsLicensed = $User.IsLicensed
$Licenses = $User.Licenses.AccountSkuId
$SubLicenses = $User.Licenses[0].servicestatus
Add-Content -value ($UserPrincipalName+","+$IsLicensed+","+$Licenses+","+$SubLicenses) -Path $ReportPath
The problem is it is only pulling the header line from the sublicense query and not all the lines of detail. So the line for myself in the CSV looks like:
Steve.Dorr#MerrillCorp.com TRUE mymerrillcorp:ENTERPRISEPACK Microsoft.Online.Administration.ServiceStatus Microsoft.Online.Administration.ServiceStatus Microsoft.Online.Administration.ServiceStatus Microsoft.Online.Administration.ServiceStatus Microsoft.Online.Administration.ServiceStatus Microsoft.Online.Administration.ServiceStatus Microsoft.Online.Administration.ServiceStatus Microsoft.Online.Administration.ServiceStatus
Which does not give me the detail lines I needed.
How do I pull all the lines that Licenses[0].servicestatus generates into the CSV file? I don't care whether it flattens it out and goes across more columns, or takes up multiple lines in Excel.
So since I posted this question I have worked a little on it. I do not have a perfect solution that puts this into a nice neat CSV file, but I do have a routine which now drops all this information into a text file. Below is my code.
$MyCredentials = Get-Credential -Message "Enter Office 365 Email & Password"
Connect-MsolService -Credential $MyCredentials
$ReportFile = "C:\temp\O365Data.txt"
" " | Out-File $ReportFile #erases the file if it exists
$AllUsers = Get-MsolUser -All
foreach ($User in $AllUsers)
$UserPrincipalName = $User.UserPrincipalName
$IsLicensed = $User.IsLicensed
$Licenses = $User.Licenses.AccountSkuId
$SubLicenses = $User.Licenses[0].servicestatus
$OneLine = $UserPrincipalName + " " + $IsLicensed
$OneLine| Out-File $ReportFile -Append
if($User.Licenses[0].servicestatus) {$User.Licenses[0].servicestatus | Out-File $ReportFile -Append}
To create the report you'll need to create custom objects to hold the properties you are interested in.
The following will take into account all the different licenses that could be applied to a user and then generate a csv with one user listed per line.
# Connect to o365
$MyCredentials = Get-Credential -Message "Enter Office 365 Email & Password"
Connect-MsolService -Credential $MyCredentials
# Prepare result file
$ExportFile = ".\o365Output.csv"
Remove-Item $ExportFile
$Result = #()
# Query all Msol Users
$AllUsers = Get-MsolUser -All
foreach ($User in $AllUsers)
# Generate a new object for each user
$ReturnObject = [pscustomobject]#{
UserPrincipalName = $User.UserPrincipalName
IsLicensed = $User.IsLicensed
Licenses = [string]$User.Licenses.AccountSkuId
# In the event multiple licenses are found append properties for each license
foreach ($License in $User.Licenses)
if($($License.ServiceStatus.ServicePlan.ServiceName).count -eq 1)
$ReturnObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $License.ServiceStatus.ServicePlan.ServiceName -Value $License.ServiceStatus.ProvisioningStatus
for($i = 0; $i -lt $($License.ServiceStatus.ServicePlan.ServiceName).count; $i++)
$ReturnObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $License.ServiceStatus.ServicePlan.ServiceName[$i] -Value $License.ServiceStatus.ProvisioningStatus[$i]
$Result += $ReturnObject
# Combine properties from all returned objects
$Properties = $Result | ForEach-Object { Get-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name } | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object
$Headers = #("UserPrincipalName")
$Headers += $Properties -notlike "UserPrincipalName"
# Export to csv
$Result | Select-Object $Headers | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation $ExportFile
# Open csv
Invoke-Item $ExportFile