Should I use an object class or broadcast variable - scala

I have an coordinates RDD[(Int,Int)] and I want to create a new RDD[(Int,(Int,Int))] what is the best practice?
object GlobalVariables{
private var pointId : Int = 0
def newPointId(): Long ={
pointId += 1
points => (GlobalVariables.newPointID,x._1, x._2))
Is this code executed on workers or should I use a combination of broadcast Variables and accumulators?
If the code is executed on workers how can I be sure that I will not have any concurrency error?

You can try another solution without the need to have mutable counter, The transformation zipWithIndex provides a stable indexing, numbering each element in its original order.
example :
val myRdd = RDD(1,2,3)
val zippedWithIndex = myRdd.zipWithIndex // ((1,0),(2,1),(3,2))
After this first transormation you can flip the index and the value
val result ={case (index,value) => (value,index)} // ((0,1),(1,2),(2,3))


Scala how to decrease execution time

I have one method which generate UUID and code as below :
def generate(number : Int): List[String] = {
and I called this as below :
for(i <-0 to 100) {
val a = generate(1000000)
But for running the above for loop it take almost 8-9 minutes for execution, is there any other way to minimised execution time ?
Note: Here for understanding I added for loop but in real situation the generate method will call thousand of times from other request at same time.
The problem is the List. Filling a List with 1,000,000 generated and processed elements is going to take time (and memory) because every one of those elements has to be materialized.
You can generate an infinite number of processed UUID strings instantly if you don't have to materialize them until they are actually needed.
def genUUID :Stream[String] = Stream.continually {
Generators.randomBasedGenerator().generate().toString.filterNot(_ == '-')
val next5 = genUUID.take(5) //only the 1st (head) is materialized
next5.length //now all 5 are materialized
You can use Stream or Iterator for the infinite collection, whichever you find most conducive (or least annoying) to your work flow.
Basically you used not the fastest implementation. You should use that one when you pass Random to the constructor Generators.randomBasedGenerator(new Random(System.currentTimeMillis())). I did next things:
Use Array instead of List (Array is faster)
Removed string replacing, let's measure pure performance of generation
Dependency: "com.fasterxml.uuid" % "java-uuid-generator" % "3.1.5"
Generators.randomBasedGenerator(). Per iteration: 1579.6 ms
Generators.randomBasedGenerator() with passing Random Per iteration: 59.2 ms
import java.util.{Random, UUID}
import com.fasterxml.uuid.impl.RandomBasedGenerator
import com.fasterxml.uuid.{Generators, NoArgGenerator}
import org.scalatest.{FunSuiteLike, Matchers}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Deadline
class GeneratorTest extends FunSuiteLike
with Matchers {
val nTimes = 10
// Let use Array instead of List - Array is faster!
// and use pure UUID generators
def generate(uuidGen: NoArgGenerator, number: Int): Seq[UUID] = {
test("Generators.randomBasedGenerator() without passed Random (secure one)") {
// Slow generator
val uuidGen = Generators.randomBasedGenerator()
// Warm up JVM
benchGeneration(uuidGen, 3)
val startTime =
benchGeneration(uuidGen, nTimes)
val endTime =
val perItermTimeMs = (endTime - startTime).toMillis / nTimes.toDouble
println(s"Generators.randomBasedGenerator(). Per iteration: $perItermTimeMs ms")
test("Generators.randomBasedGenerator() with passing Random (not secure)") {
// Fast generator
val uuidGen = Generators.randomBasedGenerator(new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()))
// Warm up JVM
benchGeneration(uuidGen, 3)
val startTime =
benchGeneration(uuidGen, nTimes)
val endTime =
val perItermTimeMs = (endTime - startTime).toMillis / nTimes.toDouble
println(s"Generators.randomBasedGenerator() with passing Random Per iteration: $perItermTimeMs ms")
private def benchGeneration(uuidGen: RandomBasedGenerator, nTimes: Int) = {
var r: Long = 0
for (i <- 1 to nTimes) {
val a = generate(uuidGen, 1000000)
r += a.length
You could use scala's parallel collections to split the load on multiple cores/threads.
You could also avoid creating a new generator every time:
class Generator {
val gen = Generators.randomBasedGenerator()
def generate(number : Int): List[String] = {

Scala Spark not returning value outside loop [duplicate]

I am new to Scala and Spark and would like some help in understanding why the below code isn't producing my desired outcome.
I am comparing two tables
My desired output schema is:
case class DiscrepancyData(fieldKey:String, fieldName:String, val1:String, val2:String, valExpected:String)
When I run the below code step by step manually, I actually end up with my desired outcome. Which is a List[DiscrepancyData] completely populated with my desired output. However, I must be missing something in the code below because it returns an empty list (before this code gets called there are other codes that is involved in reading tables from HIVE, mapping, grouping, filtering, etc etc etc):
val compareCols = Set(year, nominal, adjusted_for_inflation, average_private_nonsupervisory_wage)
val key = "year"
def compare(table:RDD[(String, Iterable[Row])]): List[DiscrepancyData] = {
var discs: ListBuffer[DiscrepancyData] = ListBuffer()
def compareFields(fieldOne:String, fieldTwo:String, colName:String, row1:Row, row2:Row): DiscrepancyData = {
if (fieldOne != fieldTwo){
row1.getAs(key).toString, //fieldKey
colName, //fieldName
row1.getAs(colName).toString, //table1Value
row2.getAs(colName).toString, //table2Value
row2.getAs(colName).toString) //expectedValue
else null
def comparison() {
for(row <- table){
var elem1 = row._2.head //gets the first element in the iterable
var elem2 = row._2.tail.head //gets the second element in the iterable
for(col <- compareCols){
var value1 = elem1.getAs(col).toString
var value2 = elem2.getAs(col).toString
var disc = compareFields(value1, value2, col, elem1, elem2)
if (disc != null) discs += disc
I'm calling the above function as such:
var outcome = compare(groupedFiltered)
Here is the data in groupedFiltered:
(1991,CompactBuffer([1991,7.14,5.72,39%], [1991,4.14,5.72,39%]))
(1997,CompactBuffer([1997,4.88,5.86,39%], [1997,3.88,5.86,39%]))
(1999,CompactBuffer([1999,5.15,5.96,39%], [1999,5.15,5.97,38%]))
(1947,CompactBuffer([1947,0.9,2.94,35%], [1947,0.4,2.94,35%]))
(1980,CompactBuffer([1980,3.1,6.88,45%], [1980,3.1,6.88,48%]))
(1981,CompactBuffer([1981,3.15,6.8,45%], [1981,3.35,6.8,45%]))
The table schema for groupedFiltered:
(year String,
nominal Double,
adjusted_for_inflation Double,
average_provate_nonsupervisory_wage String)
Spark is a distributed computing engine. Next to "what the code is doing" of classic single-node computing, with Spark we also need to consider "where the code is running"
Let's inspect a simplified version of the expression above:
val records: RDD[List[String]] = ??? //whatever data
var list:mutable.List[String] = List()
for {record <- records
entry <- records }
{ list += entry }
The scala for-comprehension makes this expression look like a natural local computation, but in reality the RDD operations are serialized and "shipped" to executors, where the inner operation will be executed locally. We can rewrite the above like this:
records.foreach{ record => //RDD.foreach => serializes closure and executes remotely
record.foreach{entry => //record.foreach => local operation on the record collection
list += entry // this mutable list object is updated in each executor but never sent back to the driver. All updates are lost
Mutable objects are in general a no-go in distributed computing. Imagine that one executor adds a record and another one removes it, what's the correct result? Or that each executor comes to a different value, which is the right one?
To implement the operation above, we need to transform the data into our desired result.
I'd start by applying another best practice: Do not use null as return value. I also moved the row ops into the function. Lets rewrite the comparison operation with this in mind:
def compareFields(colName:String, row1:Row, row2:Row): Option[DiscrepancyData] = {
val key = "year"
val v1 = row1.getAs(colName).toString
val v2 = row2.getAs(colName).toString
if (v1 != v2){
row1.getAs(key).toString, //fieldKey
colName, //fieldName
v1, //table1Value
v2, //table2Value
v2) //expectedValue
} else None
Now, we can rewrite the computation of discrepancies as a transformation of the initial table data:
val discrepancies = table.flatMap{case (str, row) =>
compareCols.flatMap{col => compareFields(col,, }
We can also use the for-comprehension notation, now that we understand where things are running:
val discrepancies = for {
(str,row) <- table
col <- compareCols
dis <- compareFields(col,,
} yield dis
Note that discrepancies is of type RDD[Discrepancy]. If we want to get the actual values to the driver we need to:
val materializedDiscrepancies = discrepancies.collect()
Iterating through an RDD and updating a mutable structure defined outside the loop is a Spark anti-pattern.
Imagine this RDD being spread over 200 machines. How can these machines be updating the same Buffer? They cannot. Each JVM will be seeing its own discs: ListBuffer[DiscrepancyData]. At the end, your result will not be what you expect.
To conclude, this is a perfectly valid (not idiomatic though) Scala code but not a valid Spark code. If you replace RDD with an Array it will work as expected.
Try to have a more functional implementation along these lines:
val finalRDD: RDD[DiscrepancyData] =

Scala, waiting to execute foreach on parallel collection

I have code like below
val g = new Graph(vertices)
//Firts part
(1 to vertices).par.foreach( i => g + new Vertex(i))
//Second part
for (i <- 1 to edges) {
val data =
val d = data.split(" ")
val v1 = d(0).toInt
val v2 = d(1).toInt
val length = d(2).toInt
g+(v1, v2, length)
I want to execute first and second part of code sequentially.
At present for loop run before the all Vertex have added to g.
In code + (plus) define add new instance of Vertex to MutableList.
I'am new in scala, please help
You could wrap each call in the following
new Thread(new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = {
//Code part here:
You also need to ensure that the your Graph implementation is thread safe as you will have two threads modifying it concurrently.
It doesn't look like you're returning anything from either part but if you were you could use a Future instead. See here for details.
Parallel collection only parallelises the computation for the collection. The second part of the computation where you add edges should happen after the adding of the vertices.
What I would assume is that may be from parsing there are some vertices which does not exists in the vertices at all, may be some empty space or something like that.
I am not sure about what goes on while adding the vertices to the graph but the foreach on parallel should be careful if the operation should be free of side-effect. Please see this for more information. May be this is not even relevant.
I find out the solution. I read more about add new elements to collection parallel and it isn't thread save. I replaced MutableList to fixedsize array, and I add new element by index.
Some code below:
class Graph(val end: Int) {
private val vertices : Array[Vertex] = new Array[Vertex](end)
def +(index: Int, v: Vertex): Unit = {
vertices(index) = v
//Firts part
(1 to vertices).par.foreach( i => g + (i-1,new Vertex(i))) //add new vertex to array by index

Filtering Scala's Parallel Collections with early abort when desired number of results found

Given a very large instance of collection.parallel.mutable.ParHashMap (or any other parallel collection), how can one abort a filtering parallel scan once a given, say 50, number of matches has been found ?
Attempting to accumulate intermediate matches in a thread-safe "external" data structure or keeping an external AtomicInteger with result count seems to be 2 to 3 times slower on 4 cores than using a regular collection.mutable.HashMap and pegging a single core at 100%.
I am aware that find or exists on Par* collections do abort "on the inside". Is there a way to generalize this to find more than one result ?
Here's the code which still seems to be 2 to 3 times slower on the ParHashMap with ~ 79,000 entries and also has a problem of stuffing more than maxResults results into the results CHM (Which is probably due to thread being preempted after incrementAndGet but before break which allows other threads to add more elements in). Update: it seems the slow down is due to worker threads contending on the counter.incrementAndGet() which of course defeats the purpose of the whole parallel scan :-(
def find(filter: Node => Boolean, maxResults: Int): Iterable[Node] =
val counter = new AtomicInteger(0)
val results = new ConcurrentHashMap[Key, Node](maxResults)
import util.control.Breaks._
for ((key, node) <- parHashMap if filter(node))
results.put(key, node)
val total = counter.incrementAndGet()
if (total > maxResults) break
results.values.toArray(new Array[Node](results.size))
I would first do parallel scan in which variable maxResults would be threadlocal. This would find up to (maxResults * numberOfThreads) results.
Then I would do single threaded scan to reduce it to maxResults.
I had performed an interesting investigation about your case.
Investigation reasoning
I suspected the problem is with the mutability of the input Map and I will try to explain you why: HashMap implementation organizes the data in different buckets, as one can see on Wikipedia.
The first thread-safe collections in Java, the synchronized collections were based on synchronizing all the methods around the underlying implementation and resulted in poor performance. Further research and thinking brought to the more performant Concurrent Collection, such as the ConcurrentHashMap which approach was smarter : why don't we protect each bucket with a specific lock?
According to my feeling the performance problem occurs because:
when you run in parallel your filter, some threads will conflict on accessing the same bucket at once and will hit the same lock, because your map is mutable.
You hold a counter to see how many results you have while you can actually check the size of your
result. If you have a thread-safe way to build a collection, you don't need a thread-safe counter too.
Investigation result
I have developed a test case and I find out I was wrong. The problem is with the concurrent nature of the output map. In fact, that is where the collision occurs, when you are putting elements in the map, rather then when you are iterating on it. Additionally, since you want only the result on values, you don't need the keys and the hashing and all the map features. It might be interesting to test if you remove the AtomicCounter and you use only the result map to check if you collected enough elements how your version performs.
Please be careful with the following code in Scala 2.9.2. I am explaining in another post why I need two different functions for the parallel and the non parallel version: Calling map on a parallel collection via a reference to an ancestor type
object MapPerformance {
val size = 100000
val items = Seq.tabulate(size)( x => (x,x*2))
val concurrentParallelMap = ImmutableParHashMap(items:_*)
val concurrentMutableParallelMap = MutableParHashMap(items:_*)
val unparallelMap = Map(items:_*)
class ThreadSafeIndexedSeqBuilder[T](maxSize:Int) {
val underlyingBuilder = new VectorBuilder[T]()
var counter = 0
def sizeHint(hint:Int) { underlyingBuilder.sizeHint(hint) }
def +=(item:T):Boolean ={
def result():Vector[T] = underlyingBuilder.result()
def find(map:ParMap[Int,Int],filter: Int => Boolean, maxResults: Int): Iterable[Int] =
// we already know the maximum size
val resultsBuilder = new ThreadSafeIndexedSeqBuilder[Int](maxResults)
import util.control.Breaks._
for ((key, node) <- map if filter(node))
val newItemAdded = resultsBuilder+=node
if (!newItemAdded)
def findUnParallel(map:Map[Int,Int],filter: Int => Boolean, maxResults: Int): Iterable[Int] =
// we already know the maximum size
val resultsBuilder = Array.newBuilder[Int]
var counter = 0
for {
(key, node) <- map if filter(node)
if counter < maxResults
def measureTime[K](f: => K):(Long,K) = {
val startMutable = System.currentTimeMillis()
val result = f
val endMutable = System.currentTimeMillis()
def main(args:Array[String]) = {
val maxResultSetting=10
(1 to 10).foreach{
tryNumber =>
println("Try number " +tryNumber)
val (mutableTime, mutableResult) = measureTime(find(concurrentMutableParallelMap,_%2==0,maxResultSetting))
val (immutableTime, immutableResult) = measureTime(find(concurrentMutableParallelMap,_%2==0,maxResultSetting))
val (unparallelTime, unparallelResult) = measureTime(findUnParallel(unparallelMap,_%2==0,maxResultSetting))
println(" The mutable version has taken " + mutableTime + " milliseconds")
println(" The immutable version has taken " + immutableTime + " milliseconds")
println(" The unparallel version has taken " + unparallelTime + " milliseconds")
With this code, I have systematically the parallel (both mutable and immutable version of the input map) about 3,5 time faster then the unparallel on my machine.
You could try to get an iterator and then create a lazy list (a Stream) where you filter (with your predicate) and take the number of elements you want. Because it is a non strict, this 'taking' of elements is not evaluated.
Afterwards you can force the execution by adding ".par" to the whole thing and achieve parallelization.
Example code:
A parallelized map with random values (simulating your parallel hash map):
scala> myMap
res14: scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParMap[Int,Int] = ParMap(66978401 -> -1331298976, 256964068 -> 126442706, 1698061835 -> 1622679396, -1556333580 -> -1737927220, 791194343 -> -591951714, -1907806173 -> 365922424, 1970481797 -> 162004380, -475841243 -> -445098544, -33856724 -> -1418863050, 1851826878 -> 64176692, 1797820893 -> 405915272, -1838192182 -> 1152824098, 1028423518 -> -2124589278, -670924872 -> 1056679706, 1530917115 -> 1265988738, -808655189 -> -1742792788, 873935965 -> 733748120, -1026980400 -> -163182914, 576661388 -> 900607992, -1950678599 -> -731236098)
Get an iterator and create a Stream from the iterator and filter it.
In this case my predicate is only accepting pairs (of the value member of the map).
I want to get 10 even elements, so I take 10 elements which will only get evaluated when I force it to:
scala> val mapIterator = myMap.toIterator
mapIterator: Iterator[(Int, Int)] = HashTrieIterator(20)
scala> val r = Stream.continually( % 2 == 0).take(10)
r: scala.collection.immutable.Stream[(Int, Int)] = Stream((66978401,-1331298976), ?)
Finally, I force the evaluation which only gets 10 elements as planned
scala> r.force
res16: scala.collection.immutable.Stream[(Int, Int)] = Stream((66978401,-1331298976), (256964068,126442706), (1698061835,1622679396), (-1556333580,-1737927220), (791194343,-591951714), (-1907806173,365922424), (1970481797,162004380), (-475841243,-445098544), (-33856724,-1418863050), (1851826878,64176692))
This way you only get the number of elements you want (without needing to process the remaining elements) and you parallelize the process without locks, atomics or breaks.
Please compare this to your solutions to see if it is any good.

Lazily evaluated indexed sequence type

I need to build a sequence of objects that are loaded from an external resource. This loading being an expensive operation needs to be delayed until the time the objects are needed. After the collection is built, I need an indexed access to the contained objects. Does Scala standard library provide a collection suited to this use case? If not, what will be the best way to implement it?
The indexed lookup should preferably be an O(1) operation.
Strange, Miles recently tweeted about this. A reply then points out to Need at the end of Name.scala in scalaz and another one points to specs' LazyParameter.
Little testing with Need:
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
val longOp = { var x = 0; () => {println("longOp"); x += 1; x }}
val seq = Seq(Need(longOp()), Need(longOp()))
val sum =
val sum =
val v = Need(longOp())
val s ="got " + _)
longOp: () => Int = <function0>
seq: Seq[scalaz.Name[Int]] = List(
scalaz.Name$$anon$2#1066d88, scalaz.Name$$anon$2#1011f1f)
sum: Int = 3
sum: Int = 3
v: scalaz.Name[Int] = scalaz.Name$$anon$2#133ef6a
s: scalaz.Name[java.lang.String] = scalaz.Name$$anon$2#11696ec
got 3
got 3
So longOp is only called once on first access of value.
To my knowledge, there's nothing that fit in the standard library. A solution might be to use a kind of Lazy wrapper for your objects:
class Lazy[A](operation: => A) {
lazy val get = operation
And then you can build your Collection[Lazy[A] with any kind of collection you want to use.
It sounds like you want a Stream.