I Need to get the Unique value of Max([Date]).
I have this calculation for max date:
{ FIXED [City] : Max([Date]) }
Count :
IF[Max Date (Last Street)]= [Date]
THEN [Count Record]
Else 0
For Example:
City Date Street I get (Count) I Want (Count)
Miami 01/01/2019 1st 0 0
Miami 01/02/2019 2nd 0 0
Miami 01/03/2019 3rd 1 0
Miami 01/03/2019 4th 1 1
This would be a good situation to mix LOD calculations and Table Calculations. Your initial LOD function looks good, as it will find the complete max date per each city. From there, you can apply the concept of the calculated field you already have started and add a Table Calculation (Last()):
IF ATTR([Max Date (Last Street)]) = ATTR([Date])
AND LAST() == 0
THEN [Count Record]
Else 0
Note that the other portions of the calculated field are wrapped in ATTR() to make them into aggregations.
Once you add additional cities back into the data, you'll have to edit the table calculation by Right clicking on table calculation on view > Edit Table Calculation...
Take note of the fact that Specific Dimensions is selected and Restarting Every is changed to "City"
Final product should look like this:
Alternative Method:
If you'd like to purely use LODs and your street names always contain unique ascending numbers:
If Date = {Fixed [City]: MAX(Date)}
AND REGEXP_EXTRACT([Street],'(\d+)') = {FIXED [City], [Date]:
Then 1
Else 0
The above will essentially extract the number from the street then add it as a condition in addition to the MAX(Date) which already exists. Then the you will only get a 1 when both conditions have been met.
The end result will be the same as above.
I am trying to create a report which has addresses in form of house Nbr and street Name. I want to group all address by street name and then order them by house nbr which is a string but should sort like a number. Ideally i would like the odd ascending and then the evens descending so that my list would look like
1,3,5,7,9 .... 8,6,4,2
How would i go about this ? I created first group on street name and then 2nd group on house number with a formula for sorting of nbrs
i created a Formula Field OddEven with
ToNumber({tbl_FarmMaster.sano}) MOD 2
but i am having hard time applying that to my group
Create two formulas like below. Let's call them oddFirst and negativeEven.
oddFirst formula:
ToNumber({tbl_FarmMaster.sano}) MOD 2 == 1 then
1 //it is odd
2 //it is even
negativeEven formula:
if ToNumber({tbl_FarmMaster.sano}) MOD 2 == 1 then
ToNumber({tbl_FarmMaster.sano}) //it is odd
-ToNumber({tbl_FarmMaster.sano}) //it is even, note the negative sign
Then create two groups to sort:
first by the formula oddFirst
second by the formula negativeEven
Show the {tbl_FarmMaster.sano} field.
My goal here is to count the # of True, False and NULL per day using my boolean calculation. Next step would be to calculate the percentage of each T, F, N with overall day.
Below is the visualization I would like to achieve but instead of blue dots, I would need the count of them in number.
Initially, I tried
IF [boolean] THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
But only changing from True to 1, False to 0 and missing the NULL - not counting:
I also tried different Calculated Fields to get the count of it but always getting the same error:
SUM(IF [Field]=TRUE then 1 else 0 end)
COUNT(IF [Field]=TRUE then [ID] end)
Could someone please assist me with a Calculate Field or any other solution where I could get a count of T, F, and NULL that would also assist me with the percentage?
Thank you
You're working too hard.
Just put SUM(Number of Records) on one shelf with DAY(Disconnected ...) on another, with the Boolean field that classifies data rows as > 0 or not on some other shelf, such as Color. No need for a table calc.
Here is an image of a solution posted at https://community.tableau.com/message/601862#601862
id datetime new_column datetime_rankx
1 12.01.2015 18:10:10 12.01.2015 18:10:10 1
2 03.12.2014 14:44:57 03.12.2014 14:44:57 1
2 21.11.2015 11:11:11 03.12.2014 14:44:57 2
3 01.01.2011 12:12:12 01.01.2011 12:12:12 1
3 02.02.2012 13:13:13 01.01.2011 12:12:12 2
3 03.03.2013 14:14:14 01.01.2011 12:12:12 3
I want to make new column, which will have minimum datetime value for each row in group by id.
How could I do it in Power BI desktop using DAX query?
Use this expression:
NewColumn =
In Power BI using a table with your data it will produce this:
UPDATE: Explanation and EARLIER function usage.
Basically, EARLIER function will give you access to values of different row context.
When you use CALCULATE function it creates a row context of the whole table, theoretically it iterates over every table row. The same happens when you use FILTER function it will iterate on the whole table and evaluate every row against the filter condition.
So far we have two row contexts, the row context created by CALCULATE and the row context created by FILTER. Note FILTER use the EARLIER to get access to the CALCULATE's row context. Having said that, in our case for every row in the outer (CALCULATE's row context) the FILTER returns a set of rows that correspond to the current id in the outer context.
If you have a programming background it could give you some sense. It is similar to a nested loop.
Hope this Python code points the main idea behind this:
outer_context = ['row1','row2','row3','row4']
inner_context = ['row1','row2','row3','row4']
for outer_row in outer_context:
for inner_row in inner_context:
if inner_row == outer_row: #this line is what the FILTER and EARLIER do
#Calculate the min datetime using the filtered rows
UPDATE 2: Adding a ranking column.
To get the desired rank you can use this expression:
RankColumn =
This is the table with the rank column:
Let me know if this helps.
I'vre created a cross tab report with 2 calculated Member to be able to have the difference between 2 column and the percentage of this difference in CR 2011. What I want to achieve is to create a new column that will display a test depending on the difference value.
Here is a example:
Col1 Col2 Difference Percentage Action
200 0 -200 100 DROPPED
100 100 0 0
0 300 300 100 ADDED
How can create this action column. Calculated member only want some amount value so I cannot output a text in the formula.
Thanks in advance for your help
I finally found the solution.
I can use the Display string formula in the Format Field properties (Common Tab). Here I just check the column and return the string I want otherwise I just format the number.
IF GetColumnGroupIndexOf(CurrentColumnIndex) = 1
AND CurrentColumnIndex =4 THEN
IF GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, CurrentColumnIndex,CurrentSummaryIndex) =2 THEN "DROPPED"
ToText( GridValueAt(CurrentRowIndex, CurrentColumnIndex,CurrentSummaryIndex),2,",")
Row Status Time
1 Status1 1383264075
2 Status1 1383264195
3 Status1 1383264315
4 Status2 1383264435
5 Status2 1383264555
6 Status2 1383264675
7 Status2 1383264795
8 Status1 1383264915
9 Status3 1383265035
10 Status3 1383265155
11 Status2 1383265275
12 Status3 1383265395
13 Status1 1383265515
14 Status1 1383265535
15 Status2 1383265615
The [Time] column holds POSIX time
I want to be able to calculate the number of seconds a given [Status] is active for within a given time period without using CURSORS. If this is the only then that is fine as I've already done that.
Using the above sample data extract, how do I calculate how long "Status1" has been active for?
That is, Substract Row1.[Time] from Row4.[Time], Substract Row8.[Time] from Row9.[Time], Substract Row13.[Time] from Row15.[Time].
Thankyou in advance
Assuming that each row represents that the specific Status is active from the specified Time until the next row, one would have to somehow calculate the difference between row N and N+1. One way would be to use a nested query (try it here: SQL Fiddle).
SELECT SUM(Duration) as Duration
SELECT f.Status, s.Time-f.Time as Duration
FROM Table1 f
JOIN Table1 s on s.Row = f.Row+1
WHERE f.Status = 'Status1') a
The solution by #erikxiv will work if the Row values have no gaps. If they do have gaps, you could try the following method:
TotalDuration = SUM(next.Time - curr.Time)
dbo.atable AS curr
FROM dbo.atable
WHERE Row > curr.Row
) AS next
curr.Status = 'Status1'
For every row matching the specified status, the correlated subquery in the CROSS APPLY clause will fetch the next Time value based on the ascending order of Row. The current row's time is then subtracted from the next row's time and all the differences are added up using SUM().
Please note that in both solutions it is implied that the order of Row values follows the order of Time values. In other words, ORDER BY Row is assumed to be equivalent to ORDER BY Time or, if Time can have duplicates, to ORDER BY Time, Row.